225 research outputs found

    Computational Intelligent Models for Alzheimer's Prediction Using Audio Transcript Data

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    Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is characterized by memory loss, which is one of the earliest symptoms to develop. In this study, we investigated audio transcript data of patients with Alzheimer's dementia. The study involved the use of three intelligent computational approaches: conventional machine learning (Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Decision Tree), sequential deep learning (LSTM, bidirectional LSTM, CNN-LSTM), and transfer learning (BERT, XLNet) models for automatic detection of linguistic indicators for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia. These models were trained on the DementiaBank clinical transcript dataset. The grid search tuning approach is used for tuning the values of the hyperparameters. Text vectorization is done using the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) information retrieval approach. TF-IDF is based on the Bag of Words (BoW) paradigm, which deals with the less and more relevant words in a transcript. Results were evaluated and compared using several performance metrics. The state-of-the-art techniques implemented on DementiaBank dataset in our methodology achieved better performance in terms of accuracy. Transfer learning models showed better classification results in comparison to sequential deep learning models. However, sequential deep learning models outperformed traditional machine learning models. Overall, in terms of accuracy, BERT and XLNet were the most accurate, with accuracy of 93 % and 92 %, respectively

    An approach for assisting diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on natural language processing

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    IntroductionAlzheimer's Disease (AD) is a common dementia which affects linguistic function, memory, cognitive and visual spatial ability of the patients. Language is proved to have the relationship with AD, so the time that AD can be diagnosed in a doctor's office is coming.MethodsIn this study, the Pitt datasets are used to detect AD which is balanced in gender and age. First bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (Bert) pretrained model is used to acquire the word vector. Then two channels are constructed in the feature extraction layer, which is, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long and short time memory (LSTM) model to extract local features and global features respectively. The local features and global features are concatenated to generate feature vectors containing rich semantics, which are sent to softmax classifier for classification.ResultsFinally, we obtain a best accuracy of 89.3% which is comparative compared to other studies. In the meanwhile, we do the comparative experiments with TextCNN and LSTM model respectively, the combined model manifests best and TextCNN takes the second place.DiscussionThe performance illustrates the feasibility to predict AD effectively by using acoustic and linguistic datasets

    Directional adposition use in English, Swedish and Finnish

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    Directional adpositions such as to the left of describe where a Figure is in relation to a Ground. English and Swedish directional adpositions refer to the location of a Figure in relation to a Ground, whether both are static or in motion. In contrast, the Finnish directional adpositions edellä (in front of) and jäljessä (behind) solely describe the location of a moving Figure in relation to a moving Ground (Nikanne, 2003). When using directional adpositions, a frame of reference must be assumed for interpreting the meaning of directional adpositions. For example, the meaning of to the left of in English can be based on a relative (speaker or listener based) reference frame or an intrinsic (object based) reference frame (Levinson, 1996). When a Figure and a Ground are both in motion, it is possible for a Figure to be described as being behind or in front of the Ground, even if neither have intrinsic features. As shown by Walker (in preparation), there are good reasons to assume that in the latter case a motion based reference frame is involved. This means that if Finnish speakers would use edellä (in front of) and jäljessä (behind) more frequently in situations where both the Figure and Ground are in motion, a difference in reference frame use between Finnish on one hand and English and Swedish on the other could be expected. We asked native English, Swedish and Finnish speakers’ to select adpositions from a language specific list to describe the location of a Figure relative to a Ground when both were shown to be moving on a computer screen. We were interested in any differences between Finnish, English and Swedish speakers. All languages showed a predominant use of directional spatial adpositions referring to the lexical concepts TO THE LEFT OF, TO THE RIGHT OF, ABOVE and BELOW. There were no differences between the languages in directional adpositions use or reference frame use, including reference frame use based on motion. We conclude that despite differences in the grammars of the languages involved, and potential differences in reference frame system use, the three languages investigated encode Figure location in relation to Ground location in a similar way when both are in motion. Levinson, S. C. (1996). Frames of reference and Molyneux’s question: Crosslingiuistic evidence. In P. Bloom, M.A. Peterson, L. Nadel & M.F. Garrett (Eds.) Language and Space (pp.109-170). Massachusetts: MIT Press. Nikanne, U. (2003). How Finnish postpositions see the axis system. In E. van der Zee & J. Slack (Eds.), Representing direction in language and space. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Walker, C. (in preparation). Motion encoding in language, the use of spatial locatives in a motion context. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Lincoln, Lincoln. United Kingdo

    AI and Non AI Assessments for Dementia

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    Current progress in the artificial intelligence domain has led to the development of various types of AI-powered dementia assessments, which can be employed to identify patients at the early stage of dementia. It can revolutionize the dementia care settings. It is essential that the medical community be aware of various AI assessments and choose them considering their degrees of validity, efficiency, practicality, reliability, and accuracy concerning the early identification of patients with dementia (PwD). On the other hand, AI developers should be informed about various non-AI assessments as well as recently developed AI assessments. Thus, this paper, which can be readable by both clinicians and AI engineers, fills the gap in the literature in explaining the existing solutions for the recognition of dementia to clinicians, as well as the techniques used and the most widespread dementia datasets to AI engineers. It follows a review of papers on AI and non-AI assessments for dementia to provide valuable information about various dementia assessments for both the AI and medical communities. The discussion and conclusion highlight the most prominent research directions and the maturity of existing solutions.Comment: 49 page

    Automatic Detection of Dementia and related Affective Disorders through Processing of Speech and Language

