34 research outputs found

    Annotating and abstracting the english text

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    Даний посібник призначений для аспірантів, магістрів і студентів, що бажають навчитися складати англійською мовою анотації і реферати до статей за своєю спеціальністю. Мета посібника – навчити студентів і аспірантів розуміти зміст науково-популярних і технічних текстів і викладати зміст прочитаного у вигляді реферату або анотації. А також навчити їх користуватися лексико-синтаксичними кліше, найбільш характерними для мови певної галузі

    Summary of Research 1994

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    The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.This report contains 359 summaries of research projects which were carried out under funding of the Naval Postgraduate School Research Program. A list of recent publications is also included which consists of conference presentations and publications, books, contributions to books, published journal papers, and technical reports. The research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology, National Security Affairs, Oceanography, Operations Research, Physics, and Systems Management. This also includes research by the Command, Control and Communications (C3) Academic Group, Electronic Warfare Academic Group, Space Systems Academic Group, and the Undersea Warfare Academic Group

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2006-2007

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    Business Cycles in Economics

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    The business cycles are generated by the oscillating macro-/micro-/nano- economic output variables in the economy of the scale and the scope in the amplitude/frequency/phase/time domains in the economics. The accurate forward looking assumptions on the business cycles oscillation dynamics can optimize the financial capital investing and/or borrowing by the economic agents in the capital markets. The book's main objective is to study the business cycles in the economy of the scale and the scope, formulating the Ledenyov unified business cycles theory in the Ledenyov classic and quantum econodynamics

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2007-2008

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