2,903 research outputs found

    Recent Advances in Variable Digital Filters

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    Variable digital filters are widely used in a number of applications of signal processing because of their capability of self-tuning frequency characteristics such as the cutoff frequency and the bandwidth. This chapter introduces recent advances on variable digital filters, focusing on the problems of design and realization, and application to adaptive filtering. In the topic on design and realization, we address two major approaches: one is the frequency transformation and the other is the multi-dimensional polynomial approximation of filter coefficients. In the topic on adaptive filtering, we introduce the details of adaptive band-pass/band-stop filtering that include the well-known adaptive notch filtering

    Digital Filters

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    The new technology advances provide that a great number of system signals can be easily measured with a low cost. The main problem is that usually only a fraction of the signal is useful for different purposes, for example maintenance, DVD-recorders, computers, electric/electronic circuits, econometric, optimization, etc. Digital filters are the most versatile, practical and effective methods for extracting the information necessary from the signal. They can be dynamic, so they can be automatically or manually adjusted to the external and internal conditions. Presented in this book are the most advanced digital filters including different case studies and the most relevant literature

    Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Waveguide Filters for Wireless Communications

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    The area of research of this thesis is built around advanced waveguide filter structures. Waveguide filters and the waveguide technology in general are renowned for high power capacity, low losses and excellent electromagnetic shielding. Waveguide filters are important components in fixed wireless communications as well as in satellite and radar systems. Furthermore, their advantages and utilization become even greater with increase in frequency, which is a trend in modern communication systems because upper frequency bands offer larger channel capacities. However, waveguide filters are relatively bulky and expensive. To comply with more and more demanding miniaturization and cost-cutting requirements, compactness and economical design represent some of the main contemporary focuses of interest. Approaches that are used to achieve this include use of planar inserts to build waveguide discontinuities, additive manufacturing and substrate integration. At the same time, waveguide filters still need to satisfy opposed stringent requirements like small insertion loss, high selectivity and multiband operation. Another difficulty that metal waveguide components face is integration with other circuitry, especially important when solid-state active devices are included. Thus, improvements of interconnections between waveguide and other transmission interfaces are addressed too. The thesis elaborates the following aspects of work: Further analysis and improved explanations regarding advanced waveguide filters with E-plane inserts developed by the Wireless Communications Research Group, using both cross coupled resonators and extracted pole sections (Experiments with higher filter orders, use of tuning screws, degrees of freedom in design, etc. Thorough performance comparison with competing filter technologies) - Proposing novel E-plane filter sections with I-shaped insets - Extension of the E-plane filtering structures with metal fins to new compact dual band filters with high frequency selectivity and miniaturized diplexers. - Introduction of easy-to-build waveguide filters with polymer insert frames and high-performance low-profile cavity filters, taking advantage of enhanced fabrication capabilities when using additive manufacturing - Developing new substrate integrated filters, as well as circuits used to transfer signals between different interfaces Namely, these are substrate integrated waveguide to metal waveguide planar transitions that do not require any modifications of the metal waveguides. Such novel transitions have been designed both for single and orthogonal signal polarizations

    Design of multidimensional digital filters by spectral transformations

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    Imperial Users onl

    Digital Filters and Signal Processing

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    Digital filters, together with signal processing, are being employed in the new technologies and information systems, and are implemented in different areas and applications. Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability. This book presents advanced developments in digital filters and signal process methods covering different cases studies. They present the main essence of the subject, with the principal approaches to the most recent mathematical models that are being employed worldwide

    Efficient algorithms for arbitrary sample rate conversion with application to wave field synthesis

