6 research outputs found

    Design of Adiabatic MTJ-CMOS Hybrid Circuits

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    Low-power designs are a necessity with the increasing demand of portable devices which are battery operated. In many of such devices the operational speed is not as important as battery life. Logic-in-memory structures using nano-devices and adiabatic designs are two methods to reduce the static and dynamic power consumption respectively. Magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) is an emerging technology which has many advantages when used in logic-in-memory structures in conjunction with CMOS. In this paper, we introduce a novel adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS structure which is used to design AND/NAND, XOR/XNOR and 1-bit full adder circuits. We simulate the designs using HSPICE with 32nm CMOS technology and compared it with a non-adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS circuits. The proposed adiabatic MTJ/CMOS full adder design has more than 7 times lower power consumtion compared to the previous MTJ/CMOS full adder


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    The growing applications for IoT devices have caused an increase in the study of low power consuming circuit design to meet the requirement of devices to operate for various months without external power supply. Scaling down the conventional CMOS causes various complications to design due to CMOS properties, therefore various non-conventional CMOS design techniques are being proposed that overcome the limitations. This thesis focuses on some of those emerging and novel low power design technique namely Adiabatic logic and low power devices like Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) and Carbon Nanotube Field Effect transistor (CNFET). Circuits that are used for large computations (multipliers, encryption engines) that amount to maximum part of power consumption in a whole chip are designed using these novel low power techniques

    Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) Based on Next Generation Technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 27, 2021Dissertation advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 107-120)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019Next Big Thing Is Surely Small: Nanotechnology Can Bring Revolution. Nanotechnology leads the world towards many new applications in various fields of computing, communication, defense, entertainment, medical, renewable energy and environment. These nanotechnology applications require an energy-efficient memory system to compute and process. Among all the memories, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are high performance memories and occupies more than 50% of any design area. Therefore, it is critical to design high performance and energy-efficient SRAM design. Ultra low power and high speed applications require a new generation memory capable of operating at low power as well as low execution time. In this thesis, a novel 8T SRAM design is proposed that offers significantly faster access time and lowers energy consumption along with better read stability and write ability. The proposed design can be used in the conventional SRAM as well as in computationally intensive applications like neural networks and machine learning classifiers [1]-[4]. Novel 8T SRAM design offers higher energy efficiency, reliability, robustness and performance compared to the standard 6T and other existing 8T and 9T designs. It offers the advantages of a 10T SRAM without the additional area, delay and power overheads of the 10T SRAM. The proposed 8T SRAM would be able to overcome many other limitations of the conventional 6T and other 7T, 8T and 9T designs. The design employs single bitline for the write operation, therefore the number of write drivers are reduced. The defining feature of the proposed 8T SRAM is its hybrid design, which is the combination of two techniques: (i) the utilization of single-ended bitline and (ii) the utilization of virtual ground. The single-ended bitline technique ensures separate read and write operations, which eventually reduces the delay and power consumption during the read and write operations. It's independent read and write paths allow the use of the minimum sized access transistors and aid in a disturb-free read operation. The virtual ground weakens the positive feedback in the SRAM cell and improves its write ability. The virtual ground technique is also used to reduce leakages. The proposed design does not require precharging the bitlines for the read operation, which reduces the area and power overheads of the memory system by eliminating the precharging circuit. The design isolates the storage node from the read path, which improves the read stability. For reliability study, we have investigated the static noise margin (SNM) of the proposed 8T SRAM, for which, we have used two methods – (i) the traditional SNM method with the butterfly curve, (ii) the N-curve method A comparative analysis is performed between the proposed and the existing SRAM designs in terms of area, total power consumption during the read and write operations, and stability and reliability. All these advantages make the proposed 8T SRAM design an ideal candidate for the conventional and computationally intensive applications like machine learning classifier and deep learning neural network. In addition to this, there is need for next generation technologies to design SRAM memory because the conventional CMOS technology is approaching its physical and performance boundaries and as a consequence, becoming incompatible with ultra-low-power applications. Emerging devices such as Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET)) and Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) devices are highly potential candidates to overcome the limitations of MOSFET because of their ability to achieve subthreshold slopes below 60 mV/decade and very low leakage currents [6]-[9]. This research also explores novel TFET and GNRFET based 6T SRAM. The thesis evaluates the standby leakage power in the Tunnel FET (TFET) based 6T SRAM cell for different pull-up, pull-down, and pass-gate transistors ratios (PU: PD: PG) and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM designs. It is observed that the 10nm TFET based SRAMs have 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs when the PU: PD: PG ratios are 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2, respectively. The thesis also presents an analysis of the stability and reliability of sub-10nm TFET based 6T SRAM circuit with a reduced supply voltage of 500mV. The static noise margin (SNM), which is a critical measure of SRAM stability and reliability, is determined for hold, read and write operations of the 6T TFET SRAM cell. The robustness of the optimized TFET based 6T SRAM circuit is also evaluated at different supply voltages. Simulations were done in HSPICE and Cadence tools. From the analysis, it is clear that the main advantage of the TFET based SRAM would be the significant improvement in terms of leakage or standby power consumption. Compared to the FinFET based SRAM the standby leakage power of the T-SRAMs are 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less for 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations, respectively. Since leakage/standby power is the primary source of power consumption in the SRAM, and the overall system energy efficiency depends on SRAM power consumption, TFET based SRAM would lead to massive improvement of the energy efficiency of the system. Therefore, T-SRAMs are more suitable for ultra-low power applications. In addition to this, the thesis evaluates the standby leakage power of types of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs based 6T SRAM bitcell and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM bitcell. It is observed that the 10nm MOS type GNRFET based SRAMs have 16.43 times less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs. The double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consumes 1.35E+03 times less energy compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAM during write. However, during read double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consume 15 times more energy than FinFET based SRAM. It is also observed that GNRFET based SRAMs are more stable and reliable than FinFET based SRAM.Introduction -- Background -- Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power SRAM Design -- Tunnel FET Based SRAM Design -- Graphene Nanoribbon FET Based SRAM Design -- Double-gate FDSOI Based SRAM Designs -- Novel CNTFET and MEMRISTOR Based Digital Designs -- Conclusio

