3 research outputs found

    Desain Kontroler Pd-Lqr Dengan Upso Untuk Optimalisasi Pengaturan Crane Anti Ayun

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    Crane merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk mengangkat dan memindahkan muatan pada jalur yang telah ditentukan. Pada saat alat ini bergerak memindahkan beban, maka beban akan terayun dengan besar sudut ayun tertentu mengikuti perubahan kecepatan perpindahan crane. Optimalisasi pengaturan diperlukan sehingga alat ini dapat memindahkan beban dengan cepat dengan ayunan.yang sekecil mungkin namun dengan fungsi biaya yang seminimal mungkin. Pada tesis ini dikembangkan kontroler crane anti ayun yang mampu mengoptimalkan fungsi fitnees dan syarat kendala yang dihadapi. Kontroler PDLQR dipilih karena kemampuannya mengatur plant dalam daerah steady state. Algoritma uPSO dipakai untuk mencari matriks Q dan R yang tepat untuk mendesain kontroler PD-LQR yang mampu mengkompromikan syarat fungsi biaya, persentase overshoot, waktu settling dan juga dapat mengurangi ayunan beban dan steady state error yang terjadi. Dari hasil penelitian dan implementasi diperoleh bahwa matriks Q dan R hasil optimasi dengan uPSO akan menghasilkan kontroler PD-LQR yang lebih baik dalam menjaga ayunan beban crane. Sedangkan kontroler PD-LQR type I optimasi uPSO akan menurunkan pemakaian energi kontrol rata-rata dan menjaga ayunan beban semakin kecil. ========================================================================================================= Crane is one of the tools used to lift and move the existing load on a predetermined path. When the crane moved the load, it swinged with certain angle depends on speed change of the moving crane. Therefore optimization of settings required to be able moves cranecranes quickly and with swing as small as possible to load but with a minimum cost function is quite eminent. In this thesis developed anti sway crane controller that is able to optimize the functions and requirements fitnees obstacles encountered. PD-LQR controller is chosen for its ability to regulate plant in steady state area. UPSO algorithm is used to find the matrix Q and R is right for PD-LQR controller design that is capable of compromising the cost function terms, the percentage of overshoot, settling time and also can reduce the load swing and steady state error that occurred. This research implies that optimization of the matrix Q and R with uPSO would produce better PD-LQR controller in order to maintain the crane’s swing load. While PD-LQR controller type I uPSO optimization would reduce the average energy consumption control and maintain smaller swing load

    Bond Graph Modeling and Control of Induction Motor used in Ladle Cranes

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    Initially when power is supplied, induction motor runs at its rated speed with the recommended specifications and varying applications. Control of the motorrsquo;s speed with the improvement of the induction motorrsquo;s dynamic and steady state characteristics which are non-linear in nature, has been possible due to the advancement of electronics. The popularity of this motor has resulted into lot of research including the transient behavior of the motor. A methodology based on modeling capabilities along with control and its computer simulation has been proposed in this paper and is represented by dynamic modeling of three-phase four pole induction motor. When physical modeling of systems is necessary the bond graph approach is good, again it is also a good tool for combining different energy domains. Dependencies between different components can easily be found through the method of bond graph. This study was conducted on the basis of parameters collected from different ladle cranes motors of Durgapur Steel Plant in India