9 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of One-Sided and Two-Sided Communication Paradigms on Relaxed-Ordering Interconnect

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    The Cray Gemini interconnect hardware provides multiple transfer mechanisms and out-of-order message delivery to improve communication throughput. In this paper we quantify the performance of one-sided and two-sided communication paradigms with respect to: 1) the optimal available hardware transfer mechanism, 2) message ordering constraints, 3) per node and per core message concurrency. In addition to using Cray native communication APIs, we use UPC and MPI micro-benchmarks to capture one- and two-sided semantics respectively. Our results indicate that relaxing the message delivery order can improve performance up to 4.6x when compared with strict ordering. When hardware allows it, high-level one-sided programming models can already take advantage of message reordering. Enforcing the ordering semantics of two-sided communication comes with a performance penalty. Furthermore, we argue that exposing out-of-order delivery at the application level is required for the next-generation programming models. Any ordering constraints in the language specifications reduce communication performance for small messages and increase the number of active cores required for peak throughput. © 2014 IEEE

    Exploring power behaviors and trade-offs of in-situ data analytics

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    pre-printAs scientific applications target exascale, challenges related to data and energy are becoming dominating concerns. For example, coupled simulation workflows are increasingly adopting in-situ data processing and analysis techniques to address costs and overheads due to data movement and I/O. However it is also critical to understand these overheads and associated trade-offs from an energy perspective. The goal of this paper is exploring data-related energy/performance trade-offs for end-to-end simulation workflows running at scale on current high-end computing systems. Specifically, this paper presents: (1) an analysis of the data-related behaviors of a combustion simulation workflow with an in-situ data analytics pipeline, running on the Titan system at ORNL; (2) a power model based on system power and data exchange patterns, which is empirically validated; and (3) the use of the model to characterize the energy behavior of the workflow and to explore energy/performance tradeoffs on current as well as emerging systems

    Evaluating technologies and techniques for transitioning hydrodynamics applications to future generations of supercomputers

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    Current supercomputer development trends present severe challenges for scientific codebases. Moore’s law continues to hold, however, power constraints have brought an end to Dennard scaling, forcing significant increases in overall concurrency. The performance imbalance between the processor and memory sub-systems is also increasing and architectures are becoming significantly more complex. Scientific computing centres need to harness more computational resources in order to facilitate new scientific insights and maintaining their codebases requires significant investments. Centres therefore have to decide how best to develop their applications to take advantage of future architectures. To prevent vendor "lock-in" and maximise investments, achieving portableperformance across multiple architectures is also a significant concern. Efficiently scaling applications will be essential for achieving improvements in science and the MPI (Message Passing Interface) only model is reaching its scalability limits. Hybrid approaches which utilise shared memory programming models are a promising approach for improving scalability. Additionally PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) models have the potential to address productivity and scalability concerns. Furthermore, OpenCL has been developed with the aim of enabling applications to achieve portable-performance across a range of heterogeneous architectures. This research examines approaches for achieving greater levels of performance for hydrodynamics applications on future supercomputer architectures. The development of a Lagrangian-Eulerian hydrodynamics application is presented together with its utility for conducting such research. Strategies for improving application performance, including PGAS- and hybrid-based approaches are evaluated at large node-counts on several state-of-the-art architectures. Techniques to maximise the performance and scalability of OpenMP-based hybrid implementations are presented together with an assessment of how these constructs should be combined with existing approaches. OpenCL is evaluated as an additional technology for implementing a hybrid programming model and improving performance-portability. To enhance productivity several tools for automatically hybridising applications and improving process-to-topology mappings are evaluated. Power constraints are starting to limit supercomputer deployments, potentially necessitating the use of more energy efficient technologies. Advanced processor architectures are therefore evaluated as future candidate technologies, together with several application optimisations which will likely be necessary. An FPGA-based solution is examined, including an analysis of how effectively it can be utilised via a high-level programming model, as an alternative to the specialist approaches which currently limit the applicability of this technology

    Accelerating Network Communication and I/O in Scientific High Performance Computing Environments

