162 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Multiplexer based Approximate Adder for Low Power Applications

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    Low power consumption is crucial for error-acceptable multimedia devices, with picture compression approaches leveraging various digital processing architectures and algorithms. Humans can assemble useful information from partially inaccurate outputs in many multimedia applications. As a result, producing exact outputs is not required. The demand for an exact outcome is fading because new innovative systems are forgiving of faults. In the domain where error-tolerance is accepted, approximate computing is a new paradigm that relaxes the requirement for an accurate modeling while offering power, time, and delay benefits. Adders are an essential arithmetic module for regulating power and memory usage in digital systems. The recent implementation and use of approximate adders have been supported by trade-off characteristics such as delay, lower power consumption. This study examines the delay and power consumption of conventional and approximate adders. Also, a simple, fast, and power-efficient multiplexer-based approximate adder is proposed, and its performance outperforms the adders compared with existing adders. The proposed adder can be utilized in error-tolerant and various digital signal processing applications where exact results are not required. The proposed and existing adders are designed using EDA software for the performance calculations. With a delay of 81 pS, the proposed adder circuit reduces power consumption compared to the exact one. The experiment shows that the designed approximate adder can be used to implement circuits for image processing systems because it has a smaller delay and uses less energy

    Image Processing using Approximate Data-path Units

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    abstract: In this work, we present approximate adders and multipliers to reduce data-path complexity of specialized hardware for various image processing systems. These approximate circuits have a lower area, latency and power consumption compared to their accurate counterparts and produce fairly accurate results. We build upon the work on approximate adders and multipliers presented in [23] and [24]. First, we show how choice of algorithm and parallel adder design can be used to implement 2D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithm with good performance but low area. Our implementation of the 2D DCT has comparable PSNR performance with respect to the algorithm presented in [23] with ~35-50% reduction in area. Next, we use the approximate 2x2 multiplier presented in [24] to implement parallel approximate multipliers. We demonstrate that if some of the 2x2 multipliers in the design of the parallel multiplier are accurate, the accuracy of the multiplier improves significantly, especially when two large numbers are multiplied. We choose Gaussian FIR Filter and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms to illustrate the efficacy of our proposed approximate multiplier. We show that application of the proposed approximate multiplier improves the PSNR performance of 32x32 FFT implementation by 4.7 dB compared to the implementation using the approximate multiplier described in [24]. We also implement a state-of-the-art image enlargement algorithm, namely Segment Adaptive Gradient Angle (SAGA) [29], in hardware. The algorithm is mapped to pipelined hardware blocks and we synthesized the design using 90 nm technology. We show that a 64x64 image can be processed in 496.48 µs when clocked at 100 MHz. The average PSNR performance of our implementation using accurate parallel adders and multipliers is 31.33 dB and that using approximate parallel adders and multipliers is 30.86 dB, when evaluated against the original image. The PSNR performance of both designs is comparable to the performance of the double precision floating point MATLAB implementation of the algorithm.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Computer Science 201

    Approximate Computing Survey, Part I: Terminology and Software & Hardware Approximation Techniques

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    The rapid growth of demanding applications in domains applying multimedia processing and machine learning has marked a new era for edge and cloud computing. These applications involve massive data and compute-intensive tasks, and thus, typical computing paradigms in embedded systems and data centers are stressed to meet the worldwide demand for high performance. Concurrently, the landscape of the semiconductor field in the last 15 years has constituted power as a first-class design concern. As a result, the community of computing systems is forced to find alternative design approaches to facilitate high-performance and/or power-efficient computing. Among the examined solutions, Approximate Computing has attracted an ever-increasing interest, with research works applying approximations across the entire traditional computing stack, i.e., at software, hardware, and architectural levels. Over the last decade, there is a plethora of approximation techniques in software (programs, frameworks, compilers, runtimes, languages), hardware (circuits, accelerators), and architectures (processors, memories). The current article is Part I of our comprehensive survey on Approximate Computing, and it reviews its motivation, terminology and principles, as well it classifies and presents the technical details of the state-of-the-art software and hardware approximation techniques.Comment: Under Review at ACM Computing Survey

