1,030 research outputs found

    Pixel: A Tool for Creative Design with Physical Materials and Computation

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    Creating information systems that sense and respond to the physical environment is a complex activity, requiring technical skills from disparate areas of practice, such as computer programming and electronic circuitry. Although recent tools have lowered barriers to creating such systems, they tend to be too technical and constraining for creating systems to be a feasible everyday activity. These tools often rely on traditional interaction techniques and draw makers’ attention away from the system being built, thereby limiting makers’ physical movement, removing systems from their use context, and preventing contextualized experimentation with system designs. This thesis explores techniques for designing tools with support for making systems a more feasible everyday activity. I present the novel design and evaluation of such a tool called Pixel designed to let makers use intuitive knowledge derived from experience with the physical world, rather than technical expertise, in creating custom information systems in the course of everyday life

    Technology and skills in the construction industry

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    Interactive Technologies for the Public Sphere Toward a Theory of Critical Creative Technology

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    Digital media cultural practices continue to address the social, cultural and aesthetic contexts of the global information economy, perhaps better called ecology, by inventing new methods and genres that encourage interactive engagement, collaboration, exploration and learning. The theoretical framework for creative critical technology evolved from the confluence of the arts, human computer interaction, and critical theories of technology. Molding this nascent theoretical framework from these seemingly disparate disciplines was a reflexive process where the influence of each component on each other spiraled into the theory and practice as illustrated through the Constructed Narratives project. Research that evolves from an arts perspective encourages experimental processes of making as a method for defining research principles. The traditional reductionist approach to research requires that all confounding variables are eliminated or silenced using methods of statistics. However, that noise in the data, those confounding variables provide the rich context, media, and processes by which creative practices thrive. As research in the arts gains recognition for its contributions of new knowledge, the traditional reductive practice in search of general principles will be respectfully joined by methodologies for defining living principles that celebrate and build from the confounding variables, the data noise. The movement to develop research methodologies from the noisy edges of human interaction have been explored in the research and practices of ludic design and ambiguity (Gaver, 2003); affective gap (Sengers et al., 2005b; 2006); embodied interaction (Dourish, 2001); the felt life (McCarthy & Wright, 2004); and reflective HCI (Dourish, et al., 2004). The theory of critical creative technology examines the relationships between critical theories of technology, society and aesthetics, information technologies and contemporary practices in interaction design and creative digital media. The theory of critical creative technology is aligned with theories and practices in social navigation (Dourish, 1999) and community-based interactive systems (Stathis, 1999) in the development of smart appliances and network systems that support people in engaging in social activities, promoting communication and enhancing the potential for learning in a community-based environment. The theory of critical creative technology amends these community-based and collaborative design theories by emphasizing methods to facilitate face-to-face dialogical interaction when the exchange of ideas, observations, dreams, concerns, and celebrations may be silenced by societal norms about how to engage others in public spaces. The Constructed Narratives project is an experiment in the design of a critical creative technology that emphasizes the collaborative construction of new knowledge about one's lived world through computer-supported collaborative play (CSCP). To construct is to creatively invent one's world by engaging in creative decision-making, problem solving and acts of negotiation. The metaphor of construction is used to demonstrate how a simple artefact - a building block - can provide an interactive platform to support discourse between collaborating participants. The technical goal for this project was the development of a software and hardware platform for the design of critical creative technology applications that can process a dynamic flow of logistical and profile data from multiple users to be used in applications that facilitate dialogue between people in a real-time playful interactive experience

