448 research outputs found

    The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Volume 1 Issue 1

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    Collaborative Mobile-Learning Systems for Music Education and Training

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    The Development and Evaluation of the Hearing Intervention Battery in Arabic (HIBA) for Auditory Perception in Children with Cochlear Implants

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    The Hearing Intervention Battery in Arabic (HIBA), is a multi-modal auditory training intervention, that was developed based on the recommendations from our published systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of auditory training (AT) for children with cochlear implants (CIs). HIBA was primarily intended to help improve speech and pitch perception in Arabic-speaking children with CIs. Due to the lack of auditory and speech assessment tools for the Arabic language, the A-CAPT, an Arabic version of the English Chear Auditory Perception Test (CAPT) was developed. The A-CAPT was validated prior its use in this project with 26 children with typical hearing. There was a strong agreement between the test and retest measures and normative data and the critical difference values were calculated which were similar to the British English CAPT. A randomized control trial (RCT) to evaluate the HIBA training programme was conducted with 14, 5- to 13-year-old Arabic-speaking children with CIs. The control group received art training following step-by-step drawing and face-paint exercises while the HIBA multi-modal training group received games involving communication interactions (DiaPix), speech cue discrimination (Alefbata.com), and pitch discrimination (musical discrimination using a keyboard). All tasks were interactive and designed to be completed by the children together with their parents or caregivers. There was a double baseline measurement, followed by a 4-week intervention period before a post intervention assessment. There was a significant improvement in consonant perception for children who received the HIBA multi-modal training intervention but this was not observed in the active control group. There was some evidence of generalization of learning, as observed by improvements in the non-trained task (phoneme discrimination) for the intervention group but not for controls. It was unclear if one particular element of the HIBA led to these improvements. Parents were actively involved in the multi-modal training group and their feedback indicated that the most preferred part of multi-modal training was the communication interaction tasks using the Diapix. To understand which element of the HIBA led to improvements in speech perception and whether the duration of training and sample size masked any gains, a trial forward in a larger scale should be conducted. In addition, to improve the quality of evidence of the study, collaboration is need to achieve a double blinded study and minimize bias. Findings of this project may suggest that children with CIs and their parents can benefit from regular and sustained access to age-appropriate auditory training materials and activities. In addition, findings would extend the current understanding of the impact of auditory training on CI outcomes in children and provide inspiration for a more comprehensive rehabilitation scheme for CI users

    Preparing to Teach, Committing to Learn: An Introduction to Educating Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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    Preparing to Teach is an open-source eBook on deaf education for students and faculty in professional preparation programs, practitioners in deaf education, and families of children who are DHH. Although the focus is on deaf-education teachers who are providing services to students who are DHH, the text is useful to students and faculty in related fields including speech-language pathology, audiology, and special education. Because the text is introductory in nature it covers a broad range of topics and does not replace texts that go into more depth on a particular aspect of deaf education. The text includes references and additional recommended readings and resources for further study. The text addresses the range of communication options used by students in deaf education with an emphasis on listening and spoken language approaches and strategies that have often been only minimally addressed in introductory texts. References and resources for further study of approaches that are primarily visual are included.https://griffinshare.fontbonne.edu/oer-books/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Estado del arte sobre los procesos de alfabetización en la comunidad sorda colombiana desde el año 2000 hasta el 2018