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    In 2019, dementia is has become a trillion dollar disorder. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of dementia in which the main observable symptom is a decline in cognitive functions, notably memory, as well as language and problem-solving. Experts agree that early detection is crucial to effectively develop and apply interventions and treatments, underlining the need for effective and pervasive assessment and screening tools. The goal of this thesis is to explores how computational techniques can be used to process speech and language samples produced by patients suffering from dementia or related affective disorders, to the end of automatically detecting them in large populations us- ing machine learning models. A strong focus is laid on the detection of early stage dementia (MCI), as most clinical trials today focus on intervention at this level. To this end, novel automatic and semi-automatic analysis schemes for a speech-based cogni- tive task, i.e., verbal fluency, are explored and evaluated to be an appropriate screening task. Due to a lack of available patient data in most languages, world-first multilingual approaches to detecting dementia are introduced in this thesis. Results are encouraging and clear benefits on a small French dataset become visible. Lastly, the task of detecting these people with dementia who also suffer from an affective disorder called apathy is explored. Since they are more likely to convert into later stage of dementia faster, it is crucial to identify them. These are the fist experiments that consider this task us- ing solely speech and language as inputs. Results are again encouraging, both using only speech or language data elicited using emotional questions. Overall, strong results encourage further research in establishing speech-based biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of these disorders to better patients’ lives.Im Jahr 2019 ist Demenz zu einer Billionen-Dollar-Krankheit geworden. Die Alzheimer- Krankheit (AD) ist eine Form der Demenz, bei der das Hauptsymptom eine Abnahme der kognitiven Funktionen ist, insbesondere des Gedächtnisses sowie der Sprache und des Problemlösungsvermögens. Experten sind sich einig, dass eine frühzeitige Erkennung entscheidend für die effektive Entwicklung und Anwendung von Interventionen und Behandlungen ist, was den Bedarf an effektiven und durchgängigen Bewertungsund Screening-Tools unterstreicht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es zu erforschen, wie computergest ützte Techniken eingesetzt werden können, um Sprach- und Sprechproben von Patienten, die an Demenz oder verwandten affektiven Störungen leiden, zu verarbeiten, mit dem Ziel, diese in großen Populationen mit Hilfe von maschinellen Lernmodellen automatisch zu erkennen. Ein starker Fokus liegt auf der Erkennung von Demenz im Frühstadium (MCI), da sich die meisten klinischen Studien heute auf eine Intervention auf dieser Ebene konzentrieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden neuartige automatische und halbautomatische Analyseschemata für eine sprachbasierte kognitive Aufgabe, d.h. die verbale Geläufigkeit, erforscht und als geeignete Screening-Aufgabe bewertet. Aufgrund des Mangels an verfügbaren Patientendaten in den meisten Sprachen werden in dieser Arbeit weltweit erstmalig mehrsprachige Ansätze zur Erkennung von Demenz vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse sind ermutigend und es werden deutliche Vorteile an einem kleinen französischen Datensatz sichtbar. Schließlich wird die Aufgabe untersucht, jene Menschen mit Demenz zu erkennen, die auch an einer affektiven Störung namens Apathie leiden. Da sie mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit schneller in ein späteres Stadium der Demenz übergehen, ist es entscheidend, sie zu identifizieren. Dies sind die ersten Experimente, die diese Aufgabe unter ausschließlicher Verwendung von Sprache und Sprache als Input betrachten. Die Ergebnisse sind wieder ermutigend, sowohl bei der Verwendung von reiner Sprache als auch bei der Verwendung von Sprachdaten, die durch emotionale Fragen ausgelöst werden. Insgesamt sind die Ergebnisse sehr ermutigend und ermutigen zu weiterer Forschung, um sprachbasierte Biomarker für die Früherkennung und Überwachung dieser Erkrankungen zu etablieren und so das Leben der Patienten zu verbessern

    Word Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Eye Movements During Reading in Chinese Persons with Aphasia

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    Individuals with aphasia (IWA) often exhibit challenges in single word reading as well as in reading comprehension. Recently, eye-tracking technology has become instrumental in delving deeper into reading behaviors. Specifically, it has illuminated the differences in word reading and comprehension abilities among aphasic English speakers. However, there is a noticeable scarcity of research focusing on these aspects among Chinese IWA. The current study aimed to contrast the abilities of Chinese IWA and neurotypical controls in reading single words, with an emphasis on types like regular, irregular, and pseudowords, and reading comprehension abilities. Further, this study investigated the patterns of eye movements during paragraph reading, paying special attention to measures such as fixation durations and saccades. This study also examined the association of these eye-tracking measures with reading comprehension across both cohorts. The results indicate that the control group read more accurately across all word types compared to the IWA. The results also indicated that the IWA group exhibited longer fixation durations, more frequent fixations, and shorter saccade amplitudes when compared to the control group. Moreover, the control group consistently demonstrated superior reading comprehension accuracy across both language assessment and eye-tracking tasks. Notably, among the IWA, there were significant correlations between reading comprehension and both regular and irregular word reading. This association persisted even after rigorous statistical corrections. However, such correlations were absent in the control group. Further multiple regression analysis revealed that, even after controlling for education level and months post-stroke, a composite of regular and irregular word reading accounted for 60% and 58.5% of the variance in reading comprehension for the IWA and controls, respectively. The pronounced influence of regular and irregular word reading on comprehension in IWA suggests potential avenues for targeted reading strategies or interventions. In conclusion, this research highlights the complexity of reading comprehension, suggesting a need for a holistic approach in future studies to explore various factors influencing reading in Chinese IWA and neurotypical individuals
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