92 research outputs found


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    Ad-hoc Stream Adaptive Protocol

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    With the growing market of smart-phones, sophisticated applications that do extensive computation are common on mobile platform; and with consumers’ high expectation of technologies to stay connected on the go, academic researchers and industries have been making efforts to find ways to stream multimedia contents to mobile devices. However, the restricted wireless channel bandwidth, unstable nature of wireless channels, and unpredictable nature of mobility, has been the major road block for wireless streaming advance forward. In this paper, various recent studies on mobility and P2P system proposal are explained and analyzed, and propose a new design based on existing P2P systems, aimed to solve the wireless and mobility issues

    Characterization and Identification of Cloudified Mobile Network Performance Bottlenecks

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    This study is a first attempt to experimentally explore the range of performance bottlenecks that 5G mobile networks can experience. To this end, we leverage a wide range of measurements obtained with a prototype testbed that captures the key aspects of a cloudified mobile network. We investigate the relevance of the metrics and a number of approaches to accurately and efficiently identify bottlenecks across the different locations of the network and layers of the system architecture. Our findings validate the complexity of this task in the multi-layered architecture and highlight the need for novel monitoring approaches that intelligently fuse metrics across network layers and functions. In particular, we find that distributed analytics performs reasonably well both in terms of bottleneck identification accuracy and incurred computational and communication overhead.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, documentclass[journal,comsoc]{IEEEtran}, corrected titl

    Network Management and Control for mmWave Communications

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    Millimeter-wave (mmWave) is one of the key technologies that enables the next wireless generation. mmWave offers a much higher bandwidth than sub-6GHz communications which allows multi-gigabit-per-second rates. This also alleviates the scarcity of spectrum at lower frequencies, where most devices connect through sub-6GHz bands. However new techniques are necessary to overcome the challenges associated with such high frequencies. Most of these challenges come from the high spatial attenuation at the mmWave band, which requires new paradigms that differ from sub-6GHz communications. Most notably mmWave telecommunications are characterized by the need to be directional in order to extend the operational range. This is achieved by using electronically steerable antenna arrays, that focus the energy towards the desired direction by combining each antenna element constructively or destructively. Additionally, most of the energy comes from the Line Of Sight (LOS) component which gives mmWave a quasi-optical behaviour where signals can reflect off walls and still be used for communication. Some other challenges that directional communications bring are mobility tracking, blockages and misalignments due to device rotation. The IEEE 802.11ad amendment introduced wireless telecommunications in the unlicensed 60 GHz band. It is the first standard to address the limitations of mmWave. It does so by introducing new mechanisms at the Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) layers. It introduces multi-band operation, relay operation mode, hybrid channel access scheme, beam tracking and beam forming among others. In this thesis we present a series of works that aim to improve mmWave telecommunications. First we give an overview of the intrinsic challenges of mmWave telecommunications, by explaining the modifications to the MAC and PHY layers. This sets the base for the rest of the thesis. Then do a comprehensive study on how mmWave behaves with existing technologies, namely TCP. TCP is unable to distinguish losses caused by congestion or by transmission errors caused by channel degradation. Since mmWave is affected by blockages more than sub-6GHz technologies, we propose a set of parameters that improve the channel quality even for mobile scenarios. The next job focuses on reducing the initial access overhead of mmWave by using sub-6GHz information to steer towards the desired direction. We start this work by doing a comprehensive High Frequency (HF) and Low Frequency (LF) correlation, analyzing the similarity of the existing paths between the two selected frequencies. Then we propose a beam steering algorithm that reduces the overhead to one third of the original time. Once we have studied how to reduce the initial access overhead, we propose a mechanism to reduce the beam tracking overhead. For this we propose an open platform based on a Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) where we implement an algorithm that completely removes the need to train on the Station (STA) side. This is achieved by changing beam patterns on the STA side while the Access Point (AP) is sending the preamble. We can change up to 10 beam patterns without losing connection and we reduce the overhead by a factor of 8.8 with respect to the IEEE 802.11ad standard. Finally we present a dual band location system based on Commercial-Off-The-Shelve (COTS) devices. Locating the STA can improve the quality of the channel significantly, since the AP can predict and react to possible blockages. First we reverse engineer existing 60 GHz enabled COTS devices to extract Channel State Information (CSI) and Fine Timing Measurements (FTM) measurements, from which we can estimate angle and distance. Then we develop an algorithm that is able to choose between HF and LF in order to improve the overall accuracy of the system. We achieve less than 17 cm of median error in indoor environments, even when some areas are Non Line Of Sight (NLOS).This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Matthias Hollick.- Secretario: Vincenzo Mancuso.- Vocal: Paolo Casar

