10 research outputs found

    Inclusive Education: A Casebook for Good Practices

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    The Casebook presents a set of cases that illustrate concepts and strategies which come into play, including reasonable accommodations, universal accessibility tools, collaborative work with parents, mediated learning experience, cognitive prerequisites of learning, interprofessional teamwork, integration of support domains, and transferring learning support to the development of key competencies. This text explores these concepts and provides practical cases based on experiences from partner countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, Slovenia and Portugal.Project ASUMIE: ERASMUS+ - KA2 (2020-1-BE02-KA201-074751

    Effective Investment Planning in Waste-to-Energy Systems

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    Disertační práce se zabývá aplikací simulačních a optimalizačních metod v oblasti energetického využití odpadů. V úvodu práce je popsán současný stav v oblasti odpadového hospodářství v EU se zaměřením na ČR. Následující kapitola pojednává o hodnotících kritériích investičních záměrů a základních principech stochastického programování. Jádrem práce jsou matematické modely zaměřené na plánování a provoz jednotlivých zařízení a problematiku spojenou se svozem odpadu. Dopravní úloha dává do souvislostí všechny uvažované projekty v hodnoceném zájmovém území a je možné díky ní simulovat toky odpadu mezi producenty a zpracovateli. Přístup je demonstrován na pěti případových studiích. V prvních třech studiích byly uvedeny výpočty pro potenciálního investora. Hlavním výstupem bylo určení míry atraktivity investice a identifikace největších rizik. Další případová studie byla věnována analýze z pohledu statní koncepce. V poslední případové studii je detailně analyzována problematika nakládání s odpadem z pohledu producentů.PhD thesis deals with the application of the simulation and optimization methods in the waste-to-energy field. An introduction describes the current state of the waste management in the EU with the focus on the Czech Republic. In the following chapter the evaluation criteria for investment intentions and the basic principles of stochastic programming are discussed. The core of the work lays in the mathematical models for the planning and operation of the process plants as well as in the mathematical models for the waste collection. The transportation problem involves all considered technological elements and therefore it is possible to simulate the waste streams between the producers and processors. This approach is demonstrated with five case studies. In the first three studies the calculations for the potential investor are presented. The main outcome of these case studies is the determination of the level of attractiveness of investment and the identification the greatest risks. Another case study is devoted to an analysis with the focus on perspective of government policies and in the last case study the issue of the waste management is analyzed in detail from the perspective of the waste producers. Developed computational tools are flexible and can be further developed and adapted based on the objectives of the specific tasks.

    Peran Guru Dalam Penulisan Kalimat Sederhana Pembelajaran Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of teachers in the development of primary school pupils' ability to compose basic phrases. The descriptive qualitative research approach was adopted in this study. The information was gathered through observation, interviews, and the review of records. Participants in the study were first-grade instructors at SDN 151 Pekanbaru, in the province of Riau. Data triangulation is used in the data credibility test because it allows researchers to double-check their findings by comparing them to other sources. According to the Miles and Huberman data analysis model, there are three steps: (1) data collection (data collection), (2) data presentation (data presentation), and (3) conclusion formulation and verification (conclusion drawing). The findings of the study indicate that the teacher's role in helping grade I students at SDN 151 Pekanbaru learn to write basic sentences has been going fairly well, with numerous stages, such as being a teacher, mentor, trainer, and learning manager, all of which have been quite successful. In addition to improving the quality of the teaching and learning process by providing adequate learning facilities, the findings of this study have broader ramifications

    Runic and Latin Written Culture: Co-Existence and Interaction of Two Script Cultures in the Norwegian Middle Ages

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    When Latin writing finally reached Scandinavia sometime in the 11th century, it was met by a strong and well established runic writing tradition which had been in permanent use as a functional writing system for over 800 years. Latin script culture came in the wake of Christianity and church organisation, and the Latin alphabet was by this point of time already deeply rooted in social, political, and religious institutions. Runic writing, on the other hand, was not linked to such powerful religious and/or political institutions but served a pragmatic everyday purpose. Still, the native script culture was not immediately superseded by the newly arrived script system. Instead, there evolved a vibrant two-script culture which lasted for a period of at least 300 years. It was characterised by the peaceful coexistence of runic and Latin writing. Moreover, runic tradition not only survived by the side of Latin script culture. It rather appears to have experienced an enormous upswing after the introduction of Latin writing. This development proved to be unique in the European context. – The present thesis pursues a systematic and cultural-historical approach in order to explore the nature of the coexistence of these two script cultures. The intention is to adopt a slightly different perspective than in previous research. Thus, the objective is not to reconfirm the influence which Latin script culture undeniably exerted on runic writing and repeat the diachronic ‘success story’ of Latin writing. On the contrary, the focus lies on a synchronic perspective and an analysis of how runic tradition took advantage of the presence of the Latin script system. Thus, this thesis seeks to demonstrate that runic writing neither passively yielded to nor slavishly copied from the new script culture. Rather, runic tradition responded to and sovereignly dealt with the impulses springing from Latin writing. It maintained its characteristic features and independent status in the comparatively long period of coexistence. Rune-carvers took up particular elements and exploited them for their own benefit and, what is even more important, on the basis of the runic tradition’s own premises, i.e. on the basis of its heritage from the older and Viking runic tradition. – The underlying structure of this thesis follows the observation that the contact between these two script cultures occurred and found expression on three different levels of runic writing: the writing system itself, orthographical and other writing standards, and – last but not least – writing materials and subject matter. In order to facilitate comparison, each of these sections is preceded by an overview of the state affairs concerning the aspect in question in the older and Viking runic tradition and ends with a preliminary conclusion. In addition, the thesis discusses some reflections on conceptual changes in the perception of writing among rune-carvers after the introduction of Latin writing


