446 research outputs found

    Orientations and detachments of graphs with prescribed degrees and connectivity

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    We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have an orientation that has k edge-disjoint arborescences rooted at a designated vertex s subject to lower and upper bounds on the in-degree at each vertex. The result is used to derive a characterization of graphs having a detachment that contains k edge-disjoint spanning trees. Efficient algorithms for finding those orientations and detachments are also described. In particular, the paper provides an algorithm for finding a connected (loopless) detachment in O(nm) time, improving on the previous best running time bound, where n and m denote the numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Route Swarm: Wireless Network Optimization through Mobility

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a novel hybrid architecture for coordinating networked robots in sensing and information routing applications. The proposed INformation and Sensing driven PhysIcally REconfigurable robotic network (INSPIRE), consists of a Physical Control Plane (PCP) which commands agent position, and an Information Control Plane (ICP) which regulates information flow towards communication/sensing objectives. We describe an instantiation where a mobile robotic network is dynamically reconfigured to ensure high quality routes between static wireless nodes, which act as source/destination pairs for information flow. The ICP commands the robots towards evenly distributed inter-flow allocations, with intra-flow configurations that maximize route quality. The PCP then guides the robots via potential-based control to reconfigure according to ICP commands. This formulation, deemed Route Swarm, decouples information flow and physical control, generating a feedback between routing and sensing needs and robotic configuration. We demonstrate our propositions through simulation under a realistic wireless network regime.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    Kombinatorikus Optimalizálás: Algoritmusok, Strukturák, Alkalmazások = Combinatorial optimization: algorithms, structures, applications

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    Mint azt az OTKA-pályázat munkaterve tartalmazza, a pályázatban résztvevő kutatók alkotják a témavezető irányításával működő Egerváry Jenő Kombinatorikus Optimalizálási Kutatócsoportot. A csoport a kutatási tervben szereplő több témában jelentős eredményeket ért el az elmúlt 4 évben, ezekről a pályázat résztvevőinek több mint 50 folyóiratcikke jelent meg, és számos rangos nemzetközi konferencián ismertetésre kerültek. Néhány kiemelendő eredmény: sikerült polinomiális kombinatorikus algoritmust adni irányított gráf pont-összefüggőségének növelésére; jelentős előrelépés történt a háromdimenziós térben merev gráfok jellemzésével és a molekuláris sejtéssel kapcsolatban; 2 dimenzióban sikerült bizonyítani Hendrickson sejtését; a párosításelméletben egy újdonságnak számító módszerrel számos új algoritmikus eredmény született; több, gráfok élösszefüggőségét jellemző tételt sikerült hipergráfokra általánosítani. | As the research plan indicates, the researchers participating in the project are the members of the Egerváry Research Group, led by the coordinator. The group has made important progress in the past 4 years in the research topics declared in the research plan. The results have been published in more than 50 journal papers, and have been presented at several prestigious international conferences. The most significant results are the following: a polynomial algorithm has been found for the node-connectivity augmentation problem of directed graphs; considerable progress has been made towards the characterization of 3-dimensional rigid graphs and towards the proof of the molecular conjecture; Hendrickson's conjecture has been proved in 2 dimensions; several new algorithmic results were obtained in matching theory using a novel approach; several theorems characterizing connectivity properties of graphs have been generalized to hypergraphs

    A detachment algorithm for inferring a graph from path frequency

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    Abstract: Inferring graphs from path frequency has been studied as an important problem which has a potential application to drug design and elucidation of chemical structures. Given a multiple set g of strings of labels with length at most K, the problem asks to find a vertex-labeled graph G that attains a one-to-one correspondence between g and the occurrences of labels along all paths of length at most K in G. In this paper, we prove that the problem with K = 1 can be formulated as a problem of finding a loopless and connected detachment, based on which an efficient algorithm for solving the problem is derived. Our algorithm also solves the problem with an additional constraint such that every vertex in an inferred graph is required to have a specified degree

    An efficient Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) algorithm for the Discontinuous Galerkin method: Applications for the computation of compressible two-phase flows

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    We present an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method suitable for hybrid unstructured meshes that allows for local refinement and de-refinement of the computational grid during the evolution of the flow. The adaptive implementation of the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method introduced in this work (ForestDG) is based on a topological representation of the computational mesh by a hierarchical structure consisting of oct- quad- and binary trees. Adaptive mesh refinement (h-refinement) enables us to increase the spatial resolution of the computational mesh in the vicinity of the points of interest such as interfaces, geometrical features, or flow discontinuities. The local increase in the expansion order (p-refinement) at areas of high strain rates or vorticity magnitude results in an increase of the order of accuracy in the region of shear layers and vortices. A graph of unitarian-trees, representing hexahedral, prismatic and tetrahedral elements is used for the representation of the initial domain. The ancestral elements of the mesh can be split into self-similar elements allowing each tree to grow branches to an arbitrary level of refinement. The connectivity of the elements, their genealogy and their partitioning are described by linked lists of pointers. An explicit calculation of these relations, presented in this paper, facilitates the on-the-fly splitting, merging and repartitioning of the computational mesh by rearranging the links of each node of the tree with a minimal computational overhead. The modal basis used in the DG implementation facilitates the mapping of the fluxes across the non conformal faces. The AMR methodology is presented and assessed using a series of inviscid and viscous test cases. Also, the AMR methodology is used for the modelling of the interaction between droplets and the carrier phase in a two-phase flow. This approach is applied to the analysis of a spray injected into a chamber of quiescent air, using the Eulerian–Lagrangian approach. This enables us to refine the computational mesh in the vicinity of the droplet parcels and accurately resolve the coupling between the two phases

    Mini-Workshop: Anisotropic Motion Laws

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    Anisotropic motion laws play a key role in many applications ranging from materials science, biophysics to image processing. All these highly diversified disciplines have made it necessary to develop common mathematical foundations and framworks to deal with anisotropy in geometric motion. The workshop brings together leading experts from various fields to address well-posedness, accuracy, and computational efficiency of the mathematical models and algorithms
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