338 research outputs found

    A Structured Design Methodology for High Performance VLSI Arrays

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    abstract: The geometric growth in the integrated circuit technology due to transistor scaling also with system-on-chip design strategy, the complexity of the integrated circuit has increased manifold. Short time to market with high reliability and performance is one of the most competitive challenges. Both custom and ASIC design methodologies have evolved over the time to cope with this but the high manual labor in custom and statistic design in ASIC are still causes of concern. This work proposes a new circuit design strategy that focuses mostly on arrayed structures like TLB, RF, Cache, IPCAM etc. that reduces the manual effort to a great extent and also makes the design regular, repetitive still achieving high performance. The method proposes making the complete design custom schematic but using the standard cells. This requires adding some custom cells to the already exhaustive library to optimize the design for performance. Once schematic is finalized, the designer places these standard cells in a spreadsheet, placing closely the cells in the critical paths. A Perl script then generates Cadence Encounter compatible placement file. The design is then routed in Encounter. Since designer is the best judge of the circuit architecture, placement by the designer will allow achieve most optimal design. Several designs like IPCAM, issue logic, TLB, RF and Cache designs were carried out and the performance were compared against the fully custom and ASIC flow. The TLB, RF and Cache were the part of the HEMES microprocessor.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    Area and Energy Optimizations in ASIC Implementations of AES and PRESENT Block Ciphers

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    When small, modern-day devices surface with neoteric features and promise benefits like streamlined business processes, cashierless stores, and autonomous driving, they are all too often accompanied by security risks due to a weak or absent security component. In particular, the lack of data privacy protection is a common concern that can be remedied by implementing encryption. This ensures that data remains undisclosed to unauthorized parties. While having a cryptographic module is often a goal, it is sometimes forfeited because a device's resources do not allow for the conventional cryptographic solutions. Thus, smaller, lower-energy security modules are in demand. Implementing a cipher in hardware as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will usually achieve better efficiency than alternatives like FPGAs or software, and can help towards goals such as extended battery life and smaller area footprint. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It has since become the most widely adopted block cipher and is applied in a variety of applications ranging from smartphones to passive RFID tags to high performance microprocessors. PRESENT, published in 2007, is a smaller lightweight block cipher designed for low-power applications. In this study, low-area and low-energy optimizations in ASICs are addressed for AES and PRESENT. In the low-area work, three existing AES encryption cores are implemented, analyzed, and benchmarked using a common fabrication technology (STM 65 nm). The analysis includes an examination of various implementations of internal AES operations and their suitability for different architectural choices. Using our taxonomy of design choices, we designed Quark-AES, a novel 8-bit AES architecture. At 1960 GE, it features a 13% improvement in area and 9% improvement in throughput/area² over the prior smallest design. To illustrate the extent of the variations due to the use of different ASIC libraries, Quark-AES and the three analyzed designs are also synthesized using three additional technologies. Even for the same transistor size, different ASIC libraries produce significantly different area results. To accommodate a variety of applications that seek different levels of tradeoffs in area and throughput, we extend all four designs to 16-bit and 32-bit datawidths. In the low-energy work, round unrolling and glitch filtering are applied together to achieve energy savings. Round unrolling, which applies multiple block cipher rounds in a combinational path, reduces the energy due to registers but increases the glitching energy. Glitch filtering complements round unrolling by reducing the amount of glitches and their associated energy consumption. For unrolled designs of PRESENT and AES, two glitch filtering schemes are assessed. One method uses AND-gates in between combinational rounds while the other used latches. Both methods work by allowing the propagation of signals only after they have stabilized. The experiments assess how energy consumption changes with respect to the degree of unrolling, the glitch filtering scheme, the degree of pipelining, the spacing between glitch filters, and the location of glitch filters when only a limited number of them can be applied due to area constraints. While in PRESENT, the optimal configuration depends on all the variables, in a larger cipher such as AES, the latch-based method consistently offers the most energy savings

    Towards Open Scan for the Open-source Hardware

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    The open-source hardware IP model has recently started gaining popularity in the developer community. This model offers the integrated circuit (IC) developers wider standardization, faster time-to-market and richer platform for research. In addition, open-source hardware conforms to the Kerckhoff’s principle of a publicly-known algorithm and thus helps to enhance security. However, when security comes into consideration, source transparency is only one part of the solution. A complex global IC supply chain stands between the source and the final product. Hence, even if the source is known, the finished product is not guaranteed to match it. In this article, we propose the Open Scan model, in which, in addition to the source code, the IC vendor contributes a library-independent information on scan insertion. With scan information available, the user or a certification lab can perform partial reverse engineering of the IC to verify conformance to the advertised source. Compliance lists of open-source programs, such as of the OpenTitan cryptographic IC, can be amended to include this requirement. The Open Scan model addresses accidental and dishonest deviations from the golden model and partially addresses malicious modifications, known as hardware Trojans. We verify the efficiency of the proposed method in simulation with the Trust-Hub Trojan benchmarks and with several open-source benchmarks, in which we randomly insert modifications