    Identifying and diagnosing video streaming performance issues

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    On-line video streaming is an ever evolving ecosystem of services and technologies, where content providers are on a constant race to satisfy the users' demand for richer content and higher bitrate streams, updated set of features and cross-platform compatibility. At the same time, network operators are required to ensure that the requested video streams are delivered through the network with a satisfactory quality in accordance with the existing Service Level Agreements (SLA). However, tracking and maintaining satisfactory video Quality of Experience (QoE) has become a greater challenge for operators than ever before. With the growing popularity of content engagement on handheld devices and over wireless connections, new points-of-failure have added to the list of failures that can affect the video quality. Moreover, the adoption of end-to-end encryption by major streaming services has rendered previously used QoE diagnosis methods obsolete. In this thesis, we identify the current challenges in identifying and diagnosing video streaming issues and we propose novel approaches in order to address them. More specifically, the thesis initially presents methods and tools to identify a wide array of QoE problems and the severity with which they affect the users' experience. The next part of the thesis deals with the investigation of methods to locate under-performing parts of the network that lead to drop of the delivered quality of a service. In this context, we propose a data-driven methodology for detecting the under performing areas of cellular network with sub-optimal Quality of Service (QoS) and video QoE. Moreover, we develop and evaluate a multi-vantage point framework that is capable of diagnosing the underlying faults that cause the disruption of the user's experience. The last part of this work, further explores the detection of network performance anomalies and introduces a novel method for detecting such issues using contextual information. This approach provides higher accuracy when detecting network faults in the presence of high variation and can benefit providers to perform early detection of anomalies before they result in QoE issues.La distribución de vídeo online es un ecosistema de servicios y tecnologías, donde los proveedores de contenidos se encuentran en una carrera continua para satisfacer las demandas crecientes de los usuarios de más riqueza de contenido, velocidad de transmisión, funcionalidad y compatibilidad entre diferentes plataformas. Asimismo, los operadores de red deben asegurar que los contenidos demandados son entregados a través de la red con una calidad satisfactoria según los acuerdos existentes de nivel de servicio (en inglés Service Level Agreement o SLA). Sin embargo, la monitorización y el mantenimiento de un nivel satisfactorio de la calidad de experiencia (en inglés Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online se ha convertido en un reto mayor que nunca para los operadores. Dada la creciente popularidad del consumo de contenido con dispositivos móviles y a través de redes inalámbricas, han aparecido nuevos puntos de fallo que se han añadido a la lista de problemas que pueden afectar a la calidad del vídeo transmitido. Adicionalmente, la adopción de sistemas de encriptación extremo a extremo, por parte de los servicios más importantes de distribución de vídeo online, ha dejado obsoletos los métodos existentes de diagnóstico de la QoE. En esta tesis se identifican los retos actuales en la identificación y diagnóstico de los problemas de transmisión de vídeo online, y se proponen nuevas soluciones para abordar estos problemas. Más concretamente, inicialmente la tesis presenta métodos y herramientas para identificar un conjunto amplio de problemas de QoE y la severidad con los que estos afectan a la experiencia de los usuarios. La siguiente parte de la tesis investiga métodos para localizar partes de la red con un rendimiento bajo que resultan en una disminución de la calidad del servicio ofrecido. En este contexto, se propone una metodología basada en el análisis de datos para detectar áreas de la red móvil que ofrecen un nivel subóptimo de calidad de servicio (en inglés Quality of Service o QoS) y QoE. Además, se desarrolla y se evalúa una solución basada en múltiples puntos de medida que es capaz de diagnosticar los problemas subyacentes que causan la alteración de la experiencia de usuario. La última parte de este trabajo explora adicionalmente la detección de anomalías de rendimiento de la red y presenta un nuevo método para detectar estas situaciones utilizando información contextual. Este enfoque proporciona una mayor precisión en la detección de fallos de la red en presencia de alta variabilidad y puede ayudar a los proveedores a la detección precoz de anomalías antes de que se conviertan en problemas de QoE.La distribució de vídeo online és un ecosistema de serveis i tecnologies, on els proveïdors de continguts es troben en una cursa continua per satisfer les demandes creixents del usuaris de més riquesa de contingut, velocitat de transmissió, funcionalitat i compatibilitat entre diferents plataformes. A la vegada, els operadors de xarxa han d’assegurar que els continguts demandats són entregats a través de la xarxa amb una qualitat satisfactòria segons els acords existents de nivell de servei (en anglès Service Level Agreement o SLA). Tanmateix, el monitoratge i el manteniment d’un nivell satisfactori de la qualitat d’experiència (en anglès Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online ha esdevingut un repte més gran que mai per als operadors. Donada la creixent popularitat del consum de contingut amb dispositius mòbils i a través de xarxes sense fils, han aparegut nous punts de fallada que s’han afegit a la llista de problemes que poden afectar a la qualitat del vídeo transmès. Addicionalment, l’adopció de sistemes d’encriptació extrem a extrem, per part dels serveis més importants de distribució de vídeo online, ha deixat obsolets els mètodes existents de diagnòstic de la QoE. En aquesta tesi s’identifiquen els reptes actuals en la identificació i diagnòstic dels problemes de transmissió de vídeo online, i es proposen noves solucions per abordar aquests problemes. Més concretament, inicialment la tesi presenta mètodes i eines per identificar un conjunt ampli de problemes de QoE i la severitat amb la que aquests afecten a la experiència dels usuaris. La següent part de la tesi investiga mètodes per localitzar parts de la xarxa amb un rendiment baix que resulten en una disminució de la qualitat del servei ofert. En aquest context es proposa una metodologia basada en l’anàlisi de dades per detectar àrees de la xarxa mòbil que ofereixen un nivell subòptim de qualitat de servei (en anglès Quality of Service o QoS) i QoE. A més, es desenvolupa i s’avalua una solució basada en múltiples punts de mesura que és capaç de diagnosticar els problemes subjacents que causen l’alteració de l’experiència d’usuari. L’última part d’aquest treball explora addicionalment la detecció d’anomalies de rendiment de la xarxa i presenta un nou mètode per detectar aquestes situacions utilitzant informació contextual. Aquest enfoc proporciona una major precisió en la detecció de fallades de la xarxa en presencia d’alta variabilitat i pot ajudar als proveïdors a la detecció precoç d’anomalies abans de que es converteixin en problemes de QoE.Postprint (published version

