138 research outputs found

    Neyman-Pearson Decision in Traffic Analysis

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    The increase of encrypted traffic on the Internet may become a problem for network-security applications such as intrusion-detection systems or interfere with forensic investigations. This fact has increased the awareness for traffic analysis, i.e., inferring information from communication patterns instead of its content. Deciding correctly that a known network flow is either the same or part of an observed one can be extremely useful for several network-security applications such as intrusion detection and tracing anonymous connections. In many cases, the flows of interest are relayed through many nodes that reencrypt the flow, making traffic analysis the only possible solution. There exist two well-known techniques to solve this problem: passive traffic analysis and flow watermarking. The former is undetectable but in general has a much worse performance than watermarking, whereas the latter can be detected and modified in such a way that the watermark is destroyed. In the first part of this dissertation we design techniques where the traffic analyst (TA) is one end of an anonymous communication and wants to deanonymize the other host, under this premise that the arrival time of the TA\u27s packets/requests can be predicted with high confidence. This, together with the use of an optimal detector, based on Neyman-Pearson lemma, allow the TA deanonymize the other host with high confidence even with short flows. We start by studying the forensic problem of leaving identifiable traces on the log of a Tor\u27s hidden service, in this case the used predictor comes in the HTTP header. Afterwards, we propose two different methods for locating Tor hidden services, the first one is based on the arrival time of the request cell and the second one uses the number of cells in certain time intervals. In both of these methods, the predictor is based on the round-trip time and in some cases in the position inside its burst, hence this method does not need the TA to have access to the decrypted flow. The second part of this dissertation deals with scenarios where an accurate predictor is not feasible for the TA. This traffic analysis technique is based on correlating the inter-packet delays (IPDs) using a Neyman-Pearson detector. Our method can be used as a passive analysis or as a watermarking technique. This algorithm is first made robust against adversary models that add chaff traffic, split the flows or add random delays. Afterwards, we study this scenario from a game-theoretic point of view, analyzing two different games: the first deals with the identification of independent flows, while the second one decides whether a flow has been watermarked/fingerprinted or not

    Hazard-free clock synchronization

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    The growing complexity of microprocessors makes it infeasible to distribute a single clock source over the whole processor with a small clock skew. Hence, chips are split into multiple clock regions, each covered by a single clock source. This poses a problem for communication between these clock regions. Clock synchronization algorithms promise an advantage over state-of-the-art solutions, such as GALS systems. When clock regions are synchronous the communication latency improves significantly over handshake-based solutions. We focus on the implementation of clock synchronization algorithms. A major obstacle when implementing circuits on clock domain crossings are hazardous signals. We can formally define hazards by extending the Boolean logic by a third value u. In this thesis, we describe a theory for designing and analyzing hazard-free circuits. We develop strategies for hazard-free encoding and construction of hazard-free circuits from finite state machines. Furthermore, we discuss clock synchronization algorithms and a possible combination of them. In the end, we present two implementations of the GCS algorithm by Lenzen, Locher, and Wattenhofer (JACM 2010). We prove by rigorous analysis that the systems implement the algorithm. The theory described above is used to prove that our clock synchronization circuits are hazard-free (in the sense that they compute the most precise output possible). Simulation of our GCS system shows that it achieves a skew between neighboring clock regions that is smaller than a few inverter delays.Aufgrund der zunehmenden Komplexität von Mikroprozessoren ist es unmöglich, mit einer einzigen Taktquelle den gesamten Prozessor ohne großen Versatz zu takten. Daher werden Chips in mehrere Regionen aufgeteilt, die jeweils von einer einzelnen Taktquelle abgedeckt werden. Dies stellt ein Problem für die Kommunikation zwischen diesen Taktregionen dar. Algorithmen zur Taktsynchronisation bieten einen Vorteil gegenüber aktuellen Lösungen, wie z.B. GALS-Systemen. Synchronisiert man die Taktregionen, so verbessert sich die Latenz der Kommunikation erheblich. In Schaltkreisen zwischen zwei Taktregionen können undefinierte Signale, sogenannte Hazards auftreten. Indem wir die boolesche Algebra um einen dritten Wert u erweitern, können wir diese Hazards formal definieren. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir eine Methode zum Entwurf und zur Analyse von hazard-freien Schaltungen. Wir entwickeln Strategien für Kodierungen die Hazards vermeiden und zur Konstruktion von hazard-freien Schaltungen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir Algorithmen Taktsynchronisation vor und wie diese kombiniert werden können. Zum Schluss stellen wir zwei Implementierungen des GCS-Algorithmus von Lenzen, Locher und Wattenhofer (JACM 2010) vor. Oben genannte Mechanismen werden verwendet, um formal zu beweisen, dass diese Implementierungen korrekt sind. Die Implementierung hat keine Hazards, das heißt sie berechnet die bestmo ̈gliche Ausgabe. Anschließende Simulation der GCS Implementierung erzielt einen Versatz zwischen benachbarten Taktregionen, der kleiner als ein paar Gatter-Laufzeiten ist

    The Virtual Bus: A Network Architecture Designed to Support Modular-Redundant Distributed Periodic Real-Time Control Systems

