18 research outputs found

    Keilaavan millimetriaaltoradiolinkin suuntaaminen ja seuraaminen

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    In order to provide high-throughput mobile broadband in a dense urban information society, upcoming cellular networks will finally employ the under-utilized millimeter-wave (mmW) frequencies. The challenging mmW radio environment, however, necessitates massive cell densification with wireless backhauling using very directional links. This thesis investigates how these links between access points may be aligned efficiently, and how alignment reflects the network organization. The work provides a thorough presentation of different high-level aspects and background information required when designing a mmW small cell system. In terms of alignment functionality, both automatic link establishment and proactive tracking are considered. Additionally, the presentation includes an overview of beam steerable antennas, mmW propagation in urban environments, and network organization. The thesis further specifies requirements, proposes possible approaches and compares those with existing implementations. Most of existing mmW beam alignment solutions are intended for short-range indoor communications and do not address the issues in cellular systems. While existing functionality considers only a single link between two devices, efficient design should consider both the entire network and the underlying phenomena. The devices should further exploit the existing network infrastructure, location and orientation information, and the concepts of machine learning. Even though the world has recently seen advancements in the related fields, there is still much work to be done before commercial deployment is possible.Seuraavan sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmien erittäin nopeissa datayhteyksissä tullaan hyödyntämään millimetriaaltoteknologiaa. Näillä taajuuksilla radioympäristö on kuitenkin hyvin haastava, mikä edellyttää verkon solutiheyden moninkertaistamista, täysin langattomia tukiasemia ja erittäin suuntaavia antenneja. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan eri keinoja kuinka tukiasemien väliset linkit kohdistetaan tehokkaasti, ja miten se vaikuttaa verkon rakenteeseen ja hallintaan. Työ tarjoaa kattavan taustaselvityksen mm-aaltosoluverkon toteuttamiseen tarvittavista asioista. Keilanohjausta tarkastellaan sekä verkon automaattisen laajentamisen että kohteen aktiivisen seurauksen kannalta. Tämän lisäksi työssä tutkitaan keilattavia antenneja, mm-aaltojen etenemistä kaupunkiympäristöissä ja verkkorakennetta. Näiden lisäksi työssä rajataan edellytykset, esitetään mahdollisia ratkaisuja, ja vertaillaan näitä olemassa oleviin toteutuksiin. Nykyiset keilaustoteutukset ovat pääasiassa suunniteltu lyhyen kantaman sisäyhteyksille, eivätkä siten vastaa ongelman asettelua. Aikaisempi toiminnallisuus keskittyy yhteen ainoaan linkkiin vaikka tehokas toteutus huomioisi koko järjestelmän kohdistusongelman fysikaalista perustaa unohtamatta. Verkkolaitteiden tulisi hyödyntää olemassa olevaa radioverkkoa, sekä paikka- että suuntatietoja, ja koneoppimisen keinoja. Vaikka aiheeseen liittyvä teknologia on kehittynyt viime vuosina harppauksin, mm-aaltosoluverkot ovat kaikkea muuta kuin valmiita markkinoille

    Improving Energy Efficiency of OFDM Using Adaptive Precision Reconfigurable FFT

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    International audienceBeing an essential issue in digital systems, especially battery-powered devices, energy efficiency has been the subject of intensive research. In this research, a multi-precision FFT module with dynamic run-time reconfigurability is proposed to trade off accuracy with the energy efficiency of OFDM in an SDR-based architecture. To support variable-size FFT, a reconfigurable memory-based architecture is investigated. It is revealed that the radix-4 FFT has the minimum computational complexity in this architecture. Regarding implementation constraints such as fixed-width memory, a noise model is exploited to statistically analyze the proposed architecture. The required FFT word-lengths for different criteria—namely BER, modulation scheme, FFT size, and SNR—are computed analytically and confirmed by simulations in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. At run-time, the most energy-efficient word-length is chosen and the FFT is reconfigured until the required application-specific BER is met. Evaluations show that the implementation area and the number of memory accesses are reduced. The results obtained from synthesizing basic operators of the proposed design on an FPGA show energy consumption experienced a saving of over 80 %

