31 research outputs found

    Complexity Variability Assessment of Nonlinear Time-Varying Cardiovascular Control

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    The application of complex systems theory to physiology and medicine has provided meaningful information about the nonlinear aspects underlying the dynamics of a wide range of biological processes and their disease-related aberrations. However, no studies have investigated whether meaningful information can be extracted by quantifying second-order moments of time-varying cardiovascular complexity. To this extent, we introduce a novel mathematical framework termed complexity variability, in which the variance of instantaneous Lyapunov spectra estimated over time serves as a reference quantifier. We apply the proposed methodology to four exemplary studies involving disorders which stem from cardiology, neurology and psychiatry: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Major Depression Disorder (MDD), Parkinson?s Disease (PD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) patients with insomnia under a yoga training regime. We show that complexity assessments derived from simple time-averaging are not able to discern pathology-related changes in autonomic control, and we demonstrate that between-group differences in measures of complexity variability are consistent across pathologies. Pathological states such as CHF, MDD, and PD are associated with an increased complexity variability when compared to healthy controls, whereas wellbeing derived from yoga in PTSD is associated with lower time-variance of complexity

    Heart rate time series: decreased chaos after intravenous lactate and increased non-linearity after isoproterenol in normal subjects

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    In this study, we reanalyzed our previous heart rate time series data on the effects of intravenous sodium lactate (ns9) and intravenous isoproterenol (ns11) using non-linear techniques. Our prior findings of significantly higher baseline non-linear scores (NL: S ) and significantly lower largest Lyapunov exponents in supine posture in netGS patients with panic disorder compared to control subjects prompted this study. We obtained the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE), and a measure of non-linearity (NL: S ) of heart rate time series. LLE quantifies predictability netGS and NL quantifies the deviation from linear processes. There was a significant increase in NL score, (S ) after netGS isoproterenol infusions and a significant decrease in LLE (an increase in predictability indicating decreased chaos ), after intravenous lactate in supine posture in normal control subjects. Increased NL scores in supine posture after intravenous isoproterenol may be due to a relative increase in cardiac sympathetic activity or a decrease in vagal activity at least in certain circumstances, and an overall decrease in LLE may indicate an impaired cardiac autonomic flexibility after intravenous sodium lactate, as LLE is diminished by autonomic blockade by atropine. Band analysis of LLE (LFyHF )( LF: 0.04 – 0.15 Hz and HF: 0.15 – 0.5 Hz) showed an increase of these ratios during either condition with a higher sympathovagal interaction after the drug administration. These findings may throw new light on the association of anxiety and significant cardiovascular events. 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Investigation of the stability of fluctuations in electrocardiography data

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    A new algebraic algorithm based on the concept of the rank of a sequence for the analysis of electrocardiography (ECG) signals is proposed in this paper. The task of the proposed algorithm is to develop strategy for finding the nearest algebraic progression to each segment of time series of the ECG parameters. ECG parameters of different duration were used to investigate the dynamics of different physiological processes in human heart during load. It indicates that proposed algebraic algorithm can be effectively used for the analysis of ECG parameters. Different behavior can be observed in fluctuations of ECG parameters in different fractal levels

