130 research outputs found

    A distributional investigation of German verbs

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    Diese Dissertation bietet eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Verben auf der Grundlage statistischer Beschreibungen, die aus einem großen deutschen Textkorpus gewonnen wurden. In einem kurzen Überblick ĂŒber linguistische Theorien zur lexikalischen Semantik von Verben skizziere ich die Idee, dass die Verbbedeutung wesentlich von seiner Argumentstruktur (der Anzahl und Art der Argumente, die zusammen mit dem Verb auftreten) und seiner Aspektstruktur (Eigenschaften, die den zeitlichen Ablauf des vom Verb denotierten Ereignisses bestimmen) abhĂ€ngt. Anschließend erstelle ich statistische Beschreibungen von Verben, die auf diesen beiden unterschiedlichen Bedeutungsfacetten basieren. Insbesondere untersuche ich verbale Subkategorisierung, SelektionsprĂ€ferenzen und Aspekt. Alle diese Modellierungsstrategien werden anhand einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe, der Verbklassifikation, bewertet. Ich zeige, dass im Rahmen von maschinellem Lernen erworbene Merkmale, die verbale lexikalische Aspekte erfassen, fĂŒr eine Anwendung von Vorteil sind, die Argumentstrukturen betrifft, nĂ€mlich semantische Rollenkennzeichnung. DarĂŒber hinaus zeige ich, dass Merkmale, die die verbale Argumentstruktur erfassen, bei der Aufgabe, ein Verb nach seiner Aspektklasse zu klassifizieren, gut funktionieren. Diese Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen, dass diese beiden Facetten der Verbbedeutung auf grundsĂ€tzliche Weise zusammenhĂ€ngen.This dissertation provides an empirical investigation of German verbs conducted on the basis of statistical descriptions acquired from a large corpus of German text. In a brief overview of the linguistic theory pertaining to the lexical semantics of verbs, I outline the idea that verb meaning is composed of argument structure (the number and types of arguments that co-occur with a verb) and aspectual structure (properties describing the temporal progression of an event referenced by the verb). I then produce statistical descriptions of verbs according to these two distinct facets of meaning: In particular, I examine verbal subcategorisation, selectional preferences, and aspectual type. All three of these modelling strategies are evaluated on a common task, automatic verb classification. I demonstrate that automatically acquired features capturing verbal lexical aspect are beneficial for an application that concerns argument structure, namely semantic role labelling. Furthermore, I demonstrate that features capturing verbal argument structure perform well on the task of classifying a verb for its aspectual type. These findings suggest that these two facets of verb meaning are related in an underlying way

    Can humain association norm evaluate latent semantic analysis?

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    This paper presents the comparison of word association norm created by a psycholinguistic experiment to association lists generated by algorithms operating on text corpora. We compare lists generated by Church and Hanks algorithm and lists generated by LSA algorithm. An argument is presented on how those automatically generated lists reflect real semantic relations

    Computational approaches to semantic change (Volume 6)

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    Semantic change — how the meanings of words change over time — has preoccupied scholars since well before modern linguistics emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century, ushering in a new methodological turn in the study of language change. Compared to changes in sound and grammar, semantic change is the least understood. Ever since, the study of semantic change has progressed steadily, accumulating a vast store of knowledge for over a century, encompassing many languages and language families. Historical linguists also early on realized the potential of computers as research tools, with papers at the very first international conferences in computational linguistics in the 1960s. Such computational studies still tended to be small-scale, method-oriented, and qualitative. However, recent years have witnessed a sea-change in this regard. Big-data empirical quantitative investigations are now coming to the forefront, enabled by enormous advances in storage capability and processing power. Diachronic corpora have grown beyond imagination, defying exploration by traditional manual qualitative methods, and language technology has become increasingly data-driven and semantics-oriented. These developments present a golden opportunity for the empirical study of semantic change over both long and short time spans

    Knowledge Expansion of a Statistical Machine Translation System using Morphological Resources

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    Translation capability of a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT) system mostly depends on parallel data and phrases that are not present in the training data are not correctly translated. This paper describes a method that efficiently expands the existing knowledge of a PBSMT system without adding more parallel data but using external morphological resources. A set of new phrase associations is added to translation and reordering models; each of them corresponds to a morphological variation of the source/target/both phrases of an existing association. New associations are generated using a string similarity score based on morphosyntactic information. We tested our approach on En-Fr and Fr-En translations and results showed improvements of the performance in terms of automatic scores (BLEU and Meteor) and reduction of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. We believe that our knowledge expansion framework is generic and could be used to add different types of information to the model.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    Understanding and Enhancing the Use of Context for Machine Translation