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    El presente trabajo de grado titulado Estado del Arte sobre los procesos de alfabetización de la comunidad sorda colombiana durante 2000-2018, presenta una búsqueda y análisis bibliográfico de la literatura producida en el contexto colombiano de los diferentes aspectos que se vinculan con la alfabetización de personas sordas. La teoría que se aborda en esta investigación se encuentra enmarcada dentro de dos ejes. Para empezar, se aborda la comprensión lectora, y dentro del capítulo se retoman los conceptos pertinentes a la enseñanza de lengua castellana en las instituciones educativas colombianas; de allí, se desprende la comprensión lectora en estudiantes sordos, en cuyo apartado se discuten los obstáculos que surgen en el proceso de aprendizaje de lectura en segunda lengua. Al final de esta sección, se desarrolla la idea de bilingüismo dentro de la misma comunidad. Dentro del marco metodológico se señala que la investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y es de tipo descriptivo. Para este proceso, se realizó la búsqueda de palabras claves dentro de las bases de datos académicas provistas por la universidad. En este primer rastreo de información surgieron un total de 340 resultados, dentro de los cuales se resaltaron dos tipos de documentos: investigaciones y artículos especializados. De estos, sólo el 8% cumplió con los requerimientos necesarios para la investigación que se pretende realizar porque se adaptaron a la población que estamos investigando, con temáticas específicas en educación y que se acoplan al contexto colombiano. Para el desarrollo del análisis de la investigación se tuvieron en cuenta una serie de pasos. En primer lugar, se organiza la información de forma tal que se pueda clasificar y darles unas categorías pertinentes a los documentos. En segundo lugar, se identifican las propuestas teóricas en estos textos recopilados. En tercer y último lugar, se establecen perspectivas metodológicas que se desarrollaron en todas las investigaciones para entablar relaciones entre sí. Es así como se encuentran dos tendencias investigativas al trabajar la educación en Sordos. La primera, tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el aula, y la segunda, el desarrollo de la habilidad escrita y comprensión lectora con escolares sordos. Los resultados del análisis, que apuntan a describir los patrones de escrutinio, tendencias y temáticas de investigación, se encuentran en la fase final de desarrollo.This degree work entitled State of the Art on the Colombian deaf community processes of literacy between 2000-2018, presents a bibliographic search and analysis of the literature constructed in the Colombian context about the different aspects that are interconnected to deaf people’s literacy. The theory addressed in this research is framed within two axes. To begin with, reading comprehension is addressed, and inside the chapter the pertinent concepts concerning Spanish teaching in Colombian educational establishments are explained too; hence, reading comprehension in deaf students emerges, at which section the obstacles that arise in the learning process of reading in second language are discussed. At the end of this segment, the notion of bilingualism in the aforementioned community is expounded. Within the methodological framework, it is specified that the research has a qualitative approach and it is also descriptive. For this process, the search of key words in academic databases provided by the university was carried out. In the first tracking of information, a total of 340 results appeared, among which two types of documents were highlighted: research and specialized articles. From these investigations, only 8% fulfilled the needed requirements for the research that was being conducted, but mainly because they were adapted to the researched population discussing education into the Colombian context. To perform the analysis of the investigation, a series of steps were executed. First, the information was organized in such a way that it could be classified and given relevant categories to the documents. Second, the theoretical proposals in these collected texts were identified. Finally, methodological perspectives were established which were developed in all the researches to establish relationships among them. Following such steps, two tendencies were found. First, information and communication technologies in the classroom, and second, the development of written skills and reading comprehension with deaf scholars. The results of the analysis, which aimed to describe the scrutiny patterns, trends and research themes, are in the final phase of development.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Metodologías educativas para niños sordos apoyadas en tecnología móvil y realidad extendida: un análisis sistemático de literatura

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    This study aims to identify Teaching-Learning (TL) methodologies applied in conjunction with mobile and extended reality applications developed for the deaf community. A systematic literature review of mixed type, cross-sectional between 2016 and 2020, focused on educational mobile applications for deaf children in basic school age is presented, emphasizing the type of methodology and support strategies used, as well as the type of extended reality. development and use technology. The results show little literature that records TL applications for children, the most used communication system is sign language. There are few applications that record the use of collaborative strategies, but playful ones that combine memory, cognitive, metacognitive, metacognitive and affective techniques. Regarding the type of development technology, Android applications supported by multimedia elements stand out, followed by the use of Augmented Reality and a minority for other XR technologie

    English Teachers’ Professional Development for Guiding the English Learning Process in Inclusive Classrooms