    Multiple-valued logic: technology and circuit implementation

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed March 1, 2023Dissertation advisors: Masud H. Chowdhury and Yugyung LeeVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 91-107)Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2021Computing technologies are currently based on the binary logic/number system, which is dependent on the simple on and off switching mechanism of the prevailing transistors. With the exponential increase of data processing and storage needs, there is a strong push to move to a higher radix logic/number system that can eradicate or lessen many limitations of the binary system. Anticipated saturation of Moore's law and the necessity to increase information density and processing speed in the future micro and nanoelectronic circuits and systems provide a strong background and motivation for the beyond-binary logic system. During this project, different technologies for Multiple-Valued-Logic (MVL) devices and the associated prospects and constraints are discussed. The feasibility of the MVL system in real-world applications rests on resolving two major challenges: (i) development of an efficient mathematical approach to implement the MVL logic using available technologies and (ii) availability of effective synthesis techniques. The main part of this project can be divided into two categories: (i) proposing different novel and efficient design for various logic and arithmetic circuits such as inverter, NAND, NOR, adder, multiplexer etc. (ii) proposing different fast and efficient design for various sequential and memory circuits. For the operation of the device, two of the very promising emerging technologies are used: Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) and Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET). A comparative analysis of the proposed designs and several state-of-the-art designs are also given in all the cases in terms of delay, total power, and power-delay-product (PDP). The simulation and analysis are performed using the H-SPICE tool with a GNRFET model available on the Nanohub website and CNTFET model available from Standford University website.Introduction -- Fundamentals and scope of multiple valued logic -- Technological aspect of multiple valued logic circuit -- Ternary logic gates using Graphene Nano Ribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) -- Ternary arithmetic circuits using Graphene Nano Ribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) -- Ternary sequential circuits using Graphene Nano Ribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) -- Ternary memory circuits using Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) -- Conclusions & future wor

    Printed Electronics-Based Physically Unclonable Functions for Lightweight Security in the Internet of Things