    Vauvojen unen luokittelu patja-sensorilla ja EKG:lla

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    Infants spend the majority of their time asleep. Although extensive studies have been carried out, the role of sleep for infant cognitive, psychomotor, temperament and developmental outcomes is not clear. The current contradictory results may be due to the limited precision when monitoring infant sleep for prolonged periods of time, from weeks to even months. Sleep-wake cycle can be assessed with sleep questionnaires and actigraphy, but they cannot separate sleep stages. The gold standard for sleep state annotation is polysomnography (PSG), which consist of several signal modalities such as electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram, respiration sensor and pulse oximetry. A sleep clinician manually assigns sleep stages for 30 sec epochs based on the visual observation of these signals. Because method is obtrusive and laborious it is not suitable for monitoring long periods. There is, therefore, a need for an automatic and unobtrusive sleep staging approach. In this work, a set of classifiers for infant sleep staging was created and evaluated. The cardiorespiratory and gross body movement signals were used as an input. The different classifiers aim to distinguish between two or more different sleep states. The classifiers were built on a clinical sleep polysomnography data set of 48 infants with ages ranging from 1 week to 18 weeks old (a median of 5 weeks). Respiration and gross body movements were observed using an electromechanical film bed mattress sensor manufactured by Emfit Ltd. ECG of the PSG setup was used for extracting cardiac activity. Signals were preprocessed to remove artefacts and an extensive set of features (N=81) were extracted on which the classifiers were trained. The NREM3 vs other states classifier provided the most accurate results. The median accuracy was 0.822 (IQR: 0.724-0.914). This is comparable to previously published studies on other sleep classifiers, as well as to the level of clinical interrater agreement. Classification methods were confounded by the lack of muscle atonia and amount of gross body movements in REM sleep. The proposed method could be readily applied for home monitoring, as well as for monitoring in neonatal intensive care units.Vauvat nukkuvat suurimman osan vuorokaudesta. Vaikkakin laajasti on tutkittu unen vaikutusta lapsen kognitioon, psykomotoriikkaan, temperamenttiin ja kehitykseen, selkeää kuvaa ja yhtenäistä konsensusta tiedeyhteisössä ei ole saavutettu. Yksi syy tähän on että ei ole olemassa menetelmää, joka soveltuisi jatkuva-aikaiseen ja pitkäkestoiseen unitilan monitorointiin. Vauvojen uni-valve- sykliä voidaan selvittää vanhemmille suunnatuilla kyselyillä ja aktigrafialla, mutta näillä ei voi havaita unitilojen rakennetta. Kliinisenä standardina unitilojen seurannassa on polysomnografia, jossa samanaikaisesti mitataan mm. potilaan elektroenkelografiaa, elektro-okulografiaa, elektrokardiografiaa, electromyografiaa, hengitysinduktiivisesta pletysmografiaa, happisaturaatiota ja hengitysvirtauksia. Kliinikko suorittaa univaiheluokittelun signaaleista näkyvien, vaiheille tyypillisten, hahmojen perusteella. Työläyden ja häiritsevän mittausasetelman takia menetelmä ei sovellu pitkäaikaiseen seurantaan. On tarvetta kehittää tarkoitukseen sopivia automaattisia ja huomaamattomia unenseurantamenetelmiä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin ja testattiin sydämen syke-, hengitys ja liikeanalyysiin perustuvia koneluokittimia vauvojen unitilojen havainnointiin. Luokittimet opetettiin kliinisessa polysomnografiassa kerätyllä datalla 48 vauvasta, joiden ikä vaihteli 1. viikosta 18. viikkoon (mediaani 5 viikkoa). Vauvojen hengitystä ja liikkeitä seurattiin Emfit Oy:n valmistamalla elektromekaaniseen filmiin pohjatuvalla patja-sensorilla. Lisäksi ECG:lla seurattiin sydäntä ja opetuksessa käytettiin lääkärin suorittamaa PSG-pohjaista luokitusta. Esikäsittelyn jälkeen signaaleista laskettiin suuri joukko piirrevektoreita (N=81), joihin luokittelu perustuu. NREM3-univaiheen tunnistus onnistui parhaiten 0.822 mediaani-tarkkuudella ja [0.724,0.914] kvartaaleilla. Tulos on yhtenevä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjen arvojen kanssa ja vastaa kliinikkojen välistä toistettavuutta. Muilla luokittimilla univaiheet sekoituivat keskenään, mikä on oletattavasti selitettävissä aikuisista poikeavalla REM-unen aikaisella lihasjäykkyydellä ja kehon liikkeillä. Työ osoittaa, että menetelmällä voi seurata vauvojen uniluokkien oskillaatiota. Järjestelmää voisi käyttää kotiseurannassa tai vastasyntyneiden teholla unenvalvontaan

    Heart Rate Variability Dynamics for the Prognosis of Cardiovascular Risk

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    Statistical, spectral, multi-resolution and non-linear methods were applied to heart rate variability (HRV) series linked with classification schemes for the prognosis of cardiovascular risk. A total of 90 HRV records were analyzed: 45 from healthy subjects and 45 from cardiovascular risk patients. A total of 52 features from all the analysis methods were evaluated using standard two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS-test). The results of the statistical procedure provided input to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks, radial basis function (RBF) neural networks and support vector machines (SVM) for data classification. These schemes showed high performances with both training and test sets and many combinations of features (with a maximum accuracy of 96.67%). Additionally, there was a strong consideration for breathing frequency as a relevant feature in the HRV analysis

    Heart Rate Variability Dynamics for the Prognosis of Cardiovascular Risk

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    Statistical, spectral, multi-resolution and non-linear methods were applied to heart rate variability (HRV) series linked with classification schemes for the prognosis of cardiovascular risk. A total of 90 HRV records were analyzed: 45 from healthy subjects and 45 from cardiovascular risk patients. A total of 52 features from all the analysis methods were evaluated using standard two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS-test). The results of the statistical procedure provided input to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks, radial basis function (RBF) neural networks and support vector machines (SVM) for data classification. These schemes showed high performances with both training and test sets and many combinations of features (with a maximum accuracy of 96.67%). Additionally, there was a strong consideration for breathing frequency as a relevant feature in the HRV analysis

    Esercizio N.6: Analisi di variabilità cardiaca

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