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    Esta investigación surge de la reflexión sobre el desempeño de la enseñanza del inglés para la enseñanza del inglés en aulas inclusivas que tienen estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva. Este estudio de investigación puede ayudar (EFL) a los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera a facilitar las clases de inglés para estudiantes con discapacidades auditivas en una clase inclusiva. Posteriormente, los estudiantes con discapacidades auditivas pueden recibir ayuda en su proceso de aprendizaje como consecuencia de la conciencia de los docentes en la revisión de la planificación de la clase para crear un entorno inclusivo y existente y significativo. La metodología de investigación que se utilizó en el presente estudio fue la investigación cualitativa. El investigador utilizó la metodología de investigación cualitativa para observar, describir e interpretar actividades y situaciones sobre el desarrollo profesional de los profesores de inglés para guiar el proceso de aprendizaje de inglés en aulas inclusivas. Se creó una propuesta pedagógica sostenida en los talleres aplicados a la pedagogía como modelo de enseñanza y aprendizaje, lo que promueve un tiempo de reflexión relacionado con las prácticas actuales de los profesores de inglés en aulas inclusivas. Después de la implementación de los talleres surgieron algunos hallazgos significativos. Por ejemplo, los profesores de inglés promovieron el aprendizaje cooperativo como una estrategia de enseñanza exitosa que aprovecha las diferencias de los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, todos en la clase pueden aprovechar la diversidad. Como resultado de la implementación de los talleres, los profesores de inglés planificaron cambios en las metodologías actuales de enseñanza del inglés, es decir, los profesores de inglés centraron sus metodologías de enseñanza a través de las exposiciones y la fluidez en la comunicación que el aprendizaje de las reglas gramaticales. En consecuencia, los resultados del presente estudio pueden proporcionar información fundamental para el desarrollo profesional de los profesores de inglés en relación con la implementación de diferentes estrategias en el aula que pueden facilitar el aprendizaje de los alumnos D / HH en un contexto de integración o inclusivo. De esta manera, los estudiantes de D / HH pueden avanzar en su proceso de aprendizaje como consecuencia de la conciencia de los maestros en la adaptación de la planificación de la clase para crear un entorno de investigación real y significativo.This research emerges from the reflection about English-teaching performance for teaching English in inclusive classrooms that have hearing impaired students. This research study can help (EFL) English as foreign language teachers to ease English classes to hearing impaired students in an inclusive class. Subsequently, hearing impaired students can be aided in their learning process as a consequence of teachers‘ consciousness in the revision of the class planning in order to create and existent and meaningful inclusive environment. The research methodology that was used in the current study was qualitative research. The researcher used the qualitative research methodology to observe, describe, and interpret activities and situations about English teachers‘ professional development for guiding the English learning process in inclusive classrooms. A pedagogical proposal was created sustained in the workshops applied to the pedagogy as a model of teaching and learning, this promote a reflection time related to English teachers‘ current practices in inclusive classrooms. After the implementation of the workshops emerged some significant findings. For instance, the teachers of English promoted cooperative learning as a successful teaching strategy that takes advantage of students‘ differences. Therefore, everyone in the class can take advantage of diversity. As a result of the implementation of the workshops the teachers of English, planned changes in the current English teaching methodologies, namely, the teachers of English focused their teaching methodologies through the expositions and fluency communication than the learning of grammar rules. Consequently, the results of the present study can provide fundamental information for English teacher‘s professional development concerning the implementation of different classroom strategies that can facilitate D/HH students learning in an integration or inclusive context. In this way, D/HH learners can advance in their learning process as a consequence of the teachers` awareness in the adaptation of class planning in order to create a real and meaningful research environment

    Experiential Perspectives on Sound and Music for Virtual Reality Technologies

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    This thesis examines the intersection of sound, music, and virtuality within current and next-generation virtual reality technologies, with a specific focus on exploring the experiential perspectives of users and participants within virtual experiences. The first half of the thesis constructs a new theoretical model for examining intersections of sound and virtual experience. In Chapter 1, a new framework for virtual experience is constructed consisting of three key elements: virtual hardware (e.g., displays, speakers); virtual software (e.g., rules and systems of interaction); and virtual externalities (i.e., physical spaces used for engaging in virtual experiences). Through using and applying this new model, methodical examinations of complex virtual experiences are possible. Chapter 2 examines the second axis of the thesis through constructing an understanding of how sound is designed, implemented, and received within virtual reality. The concept of soundscapes is explored in the context of experiential perspectives, serving as a useful approach for describing received auditory phenomena. Auditory environments are proposed as a new model for exploring how auditory phenomena can be broadcast to audiences. Chapter 3 explores how inauthenticity within sound can impact users in virtual experience and uses authenticity to critically examine challenges surrounding sound in virtual reality. Constructions of authenticity in music performance are used to illustrate how authenticity is constructed within virtual experience. Chapter 4 integrates music into the understanding of auditory phenomena constructed throughout the thesis: music is rarely part of the created world in a virtual experience. Rather, it is typically something which only the audience – as external observers of the created world – can hear. Therefore, music within immersive virtual reality may be challenging as the audience is placed within the created world.The second half of this thesis uses this theoretical model to consider contemporary and future approaches to virtual experiences. Chapter 5 constructs a series of case studies to demonstrate the use of the framework as a trans-medial and intra/inter-contextual tool of analysis. Through use of the framework, varying approaches to implementation of sound and music in virtual reality technologies are considered, which reveals trans-medial commonalities of immersion and engagement with virtual experiences through sound. Chapter 6 examines near-future technologies, including brain-computer interfaces and other full-immersion technologies, to identify key issues in the design and implementation of future virtual experiences and suggest how interdisciplinary collaboration may help to develop solutions to these issues. Chapter 7 considers how the proposed model for virtuality might allow for methodical examination of similar issues within other fields, such as acoustics and architecture, and examines the ethical considerations that may become relevant as virtual technology develops within the 21st Century.This research explores and rationalises theoretical models of virtuality and sound. This permits designers and developers to improve the implementation of sound and music in virtual experiences for the purpose of improving user outcomes.<br/