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    Die moderne Gesellschaft strebt mehr denn je nach digitaler KonnektivitĂ€t - ĂŒberall und zu jeder Zeit - was zu Megatrends wie dem Internet der Dinge (Internet of Things, IoT) fĂŒhrt. Bereits heute kommunizieren und interagieren „Dinge“ autonom miteinander und werden in Netzwerken verwaltet. In Zukunft werden Menschen, Daten und Dinge miteinander verbunden sein, was auch als Internet von Allem (Internet of Everything, IoE) bezeichnet wird. Milliarden von GerĂ€ten werden in unserer tĂ€glichen Umgebung allgegenwĂ€rtig sein und ĂŒber das Internet in Verbindung stehen. Als aufstrebende Technologie ist die gedruckte Elektronik (Printed Electronics, PE) ein SchlĂŒsselelement fĂŒr das IoE, indem sie neuartige GerĂ€tetypen mit freien Formfaktoren, neuen Materialien auf einer Vielzahl von Substraten mit sich bringt, die flexibel, transparent und biologisch abbaubar sein können. DarĂŒber hinaus ermöglicht PE neue Freiheitsgrade bei der Anpassbarkeit von Schaltkreisen sowie die kostengĂŒnstige und großflĂ€chige Herstellung am Einsatzort. Diese einzigartigen Eigenschaften von PE ergĂ€nzen herkömmliche Technologien auf Siliziumbasis. Additive Fertigungsprozesse ermöglichen die Realisierung von vielen zukunftstrĂ€chtigen Anwendungen wie intelligente Objekte, flexible Displays, Wearables im Gesundheitswesen, umweltfreundliche Elektronik, um einige zu nennen. Aus der Sicht des IoE ist die Integration und Verbindung von Milliarden heterogener GerĂ€te und Systeme eine der grĂ¶ĂŸten zu lösenden Herausforderungen. Komplexe HochleistungsgerĂ€te interagieren mit hochspezialisierten, leichtgewichtigen elektronischen GerĂ€ten, wie z.B. Smartphones mit intelligenten Sensoren. Daten werden in der Regel kontinuierlich gemessen, gespeichert und mit benachbarten GerĂ€ten oder in der Cloud ausgetauscht. Dabei wirft die FĂŒlle an gesammelten und verarbeiteten Daten Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes und der Sicherheit auf. Herkömmliche kryptografische Operationen basieren typischerweise auf deterministischen Algorithmen, die eine hohe Schaltungs- und SystemkomplexitĂ€t erfordern, was sie wiederum fĂŒr viele leichtgewichtige GerĂ€te ungeeignet macht. Es existieren viele Anwendungsbereiche, in denen keine komplexen kryptografischen Operationen erforderlich sind, wie z.B. bei der GerĂ€teidentifikation und -authentifizierung. Dabei hĂ€ngt das Sicherheitslevel hauptsĂ€chlich von der QualitĂ€t der Entropiequelle und der VertrauenswĂŒrdigkeit der abgeleiteten SchlĂŒssel ab. Statistische Eigenschaften wie die Einzigartigkeit (Uniqueness) der SchlĂŒssel sind von großer Bedeutung, um einzelne EntitĂ€ten genau unterscheiden zu können. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Hardware-intrinsische Sicherheit, insbesondere Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), eine große Strahlkraft hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Sicherheitsfunktionen fĂŒr IoT-GerĂ€te erlangt. PUFs verwenden ihre inhĂ€renten Variationen, um gerĂ€tespezifische eindeutige Kennungen abzuleiten, die mit FingerabdrĂŒcken in der Biometrie vergleichbar sind. Zu den grĂ¶ĂŸten Potenzialen dieser Technologie gehören die Verwendung einer echten Zufallsquelle, die Ableitung von SicherheitsschlĂŒsseln nach Bedarf sowie die inhĂ€rente SchlĂŒsselspeicherung. In Kombination mit den einzigartigen Merkmalen der PE-Technologie werden neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet, um leichtgewichtige elektronische GerĂ€te und Systeme abzusichern. Obwohl PE noch weit davon entfernt ist, so ausgereift und zuverlĂ€ssig wie die Siliziumtechnologie zu sein, wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass PE-basierte PUFs vielversprechende Sicherheitsprimitiven fĂŒr die SchlĂŒsselgenerierung zur eindeutigen GerĂ€teidentifikation im IoE sind. Dabei befasst sich diese Arbeit in erster Linie mit der Entwicklung, Untersuchung und Bewertung von PE-basierten PUFs, um Sicherheitsfunktionen fĂŒr ressourcenbeschrĂ€nkte gedruckte GerĂ€te und Systeme bereitzustellen. Im ersten Beitrag dieser Arbeit stellen wir das skalierbare, auf gedruckter Elektronik basierende Differential Circuit PUF (DiffC-PUF) Design vor, um sichere SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr Sicherheitsanwendungen fĂŒr ressourcenbeschrĂ€nkte GerĂ€te bereitzustellen. Die DiffC-PUF ist als hybride Systemarchitektur konzipiert, die siliziumbasierte und gedruckte Komponenten enthĂ€lt. Es wird eine eingebettete PUF-Plattform entwickelt, um die Charakterisierung von siliziumbasierten und gedruckten PUF-Cores in großem Maßstab zu ermöglichen. Im zweiten Beitrag dieser Arbeit werden siliziumbasierte PUF-Cores auf Basis diskreter Komponenten hergestellt und statistische Tests unter realistischen Betriebsbedingungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Eine umfassende experimentelle Analyse der PUF-Sicherheitsmetriken wird vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die DiffC-PUF auf Siliziumbasis nahezu ideale Werte fĂŒr die Uniqueness- und Reliability-Metriken aufweist. DarĂŒber hinaus werden die IdentifikationsfĂ€higkeiten der DiffC-PUF untersucht, und es stellte sich heraus, dass zusĂ€tzliches Post-Processing die Identifizierbarkeit des Identifikationssystems weiter verbessern kann. Im dritten Beitrag dieser Arbeit wird zunĂ€chst ein Evaluierungsworkflow zur Simulation von DiffC-PUFs basierend auf gedruckter Elektronik vorgestellt, welche auch als Hybrid-PUFs bezeichnet werden. Hierbei wird eine Python-basierte Simulationsumgebung vorgestellt, welche es ermöglicht, die Eigenschaften und Variationen gedruckter PUF-Cores basierend auf Monte Carlo (MC) Simulationen zu untersuchen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Sicherheitsmetriken im besten Betriebspunkt nahezu ideal sind. Des Weiteren werden angefertigte PE-basierte PUF-Cores fĂŒr statistische Tests unter verschiedenen Betriebsbedingungen, einschließlich Schwankungen der Umgebungstemperatur, der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit und der Versorgungsspannung betrieben. Die experimentell bestimmten Resultate der Uniqueness-, Bit-Aliasing- und Uniformity-Metriken stimmen gut mit den Simulationsergebnissen ĂŒberein. Der experimentell ermittelte durchschnittliche Reliability-Wert ist relativ niedrig, was durch die fehlende Passivierung und Einkapselung der gedruckten Transistoren erklĂ€rt werden kann. Die Untersuchung der IdentifikationsfĂ€higkeiten basierend auf den PUF-Responses zeigt, dass die Hybrid-PUF ohne zusĂ€tzliches Post-Processing nicht fĂŒr kryptografische Anwendungen geeignet ist. Die Ergebnisse zeigen aber auch, dass sich die Hybrid-PUF zur GerĂ€teidentifikation eignet. Der letzte Beitrag besteht darin, in die Perspektive eines Angreifers zu wechseln. Um die SicherheitsfĂ€higkeiten der Hybrid-PUF beurteilen zu können, wird eine umfassende Sicherheitsanalyse nach Art einer Kryptoanalyse durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Analyse der Entropie der Hybrid-PUF zeigt, dass seine AnfĂ€lligkeit fĂŒr Angriffe auf Modellbasis hauptsĂ€chlich von der eingesetzten Methode zur Generierung der PUF-Challenges abhĂ€ngt. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Angriffsmodell eingefĂŒhrt, um die Leistung verschiedener mathematischer Klonangriffe auf der Grundlage von abgehörten Challenge-Response Pairs (CRPs) zu bewerten. Um die Hybrid-PUF zu klonen, wird ein Sortieralgorithmus eingefĂŒhrt und mit hĂ€ufig verwendeten Classifiers fĂŒr ĂŒberwachtes maschinelles Lernen (ML) verglichen, einschließlich logistischer Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF) sowie Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Hybrid-PUF anfĂ€llig fĂŒr modellbasierte Angriffe ist. Der Sortieralgorithmus profitiert von kĂŒrzeren Trainingszeiten im Vergleich zu den ML-Algorithmen. Im Falle von fehlerhaft abgehörten CRPs ĂŒbertreffen die ML-Algorithmen den Sortieralgorithmus

    Adaptive extreme edge computing for wearable devices

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    Wearable devices are a fast-growing technology with impact on personal healthcare for both society and economy. Due to the widespread of sensors in pervasive and distributed networks, power consumption, processing speed, and system adaptation are vital in future smart wearable devices. The visioning and forecasting of how to bring computation to the edge in smart sensors have already begun, with an aspiration to provide adaptive extreme edge computing. Here, we provide a holistic view of hardware and theoretical solutions towards smart wearable devices that can provide guidance to research in this pervasive computing era. We propose various solutions for biologically plausible models for continual learning in neuromorphic computing technologies for wearable sensors. To envision this concept, we provide a systematic outline in which prospective low power and low latency scenarios of wearable sensors in neuromorphic platforms are expected. We successively describe vital potential landscapes of neuromorphic processors exploiting complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) and emerging memory technologies (e.g. memristive devices). Furthermore, we evaluate the requirements for edge computing within wearable devices in terms of footprint, power consumption, latency, and data size. We additionally investigate the challenges beyond neuromorphic computing hardware, algorithms and devices that could impede enhancement of adaptive edge computing in smart wearable devices