    Efficient hardware prototype of ECDSA modules for blockchain applications

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    This paper concentrates on the hardware implementation of efficient and re- configurable elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) that is suitable for verifying transactions in Blockchain related applications. Despite ECDSA architecture being computationally expensive, the usage of a dedicated stand-alone circuit enables speedy execution of arithmetic operations. The prototype put forth supports N-bit elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) group operations, signature generation and verification over a prime field for any elliptic curve. The research proposes new hardware framework for modular multiplication and modular multiplicative inverse which is adopted for group operations involved in ECDSA. Every hardware design offered are simulated using modelsim register transfer logic (RTL) simulator. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of var- ious modules within ECDSA circuit is compared with equivalent existing techniques that is both hardware and software based to highlight the superiority of the suggested work. The results showcased prove that the designs implemented are both area and speed efficient with faster execution and less resource utilization while maintaining the same level of security. The suggested ECDSA structure could replace the software equivalent of digital signatures in hardware blockchain to thwart software attacks and to provide better data protection

    Power and area efficient clock stretching and critical path reshaping for error resilience

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    Process, voltage and temperature variations are on the rise with technology scaling. Nano-scale technology requires huge design margins to ensure reliable operation. Worst case design margining consumes significant amount of circuits and systems resources. In-situ error detection or correction is an alternative method for cost effective variation tolerance. However, existing in-situ error detection and correction circuits are power and area hungry since they use speculative error management, which gives less power savings at higher error rates. This paper proposes an error resilience technique utilizing available slack in the design. The proposed method uses a clock stretching circuit to relax timing margins on selected critical paths that has sufficient consecutive stage slack. We also propose a power optimization method which reshapes the critical path logic proportionate to the consecutive stage slack. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the power and area savings of 40% and 8% respectively compared to the worst case design approach. When compared to the TIMBER error resilience approach, the proposed method saves power more than 74% and area more than 13% at design time. Document type: Articl

