54 research outputs found

    MalBoT-DRL: Malware botnet detection using deep reinforcement learning in IoT networks

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    In the dynamic landscape of cyber threats, multi-stage malware botnets have surfaced as significant threats of concern. These sophisticated threats can exploit Internet of Things (IoT) devices to undertake an array of cyberattacks, ranging from basic infections to complex operations such as phishing, cryptojacking, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Existing machine learning solutions are often constrained by their limited generalizability across various datasets and their inability to adapt to the mutable patterns of malware attacks in real world environments, a challenge known as model drift. This limitation highlights the pressing need for adaptive Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), capable of adjusting to evolving threat patterns and new or unseen attacks. This paper introduces MalBoT-DRL, a robust malware botnet detector using deep reinforcement learning. Designed to detect botnets throughout their entire lifecycle, MalBoT-DRL has better generalizability and offers a resilient solution to model drift. This model integrates damped incremental statistics with an attention rewards mechanism, a combination that has not been extensively explored in literature. This integration enables MalBoT-DRL to dynamically adapt to the ever-changing malware patterns within IoT environments. The performance of MalBoT-DRL has been validated via trace-driven experiments using two representative datasets, MedBIoT and N-BaIoT, resulting in exceptional average detection rates of 99.80% and 99.40% in the early and late detection phases, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this work introduces one of the first studies to investigate the efficacy of reinforcement learning in enhancing the generalizability of IDS

    Deteção de atividades ilícitas de software Bots através do DNS

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    DNS is a critical component of the Internet where almost all Internet applications and organizations rely on. Its shutdown can deprive them from being part of the Internet, and hence, DNS is usually the only protocol to be allowed when Internet access is firewalled. The constant exposure of this protocol to external entities force corporations to always be observant of external rogue software that may misuse the DNS to establish covert channels and perform multiple illicit activities, such as command and control and data exfiltration. Most current solutions for bot malware and botnet detection are based on Deep Packet Inspection techniques, such as analyzing DNS query payloads, which may reveal private and sensitive information. In addiction, the majority of existing solutions do not consider the usage of licit and encrypted DNS traffic, where Deep Packet Inspection techniques are impossible to be used. This dissertation proposes mechanisms to detect malware bots and botnet behaviors on DNS traffic that are robust to encrypted DNS traffic and that ensure the privacy of the involved entities by analyzing instead the behavioral patterns of DNS communications using descriptive statistics over collected network metrics such as packet rates, packet lengths, and silence and activity periods. After characterizing DNS traffic behaviors, a study of the processed data is conducted, followed by the training of Novelty Detection algorithms with the processed data. Models are trained with licit data gathered from multiple licit activities, such as reading the news, studying, and using social networks, in multiple operating systems, browsers, and configurations. Then, the models were tested with similar data, but containing bot malware traffic. Our tests show that our best performing models achieve detection rates in the order of 99%, and 92% for malware bots using low throughput rates. This work ends with some ideas for a more realistic generation of bot malware traffic, as the current DNS Tunneling tools are limited when mimicking licit DNS usages, and for a better detection of malware bots that use low throughput rates.O DNS é um componente crítico da Internet, já que quase todas as aplicações e organizações que a usam dependem dele para funcionar. A sua privação pode deixá-las de fazerem parte da Internet, e por causa disso, o DNS é normalmente o único protocolo permitido quando o acesso à Internet está restrito. A exposição constante deste protocolo a entidades externas obrigam corporações a estarem sempre atentas a software externo ilícito que pode fazer uso indevido do DNS para estabelecer canais secretos e realizar várias atividades ilícitas, como comando e controlo e exfiltração de dados. A maioria das soluções atuais para detecção de malware bots e de botnets são baseadas em técnicas inspeção profunda de pacotes, como analizar payloads de pedidos de DNS, que podem revelar informação privada e sensitiva. Além disso, a maioria das soluções existentes não consideram o uso lícito e cifrado de tráfego DNS, onde técnicas como inspeção profunda de pacotes são impossíveis de serem usadas. Esta dissertação propõe mecanismos para detectar comportamentos de malware bots e botnets que usam o DNS, que são robustos ao tráfego DNS cifrado e que garantem a privacidade das entidades envolvidas ao analizar, em vez disso, os padrões comportamentais das comunicações DNS usando estatística descritiva em métricas recolhidas na rede, como taxas de pacotes, o tamanho dos pacotes, e os tempos de atividade e silêncio. Após a caracterização dos comportamentos do tráfego DNS, um estudo sobre os dados processados é realizado, sendo depois usados para treinar os modelos de Detecção de Novidades. Os modelos são treinados com dados lícitos recolhidos de multiplas atividades lícitas, como ler as notícias, estudar, e usar redes sociais, em multiplos sistemas operativos e com multiplas configurações. De seguida, os modelos são testados com dados lícitos semelhantes, mas contendo também tráfego de malware bots. Os nossos testes mostram que com modelos de Detecção de Novidades é possível obter taxas de detecção na ordem dos 99%, e de 98% para malware bots que geram pouco tráfego. Este trabalho finaliza com algumas ideas para uma geração de tráfego ilícito mais realista, já que as ferramentas atuais de DNS tunneling são limitadas quando usadas para imitar usos de DNS lícito, e para uma melhor deteção de situações onde malware bots geram pouco tráfego.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    A holistic review of cybersecurity and reliability perspectives in smart airports

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    Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and aviation sector have resulted in the emergence of smart airports. Services and systems powered by the IoT enable smart airports to have enhanced robustness, efficiency and control, governed by real-time monitoring and analytics. Smart sensors control the environmental conditions inside the airport, automate passenger-related actions and support airport security. However, these augmentations and automation introduce security threats to network systems of smart airports. Cyber-attackers demonstrated the susceptibility of IoT systems and networks to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), due to hardware constraints, software flaws or IoT misconfigurations. With the increasing complexity of attacks, it is imperative to safeguard IoT networks of smart airports and ensure reliability of services, as cyber-attacks can have tremendous consequences such as disrupting networks, cancelling travel, or stealing sensitive information. There is a need to adopt and develop new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled cyber-defence techniques for smart airports, which will address the challenges brought about by the incorporation of IoT systems to the airport business processes, and the constantly evolving nature of contemporary cyber-attacks. In this study, we present a holistic review of existing smart airport applications and services enabled by IoT sensors and systems. Additionally, we investigate several types of cyber defence tools including AI and data mining techniques, and analyse their strengths and weaknesses in the context of smart airports. Furthermore, we provide a classification of smart airport sub-systems based on their purpose and criticality and address cyber threats that can affect the security of smart airport\u27s networks

    Deteção de ataques de negação de serviços distribuídos na origem

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    From year to year new records of the amount of traffic in an attack are established, which demonstrate not only the constant presence of distributed denialof-service attacks, but also its evolution, demarcating itself from the other network threats. The increasing importance of resource availability alongside the security debate on network devices and infrastructures is continuous, given the preponderant role in both the home and corporate domains. In the face of the constant threat, the latest network security systems have been applying pattern recognition techniques to infer, detect, and react more quickly and assertively. This dissertation proposes methodologies to infer network activities patterns, based on their traffic: follows a behavior previously defined as normal, or if there are deviations that raise suspicions about the normality of the action in the network. It seems that the future of network defense systems continues in this direction, not only by increasing amount of traffic, but also by the diversity of actions, services and entities that reflect different patterns, thus contributing to the detection of anomalous activities on the network. The methodologies propose the collection of metadata, up to the transport layer of the osi model, which will then be processed by the machien learning algorithms in order to classify the underlying action. Intending to contribute beyond denial-of-service attacks and the network domain, the methodologies were described in a generic way, in order to be applied in other scenarios of greater or less complexity. The third chapter presents a proof of concept with attack vectors that marked the history and a few evaluation metrics that allows to compare the different classifiers as to their success rate, given the various activities in the network and inherent dynamics. The various tests show flexibility, speed and accuracy of the various classification algorithms, setting the bar between 90 and 99 percent.De ano para ano são estabelecidos novos recordes de quantidade de tráfego num ataque, que demonstram não só a presença constante de ataques de negação de serviço distribuídos, como também a sua evolução, demarcando-se das outras ameaças de rede. A crescente importância da disponibilidade de recursos a par do debate sobre a segurança nos dispositivos e infraestruturas de rede é contínuo, dado o papel preponderante tanto no dominio doméstico como no corporativo. Face à constante ameaça, os sistemas de segurança de rede mais recentes têm vindo a aplicar técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões para inferir, detetar e reagir de forma mais rápida e assertiva. Esta dissertação propõe metodologias para inferir padrões de atividades na rede, tendo por base o seu tráfego: se segue um comportamento previamente definido como normal, ou se existem desvios que levantam suspeitas sobre normalidade da ação na rede. Tudo indica que o futuro dos sistemas de defesa de rede continuará neste sentido, servindo-se não só do crescente aumento da quantidade de tráfego, como também da diversidade de ações, serviços e entidades que refletem padrões distintos contribuindo assim para a deteção de atividades anómalas na rede. As metodologias propõem a recolha de metadados, até á camada de transporte, que seguidamente serão processados pelos algoritmos de aprendizagem automática com o objectivo de classificar a ação subjacente. Pretendendo que o contributo fosse além dos ataques de negação de serviço e do dominio de rede, as metodologias foram descritas de forma tendencialmente genérica, de forma a serem aplicadas noutros cenários de maior ou menos complexidade. No quarto capítulo é apresentada uma prova de conceito com vetores de ataques que marcaram a história e, algumas métricas de avaliação que permitem comparar os diferentes classificadores quanto à sua taxa de sucesso, face às várias atividades na rede e inerentes dinâmicas. Os vários testes mostram flexibilidade, rapidez e precisão dos vários algoritmos de classificação, estabelecendo a fasquia entre os 90 e os 99 por cento.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Three Decades of Deception Techniques in Active Cyber Defense -- Retrospect and Outlook

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    Deception techniques have been widely seen as a game changer in cyber defense. In this paper, we review representative techniques in honeypots, honeytokens, and moving target defense, spanning from the late 1980s to the year 2021. Techniques from these three domains complement with each other and may be leveraged to build a holistic deception based defense. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has not been a work that provides a systematic retrospect of these three domains all together and investigates their integrated usage for orchestrated deceptions. Our paper aims to fill this gap. By utilizing a tailored cyber kill chain model which can reflect the current threat landscape and a four-layer deception stack, a two-dimensional taxonomy is developed, based on which the deception techniques are classified. The taxonomy literally answers which phases of a cyber attack campaign the techniques can disrupt and which layers of the deception stack they belong to. Cyber defenders may use the taxonomy as a reference to design an organized and comprehensive deception plan, or to prioritize deception efforts for a budget conscious solution. We also discuss two important points for achieving active and resilient cyber defense, namely deception in depth and deception lifecycle, where several notable proposals are illustrated. Finally, some outlooks on future research directions are presented, including dynamic integration of different deception techniques, quantified deception effects and deception operation cost, hardware-supported deception techniques, as well as techniques developed based on better understanding of the human element.Comment: 19 page

    A holistic review of cybersecurity and reliability perspectives in smart airports

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    Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and aviation sector have resulted in the emergence of smart airports. Services and systems powered by the IoT enable smart airports to have enhanced robustness, efficiency and control, governed by real-time monitoring and analytics. Smart sensors control the environmental conditions inside the airport, automate passenger-related actions and support airport security. However, these augmentations and automation introduce security threats to network systems of smart airports. Cyber-attackers demonstrated the susceptibility of IoT systems and networks to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), due to hardware constraints, software flaws or IoT misconfigurations. With the increasing complexity of attacks, it is imperative to safeguard IoT networks of smart airports and ensure reliability of services, as cyber-attacks can have tremendous consequences such as disrupting networks, cancelling travel, or stealing sensitive information. There is a need to adopt and develop new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled cyber-defence techniques for smart airports, which will address the challenges brought about by the incorporation of IoT systems to the airport business processes, and the constantly evolving nature of contemporary cyber-attacks. In this study, we present a holistic review of existing smart airport applications and services enabled by IoT sensors and systems. Additionally, we investigate several types of cyber defence tools including AI and data mining techniques, and analyse their strengths and weaknesses in the context of smart airports. Furthermore, we provide a classification of smart airport sub-systems based on their purpose and criticality and address cyber threats that can affect the security of smart airport\u27s networks

    A holistic review of cybersecurity and reliability perspectives in smart airports

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    Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and aviation sector have resulted in the emergence of smart airports. Services and systems powered by the IoT enable smart airports to have enhanced robustness, efficiency and control, governed by real-time monitoring and analytics. Smart sensors control the environmental conditions inside the airport, automate passenger-related actions and support airport security. However, these augmentations and automation introduce security threats to network systems of smart airports. Cyber-attackers demonstrated the susceptibility of IoT systems and networks to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), due to hardware constraints, software flaws or IoT misconfigurations. With the increasing complexity of attacks, it is imperative to safeguard IoT networks of smart airports and ensure reliability of services, as cyber-attacks can have tremendous consequences such as disrupting networks, cancelling travel, or stealing sensitive information. There is a need to adopt and develop new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled cyber-defence techniques for smart airports, which will address the challenges brought about by the incorporation of IoT systems to the airport business processes, and the constantly evolving nature of contemporary cyber-attacks. In this study, we present a holistic review of existing smart airport applications and services enabled by IoT sensors and systems. Additionally, we investigate several types of cyber defence tools including AI and data mining techniques, and analyse their strengths and weaknesses in the context of smart airports. Furthermore, we provide a classification of smart airport sub-systems based on their purpose and criticality and address cyber threats that can affect the security of smart airport\u27s networks

    Deep Learning -Powered Computational Intelligence for Cyber-Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G-Enabled Electric Vehicle Charging Station

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    An electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) infrastructure is the backbone of transportation electrification. However, the EVCS has various cyber-attack vulnerabilities in software, hardware, supply chain, and incumbent legacy technologies such as network, communication, and control. Therefore, proactively monitoring, detecting, and defending against these attacks is very important. The state-of-the-art approaches are not agile and intelligent enough to detect, mitigate, and defend against various cyber-physical attacks in the EVCS system. To overcome these limitations, this dissertation primarily designs, develops, implements, and tests the data-driven deep learning-powered computational intelligence to detect and mitigate cyber-physical attacks at the network and physical layers of 5G-enabled EVCS infrastructure. Also, the 5G slicing application to ensure the security and service level agreement (SLA) in the EVCS ecosystem has been studied. Various cyber-attacks such as distributed denial of services (DDoS), False data injection (FDI), advanced persistent threats (APT), and ransomware attacks on the network in a standalone 5G-enabled EVCS environment have been considered. Mathematical models for the mentioned cyber-attacks have been developed. The impact of cyber-attacks on the EVCS operation has been analyzed. Various deep learning-powered intrusion detection systems have been proposed to detect attacks using local electrical and network fingerprints. Furthermore, a novel detection framework has been designed and developed to deal with ransomware threats in high-speed, high-dimensional, multimodal data and assets from eccentric stakeholders of the connected automated vehicle (CAV) ecosystem. To mitigate the adverse effects of cyber-attacks on EVCS controllers, novel data-driven digital clones based on Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been developed. Also, various Bruteforce, Controller clones-based methods have been devised and tested to aid the defense and mitigation of the impact of the attacks of the EVCS operation. The performance of the proposed mitigation method has been compared with that of a benchmark Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)-based digital clones approach. Simulation results obtained from the Python, Matlab/Simulink, and NetSim software demonstrate that the cyber-attacks are disruptive and detrimental to the operation of EVCS. The proposed detection and mitigation methods are effective and perform better than the conventional and benchmark techniques for the 5G-enabled EVCS