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    The Virtual Bus network architecture uses physical layer switching and a combination of space- and time-division multiplexing to link segments of a partial mesh network together on schedule to temporarily form contention-free multi-hop, multi-drop simplex signalling paths, or 'virtual buses'. Network resources are scheduled and routed by a dynamic distributed resource allocation mechanism with self-forming and self-healing characteristics. Multiple virtual buses can coexist simultaneously in a single network, as the resources allocated to each bus are orthogonal in either space or time. The Virtual Bus architecture achieves deterministic delivery times for time-sensitive traffic over multi-hop partial mesh networks by employing true line-speed switching; delays of around 15ns at each switching point are demonstrated experimentally, and further reductions in switching delays are shown to be achievable. Virtual buses are inherently multicast, with delivery skew across multiple destinations proportional to the difference in equivalent physical length to each destination. The Virtual Bus architecture is not a purely theoretical concept; a small research platform has been constructed for development, testing and demonstration purposes

    The User Attribution Problem and the Challenge of Persistent Surveillance of User Activity in Complex Networks

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    In the context of telecommunication networks, the user attribution problem refers to the challenge faced in recognizing communication traffic as belonging to a given user when information needed to identify the user is missing. This is analogous to trying to recognize a nameless face in a crowd. This problem worsens as users move across many mobile networks (complex networks) owned and operated by different providers. The traditional approach of using the source IP address, which indicates where a packet comes from, does not work when used to identify mobile users. Recent efforts to address this problem by exclusively relying on web browsing behavior to identify users were limited to a small number of users (28 and 100 users). This was due to the inability of solutions to link up multiple user sessions together when they rely exclusively on the web sites visited by the user. This study has tackled this problem by utilizing behavior based identification while accounting for time and the sequential order of web visits by a user. Hierarchical Temporal Memories (HTM) were used to classify historical navigational patterns for different users. Each layer of an HTM contains variable order Markov chains of connected nodes which represent clusters of web sites visited in time order by the user (user sessions). HTM layers enable inference generalization by linking Markov chains within and across layers and thus allow matching longer sequences of visited web sites (multiple user sessions). This approach enables linking multiple user sessions together without the need for a tracking identifier such as the source IP address. Results are promising. HTMs can provide high levels of accuracy using synthetic data with 99% recall accuracy for up to 500 users and good levels of recall accuracy of 95 % and 87% for 5 and 10 users respectively when using cellular network data. This research confirmed that the presence of long tail web sites (rarely visited) among many repeated destinations can create unique differentiation. What was not anticipated prior to this research was the very high degree of repetitiveness of some web destinations found in real network data

    Design and Validation of Network-on-Chip Architectures for the Next Generation of Multi-synchronous, Reliable, and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems

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    NETWORK-ON-CHIP (NoC) design is today at a crossroad. On one hand, the design principles to efficiently implement interconnection networks in the resource-constrained on-chip setting have stabilized. On the other hand, the requirements on embedded system design are far from stabilizing. Embedded systems are composed by assembling together heterogeneous components featuring differentiated operating speeds and ad-hoc counter measures must be adopted to bridge frequency domains. Moreover, an unmistakable trend toward enhanced reconfigurability is clearly underway due to the increasing complexity of applications. At the same time, the technology effect is manyfold since it provides unprecedented levels of system integration but it also brings new severe constraints to the forefront: power budget restrictions, overheating concerns, circuit delay and power variability, permanent fault, increased probability of transient faults. Supporting different degrees of reconfigurability and flexibility in the parallel hardware platform cannot be however achieved with the incremental evolution of current design techniques, but requires a disruptive approach and a major increase in complexity. In addition, new reliability challenges cannot be solved by using traditional fault tolerance techniques alone but the reliability approach must be also part of the overall reconfiguration methodology. In this thesis we take on the challenge of engineering a NoC architectures for the next generation systems and we provide design methods able to overcome the conventional way of implementing multi-synchronous, reliable and reconfigurable NoC. Our analysis is not only limited to research novel approaches to the specific challenges of the NoC architecture but we also co-design the solutions in a single integrated framework. Interdependencies between different NoC features are detected ahead of time and we finally avoid the engineering of highly optimized solutions to specific problems that however coexist inefficiently together in the final NoC architecture. To conclude, a silicon implementation by means of a testchip tape-out and a prototype on a FPGA board validate the feasibility and effectivenes

    Bird and Insect migration through Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean region