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    High performance computing has become one of the major drivers behind technology inventions and science discoveries. Originally driven through the increase of operating frequencies and technology scaling, a recent slowdown in this evolution has led to the development of multi-core architectures, which are supported by accelerator devices such as graphics processing units (GPUs). With the upcoming exascale era, the overall power consumption and the gap between compute capabilities and I/O bandwidth have become major challenges. Nowadays, the system performance is dominated by the time spent in communication and I/O, which highly depends on the capabilities of the network interface. In order to cope with the extreme concurrency and heterogeneity of future systems, the software ecosystem of the interconnect needs to be carefully tuned to excel in reliability, programmability, and usability. This work identifies and addresses three major gaps in today's interconnect software systems. The I/O gap describes the disparity in operating speeds between the computing capabilities and second storage tiers. The communication gap is introduced through the communication overhead needed to synchronize distributed large-scale applications and the mixed workload. The last gap is the so called concurrency gap, which is introduced through the extreme concurrency and the inflicted learning curve posed to scientific application developers to exploit the hardware capabilities. The first contribution is the introduction of the network-attached accelerator approach, which moves accelerators into a "stand-alone" cluster connected through the Extoll interconnect. The novel communication architecture enables the direct accelerators communication without any host interactions and an optimal application-to-compute-resources mapping. The effectiveness of this approach is evaluated for two classes of accelerators: Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and NVIDIA GPUs. The next contribution comprises the design, implementation, and evaluation of the support of legacy codes and protocols over the Extoll interconnect technology. By providing TCP/IP protocol support over Extoll, it is shown that the performance benefits of the interconnect can be fully leveraged by a broader range of applications, including the seamless support of legacy codes. The third contribution is twofold. First, a comprehensive analysis of the Lustre networking protocol semantics and interfaces is presented. Afterwards, these insights are utilized to map the LNET protocol semantics onto the Extoll networking technology. The result is a fully functional Lustre network driver for Extoll. An initial performance evaluation demonstrates promising bandwidth and message rate results. The last contribution comprises the design, implementation, and evaluation of two easy-to-use load balancing frameworks, which transparently distribute the I/O workload across all available storage system components. The solutions maximize the parallelization and throughput of file I/O. The frameworks are evaluated on the Titan supercomputing systems for three I/O interfaces. For example for large-scale application runs, POSIX I/O and MPI-IO can be improved by up to 50% on a per job basis, while HDF5 shows performance improvements of up to 32%

    Scalable system software for high performance large-scale applications

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    In the last decades, high-performance large-scale systems have been a fundamental tool for scientific discovery and engineering advances. The sustained growth of supercomputing performance and the concurrent reduction in cost have made this technology available for a large number of scientists and engineers working on many different problems. The design of next-generation supercomputers will include traditional HPC requirements as well as the new requirements to handle data-intensive computations. Data intensive applications will hence play an important role in a variety of fields, and are the current focus of several research trends in HPC. Due to the challenges of scalability and power efficiency, next-generation of supercomputers needs a redesign of the whole software stack. Being at the bottom of the software stack, system software is expected to change drastically to support the upcoming hardware and to meet new application requirements. This PhD thesis addresses the scalability of system software. The thesis start at the Operating System level: first studying general-purpose OS (ex. Linux) and then studying lightweight kernels (ex. CNK). Then, we focus on the runtime system: we implement a runtime system for distributed memory systems that includes many of the system services required by next-generation applications. Finally we focus on hardware features that can be exploited at user-level to improve applications performance, and potentially included into our advanced runtime system. The thesis contributions are the following: Operating System Scalability: We provide an accurate study of the scalability problems of modern Operating Systems for HPC. We design and implement a methodology whereby detailed quantitative information may be obtained for each OS noise event. We validate our approach by comparing it to other well-known standard techniques to analyze OS noise, such FTQ (Fixed Time Quantum). Evaluation of the address translation management for a lightweight kernel: we provide a performance evaluation of different TLB management approaches ¿ dynamic memory mapping, static memory mapping with replaceable TLB entries, and static memory mapping with fixed TLB entries (no TLB misses) on a IBM BlueGene/P system. Runtime System Scalability: We show that a runtime system can efficiently incorporate system services and improve scalability for a specific class of applications. We design and implement a full-featured runtime system and programming model to execute irregular appli- cations on a commodity cluster. The runtime library is called Global Memory and Threading library (GMT) and integrates a locality-aware Partitioned Global Address Space communication model with a fork/join program structure. It supports massive lightweight multi-threading, overlapping of communication and computation and small messages aggregation to tolerate network latencies. We compare GMT to other PGAS models, hand-optimized MPI code and custom architectures (Cray XMT) on a set of large scale irregular applications: breadth first search, random walk and concurrent hash map access. Our runtime system shows performance orders of magnitude higher than other solutions on commodity clusters and competitive with custom architectures. User-level Scalability Exploiting Hardware Features: We show the high complexity of low-level hardware optimizations for single applications, as a motivation to incorporate this logic into an adaptive runtime system. We evaluate the effects of controllable hardware-thread priority mechanism that controls the rate at which each hardware-thread decodes instruction on IBM POWER5 and POWER6 processors. Finally, we show how to effectively exploits cache locality and network-on-chip on the Tilera many-core architecture to improve intra-core scalability

