4,430 research outputs found

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 320)

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    This bibliography lists 125 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during January, 1989. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 352)

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    This bibliography lists 147 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during July 1991. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Swipe, scroll, add-to-cart: a case study of e-commerce gallery designs for small screen devices

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    With significant increase in mobile online shopping the design of user experiences that promote purchaser decisions and increase sales is highly desirable to retailers and their marketing and digital production companies. Surprisingly little investigation into the usability of product galleries is available to guide the design of product listing pages for e-commerce websites, especially those websites viewed on small screen devices. Our research takes a synergistic view of the design and usability literature and provides a visually guided case study of e-commerce websites on mobile devices. We offer initial guidance to designers based on the insights from a heuristic analysis of current design trends of e-commerce websites viewed on a mobile device

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 341)

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    This bibliography lists 133 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during September 1990. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Interactive Virtual Directory for Shopping Mall (Suria KLCC)

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    As Internet-related technology advances rapidly, the number of system presenting information using VR techniques are also increasing to promote better understanding of information. The use of static directory nowadays is still very much lacking and not encouraging as an information provider. This is due its inability provide user adequate quality information in an interesting and interactive manner. The objective ofthis system is to help shopping mall visitors to know the direction of where they are and where they are going by using simple, intuitive, observable and interactive directory system. With the combination of VR technology and Interactive Directory, an Interactive Virtual Directory for Shopping Mall that provided with adequate information been developed. To form the basis of the system development, a pre-survey questionnaire was conducted to find out customers opinion on static directories. The result of the survey showed that 70% or 35 out of 50 respondents know and understand the VR technology.The results of the analysis provide motivations for the development of the interactive virtual directory system The development of the system is based on the approach proposed by Kulwinder Kaur's design framework which will analyze the requirement and project scope, task and domain of the project, the designation of the environment, designation of user support and navigational tools and also evaluation by determine the prototype and iterative process. The results of an evaluation on the system shows that by having experience on both static and virtual map help user precisely understand the system. However if the mouse click application could be replaced with the touch screen application, it help user to navigate easily. In conclusion, a directory with additional functionalities could be an informative and more usable director

    Enhancing online forms: Use format specifications for fields with format restrictions to help respondents

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    Field format restrictions are often used in online forms to impose certain formatting and content rules on users, such as minimum password length or date entry format. In this study, the question whether and how format restrictions for fields in online forms should be communicated to Internet users was explored. In an online study with n = 166 participants, four ways to communicate format restrictions were investigated: (1) no visual format restriction, (2) format examples, (3) format specifications, and (4) both format restrictions (examples and specifications). Results show that providing details of any format restriction to users in advance leads to significantly fewer errors and trials. The most efficient way to communicate field format restrictions to users is by stating the imposed rule (format specification). Providing an additional example neither helps nor constrains user

    Markkinapaikan transaktioprosessien muokkaukseen sopivan skaalautuvan työkalun suunnittelu