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    “Bahasa bisa dipakai untuk menyembunyikan pikiran”- sebuah pernyataan yang menarik untuk dikaji lebih jauh. Hal tersebut terutama dirasa sangat relevan dilakukan di dunia penegakan hukum. Dalam konteks ini kajian linguistik, khususnya Linguistik Forensik, berpotensi berkontribusi terhadap upaya pencarian dan pengungkapan informasi sahih tentang suatu kasus pelanggaran hukum melalui serangkaian langkah sistematis analisis data bahasa (corpus) yang relevan. Diharapkan, dengan mengoptimalkan pengkajian berbagai moda yang ada, bahasa salah satunya, kualitas penegakan hukum meningkat dan keadilan bisa lebih terkawal untuk ditegakkan. Saat ini ditemukan sejumlah fenomena menarik yang terjadi di dunia penegakan hukum, khususnya di Unit Reskrim di wilayah hukum Polda Jabar sekaitan dengan penyidikan tindak pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan seperti: (1) maraknya modus kejahatan dan tindak pidana baru yang berbarang bukti data kebahasaan dan (2) penyidik mengalami kesulitan ketika menyusun kasus posisi perkara pidana penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, fitnah, dan pemalsuan sebab kriteria terpenuhinya unsur pidana ini, secara kebahasaan, tidak diatur dalam pasal 310, 311, dan 335 KUHAP serta Pasal 27 ayat 3 UU ITE sebagai sumber hukum yang mengatur tindak perkara pidana ini. Kondisi seperti itu menuntut pendekatan dan aplikasi ilmu pengetahuan modern (dalam hal ini linguistik forensik) yang secara aksiologis mampu menguraikan perkara pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan secara tuntas. Untuk itu, Program Studi Linguistik SPs UPI bekerjasama dengan organisasi profesi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI) dan Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra (FPBS) UPI kembali menggelar Seminar Tahunan Linguistik (SETALI) yang ke-4 dengan mengambil tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan. Kegiatan tersebut diarahkan untuk menyediakan ruang bagi para peminat kajian bahasa yang akan mendiseminasikan pemikiran dan temuan terkait dengan hasil penelitiannya. Ada 3 kegiatan utama dalam acara SETALI kali ini: Pra-SETALI Senin dan Selasa, 30 - 31 Mei 2016, berbentuk workshop dengan tema Analisis Bahasa dari Sudut Pandang Analisis Forensik, SETALI Rabu dan Kamis, 01- 02 Juni 2016, dengan tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan, dan Pasca-SETALI Juma‟at, 03 Juni 2016, berbentuk Public Lecture untuk para peneliti, pengamat, pengajar, dan mahasiswa bahasa dengan tema Towards Clearer Jury Instruction. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kami mengucapkan terimaksih kepada berbagai fihak, khususnya kepada Anda semua para peserta SETALI. Tanpa dukungan, kehadiran dan partisipasi Anda dan izin Yang Mahakuasa, tidak akan ada SETALI. Akhirul kalam, selamat berdiskusi dan berbagi ilmu serta pengalaman. Bumi Siliwangi, 27 Juni 2016 Penanggung Jawab, Dr. Dadang Sudana, M.A