    Real-Time Localization Using Software Defined Radio

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    Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system

    Loss Diagnosis and Indoor Position Location System based on IEEE 802.11 WLANs

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    Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have been widely deployed to provide short range broadband communications. Due to the fast evolvement of IEEE 802.11 based WLAN standards and various relevant applications, many research efforts have been focused on the optimization of WLAN data rate, power and channel utilization efficiency. On the other hand, many emerging applications based on WLANs have been introduced. Indoor position location (IPL) system is one of such applications which turns IEEE 802.11 from a wireless communications infrastructure into a position location network. This thesis mainly focuses on data transmission rate enhancement techniques and the development of IEEE 802.11 WLAN based IPL system with improved locationing accuracy. In IEEE 802.11 systems, rate adaptation algorithms (RAAs) are employed to improve transmission efficiency by choosing an appropriate modulation and coding scheme accord­ ing to point-to-point channel conditions. However, due to the resource-sharing nature of WLANs, co-channel interferences and frame collisions cannot be avoided, which further complicates the wireless environment and makes the RAA design a more challenging task. As WLAN performance depends on many dynamic factors such as multipath fading and co-channel interferences, differentiating the cause of performance degradation such as frame losses, which is known as loss diagnosis techniques, is essential for performance enhance­ ments of existing rate adaptation schemes. In this thesis, we propose a fast and reliable collision detection scheme for frame loss diagnosis in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Collisions are detected by tracking changes of the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) in IEEE 802.11 WLANs with a nonparametric order-based cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm for rapid loss diagnosis. Numerical simulations are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed collision detection scheme. The other aspect of this thesis is the investigation of an IEEE 802.11 WLAN based IPL system. WLAN based IPL systems have received increasing attentions due to their variety of potential applications. Instead of relying on dedicated locationing networks and devices, IEEE 802.11 WLAN based IPL systems utilize widely deployed IEEE 802.11 WLAN infrastructures and standardized wireless stations to determine the position of a target station in indoor environments. iii Abstract In this thesis, a WLAN protocol-based distance measurement technique is investigated, which takes advantages of existing IEEE 802.11 data/ACK frame exchange sequences. In the proposed distance measurement technique, neither dedicated hardware nor hardware modifications is required. Thus it can be easily integrated into off-the-shelf commercial, inexpensive WLAN stations for IPL system implementation. Field test results confirm the efficacy of the proposed protocol-based distance measurement technique. Furthermore, a preliminary IPL system based on the proposed method is also developed to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed technique in realistic indoor wireless environments

    Energy-efficient Transitional Near-* Computing

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    Studies have shown that communication networks, devices accessing the Internet, and data centers account for 4.6% of the worldwide electricity consumption. Although data centers, core network equipment, and mobile devices are getting more energy-efficient, the amount of data that is being processed, transferred, and stored is vastly increasing. Recent computer paradigms, such as fog and edge computing, try to improve this situation by processing data near the user, the network, the devices, and the data itself. In this thesis, these trends are summarized under the new term near-* or near-everything computing. Furthermore, a novel paradigm designed to increase the energy efficiency of near-* computing is proposed: transitional computing. It transfers multi-mechanism transitions, a recently developed paradigm for a highly adaptable future Internet, from the field of communication systems to computing systems. Moreover, three types of novel transitions are introduced to achieve gains in energy efficiency in near-* environments, spanning from private Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, Software-defined Wireless Networks (SDWNs) at the edge of the network, Disruption-Tolerant Information-Centric Networks (DTN-ICNs) involving mobile devices, sensors, edge devices as well as programmable components on a mobile System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Finally, the novel idea of transitional near-* computing for emergency response applications is presented to assist rescuers and affected persons during an emergency event or a disaster, although connections to cloud services and social networks might be disturbed by network outages, and network bandwidth and battery power of mobile devices might be limited