    Design of approximate overclocked datapath

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    Embedded applications can often demand stringent latency requirements. While high degrees of parallelism within custom FPGA-based accelerators may help to some extent, it may also be necessary to limit the precision used in the datapath to boost the operating frequency of the implementation. However, by reducing the precision, the engineer introduces quantisation error into the design. In this thesis, we describe an alternative circuit design methodology when considering trade-offs between accuracy, performance and silicon area. We compare two different approaches that could trade accuracy for performance. One is the traditional approach where the precision used in the datapath is limited to meet a target latency. The other is a proposed new approach which simply allows the datapath to operate without timing closure. We demonstrate analytically and experimentally that for many applications it would be preferable to simply overclock the design and accept that timing violations may arise. Since the errors introduced by timing violations occur rarely, they will cause less noise than quantisation errors. Furthermore, we show that conventional forms of computer arithmetic do not fail gracefully when pushed beyond the deterministic clocking region. In this thesis we take a fresh look at Online Arithmetic, originally proposed for digit serial operation, and synthesize unrolled digit parallel online arithmetic operators to allow for graceful degradation. We quantify the impact of timing violations on key arithmetic primitives, and show that substantial performance benefits can be obtained in comparison to binary arithmetic. Since timing errors are caused by long carry chains, these result in errors in least significant digits with online arithmetic, causing less impact than conventional implementations.Open Acces

    Designing Approximate Computing Circuits with Scalable and Systematic Data-Driven Techniques

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    Semiconductor feature size has been shrinking significantly in the past decades. This decreasing trend of feature size leads to faster processing speed as well as lower area and power consumption. Among these attributes, power consumption has emerged as the primary concern in the design of integrated circuits in recent years due to the rapid increasing demand of energy efficient Internet of Things (IoT) devices. As a result, low power design approaches for digital circuits have become of great attractive in the past few years. To this end, approximate computing in hardware design has emerged as a promising design technique. It provides design opportunities to improve timing and energy efficiency by relaxing computing quality. This technique is feasible because of the error-resiliency of many emerging resource-hungry computational applications such as multimedia processing and machine learning. Thus, it is reasonable to utilize this characteristic to trade an acceptable amount of computing quality for energy saving. In the literature, most prior works on approximate circuit design focus on using manual design strategies to redesign fundamental computational blocks such as adders and multipliers. However, the manual design techniques are not suitable for system level hardware due to much higher design complexity. In order to tackle this challenge, we focus on designing scalable, systematic and general design methodologies that are applicable on any circuits. In this paper, we present two novel approximate circuit design methods based on machine learning techniques. Both methods skip the complicated manual analysis steps and primarily look at the given input-error pattern to generate approximate circuits. Our first work presents a framework for designing compensation block, an essential component in many approximate circuits, based on feature selection. Our second work further extends and optimizes this framework and integrates data-driven consideration into the design. Several case studies on fixed-width multipliers and other approximate circuits are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. The experimental results show that both of the proposed methods are able to automatically and efficiently design low-error approximate circuits