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    To understand and infer meaning in language, neural models have to learn complicated nuances. Discovering distinctive linguistic phenomena from data is not an easy task. For instance, lexical ambiguity is a fundamental feature of language which is challenging to learn. Even more prominently, inferring the meaning of rare and unseen lexical units is difficult with neural networks. Meaning is often determined from context. With context, languages allow meaning to be conveyed even when the specific words used are not known by the reader. To model this learning process, a system has to learn from a few instances in context and be able to generalize well to unseen cases. The learning process is hindered when training data is scarce for a task. Even with sufficient data, learning patterns for the long tail of the lexical distribution is challenging. In this thesis, we focus on understanding certain potentials of contexts in neural models and design augmentation models to benefit from them. We focus on machine translation as an important instance of the more general language understanding problem. To translate from a source language to a target language, a neural model has to understand the meaning of constituents in the provided context and generate constituents with the same meanings in the target language. This task accentuates the value of capturing nuances of language and the necessity of generalization from few observations. The main problem we study in this thesis is what neural machine translation models learn from data and how we can devise more focused contexts to enhance this learning. Looking more in-depth into the role of context and the impact of data on learning models is essential to advance the NLP field. Moreover, it helps highlight the vulnerabilities of current neural networks and provides insights into designing more robust models.Comment: PhD dissertation defended on November 10th, 202

    Sentiment Analysis for the Low-Resourced Latinised Arabic "Arabizi"

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    The expansion of digital communication mediums from private mobile messaging into the public through social media presented an opportunity for the data science research and industry to mine the generated big data for artificial information extraction. A popular information extraction task is sentiment analysis, which aims at extracting polarity opinions, positive, negative, or neutral, from the written natural language. This science helped organisations better understand the public’s opinion towards events, news, public figures, and products. However, sentiment analysis has advanced for the English language ahead of Arabic. While sentiment analysis for Arabic is developing in the literature of Natural Language Processing (NLP), a popular variety of Arabic, Arabizi, has been overlooked for sentiment analysis advancements. Arabizi is an informal transcription of the spoken dialectal Arabic in Latin script used for social texting. It is known to be common among the Arab youth, yet it is overlooked in efforts on Arabic sentiment analysis for its linguistic complexities. As to Arabic, Arabizi is rich in inflectional morphology, but also codeswitched with English or French, and distinctively transcribed without adhering to a standard orthography. The rich morphology, inconsistent orthography, and codeswitching challenges are compounded together to have a multiplied effect on the lexical sparsity of the language, where each Arabizi word becomes eligible to be spelled in many ways, that, in addition to the mixing of other languages within the same textual context. The resulting high degree of lexical sparsity defies the very basics of sentiment analysis, classification of positive and negative words. Arabizi is even faced with a severe shortage of data resources that are required to set out any sentiment analysis approach. In this thesis, we tackle this gap by conducting research on sentiment analysis for Arabizi. We addressed the sparsity challenge by harvesting Arabizi data from multi-lingual social media text using deep learning to build Arabizi resources for sentiment analysis. We developed six new morphologically and orthographically rich Arabizi sentiment lexicons and set the baseline for Arabizi sentiment analysis on social media

    Eesti keele ĂŒhendverbide automaattuvastus lingvistiliste ja statistiliste meetoditega