    Product information management for complex modular security systems

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    Um sistema PIM gere toda a informação que possibilita a comercialização dos produtos através de diferentes canais. A sua importância durante o ciclo de vida de um produto aumentou devido à sofisticação técnica dos produtos, a gerir internamente e a publicar externamente. Sistemas, tais como o ERP e o CCMS, deverão integrar-se com um sistema PIM, o qual deve funcionar como a “espinha dorsal” da informação de produto. O presente projeto tem como objetivo principal a criação de uma solução para gerir a informação de produto para sistemas modulares complexos. A proposta de solução inclui a criação de uma ontologia para parte dos inúmeros sistemas disponíveis no catálogo de produtos de uma das maiores organizações multinacionais do setor de engenharia e tecnologia a nível mundial. O processo de criação da solução proposta baseou-se na metodologia de investigação pesquisa-ação e foi dividido em cinco fases. Na fase de diagnóstico descreveu-se e analisou-se a atual situação dos sistemas ERP e CCMS que gerem o catálogo online dos sistemas de produtos comercializados. Levantaram-se ainda as taxonomias de produto atuais e elaborou-se a proposta. Na fase de planeamento da ação descreveram-se a equipa de trabalho, a abordagem inspirada na metodologia Agile usada para desenvolver a solução, as reuniões de planeamento, os parceiros de trabalho, as ferramentas a usar e a sua justificação. Na fase de tomada de ação foi descrito o processo de criação da solução ontológica e o resultado final, incluindo a construção das novas taxonomias e a sua validação pelos especialistas. Propuseram-se exemplos e representações gráficas usando a ferramenta Protégé. Na fase de avaliação, a solução ontológica foi testada, tendo-se validado que os requisitos necessários foram satisfeitos pela estrutura. Na fase de especificação de aprendizagem propuseram-se os próximos passos para a implementação e gestão futura do modelo ontológico. Com esta solução, a organização poderá gerir mais eficientemente a informação de produto e a estrutura de dados. Ela possui versatilidade para gerir produtos individuais ou sistemas modulares complexos e melhorar a sua comunicação com o cliente. Além disso, a ontologia tem ainda um enorme potencial se combinada com técnicas de IA. Algumas limitações do projeto e propostas de trabalhos futuros foram ainda apresentadas

    Rakennuksen käyttöjärjestelmän luonti: kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa

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    Purpose of this thesis is to examine requirements for a building operating system from a holistic perspective. To understand the context of the subject, an extensive literature review was carried out which explores the evolution of operating systems alongside the history of computing, unravelling the concept of an operating system. In addition, various building information systems, including building automation systems and internet of things systems are reviewed in order to understand modern and future trends of building technology. Furthermore, literature review investigates telecommunications and digital identity authentication through their evolution and standardisation towards interoperability, to provide knowledge on how to achieve interoperability in building systems. An interview study was conducted as the empirical part of the study in order to complement the theoretical framework of the thesis. A dozen building digitalisation experts were interviewed, inquiring their insights on the current and future situation of building systems. More closely, open systems, open data, platform ownership, disruption, killer applications, user-centredness, and Finland’s opportunities were discussed in respect of the building operating system. Building operating system requires connection between various technology inside a building, and collaboration between various parties who use and manage the building. The system should exploit open standards and enable open data. User-centred development should be encouraged for the benefits of end users. The system needs to expand globally to achieve critical mass and unleash its full potential as a platform. Each building with similar properties should have the same features, being able to use same services and applications in any building with an operating system, thus enabling portability. The system requires convenient software development kits, application programming interfaces and abstractions for the needs of software and service developers. A vibrant developer community is required to expand the platform and enable a wide range of services and applications.Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on tutkia rakennuksen käyttöjärjestelmän holistisia vaatimuksia. Laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus tehtiin aiheen ymmärtämiseksi, joka tutkii käyttöjärjestelmien evoluutiota rinnakkain tietojenkäsittelyn historian kanssa, tarkoituksena hahmottaa käyttöjärjestelmän käsitettä. Lisäksi, eri rakennusten tietojärjestelmiä, mukaan lukien rakennusautomaatiojärjestelmiä ja esineiden internet -järjestelmiä käytiin läpi ymmärtääkseen nykyisiä ja tulevia trendejä rakennusteknologiassa. Edelleen kirjallisuuskatsaus tutkii televiestintää ja sähköistä tunnistautumista niiden kehityksen ja standardisoinnin kautta kohti yhteentoimivuutta, tarjoten tietoa siitä, miten yhteentoimivuutta voitaisiin kehittää rakennusjärjestelmissä. Haastattelututkimus tehtiin diplomityön empiirisenä osuutena, jonka tarkoituksena oli laajentaa työn teoreettista viitekehystä. Tusina rakennusten digitalisaation asiantuntijaa haastateltiin, joilta kysyttiin rakennusjärjestelmien nykytilasta ja tulevaisuudesta. Lähemmin, keskustelut käsittelivät avoimia järjestelmiä, avointa dataa, alustan omistajuutta, disruptiota, menestyssovelluksia, käyttäjäkeskeisyyttä sekä Suomen kansainvälistä potentiaalia rakennuksen käyttöjärjestelmän näkökulmasta. Rakennuksen käyttöjärjestelmä vaatii rakennuksen sisällä olevien eri teknologioiden yhteenliittämisen, sekä yhteistyötä rakennusta käyttävien ja hallinnoivien osapuolten välillä. Järjestelmän pitäisi hyödyntää avoimia standardeja ja mahdollistaa avoimen datan käytön. Käyttäjäkeskeistä suunnittelua pitäisi kannustaa loppukäyttäjien etuja suosien. Järjestelmän täytyy levitä globaalisti saavuttaakseen kriittisen massan ja ottaakseen käyttöön sen koko potentiaalin. Jokaisella samankaltaisella rakennuksella täytyisi olla käytössään yhtäläiset ominaisuudet, mahdollistaen samojen palveluiden ja sovellusten käytön missä tahansa käyttöjärjestelmää käyttävässä rakennuksessa, täten mahdollistaen siirrettävyyden. Järjestelmä vaatii sopivat ohjelmointirajapinnat, abstraktiot ja ohjelmistokehykset sovellus- ja palvelukehittäjien tarpeita varten. Laaja kehitysyhteisö vaaditaan alustan levittämiseksi ja sovellustarjonnan laajentamiseksi