    Automated Design of Approximate Accelerators

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    In den letzten zehn Jahren hat das Bedürfnis nach Recheneffizienz die Entwicklung neuer Geräte, Architekturen und Entwurfstechniken motiviert. Approximate Computing hat sich als modernes, energieeffizientes Entwurfsparadigma für Anwendungen herausgestellt, die eine inhärente Fehlertoleranz aufweisen. Wenn die Genauigkeit der Ergebnisse in aktuellen Anwendungen wie Bildverarbeitung, Computer Vision und maschinellem Lernen auf ein akzeptables Maß reduziert wird, können Einsparungen im Schaltungsbereich, bei der Schaltkreisverzögerung und beim Stromverbrauch erzielt werden. Mit dem Aufkommen dieses Approximate Computing Paradigmas wurden in der Literatur viele approximierte Funktionseinheiten angegeben, insbesondere approximierte Addierer und Multiplizierer. Für eine Vielzahl solcher approximierter Schaltkreise und unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Verwendung als Bausteine für den Entwurf von approximierten Beschleunigern für fehlertolerante Anwendungen, ergibt sich eine Herausforderung: die Auswahl dieser approximierten Schaltkreise für eine bestimmte Anwendung, die die erforderlichen Ressourcen minimieren und gleichzeitig eine definierte Genauigkeit erfüllen. Diese Dissertation schlägt automatisierte Methoden zum Entwerfen und Implementieren von approximierten Beschleunigern vor, die aus approximierten arithmetischen Schaltungen aufgebaut sind. Um dies zu erreichen, befasst sich diese Dissertation mit folgenden Herausforderungen und liefert die nachfolgenden neuartigen Beiträge: In der Literatur wurden viele approximierte Addierer und Multiplizierer vorgestellt, indem entweder approximierte Entwürfe aus genauen Implementierungen wie dem Ripple-Carry-Addierer vorgeschlagen oder durch Approximate Logic Synthesis (ALS) Methoden generiert wurden. Ein repräsentativer Satz dieser approximierten Komponenten ist erforderlich, um approximierte Beschleuniger zu bauen. In diesem Sinne präsentiert diese Dissertation zwei Ansätze, um solche approximierte arithmetische Schaltungen zu erstellen. Zunächst wird AUGER vorgestellt, ein Tool, mit dem Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Beschreibungen für einen breiten Satz von approximierten Addierern und Multiplizierer für unterschiedliche Datenbitbreiten- und Genauigkeitskonfigurationen generiert werden können. Mit AUGER kann eine Design Space Exploration (DSE) von approximierten Komponenten durchgeführt werden, um diejenigen zu finden, die für eine gegebene Bitbreite, einen gegebenen Approximationsbereich und eine gegebene Schaltungsmetrik Pareto-optimal sind. Anschließend wird AxLS vorgestellt, ein Framework für ALS, das die Implementierung modernster Methoden und den Vorschlag neuartiger Methoden ermöglicht, um strukturelle Netzlistentransformationen durchzuführen und approximierte arithmetische Schaltungen aus genauen Schaltungen zu generieren. Darüber hinaus bieten beide Werkzeuge eine Fehlercharakterisierung in Form einer Fehlerverteilung und Schaltungseigenschaften (Fläche, Schaltkreisverzögerung und Leistung) für jede von ihnen erzeugte approximierte Schaltung. Diese Informationen sind für das Untersuchungsziel dieser Dissertation von wesentlicher Bedeutung. Trotz der Fehlertoleranz müssen approximierte Beschleuniger so ausgelegt sein, dass sie Genauigkeitsvorgaben erfüllen. Für den Entwurf solcher Beschleuniger unter Verwendung von approximierten arithmetischen Schaltungen ist es daher unerlässlich zu bewerten, wie sich die durch approximierte Schaltungen verursachten Fehler durch andere Berechnungen ausbreiten, entweder genau oder ungenau, und sich schließlich am Ausgang ansammeln. Diese Dissertation schlägt analytische Modelle vor, um die Fehlerpropagation durch genaue und approximierte Berechnungen zu beschreiben. Mit ihnen wird eine automatisierte, compilerbasierte Methodik vorgeschlagen, um die Fehlerpropagation auf approximierten Beschleunigerdesigns abzuschätzen. Diese Methode ist in ein Tool, CEDA, integriert, um schnelle, simulationsfreie Genauigkeitsschätzungen von approximierten Beschleunigermodellen durchzuführen, die unter Verwendung von C-Code beschrieben wurden. Beim Entwurf von approximierten Beschleunigern benötigen sich wiederholende Simulationen auf Gate-Level und die Schaltungssynthese viel Zeit, um viele oder sogar alle möglichen Kombinationen für einen gegebenen Satz von approximierten arithmetischen Schaltungen zu untersuchen. Andererseits basieren aktuelle Trends beim Entwerfen von Beschleunigern auf High-Level Synthesis (HLS) Werkzeugen. In dieser Dissertation werden analytische Modelle zur Schätzung der erforderlichen Rechenressourcen vorgestellt, wenn approximierte Addierer und Multiplizierer in Konstruktionen von approximierten Beschleunigern verwendet werden. Darüber hinaus werden diese Modelle zusammen mit den vorgeschlagenen analytischen Modellen zur Genauigkeitsschätzung in eine DSE-Methodik für fehlertolerante Anwendungen, DSEwam, integriert, um Pareto-optimale oder nahezu Pareto-optimale Lösungen für approximierte Beschleuniger zu identifizieren. DSEwam ist in ein HLS-Tool integriert, um automatisch RTL-Beschreibungen von approximierten Beschleunigern aus C-Sprachbeschreibungen für eine bestimmte Fehlerschwelle und ein bestimmtes Minimierungsziel zu generieren. Die Verwendung von approximierten Beschleunigern muss sicherstellen, dass Fehler, die aufgrund von approximierten Berechnungen erzeugt werden, innerhalb eines definierten Maximalwerts für eine gegebene Genauigkeitsmetrik bleiben. Die Fehler, die durch approximierte Beschleuniger erzeugt werden, hängen jedoch von den Eingabedaten ab, die hinsichtlich der für das Design verwendeten Daten unterschiedlich sein können. In dieser Dissertation wird ECAx vorgestellt, eine automatisierte Methode zur Untersuchung und Anwendung feinkörniger Fehlerkorrekturen mit geringem Overhead in approximierten Beschleunigern, um die Kosten für die Fehlerkorrektur auf Softwareebene (wie es in der Literatur gemacht wird) zu senken. Dies erfolgt durch selektive Korrektur der signifikantesten Fehler (in Bezug auf ihre Größenordnung), die von approximierten Komponenten erzeugt werden, ohne die Vorteile der Approximationen zu verlieren. Die experimentelle Auswertung zeigt Beschleunigungsverbesserungen für die Anwendung im Austausch für einen leicht gestiegenen Flächen- und Leistungsverbrauch im approximierten Beschleunigerdesign