    Conflict-Free Networks on Chip for Real Time Systems

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    [ES] La constante necesidad de un mayor rendimiento para cumplir con la gran demanda de potencia de cómputo de las nuevas aplicaciones, (ej. sistemas de conducción autónoma), obliga a la industria a apostar por la tecnología basada en Sistemas en Chip con Procesadores Multinúcleo (MPSoCs) en sus sistemas embebidos de seguridad-crítica. Los sistemas MPSoCs generalmente incluyen una red en el chip (NoC) para interconectar los núcleos de procesamiento entre ellos, con la memoria y con el resto de recursos compartidos. Desafortunadamente, el uso de las NoCs dificulta alcanzar la predecibilidad en el tiempo, ya que pueden aparecer conflictos en muchos puntos y de forma distribuida a nivel de red. Para afrontar este problema, en esta tesis se propone un nuevo paradigma de diseño para NoCs de tiempo real donde los conflictos en la red son eliminados por diseño. Este nuevo paradigma parte del Grafo de Dependencia de Canales (CDG) para evitar los conflictos de red de forma determinista. Nuestra solución es capaz de inyectar mensajes de forma natural usando un periodo TDM igual al límite teórico óptimo sin la necesidad de usar un proceso offline exigente computacionalmente. La red se ha integrado en un sistema multinúcleo basado en tiles y adaptado a su jerarquía de memoria. Como segunda contribución principal, proponemos un nuevo planificador dinámico y distribuido capaz de alcanzar un rendimiento pico muy cercanos a las NoC basadas en un diseño wormhole sin comprometer sus garantías de tiempo real. El planificador se basa en nuestro diseño de red para explotar sus propiedades clave. Los resultados de nuestra NoC muestran que nuestro diseño garantiza la predecibilidad en el tiempo evitando interferencias en la red entre múltiples aplicaciones ejecutándose concurrentemente. La red siempre garantiza el rendimiento y también mejora el rendimiento respecto al de las redes wormhole en una red 4 x 4 en un factor de 3,7x cuando se inyecta trafico para generar interferencias. En una red 8 x 8 las diferencias son incluso mayores. Además, la red obtiene un ahorro de área total del 10,79% frente a una implementación básica de una red wormhole. El planificador propuesto alcanza una mejora de rendimiento de 6,9x y 14,4x frente la versión básica de la red DCFNoC para redes en forma de malla de 16 y 64 nodos, respectivamente. Cuando lo comparamos frente a un conmutador estándar wormhole se preserva un rendimiento de red del 95% al mismo tiempo que preserva la estricta predecibilidad en el tiempo. Este logro abre la puerta a nuevos diseños de NoCs de alto rendimiento con predecibilidad en el tiempo. Como contribución final, construimos una taxonomía de NoCs basadas en TDM con propiedades de tiempo real. Con esta taxonomía realizamos un análisis exhaustivo para estudiar y comparar desde tiempos de respuesta, a implementaciones con bajo coste, pasando por soluciones de compromiso para diseños de NoCs de tiempo real. Como resultado, obtenemos nuevos diseños de NoCs basadas en TDM.[CA] La constant necessitat d'un major rendiment per a complir amb la gran demanda de potència de còmput de les noves aplicacions, (ex. sistemes de conducció autònoma), obliga la indústria a apostar per la tecnologia basada en Sistemes en Xip amb Processadors Multinucli (MPSoCs) en els seus sistemes embeguts de seguretat-crítica. Els sistemes MPSoCs generalment inclouen una xarxa en el xip (NoC) per a interconnectar els nuclis de processament entre ells, amb la memòria i amb la resta de recursos compartits. Desafortunadament, l'ús de les NoCs dificulta aconseguir la predictibilitat en el temps, ja que poden aparéixer conflictes en molts punts i de forma distribuïda a nivell de xarxa. Per a afrontar aquest problema, en aquesta tesi es proposa un nou paradigma de disseny per a NoCs de temps real on els conflictes en la xarxa són eliminats per disseny. Aquest nou paradigma parteix del Graf de Dependència de Canals (CDG) per a evitar els conflictes de xarxa de manera determinista. La nostra solució és capaç d'injectar missatges de mra natural fent ús d'un període TDM igual al límit teòric òptim sense la necessitat de fer ús d'un procés offline exigent computacionalment. La xarxa s'ha integrat en un sistema multinucli basat en tiles i adaptat a la seua jerarquia de memòria. Com a segona contribució principal, proposem un nou planificador dinàmic i distribuït capaç d'aconseguir un rendiment pic molt pròxims a les NoC basades en un disseny wormhole sense comprometre les seues garanties de temps real. El planificador es basa en el nostre disseny de xarxa per a explotar les seues propietats clau. Els resultats de la nostra NoC mostren que el nostre disseny garanteix la predictibilitat en el temps evitant interferències en la xarxa entre múltiples aplicacions executant-se concurrentment. La xarxa sempre garanteix el rendiment i també millora el rendiment respecte al de les xarxes wormhole en una xarxa 4 x 4 en un factor de 3,7x quan s'injecta trafic per a generar interferències. En una xarxa 8 x 8 les diferències són fins i tot majors. A més, la xarxa obté un estalvi d'àrea total del 10,79% front una implementació bàsica d'una xarxa wormhole. El planificador proposat aconsegueix una millora de rendiment de 6,9x i 14,4x front la versió bàsica de la xarxa DCFNoC per a xarxes en forma de malla de 16 i 64 nodes, respectivament. Quan ho comparem amb un commutador estàndard wormhole es preserva un rendiment de xarxa del 95% al mateix temps que preserva la estricta predictibilitat en el temps. Aquest assoliment obri la porta a nous dissenys de NoCs d'alt rendiment amb predictibilitat en el temps. Com a contribució final, construïm una taxonomia de NoCs basades en TDM amb propietats de temps real. Amb aquesta taxonomia realitzem una anàlisi exhaustiu per a estudiar i comparar des de temps de resposta, a implementacions amb baix cost, passant per solucions de compromís per a dissenys de NoCs de temps real. Com a resultat, obtenim nous dissenys de NoCs basades en TDM.[EN] The ever need for higher performance to cope with the high computational power demands of new applications (e.g autonomous driving systems), forces industry to support technology based on multi-processors system on chip (MPSoCs) in their safety-critical embedded systems. MPSoCs usually include a network-on-chip (NoC) to interconnect the cores between them and, with memory and the rest of shared resources. Unfortunately, the inclusion of NoCs difficults achieving time predictability as network-level conflicts may occur in many points in a distributed manner. To overcome this problem, this thesis proposes a new time-predictable NoC design paradigm where conflicts within the network are eliminated by design. This new paradigm builds on top of the Channel Dependency Graph (CDG) in order to deterministically avoid network conflicts. Our solution is able to naturally inject messages using a TDM period equal to the optimal theoretical bound without the need of using a computationally demanding offline process. The network is integrated in a tile-based manycore system and adapted to its memory hierarchy. As a second main contribution, we propose a novel distributed dynamic scheduler that is able to achieve peak performance close to a wormhole-based NoC design without compromising its real-time guarantees. The scheduler builds on top of our NoC design to exploit its key properties. The results of our NoC show that our design guarantees time predictability avoiding network interference among multiple running applications. The network always guarantees performance and also improves wormhole performance in a 4 x 4 setting by a factor of 3.7x when interference traffic is injected. For a 8 x 8 network differences are even larger. In addition, the network obtains a total area saving of 10.79% over a standard wormhole implementation. The proposed scheduler achieves an overall throughput improvement of 6.9x and 14.4x over a baseline conflict-free NoC for 16 and 64-node meshes, respectively. When compared against a standard wormhole router 95% of its network throughput is preserved while strict timing predictability is kept. This achievement opens the door to new high performance time predictable NoC designs. As a final contribution, we build a taxonomy of TDM-based NoCs with real-time properties. With this taxonomy we perform a comprehensive analysis to study and compare from response time specific, to low resource implementation cost, through trade-off solutions for real-time NoCs designs. As a result, we derive new TDM-based NoC designs.Picornell Sanjuan, T. (2021). Conflict-Free Networks on Chip for Real Time Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/177347TESI