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    Twice each year, vast numbers of birds and insects undergo poleward migrations. Species which cross between Europe and Africa must negotiate traversing the Mediterranean region. Many birds are known to avoid crossing seas and therefore in the east they bypass the Mediterranean by taking an overland route and migrating through Israel, Lebanon and Syria. However, some birds do make the sea crossing and use Cyprus as a steppingstone between Africa and Europe. Despite widespread knowledge of this route, no dedicated studies on bird migration have been carried out in the north of Cyprus, and no season-long assessments of insect migrants has been carried out on the island. From March through to May of 2019, a team of five University of Exeter students surveyed insect and bird spring migration occurring through the northeast peninsular of Cyprus over a 39-day period; this survey was to be repeated in spring 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic rendered fieldwork impossible. In Chapter 1 observations of bird migration on Cyprus were contextualised by comparing them with ornithological radar data from Israel (a known migratory hotspot), then assessing broad migration trends and the effect of wind on bird migration intensity. In agreement with existing studies, larger birds like raptors were less impacted by wind currents than smaller birds such as songbirds. Moreover, when beneficial tailwinds were scarce, songbirds chose to migrate in lower wind speeds. Migration traffic rates for day-migrating birds were found to be proportionally greater over the Karpaz peninsular than in the Hula valley of Israel. Thirdly, temporal migration patterns for raptors over Cyprus and Israel correlated significantly. Chapter 2 takes a natural history focus by detailing the taxonomic assemblages of migrants recorded on Cyprus, and then discussing the implications of our findings. Higher than expected numbers of migrating crag martins (Ptyonoprogne rupestris), common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) and pallid harriers (Circus macrourus) for Cyprus were recorded during our spring survey. Observed numbers for pallid harriers suggest that the Karpaz peninsular may possibly be Europe’s most significant flyway for the species. These provisional findings are of great conservation importance as pallid harriers are listed as a globally near threatened species on the IUCN Redlist. In addition, the first African migrant butterfly (Catopsilia florella) on Cyprus since 1986 and the first ever 2 Cyprus record of the ladybird Harmonia quadripunctata were recorded. Furthermore, evidence of mass migratory behaviour in the flies Delia platura and Stomoxys calcitrans is presented, both of which were not previously considered migratory. Observations of signs of illegal bird trapping at the Cyprus study sites is discussed anecdotally

    Bridging Vision and Dynamic Legged Locomotion

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    Legged robots have demonstrated remarkable advances regarding robustness and versatility in the past decades. The questions that need to be addressed in this field are increasingly focusing on reasoning about the environment and autonomy rather than locomotion only. To answer some of these questions visual information is essential. If a robot has information about the terrain it can plan and take preventive actions against potential risks. However, building a model of the terrain is often computationally costly, mainly because of the dense nature of visual data. On top of the mapping problem, robots need feasible body trajectories and contact sequences to traverse the terrain safely, which may also require heavy computations. This computational cost has limited the use of visual feedback to contexts that guarantee (quasi-) static stability, or resort to planning schemes where contact sequences and body trajectories are computed before starting to execute motions. In this thesis we propose a set of algorithms that reduces the gap between visual processing and dynamic locomotion. We use machine learning to speed up visual data processing and model predictive control to achieve locomotion robustness. In particular, we devise a novel foothold adaptation strategy that uses a map of the terrain built from on-board vision sensors. This map is sent to a foothold classifier based on a convolutional neural network that allows the robot to adjust the landing position of the feet in a fast and continuous fashion. We then use the convolutional neural network-based classifier to provide safe future contact sequences to a model predictive controller that optimizes target ground reaction forces in order to track a desired center of mass trajectory. We perform simulations and experiments on the hydraulic quadruped robots HyQ and HyQReal. For all experiments the contact sequences, the foothold adaptations, the control inputs and the map are computed and processed entirely on-board. The various tests show that the robot is able to leverage the visual terrain information to handle complex scenarios in a safe, robust and reliable manner

    Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications

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    Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications is a one-of-a-kind, collective effort to present the most utilized and known methods on timing and time perception. Specifically, it covers methods and analysis on circadian timing, synchrony perception, reaction/response time, time estimation, and alternative methods for clinical/developmental research. The book includes experimental protocols, programming code, and sample results and the content ranges from very introductory to more advanced so as to cover the needs of both junior and senior researchers. We hope that this will be the first step in future efforts to document experimental methods and analysis both in a theoretical and in a practical manner

    Secure VoIP Performance Measurement

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    This project presents a mechanism for instrumentation of secure VoIP calls. The experiments were run under different network conditions and security systems. VoIP services such as Google Talk, Express Talk and Skype were under test. The project allowed analysis of the voice quality of the VoIP services based on the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values generated by Perceptual valuation of Speech Quality (PESQ). The quality of the audio streams produced were subjected to end-to-end delay, jitter, packet loss and extra processing in the networking hardware and end devices due to Internetworking Layer security or Transport Layer security implementations. The MOS values were mapped to Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality for wideband (PESQ-WB) scores. From these PESQ-WB scores, the graphs of the mean of 10 runs and box and whisker plots for each parameter were drawn. Analysis on the graphs was performed in order to deduce the quality of each VoIP service. The E-model was used to predict the network readiness and Common vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) was used to predict the network vulnerabilities. The project also provided the mechanism to measure the throughput for each test case. The overall performance of each VoIP service was determined by PESQ-WB scores, CVSS scores and the throughput. The experiment demonstrated the relationship among VoIP performance, VoIP security and VoIP service type. The experiment also suggested that, when compared to an unsecure IPIP tunnel, Internetworking Layer security like IPSec ESP or Transport Layer security like OpenVPN TLS would improve a VoIP security by reducing the vulnerabilities of the media part of the VoIP signal. Morever, adding a security layer has little impact on the VoIP voice quality