    An Energy-Efficient Generic Accuracy Configurable Multiplier Based on Block-Level Voltage Overscaling

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    Voltage Overscaling (VOS) is one of the well-known techniques to increase the energy efficiency of arithmetic units. Also, it can provide significant lifetime improvements, while still meeting the accuracy requirements of inherently error-resilient applications. This paper proposes a generic accuracy-configurable multiplier that employs the VOS at a coarse-grained level (block-level) to reduce the control logic required for applying VOS and its associated overheads, thus enabling a high degree of trade-off between energy consumption and output quality. The proposed configurable Block-Level VOS-based (BL-VOS) multiplier relies on employing VOS in a multiplier composed of smaller blocks, where applying VOS in different blocks results in structures with various output accuracy levels. To evaluate the proposed concept, we implement 8-bit and 16-bit BL-VOS multipliers with various blocks width in a 15-nm FinFET technology. The results show that the proposed multiplier achieves up to 15% lower energy consumption and up to 21% higher output accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art VOS-based multipliers. Also, the effects of Process Variation (PV) and Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) induced delay on the proposed multiplier are investigated. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed multiplier is studied for two different image processing applications, in terms of quality and energy efficiency.Comment: This paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computin

    Approximate and timing-speculative hardware design for high-performance and energy-efficient video processing

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    Since the end of transistor scaling in 2-D appeared on the horizon, innovative circuit design paradigms have been on the rise to go beyond the well-established and ultraconservative exact computing. Many compute-intensive applications – such as video processing – exhibit an intrinsic error resilience and do not necessarily require perfect accuracy in their numerical operations. Approximate computing (AxC) is emerging as a design alternative to improve the performance and energy-efficiency requirements for many applications by trading its intrinsic error tolerance with algorithm and circuit efficiency. Exact computing also imposes a worst-case timing to the conventional design of hardware accelerators to ensure reliability, leading to an efficiency loss. Conversely, the timing-speculative (TS) hardware design paradigm allows increasing the frequency or decreasing the voltage beyond the limits determined by static timing analysis (STA), thereby narrowing pessimistic safety margins that conventional design methods implement to prevent hardware timing errors. Timing errors should be evaluated by an accurate gate-level simulation, but a significant gap remains: How these timing errors propagate from the underlying hardware all the way up to the entire algorithm behavior, where they just may degrade the performance and quality of service of the application at stake? This thesis tackles this issue by developing and demonstrating a cross-layer framework capable of performing investigations of both AxC (i.e., from approximate arithmetic operators, approximate synthesis, gate-level pruning) and TS hardware design (i.e., from voltage over-scaling, frequency over-clocking, temperature rising, and device aging). The cross-layer framework can simulate both timing errors and logic errors at the gate-level by crossing them dynamically, linking the hardware result with the algorithm-level, and vice versa during the evolution of the application’s runtime. Existing frameworks perform investigations of AxC and TS techniques at circuit-level (i.e., at the output of the accelerator) agnostic to the ultimate impact at the application level (i.e., where the impact is truly manifested), leading to less optimization. Unlike state of the art, the framework proposed offers a holistic approach to assessing the tradeoff of AxC and TS techniques at the application-level. This framework maximizes energy efficiency and performance by identifying the maximum approximation levels at the application level to fulfill the required good enough quality. This thesis evaluates the framework with an 8-way SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) hardware accelerator operating into an HEVC encoder as a case study. Application-level results showed that the SAD based on the approximate adders achieve savings of up to 45% of energy/operation with an increase of only 1.9% in BD-BR. On the other hand, VOS (Voltage Over-Scaling) applied to the SAD generates savings of up to 16.5% in energy/operation with around 6% of increase in BD-BR. The framework also reveals that the boost of about 6.96% (at 50°) to 17.41% (at 75° with 10- Y aging) in the maximum clock frequency achieved with TS hardware design is totally lost by the processing overhead from 8.06% to 46.96% when choosing an unreliable algorithm to the blocking match algorithm (BMA). We also show that the overhead can be avoided by adopting a reliable BMA. This thesis also shows approximate DTT (Discrete Tchebichef Transform) hardware proposals by exploring a transform matrix approximation, truncation and pruning. The results show that the approximate DTT hardware proposal increases the maximum frequency up to 64%, minimizes the circuit area in up to 43.6%, and saves up to 65.4% in power dissipation. The DTT proposal mapped for FPGA shows an increase of up to 58.9% on the maximum frequency and savings of about 28.7% and 32.2% on slices and dynamic power, respectively compared with stat
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