    Optimization of Spectrum Management in Massive Array Antenna Systems with MIMO

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    Fifth generation (5G), is being considered as a revolutionary technology in the telecommunication domain whose the challenges are mainly to achieve signal quality and great ability to work with free spectrum in the millimetre waves. Besides, other important innovations are the introduction of a more current architecture and the use of multiple antennas in transmission and reception. Digital communication using multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) wireless links has recently emerged as one of the most significant technical advances in modern communications. MIMO technology is able to offer a large increase in the capacity of these systems, without requiring a considerable increase in bandwidth or power required for transmission. This dissertation presents an overview of theoretical concepts of MIMO systems. With such a system a spatial diversity gain can be obtained by using space-time codes, which simultaneously exploit the spatial domain and the time domain. SISO, SIMO and MISO systems are differentiated by their channel capacity and their configuration in relation to the number of antennas in the transmitter/receiver. To verify the effectiveness of the MIMO systems a comparison between the capacity of SISO and MIMO systems has been performed using the Shannon’s principles. In the MIMO system some variations in the number of antennas arrays have been considered, and the superiority of transmission gains of the MIMO systems have been demonstrated. Combined with millimetre waves (mmWaves) technology, massive MIMO systems, where the number of antennas in the base station and the number of users are large, is a promising solution. SDR implementations have been performed considering a platform with Matlab code applied to MIMO 2x2 Radio and Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). A detailed study was initially conducted to analyze the architecture of the USRP. Complex structures of MIMO systems can be simplified by using mathematical methods implemented in Matlab for the synchronization of the USRP in the receiver side. SISO transmission and reception techniques have been considered to refine the synchronization (with 16-QAM), thus facilitating the future implementation of the MIMO system. OpenAirInterface has been considered for 4G and 5G implementations of actual mobile radio communication systems. Together with the practical MIMO, this type of solution is the starting point for future hardware building blocks involving massive MIMO systems.A quinta geração (5G) está sendo considerada uma tecnologia revolucionária no setor de telecomunicações, cujos desafios são principalmente a obtenção de qualidade de sinal e grande capacidade de trabalhar com espectro livre nas ondas milimétricas. Além disso, outras inovações importantes são a introdução de uma arquitetura mais atual e o uso de múltiplas antenas em transmissão e recepção. A comunicação digital usando ligaçõe sem fio de múltiplas entradas e múltiplas saídas (MIMO) emergiu recentemente como um dos avanços técnicos mais significativos nas comunicações modernas. A tecnologia MIMO é capaz de oferecer um elevado aumento na capacidade, sem exigir um aumento considerável na largura de banda ou potência transmitida. Esta dissertação apresenta uma visão geral dos conceitos teóricos dos sistemas MIMO. Com esses sistemas, um ganho de diversidade espacial pode ser obtido utilizando códigos espaço-tempo reais. Os sistemas SISO, SIMO e MISO são diferenciados pela capacidade de seus canais e a sua configuração em relação ao número de antenas no emissor/receptor. Para verificar a eficiência dos sistemas MIMO, realizou-se uma comparação entre a capacidade dos sistemas SISO e MIMO utilizado os princípios de Shannon. Nos sistemas MIMO condecideraram-se algumas variações no número de agregados de antenas, e a superioridade dos ganhos de transmissão dos sistemas MIMO foi demonstrada. Combinado com a tecnologia de ondas milimétricas (mmWaves), os sistemas massivos MIMO, onde o número de antenas na estação base e o número de usuários são grandes, são uma solução promissora. As implementações do SDR foram realizadas considerando uma plataforma com código Matlab aplicado aos rádios MIMO 2x2 e Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). Um estudo detalhado foi inicialmente conduzido para analisar a arquitetura da USRP. Estruturas complexas de sistemas MIMO podem ser simplificadas usando métodos matemáticos implementados no Matlab para a sincronização do USRP no lado do receptor. Consideraram-se técnicas de transmissão e recepção SISO para refinar a sincronização (com 16-QAM), facilitando assim a implementação futura do sistema MIMO . Considerou-se o OpenAirInterface para implementações 4G e 5G de sistemas reais de comunicações móveis. Juntamente com o MIMO na pratica, este tipo de solução é o ponto de partida para futuros blocos de construção de hardware envolvendo sistemas MIMO massivos

    Modulation, Coding, and Receiver Design for Gigabit mmWave Communication

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    While wireless communication has become an ubiquitous part of our daily life and the world around us, it has not been able yet to deliver the multi-gigabit throughput required for applications like high-definition video transmission or cellular backhaul communication. The throughput limitation of current wireless systems is mainly the result of a shortage of spectrum and the problem of congestion. Recent advancements in circuit design allow the realization of analog frontends for mmWave frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz, making abundant unused spectrum accessible. However, the transition to mmWave carrier frequencies and GHz bandwidths comes with new challenges for wireless receiver design. Large variations of the channel conditions and high symbol rates require flexible but power-efficient receiver designs. This thesis investigates receiver algorithms and architectures that enable multi-gigabit mmWave communication. Using a system-level approach, the design options between low-power time-domain and power-hungry frequency-domain signal processing are explored. The system discussion is started with an analysis of the problem of parameter synchronization in mmWave systems and its impact on system design. The proposed synchronization architecture extends known synchronization techniques to provide greater flexibility regarding the operating environments and for system efficiency optimization. For frequency-selective environments, versatile single-carrier frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) offers not only excellent channel equalization, but also the possibility to integrate additional baseband tasks without overhead. Hence, the high initial complexity of SC-FDE needs to be put in perspective to the complexity savings in the other parts of the baseband. Furthermore, an extension to the SC-FDE architecture is proposed that allows an adaptation of the equalization complexity by switching between a cyclic-prefix mode and a reduced block length overlap-save mode based on the delay spread. Approaching the problem of complexity adaptation from time-domain, a high-speed hardware architecture for the delayed decision feedback sequence estimation (DDFSE) algorithm is presented. DDFSE uses decision feedback to reduce the complexity of the sequence estimation and allows to set the system performance between the performance of full maximum-likelihood detection and pure decision feedback equalization. An implementation of the DDFSE architecture is demonstrated as part of an all-digital IEEE802.11ad baseband ASIC manufactured in 40nm CMOS. A flexible architecture for wideband mmWave receivers based on complex sub-sampling is presented. Complex sub-sampling combines the design advantages of sub-sampling receivers with the flexibility of direct-conversion receivers using a single passive component and a digital compensation scheme. Feasibility of the architecture is proven with a 16Gb/s hardware demonstrator. The demonstrator is used to explore the potential gain of non-equidistant constellations for high-throughput mmWave links. Specifically crafted amplitude phase-shift keying (APSK) modulation achieve 1dB average mutual information (AMI) advantage over quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in simulation and on the testbed hardware. The AMI advantage of APSK can be leveraged for a practical transmission using Polar codes which are trained specifically for the constellation