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    The marketplace transaction process defines in which ways the users can create value at the marketplace. Being able to customize the process efficiently is essential for the success of the marketplace business. To be useful, the tool for customizing the transaction processes must correspond to the needs of the marketplace operators and developers. These needs were researched and categorized by using job stories. Additionally, users’ instinctive ways of visualizing their own processes was studied. Deriving from the user research an incremental design for customizing the transaction processes was created. A listing of marketplace transaction processes and their details, and a graphical presentation of a selected process and its details was created to inform the users of their processes, supported by documentation. A command line tool was designed to enable users to observe and customize their transaction processes. A visual tool was designed to enable the users to choose their first transaction process and its functionalities. Analytical evaluation of the designs revealed that informing the users about their process details decreased the number of support tickets requesting information about transaction processes by two thirds. Offering the users a way to choose their initial transaction process was able to meet 66% of users’ initial requirements from the process. Together with the command line tool, these two tools offer users the possibility to get all their transaction process-related needs met.Markkinapaikan transaktioprosessi määrittelee ne tavat, jolla asiakkaat voivat luoda keskenään arvoa markkinapaikalla. Tämän prosessin sujuva muokkaaminen on markkinapaikan valvojalle tämän liiketoiminnan onnistumisen kannalta oleellista. Jotta transaktioprosessin muokkaukseen sopiva työkalu olisi käyttäjilleen hyödyllinen, tulee sen vastata markkinapaikan valvojien ja ohjelmistokehittäjien tarpeita. Näitä tarpeita tutkittiin ja luokiteltiin käyttötarinoiden avulla. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin, kuinka käyttäjät itse visualisoivat prosessinsa. Tutkimustuloksia hyväksikäyttäen luotiin inkrementaalinen suunnitelma transaktioprosessien muokkaamiseen. Käyttäjien tiedottamiseen suunniteltiin dokumentaatio, listaus markkinapaikan prosesseista ja niiden tiedoista, sekä kuvaaja ja mahdollisuus saada yksitoiskohtasta tietoa valituista prosesseista. Muokkaukseen suunniteltiin komentorivityökalu, jonka avulla transaktioprosesseja pystyy tarkastelemaan, muokkamaan ja niiden kelvollisuutta arvioimaan. Ensimmäisen transkatioprosessin valitsemiseen suunniteltiin visuaalinen työkalu, jolla käyttäjä voi valita ensimmäisen prosessinsa ja sen ominaisuuksia. Suunnitelmien analyyttisen arvioinnin mukaan asiakkaiden tiedottaminen heidän prosesseistaan ja niiden yksityiskohdista vähensi transaktiprosesseihin liittyviä kyselyjä kolmannekseen. Tarjoamalla asiakkaille mahdollisuus valita heille sopiva ensimmäinen transaktioprosessi tyydytti 66% tutkitun joukon lähtökohtaisista vaatimuksista. Komentorivityökalu on työkaluna vaativampi mutta tarjoaa laajat mahdollisuude

    Human-Computer Interaction

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    In this book the reader will find a collection of 31 papers presenting different facets of Human Computer Interaction, the result of research projects and experiments as well as new approaches to design user interfaces. The book is organized according to the following main topics in a sequential order: new interaction paradigms, multimodality, usability studies on several interaction mechanisms, human factors, universal design and development methodologies and tools

    Designing Emergency Response Dispatch Systems for Better Dispatcher Performance

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    Emergency response systems are a relatively new and important area of research in the information systems community. While there is a growing body of literature in this research stream, human-computer interaction (HCI) issues concerning the design of emergency response system interfaces have received limited attention. Emergency responders often work in time pressured situations and depend on fast access to key information. One of the problems studied in HCI research is the design of interfaces to improve user information selection and processing performance. Based on cue-summation theory and research findings on parallel processing, associative processing, and hemispheric differences in information processing, this study proposes that information selection of target information in an emergency response dispatch application can be improved by using supplementary cues. Color-coding and sorting are proposed as relevant cues that can improve processing performance by providing prioritization heuristics. An experimental emergency response dispatch application is developed, and user performance is tested under conditions of varying complexity and time pressure. The results suggest that supplementary cues significantly improve performance, with better results often obtained when both cues are used. Additionally, the use of these cues becomes more beneficial as time pressure and task complexity increase

    Impact of website navigation on user experience

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Digital Marketing and AnalyticsThe online interactions between consumers and brands determined the need for companies to have a solid infrastructure to support their users. Furthermore, it is crucial to have a good web navigation system to guarantee that consumers can find, access, and use the information that is displayed within it. But, for customers to be able to navigate successfully, companies must consider the website interface as well. The happy marriage of website architecture and interface creates a cohesive user experience. The present study aims to investigate the effect that website navigation on an e-commerce website. Specifically, in how it can impact Key Performance Indicators such as Conversion Rate, Product Wall View Rate, and Percentage to Product Details Page. The company's subject of study is Company X, specifically Company X’s website. Furthermore, we developed a new main navigation and left-hand navigation design with the aim of improving the User Interface and Experience. We also were able to improve the consumers capacity to accomplish tasks more effectively. eThe model conducted a mixed method approach