    Systems electronics for craft, design and technology

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    This thesis examines, defines, clarifies and establishes a coherent theoretical framework to support the application of systems concepts, in a C.D.T. (Craft, Design and Technology) electronic design context. The literature based research highlights the hierarchical nature of systems, the supporting terminology and the manner in which the term denotes the interaction between the objective world and the subjective perception of observers. The central holistic concept of system, synthesizes the notion of a set of interconnected elements, which generate emergent properties that may not exist in the elements embodied within it. [Continues.

    Transforming traditional mechanical and electrical construction to a modern process of assembly

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    This thesis presents the findings of a research project to develop and implement a Lean and agile Construction System on a case study project. The aim of the research project, for the sponsor company, was to improve its projects site operations, making them safer for the worker and improving effectiveness and productivity. The findings have shown that the Construction System has proved to be a successful set of countermeasures that act as an antidote to the health, safety and productivity problems that exist in UK construction and that face the sponsor company. The System has been implemented on a large and complex mechanical and electrical case study project in the healthcare sector of UK construction. The outcome of this case study project shows that 37% less onsite labour was needed, meaning fewer workers were exposed to health and safety risks from site operations, leading to zero reportable accidents. Good ergonomics was achieved by focussing on workplace design, thus improving workers wellbeing, together with an improved quality of work for those required on site carrying out simpler assembly tasks. Productivity gains resulted by eliminating process waste, therefore reducing the risk of labour cost escalation that could otherwise have occurred. A 7% direct labour cost reduction was made meaning the labour budget allocation was maintained. Significantly, an overall productivity of 116% was achieved using the Construction System, which compares favourably to BSRIA’s findings of an average overall productivity of only 37% when compared to observed best practice for the projects in that case study research. The results include the benefits found from the use of an innovative method to assemble, transport, and install frameless, preassembled mechanical and electrical services modules, where a 93% reduction in onsite labour was achieved together with an 8.62% cost benefit. No time slippage was experienced during onsite assembly to delay or disrupt other trades and the commissioning programme was not compressed that could otherwise have caused problems in handing over the facility to the customer. From a customer’s perspective, the built facilities were handed over on-time, to their satisfaction and to budget. The research has achieved two levels of innovation, one at a process level and one at a product level. The process innovation is the development and successful implementation of the Construction System, which is a combination of methods acting together as an antidote to the research problem. The product innovation is the development of the innovative method for assembling, transporting and installing frameless mechanical and electrical corridor modules, whereby modularisation can be achieved with or without an offsite manufacturing capability. The System is built on Lean principles and has been shown to standardise the work, process and products to create flow, pull and value delivery. It is transferable across the sponsor company’s business as well as the wider industry itself. The transformation that has occurred is the creation of a step-change in undertaking mechanical and electrical construction work, which has realised a significant improvement in performance for CHt that has “Transformed Traditional Mechanical and Electrical Construction into a Modern Process of Assembly”

    COOLFACADE: Architectural Integration of Solar Cooling Technologies in the Building Envelope