    Nouvelle méthode d'estimation des différences de temps d'arrivée pour la localisation des objets connectés haut débit

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    The forthcoming vision of Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) will immerse people in so-called Smart Environments involving a great number of sectors of applications such as smart habitat, smart-cities, environment monitoring, e-health… IoT and IoE tend to make everyday objects readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable and controllable via the widespread wireless deployment and the internet. Among these capabilities, localization and more extensively the ubiquitous positioning will play, in the next future, a key role to promote another emerging vision: a spatio-temporal Internet of Places (IoP), which would be able to structure and organize, by means of wireless energy aware approaches, the spatial content of Internet. It is well known that in wireless local and personal area networks, the spectrum congestion, the low energy efficiency communications and the insufficient exploitation of the spatial resources are among the factors that may slow down its development in terms of throughput and autonomy. To overcome these unavoidable restrictions, wireless localization technology, as the mechanism for discovering spatio-temporal relationship between connected objects, appears here also as one of the key solutions. This is because dedicated localization techniques in wireless communication can help in developing more extensively the exploitation of spatial resources and allow driving optimized routing for low energy multi-hop communication and spectrum decongestion for Green ICT (Information and Communication Technology). To propose optimized systems achieving both high data rate communication and precise localization, we define a well suited TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) based method able to perform localization based on communication signals and data only. With this technique, unlike conventional TDOA estimations, it is possible to drastically decrease the complexity of required infrastructures by using either SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output), MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) configurations in connected objects. This whole study is made within the framework of the IEEE 802.11ad standard and WiGig alliance specifications, however the proposed solutions are compatible with other standards and can be extended to other context aware applications requiring localization inputs such as robotics for example or smart shopping...La vision future de l'internet des objets (IdO) et Internet du Tout (OIE) plongera les personnes soi-disant environnements intelligents impliquant un grand nombre de secteurs d'applications telles que l'habitat intelligent, smart-villes, surveillance de l'environnement, l'e-santé ... IdO et l'OIE ont tendance à faire des objets du quotidien lisible, identifiable, localisable, adressable et contrôlable via le déploiement sans fil généralisée et l'Internet. Parmi ces capacités, la localisation et plus largement le positionnement omniprésente joueront, dans un proche avenir, un rôle clé pour promouvoir une autre vision émergente: un Internet spatio-temporelle des lieux (IoP), qui serait en mesure de structurer et d'organiser, par des moyens des approches sans fil d'énergie savez, le contenu spatial d'Internet. Il est bien connu que dans les réseaux locaux sans fil et personnelles, l'encombrement du spectre, les communications à faible efficacité énergétique et l'exploitation insuffisante des ressources spatiales sont parmi les facteurs qui peuvent ralentir son développement en termes de débit et de l'autonomie. Pour surmonter ces restrictions inévitables, la technologie de localisation sans fil, comme le mécanisme pour découvrir relation spatio-temporelle entre les objets connectés, apparaît ici aussi comme une des solutions clés. Ce est parce que les techniques de localisation dédiés à la communication sans fil peuvent aider à développer plus largement l'exploitation des ressources spatiales et de permettre la conduite routage optimisé pour une faible énergie communication multi-hop et la décongestion du spectre pour Green ICT (Information et Communication Technology). Pour proposer des systèmes optimisés atteindre à la fois la communication des taux de données élevés et la localisation précise, nous définissons un TDOA bien adapté (Time Difference of Arrival) méthode basée en mesure d'effectuer la localisation basée sur des signaux de communication et de données seulement. Avec cette technique, contrairement estimations TDOA classiques, il est possible de diminuer considérablement la complexité des infrastructures nécessaires en utilisant des configurations SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output), MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) ou MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) dans les objets connectés . Toute cette étude est faite dans le cadre de l'IEEE 802.11ad spécifications de l'alliance standard et WiGig, mais les solutions proposées sont compatibles avec d'autres normes et peuvent être étendues à d'autres applications de contexte courant nécessitant entrées de localisation tels que la robotique par exemple ou de shopping intelligent..

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics