1,095 research outputs found

    Empirical assessment of VoIP overload detection tests

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    The control of communication networks critically relies on procedures capable of detecting unanticipated load changes. In this paper we explore such techniques, in a setting in which each connection consumes roughly the same amount of bandwidth (with VoIP as a leading example). We focus on large-deviations based techniques developed earlier in that monitor the number of connections present, and that issue an alarm when this number abruptly changes. The procedures proposed in are demonstrated by using real traces from an operational environment. Our experiments show that our detection procedure is capable of adequately identifying load changes

    Comparison of U-spatial Statistics Method with Classical Statistics Results in the Determination of Geochemical Anomalies of Epithermal Gold in Khoshnameh Area, Hashtjin, Iran

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    In this study, methods based on the distribution model (with and without personal opinion) were used for the separation of anomalous zones, which include two different methods of U-spatial statistics and mean plus values of standard deviation (). The primary purpose is to compare the results of these methods with each other. To increase the accuracy of comparison, regional geochemical data were used where occurrences and mineralization zones of epithermal gold have been introduced. The study area is part of the Hashtjin geological map, which is structurally part of the folded and thrust belt and part of the Alborz Tertiary magmatic complex.Samples were taken from secondary lithogeochemical environments. Au element data concerning epithermal gold reserves were used to investigate the efficacy of these two methods.In the U- spatial statistics method,and criteria were used to determine the threshold, and in the method,the element enrichment index of the region rock units was obtained with grouping these units. The anomalous areas were identified by, and criteria. Comparison of methods was made considering the position of discovered occurrences and the occurrences obtained from these methods,the flexibility of the methods in separating the anomalous zones, and the two-dimensional spatial correlation of the three elements As, Pb, and Ag with Au element. The ability of two methods to identify potential areas is acceptable. Among these methods, it seems the method with criteria has a high degree of flexibility in separating anomalous regions in the case of epithermal type gold deposits


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    Anomaly detection is an important task in many areas of human life. Many statistical methods are used to detect anomalies. In this paper, statistical methods of data analysis, such as survival analysis, time series analysis (fractal), classification method (decision trees), cluster analysis, entropy method were chosen to detect anomalies. A description of the selected methods is given. To analyze anomalies, the traffic and attack implementations from an open dataset were taken. More than 3 million packets from the dataset were used to analyze the described methods. The dataset contained legitimate traffic (75%) and attacks (25%). Simulation modeling of the selected statistical methods was performed on the example of network traffic implementations of telecommunication networks of different protocols. To implement the simulation, programs were written in the Pyton programming language. DDoS attacks, UDP-flood, TCP SYN, ARP attacks and HTTP-flood were chosen as anomalies. A comparative analysis of the performance of these methods to detect anomalies (attacks) on such parameters as the probability of anomaly detection, the probability of false positive detection, the running time of each method to detect the anomaly was carried out. Experimental results showed the performance of each method. The decision tree method is the best in terms of anomaly identification probability, fewer false positives, and anomaly detection time.  The entropy analysis method is slightly slower and gives slightly more false positives. Next is the cluster analysis method, which is slightly worse at detecting anomalies. Then the fractal analysis method showed a lower probability of detecting anomalies, a higher probability of false positives and a longer running time. The worst was the survival analysis method.Виявлення аномалій є важливим завданням у багатьох сферах людського життя. Для виявлення аномалій використовується множина статистичних методів. У даній роботі для виявлення аномалій були обрані статистичні методи аналізу даних, такі як аналіз виживання, аналіз часових рядів (фрактальний), метод класифікації (дерева прийняття рішень), кластерний аналіз, ентропійний метод. Також наводиться опис вибраних методів. Для аналізу аномалій були взяті реалізації трафіків і атак з відкритого датасету. Для аналізу описаних методів було використано понад 3 млн. пакетів з набору даних. Датасет містив легітимний трафік (75%) і атаки (25%). Проведено імітаційне моделювання обраних статистичних методів на прикладі реалізацій мережного трафіку телекомунікаційних мереж різних протоколів. Для реалізації імітаційного моделювання були написані програми на мові програмування Pyton. Як аномалії були обрані DDoS-атаки, UDP-flood, TCP SYN, ARP-атаки і HTTP-flood. Був проведений порівняльний аналіз продуктивності обраних статистичних методів щодо виявлення аномалій (атак) за такими параметрами як ймовірність виявлення аномалій, ймовірність хибнопозитивного виявлення, час роботи кожного методу для виявлення аномалії. Результати експериментів показали працездатність кожного методу. Метод дерева рішень є найкращим за ймовірністю ідентифікації аномалій, меншій кількості хибнопозитивних спрацьовувань і часу виявлення аномалій. Метод ентропійного аналізу дещо повільніше і дає трохи більше помилкових спрацьовувань. Далі слідує метод кластерного аналізу, який дещо гірше виявляє аномалії. Тоді як метод фрактального аналізу показав меншу ймовірність виявлення аномалій, велику ймовірність помилкових спрацьовувань і більший час роботи. Найгіршим виявився метод аналізу виживання

    Artificial Intelligence based Anomaly Detection of Energy Consumption in Buildings: A Review, Current Trends and New Perspectives

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    Enormous amounts of data are being produced everyday by sub-meters and smart sensors installed in residential buildings. If leveraged properly, that data could assist end-users, energy producers and utility companies in detecting anomalous power consumption and understanding the causes of each anomaly. Therefore, anomaly detection could stop a minor problem becoming overwhelming. Moreover, it will aid in better decision-making to reduce wasted energy and promote sustainable and energy efficient behavior. In this regard, this paper is an in-depth review of existing anomaly detection frameworks for building energy consumption based on artificial intelligence. Specifically, an extensive survey is presented, in which a comprehensive taxonomy is introduced to classify existing algorithms based on different modules and parameters adopted, such as machine learning algorithms, feature extraction approaches, anomaly detection levels, computing platforms and application scenarios. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first review article that discusses anomaly detection in building energy consumption. Moving forward, important findings along with domain-specific problems, difficulties and challenges that remain unresolved are thoroughly discussed, including the absence of: (i) precise definitions of anomalous power consumption, (ii) annotated datasets, (iii) unified metrics to assess the performance of existing solutions, (iv) platforms for reproducibility and (v) privacy-preservation. Following, insights about current research trends are discussed to widen the applications and effectiveness of the anomaly detection technology before deriving future directions attracting significant attention. This article serves as a comprehensive reference to understand the current technological progress in anomaly detection of energy consumption based on artificial intelligence.Comment: 11 Figures, 3 Table

    Enhancement performance of random forest algorithm via one hot encoding for IoT IDS

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    The random forest algorithm is one of important supervised machine learning (ML) algorithms. In the present paper, the accuracy of the results of the random forest (RF) algorithm has been improved by the use of the One Hot Encoding method. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can be defined as a system that can predict security vulnerabilities within network traffic and is located out of range on a network infrastructure. It does not affect the efficiency of the built-in network because it analyzes a copy of the built-in traffic flow and reports results to the administrator by giving alerts. However, since IDS is a listening system only, it cannot take automatic action to prevent an attack or security vulnerability detected from infecting the system, it provides information about the source address to start the break-in, the address of the target and the type of suspected attack. The IoTID20 dataset is used to verify the improved algorithm, where this dataset is having three targets, the proposed system is compared with the state-of-art approaches and shows superiority over them

    Enhancement performance of random forest algorithm via one hot encoding for IoT IDS

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    The random forest algorithm is one of important supervised machine learning (ML) algorithms. In the present paper, the accuracy of the results of the random forest (RF) algorithm has been improved by the use of the One Hot Encoding method. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can be defined as a system that can predict security vulnerabilities within network traffic and is located out of range on a network infrastructure. It does not affect the efficiency of the built-in network because it analyzes a copy of the built-in traffic flow and reports results to the administrator by giving alerts. However, since IDS is a listening system only, it cannot take automatic action to prevent an attack or security vulnerability detected from infecting the system, it provides information about the source address to start the break-in, the address of the target and the type of suspected attack. The IoTID20 dataset is used to verify the improved algorithm, where this dataset is having three targets, the proposed system is compared with the state-of-art approaches and shows superiority over them