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    Seminar Tahunan Linguistik yang lazim disebut SETALI merupakan ajang seminar tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Linguistik Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (SPs UPI) bekerja sama dengan organisasi profesi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI) komisariat UPI. Pada 2018 ini, seminar kembali digelar pada 5-6 Mei bertemakan “Bahasa di Era Digital: Peluang atau Ancaman?”. Pengusungan tema kali ini beranjak dari fenomena khas terkait bahasa di era digital yang turut mengambil peran penting di dalam pengaplikasiannya. Ada sekitar 200 makalah terpilih yang dimuat untuk dibentangkan dalam Setali 2018. Makalah-makalah yang terhimpun dalam prosiding ini telah diseleksi melalui proses panjang dan pertimbangan yang cukup cermat. Bahasa dan digitalisasi adalah dua hal yang saling berkait dan tidak terpisahkan. Pemakaian bahasa di ruang digital, pada berbagai media, menimbulkan berbagai varian. Penggunaan bahasa dalam komunikasi di era digital, terkadang sesuai dengan bentuk yang baik (well-form), namun tak jarang juga tampil menyimpang (unwell-form). Banyaknya penyimpangan yang terjadi dalam konteks penggunaaan bahasa di ruang digital berpotensi menimbulkan efek negatif yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap bahasa pengguna bahasa Indonesia secara umum. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, masyarakat diharapkan cermat dalam menyikapi berbagai fenomena penggunaan bahasa yang sulit terbendung. Sekalipun ada banyak ancaman terhadap eksistensi bahasa di era ini, tidak dipungkiri juga ada banyak peluang yang dapat dipilih oleh masyarakat pengguna bahasa sebagai hal yang positif dan menguntungkan. Setakat ini, muncul berbagai polemik dalam dunia linguistik terkait masalah kebahasaan yang merebak di dunia digital. Para penggiat bahasa diharapkan banyak melakukan penelaahan terhadap praktik dan peran bahasa di era digital ini. Tema “Bahasa di Era Digital: Peluang atau Ancaman?” ini diharapkan mampu mewadahi semua elemen masyarakat untuk berpatisipasi dan ikut andil dalam menilai dan menelisik kedudukan bahasa dari sudut pandang yang beraneka ragam sehingga dapat melahirkan beraragamnya perspektif di jagat linguistik Indonesia. Akhir kata, dengan memohon petunjuk dan keridhaan Allah Swt., saya berharap agar penyelenggaraan Setali 2018 ini dapat berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar. Selain itu, saya juga berharap semoga dokumentasi akademik seperti ini dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi perkembangan linguistik di Indonesia. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya merasa perlu untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pihak yang telah turut serta membantu terlaksananya Setali 2018 ini berjalan dengan baik. Selamat berseminar

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Reforming Pedagogy

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    Kumpulan artikel seminar nasional reforming pedagogy di Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta pada tanggal 24 November 201

    Examples of works to practice staccato technique in clarinet instrument

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    Klarnetin staccato tekniğini güçlendirme aşamaları eser çalışmalarıyla uygulanmıştır. Staccato geçişlerini hızlandıracak ritim ve nüans çalışmalarına yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın en önemli amacı sadece staccato çalışması değil parmak-dilin eş zamanlı uyumunun hassasiyeti üzerinde de durulmasıdır. Staccato çalışmalarını daha verimli hale getirmek için eser çalışmasının içinde etüt çalışmasına da yer verilmiştir. Çalışmaların üzerinde titizlikle durulması staccato çalışmasının ilham verici etkisi ile müzikal kimliğe yeni bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Sekiz özgün eser çalışmasının her aşaması anlatılmıştır. Her aşamanın bir sonraki performans ve tekniği güçlendirmesi esas alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada staccato tekniğinin hangi alanlarda kullanıldığı, nasıl sonuçlar elde edildiği bilgisine yer verilmiştir. Notaların parmak ve dil uyumu ile nasıl şekilleneceği ve nasıl bir çalışma disiplini içinde gerçekleşeceği planlanmıştır. Kamış-nota-diyafram-parmak-dil-nüans ve disiplin kavramlarının staccato tekniğinde ayrılmaz bir bütün olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmada literatür taraması yapılarak staccato ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmıştır. Tarama sonucunda klarnet tekniğin de kullanılan staccato eser çalışmasının az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Metot taramasında da etüt çalışmasının daha çok olduğu saptanmıştır. Böylelikle klarnetin staccato tekniğini hızlandırma ve güçlendirme çalışmaları sunulmuştur. Staccato etüt çalışmaları yapılırken, araya eser çalışmasının girmesi beyni rahatlattığı ve istekliliği daha arttırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Staccato çalışmasını yaparken doğru bir kamış seçimi üzerinde de durulmuştur. Staccato tekniğini doğru çalışmak için doğru bir kamışın dil hızını arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Doğru bir kamış seçimi kamıştan rahat ses çıkmasına bağlıdır. Kamış, dil atma gücünü vermiyorsa daha doğru bir kamış seçiminin yapılması gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır. Staccato çalışmalarında baştan sona bir eseri yorumlamak zor olabilir. Bu açıdan çalışma, verilen müzikal nüanslara uymanın, dil atış performansını rahatlattığını ortaya koymuştur. Gelecek nesillere edinilen bilgi ve birikimlerin aktarılması ve geliştirici olması teşvik edilmiştir. Çıkacak eserlerin nasıl çözüleceği, staccato tekniğinin nasıl üstesinden gelinebileceği anlatılmıştır. Staccato tekniğinin daha kısa sürede çözüme kavuşturulması amaç edinilmiştir. Parmakların yerlerini öğrettiğimiz kadar belleğimize de çalışmaların kaydedilmesi önemlidir. Gösterilen azmin ve sabrın sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yapıt başarıyı daha da yukarı seviyelere çıkaracaktır