    Run-time support for multi-level disjoint memory address spaces

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have become widely used tools in many industry areas and research fields. Research to produce more powerful and efficient systems has grown in par with their popularity. As a consequence, the complexity of modern HPC architectures has increased in order to provide systems with the highest levels of performance. This increased complexity has also affected the way HPC systems are programmed. HPC users have to deal with new devices, languages and tools, and this is can be a significant access barrier to people that do not have a deep knowledge in computer science. On par with the evolution of HPC systems, programming models have also evolved to ease the task of developing applications for these machines. Two well-known examples are OpenMP and MPI. The former can be used in shared memory systems and is praised for offering an easy methodology of software development. The latter is more popular because it targets distributed environments but it is considered burdensome to use. Besides these two, many programming models have emerged to propose new methodologies or to handle new hardware devices. One of these models is OmpSs. OmpSs is a programming model for modern HPC systems that is based on OpenMP and StarSs. Developed by the Programming Models group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, it targets the latest generation of HPC systems while benefiting from the ease of use of OpenMP. OmpSs offers asynchronous parallelism with the concept of tasks with data dependencies. These tasks allow the specification of sections of code that can be executed in parallel while the dependencies specify the restrictions about the order in which the tasks can be executed. With this, OmpSs programs can adapt to a many different system configurations while fundamentally still being sequential programs with annotations. This thesis explores the benefits of providing OmpSs the capability to target architectures with complex memory hierarchies. An example of such systems can be the new generation of clusters that use accelerators to power their computing capabilities. The memory hierarchy of these machines is composed of a first level of distributed memory formed by the memory of each individual node, and a second level formed by the private memory of each accelerator devices. Our first contribution shows the implementation of the support of cluster of multi-cores for the OmpSs programming model. We also present two optimizations to boost the performance of applications running on top of cluster systems: a specific task scheduling policy and the addition of slave-to-slave transfers. We evaluate our implementation using a set of benchmarks coded in OmpSs and we also compare them against the same applications implemented using MPI, the most widely used programming model for these systems. We extend our initial implementation in our second contribution, which provides OmpSs with support for clusters of GPUs. We show that OmpSs programs targeting these complex systems are capable of achieving a good performance when compared against MPI+CUDA implementations. The third contribution of this thesis presents an implementation and evaluation of the performance and programmability impact of supporting non-contiguous memory regions. Offering this feature allows applications with complex data accesses to be easily annotated with OmpSs. This is important to widen the spectrum of applications that can be handled by the programming model.Els sistemes de computació d'altes prestacions (CAP) han esdevingut eines importants en diferents sectors industrials i camps de recerca. La recerca per produir sistemes més potents i eficients ha crescut proporcionalment a aquesta popularitat. Com a conseqüència, la complexitat d'aquest tipus de sistemes s'ha incrementat per tal de dotar-los d'altes prestacions. Aquest increment en la complexitat també ha afectat la manera de programar aquest tipus de sistemes. Els usuaris de sistemes CAP han de treballar amb nous dispositius, llenguatges i eines, i això pot convertir-se en una barrera d'entrada significativa per aquelles persones que no tinguin uns alts coneixements informàtics. Seguin l'evolució dels sistemes CAP, els models de programació també han evolucionat per tal de facilitar la tasca de desenvolupar aplicacions per aquests sistemes. Dos exemples ben coneguts son OpenMP i MPI. El primer es pot utilitzar en sistemes de memòria compartida i es reconegut per oferir una metodologia de desenvolupament senzilla. El segon és més popular perquè està dissenyat per sistemes distribuïts, però està considerat difícil d'utilitzar. A part d'aquests dos, altres models de programació han sorgit per proposar noves metodologies o per suportar nous components hardware. Un d'aquests nous models és OmpSs. OmpSs és un model de programació per sistemes CAP moderns que està basat en OpenMP i StarSs. Desenvolupat pel grup de Models de Programació del Barcelona Supercomputing Center, està dissenyat per suportar la darrera generació de sistemes CAP i alhora oferir la facilitat d'us d'OpenMP. OmpSs ofereix paral·lelisme asíncron mitjançant el concepte de tasques amb dependències de dades. Aquestes tasques permeten especificar regions de codi que poden ser executades en paral·lel, mentre que les dependències especifiquen les restriccions sobre l'ordre en que aquestes tasques poden ser executades. Amb això, els programes fets amb OmpSs poden adaptar-se a sistemes amb diferents configuracions tot i ser fonamentalment programes seqüencials amb anotacions. Aquesta tesi explora els beneficis de proveir a OmpSs amb la capacitat de funcionar sobre arquitectures amb jerarquies de memòria complexes. Un exemple d'un sistema així pot ser un dels clústers de nova generació que utilitzen acceleradors per tal d'oferir més capacitat de càlcul. La jerarquia de memòria en aquestes màquines està composada per un primer nivell de memòria distribuïda formada per la memòria de cada node individual, i el segon nivell està format per la memòria privada de cada accelerador. La primera contribució d'aquesta tesi mostra la implementació del suport de clústers de multi-cores pel model de programació OmpSs. També presentem dos optimitzacions per millorar el rendiment de les aplicacions quan s'executen en sistemes clúster: una política de planificació de tasques específica i la incorporació dels missatges entre nodes esclaus. Avaluem la nostra implementació usant un conjunt d'aplicacions programades en OmpSs i també les comparem amb les mateixes aplicacions implementades usant MPI, el model de programació més estès per aquest tipus de sistemes. En la segona contribució estenem la nostra implementació inicial per tal de dotar OmpSs de suport per clústers de GPUs. Mostrem que els programes OmpSs son capaços d'obtenir un bon rendiment sobre aquests tipus de sistemes, fins i tot quan els comparem amb versions implementades usant MPI+CUDA. La tercera contribució descriu la implementació i avaluació del rendiment i de l'impacte de suportar regions de memòria no contigües. Oferir aquesta funcionalitat permet implementar fàcilment amb OmpSs aplicacions amb accessos complexes a memòria, cosa que és important de cara a ampliar l'espectre d'aplicacions que poden ser tractades pel model de programació