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    The thesis ‘COOLFACADE – Architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in the building envelope’ aims to shed light on the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling systems in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings as self-sufficient alternatives to conventional air-conditioning systems. Increasing cooling needs in the built environment present an important and complex challenge for the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Even though the first course of action should always aim to reduce energy consumption through saving measures and passive design, this is often not enough to avoid mechanical equipment altogether, particularly in the case of office buildings in warm climate contexts. Solar cooling technologies have been increasingly explored, as an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful refrigerants used within vapour compression systems; while also being driven by solar, thus, renewable energy. The principles behind some of these technologies have been researched for over a century, reaching mature solutions and components, and being recognised as promising alternatives to common air-conditioning units. Nonetheless, building application remains mostly limited to demonstration projects and pilot experiences. Recently, façade integrated concepts have been explored, as a way to promote widespread application throughout the development of multifunctional building components. However, while these are regarded as relevant and promising standalone concepts, further research is still needed to assess the integration potential of diverse solar cooling technologies, and identify barriers to overcome, in order to promote the widespread application of solar cooling components in the built environment. The aim of this research project is to explore the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings, without compromising the thermal comfort of users. The underlying hypothesis then is that self-sufficient solar cooling integrated facades may be a promising alternative to conventional centralised air-conditioning systems widely used in office buildings in warm climates. Most research efforts on solar cooling currently deal with the optimisation of the systems in terms of their performance, testing new materials and simplifying their operation to increase reported efficiencies. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the requirements and current limits for widespread façade application. In order to achieve the research goal and comprehensively assess the façade integration potential of solar technologies and discuss current barriers, different aspects must be acknowledged. These distinct aspects are addressed through several research questions, which in turn define the different chapters of the dissertation. Introduction and conclusions aside, the research body is structured on three sequential parts, with 2-3 chapters each. The first part deals with the state-of-the-art in the field and the theoretical framework, laying the groundwork for the following sections. The second part explores different aspects required as input for façade integration; while the third part comprises the evaluation of solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades, based on the inputs identified in the second part. Furthermore, all chapters were published or submitted for publication as scientific articles in peer review academic journals. The first part considers two chapters that lay the foundations for the research project, The first chapter after the introduction expands the background of the dissertation by identifying knowledge gaps and research trends while contributing to the generation of a reference database of research experiences, throughout a systematic literature review of cooling research in office buildings during the last 25 years. On the other hand, the following chapter delves specifically in the main themes addressed within the dissertation, proposing a framework for the understanding of solar cooling integrated façades. This considers the theoretical discussion of the concept of architectural façade integration; and the identification of the main working principles and technical components from most common solar cooling technologies, based on a state-of-the-art review. The second part explores different required inputs for façade integration. Design and construction requirements for façade integration are explored; while the response from façade design parameters to various climate conditions is assessed in parallel. The exploration of design and construction requirements is conducted through the identification of the main perceived problems for the façade integration of building services and solar technologies, by means of a survey addressed to façade professionals. On the other hand, a separate chapter explores the relation between climate conditions and cooling requirements in office buildings, evaluating the potential impact of several passive cooling strategies in various warm climates, as a first step before considering further technologies. This was conducted through the statistical analysis of reported research experiences, and dynamic energy simulations of a base scenario using specialised software. The third part of the dissertation consists of two chapters that incorporate previous outcomes for the evaluation of selected solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades. The first of these chapters showcases a qualitative evaluation of the façade integration potential of several solar cooling technologies, based on a comprehensive review of key aspects of each technology and their prospects to overcome the identified barriers for façade integration. This is complemented by a feasibility assessment of integrated concepts in several climates, throughout numerical calculations based on climate data and building scenarios simulated with specialised software; showcased in the following and final chapter. The driving force of the research project is the intention to test the limits of solar cooling integration in façades, showcasing current possibilities while identifying technical constrains and barriers to overcome for the widespread application of integrated façade concepts. Although interesting prospects were identified in this dissertation, important technical constraints need to be solved to conceive a façade component fail-tested for application in buildings. Furthermore, several barriers related to the façade design and development process would need to be tackled in order to introduce architectural products such as these into the building market. The identification and discussion of these barriers, along with the definition of technology driven development paths and recommendations for the generation of distinct architectural products, are regarded as the main outcomes of this dissertation, serving as a compass to guide further explorations in the topic, under an overall environmentally conscious design approach