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    TĂ€napĂ€eval on inimkeeli (kaasa arvatud eesti keelt) töötlevad tehnoloogiaseadmed igapĂ€evaelu osa, kuid arvutite „keeleoskus“ pole kaugeltki tĂ€iuslik. Keele automaattöötluse kĂ”ige rohkem kasutust leidev rakendus on ilmselt masintĂ”lge. Ikka ja jĂ€lle jagatakse sotsiaalmeedias, kuidas tuntud sĂŒsteemid (nĂ€iteks Google Translate) midagi valesti tĂ”lgivad. Enamasti tekitavad absurdse olukorra mitmest sĂ”nast koosnevad fraasid vĂ”i laused. NĂ€iteks ei suuda tĂ”lkesĂŒsteemid tabada lauses „Ta lĂ€ks lepinguga alt“ ĂŒhendi alt minema tĂ€hendust petta saama, sest Ă”ige tĂ€henduse edastamiseks ei saa selle ĂŒhendi komponente sĂ”na-sĂ”nalt tĂ”lkida ja seetĂ”ttu satubki arvuti hĂ€tta. Selleks et nii masintĂ”lkesĂŒsteemide kui ka teiste kasulike rakenduste nagu libauudiste tuvastuse vĂ”i kĂŒsimus-vastus sĂŒsteemide kvaliteet paraneks, on oluline, et arvuti oskaks tuvastada mitmesĂ”nalisi ĂŒksuseid ja nende eri tĂ€hendusi, mida inimesed konteksti pĂ”hjal ĂŒpriski lihtalt teha suudavad. PĂŒsiĂŒhendite (tĂ€henduse) automaattuvastus on oluline kĂ”ikides keeltes ja on seetĂ”ttu pĂ€lvinud arvutilingvistikas rohkelt tĂ€helepanu. Seega on eriti inglise keele pĂ”hjal vĂ€lja pakutud terve hulk meetodeid, mida pole siiamaani eesti keele pĂŒsiĂŒhendite tuvastamiseks rakendatud. Doktoritöös kasutataksegi masinĂ”ppe meetodeid, mis on teiste keelte pĂŒsiĂŒhendite tuvastamisel edukad olnud, ĂŒht liiki eesti keele pĂŒsiĂŒhendi – ĂŒhendverbi – automaatseks tuvastamiseks. Töös demonstreeritakse suurte tekstiandmete pĂ”hjal, et seni eesti keele traditsioonilises kĂ€sitluses esitatud eesti keele ĂŒhendverbide jaotus ainukordseteks (ĂŒhendi komponentide koosesinemisel tekib uus tĂ€hendus) ja korrapĂ€rasteks (ĂŒhendi tĂ€hendus on tema komponentide summa) ei ole piisavalt pĂ”hjalik. Nimelt kinnitab töö arvutilingvistilistes uurimustes laialt levinud arusaama, et pĂŒsiĂŒhendid (k.a ĂŒhendverbid) jaotuvad skaalale, mille ĂŒhes otsas on ĂŒhendid, mille tĂ€hendus on selgelt komponentide tĂ€henduste summa. ja teises need ĂŒhendid, mis saavad uue tĂ€henduse. Uurimus nĂ€itab, et lisaks kontekstile aitavad arvutil tuvastada ĂŒhendverbi Ă”iget tĂ€hendust mitmed teised tunnuseid, nĂ€iteks subjekti ja objekti elusus ja kÀÀnded. Doktoritöö raames valminud andmestikud ja vektoresitused on vajalikud uued ressursid, mis on avalikud edaspidisteks uurimusteks.Nowadays, applications that process human languages (including Estonian) are part of everyday life. However, computers are not yet able to understand every nuance of language. Machine translation is probably the most well-known application of natural language processing. Occasionally, the worst failures of machine translation systems (e.g. Google Translate) are shared on social media. Most of such cases happen when sequences longer than words are translated. For example, translation systems are not able to catch the correct meaning of the particle verb alt (‘from under’) minema (‘to go’) (‘to get deceived’) in the sentence Ta lĂ€ks lepinguga alt because the literal translation of the components of the expression is not correct. In order to improve the quality of machine translation systems and other useful applications, e.g. spam detection or question answering systems, such (idiomatic) multi-word expressions and their meanings must be well detected. The detection of multi-word expressions and their meaning is important in all languages and therefore much research has been done in the field, especially in English. However, the suggested methods have not been applied to the detection of Estonian multi-word expressions before. The dissertation fills that gap and applies well-known machine learning methods to detect one type of Estonian multi-word expressions – the particle verbs. Based on large textual data, the thesis demonstrates that the traditional binary division of Estonian particle verbs to non-compositional (ainukordne, meaning is not predictable from the meaning of its components) and compositional (korrapĂ€rane, meaning is predictable from the meaning of its components) is not comprehensive enough. The research confirms the widely adopted view in computational linguistics that the multi-word expressions form a continuum between the compositional and non-compositional units. Moreover, it is shown that in addition to context, there are some linguistic features, e.g. the animacy and cases of subject and object that help computers to predict whether the meaning of a particle verb in a sentence is compositional or non-compositional. In addition, the research introduces novel resources for Estonian language – trained embeddings and created compositionality datasets are available for the future research.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5252157~S

    Multiword expressions at length and in depth

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work