    Scalable and Accurate Memory System Simulation

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    Memory systems today possess more complexity than ever. On one hand, main memory technology has a much more diverse portfolio. Other than the mainstream DDR DRAMs, a variety of DRAM protocols have been proliferating in certain domains. Non-Volatile Memory(NVM) also finally has commodity main memory products, introducing more heterogeneity to the main memory media. On the other hand, the scale of computer systems, from personal computers, server computers, to high performance computing systems, has been growing in response to increasing computing demand. Memory systems have to be able to keep scaling to avoid bottlenecking the whole system. However, current memory simulation works cannot accurately or efficiently model these developments, making it hard for researchers and developers to evaluate or to optimize designs for memory systems. In this study, we attack these issues from multiple angles. First, we develop a fast and validated cycle accurate main memory simulator that can accurately model almost all existing DRAM protocols and some NVM protocols, and it can be easily extended to support upcoming protocols as well. We showcase this simulator by conducting a thorough characterization over existing DRAM protocols and provide insights on memory system designs. Secondly, to efficiently simulate the increasingly paralleled memory systems, we propose a lax synchronization model that allows efficient parallel DRAM simulation. We build the first ever practical parallel DRAM simulator that can speedup the simulation by up to a factor of three with single digit percentage loss in accuracy comparing to cycle accurate simulations. We also developed mitigation schemes to further improve the accuracy with no additional performance cost. Moreover, we discuss the limitation of cycle accurate models, and explore the possibility of alternative modeling of DRAM. We propose a novel approach that converts DRAM timing simulation into a classification problem. By doing so we can make predictions on DRAM latency for each memory request upon first sight, which makes it compatible for scalable architecture simulation frameworks. We developed prototypes based on various machine learning models and they demonstrate excellent performance and accuracy results that makes them a promising alternative to cycle accurate models. Finally, for large scale memory systems where data movement is often the performance limiting factor, we propose a set of interconnect topologies and implement them in a parallel discrete event simulation framework. We evaluate the proposed topologies through simulation and prove that their scalability and performance exceeds existing topologies with increasing system size or workloads