    Design for testability of a latch-based design

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    Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to decrease the area of digital logic in a power management integrated circuit (PMIC), by replacing selected flip-flops with latches. The thesis consists of a theory part, that provides background theory for the thesis, and a practical part, that presents a latch register design and design for testability (DFT) method for achieving an acceptable level of manufacturing fault coverage for it. The total area was decreased by replacing flip-flops of read-write and one-time programmable registers with latches. One set of negative level active primary latches were shared with all the positive level active latch registers in the same register bank. Clock gating was used to select which latch register the write data was loaded to from the primary latches. The latches were made transparent during the shift operation of partial scan testing. The observability of the latch register clock gating logic was improved by leaving the first bit of each latch register as a flip-flop. The controllability was improved by inserting control points. The latch register design, developed in this thesis, resulted in a total area decrease of 5% and a register bank area decrease of 15% compared to a flip-flop-based reference design. The latch register design manages to maintain the same stuck-at fault coverage as the reference design.Salpaperäisen piirin testattavuuden suunnittelu. Tiivistelmä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli pienentää digitaalisen logiikan pinta-alaa integroidussa tehonhallintapiirissä, korvaamalla valitut kiikut salpapiireillä. Opinnäytetyö koostuu teoriaosasta, joka antaa taustatietoa opinnäytetyölle, ja käytännön osuudesta, jossa esitellään salparekisteripiiri ja testattavuussuunnittelun menetelmä, jolla saavutettiin riittävän hyvä virhekattavuus salparekisteripiirille. Kokonaispinta-alaa pienennettiin korvaamalla luku-kirjoitusrekistereiden ja kerran ohjelmoitavien rekistereiden kiikut salpapiireillä. Yhdet negatiivisella tasolla aktiiviset isäntä-salpapiirit jaettiin kaikkien samassa rekisteripankissa olevien positiivisella tasolla aktiivisten salparekistereiden kanssa. Kellon portittamisella valittiin mihin salparekisteriin kirjoitusdata ladattiin yhteisistä isäntä-salpapireistä. Osittaisessa testipolkuihin perustuvassa testauksessa salpapiirit tehtiin läpinäkyviksi siirtooperaation aikana. Salparekisterin kellon portituslogiikan havaittavuutta parannettiin jättämällä jokaisen salparekisterin ensimmäinen bitti kiikuksi. Ohjattavuutta parannettiin lisäämällä ohjauspisteitä. Salparekisteripiiri, joka suunniteltiin tässä diplomityössä, pienensi kokonaispinta-alaa 5 % ja rekisteripankin pinta-alaa 15 % verrattuna kiikkuperäiseen vertailupiiriin. Salparekisteripiiri onnistuu pitämään saman juuttumisvikamallin virhekattavuuden kuin vertailupiiri