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    Arbitrary sample rate conversion (ASRC) is used in many fields of digital signal processing to alter the sampling rate of discrete-time signals by arbitrary, potentially time-varying ratios. This thesis investigates efficient algorithms for ASRC and proposes several improvements. First, closed-form descriptions for the modified Farrow structure and Lagrange interpolators are derived that are directly applicable to algorithm design and analysis. Second, efficient implementation structures for ASRC algorithms are investigated. Third, this thesis considers coefficient design methods that are optimal for a selectable error norm and optional design constraints. Finally, the performance of different algorithms is compared for several performance metrics. This enables the selection of ASRC algorithms that meet the requirements of an application with minimal complexity. Wave field synthesis (WFS), a high-quality spatial sound reproduction technique, is the main application considered in this work. For WFS, sophisticated ASRC algorithms improve the quality of moving sound sources. However, the improvements proposed in this thesis are not limited to WFS, but applicable to general-purpose ASRC problems.ï»żVerfahren zur unbeschrĂ€nkten Abtastratenwandlung (arbitrary sample rate conversion,ASRC) ermöglichen die Änderung der Abtastrate zeitdiskreter Signale um beliebige, zeitvarianteVerhĂ€ltnisse. ASRC wird in vielen Anwendungen digitaler Signalverarbeitung eingesetzt.In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung von ASRC-Verfahren in der Wellenfeldsynthese(WFS), einem Verfahren zur hochqualitativen, rĂ€umlich korrekten Audio-Wiedergabe, untersucht.Durch ASRC-Algorithmen kann die WiedergabequalitĂ€t bewegter Schallquellenin WFS deutlich verbessert werden. Durch die hohe Zahl der in einem WFS-Wiedergabesystembenötigten simultanen ASRC-Operationen ist eine direkte Anwendung hochwertigerAlgorithmen jedoch meist nicht möglich.Zur Lösung dieses Problems werden verschiedene BeitrĂ€ge vorgestellt. Die KomplexitĂ€tder WFS-Signalverarbeitung wird durch eine geeignete Partitionierung der ASRC-Algorithmensignifikant reduziert, welche eine effiziente Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissenermöglicht. Dies erlaubt den Einsatz hochqualitativer Algorithmen zur Abtastratenwandlungmit einer KomplexitĂ€t, die mit der Anwendung einfacher konventioneller ASRCAlgorithmenvergleichbar ist. Dieses Partitionierungsschema stellt jedoch auch zusĂ€tzlicheAnforderungen an ASRC-Algorithmen und erfordert AbwĂ€gungen zwischen Performance-Maßen wie der algorithmischen KomplexitĂ€t, Speicherbedarf oder -bandbreite.Zur Verbesserung von Algorithmen und Implementierungsstrukturen fĂŒr ASRC werdenverschiedene Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen. Zum Einen werden geschlossene, analytischeBeschreibungen fĂŒr den kontinuierlichen Frequenzgang verschiedener Klassen von ASRCStruktureneingefĂŒhrt. Insbesondere fĂŒr Lagrange-Interpolatoren, die modifizierte Farrow-Struktur sowie Kombinationen aus Überabtastung und zeitkontinuierlichen Resampling-Funktionen werden kompakte Darstellungen hergeleitet, die sowohl Aufschluss ĂŒber dasVerhalten dieser Filter geben als auch eine direkte Verwendung in Design-Methoden ermöglichen.Einen zweiten Schwerpunkt bildet das Koeffizientendesign fĂŒr diese Strukturen, insbesonderezum optimalen Entwurf bezĂŒglich einer gewĂ€hlten Fehlernorm und optionaler Entwurfsbedingungenund -restriktionen. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen AnsĂ€tzen werden solcheoptimalen Entwurfsmethoden auch fĂŒr mehrstufige ASRC-Strukturen, welche ganzzahligeÜberabtastung mit zeitkontinuierlichen Resampling-Funktionen verbinden, vorgestellt.FĂŒr diese Klasse von Strukturen wird eine Reihe angepasster Resampling-Funktionen vorgeschlagen,welche in Verbindung mit den entwickelten optimalen Entwurfsmethoden signifikanteQualitĂ€tssteigerungen ermöglichen.Die Vielzahl von ASRC-Strukturen sowie deren Design-Parameter bildet eine Hauptschwierigkeitbei der Auswahl eines fĂŒr eine gegebene Anwendung geeigneten Verfahrens.Evaluation und Performance-Vergleiche bilden daher einen dritten Schwerpunkt. Dazu wirdzum Einen der Einfluss verschiedener Entwurfsparameter auf die erzielbare QualitĂ€t vonASRC-Algorithmen untersucht. Zum Anderen wird der benötigte Aufwand bezĂŒglich verschiedenerPerformance-Metriken in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Design-QualitĂ€t dargestellt.Auf diese Weise sind die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nicht auf WFS beschrĂ€nkt, sondernsind in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen unbeschrĂ€nkter Abtastratenwandlung nutzbar

    Design and implementation of digital wave filter adaptors

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