5 research outputs found


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    This paper describes application-specific and technology specifications related to ICT-based approach for the support of policy modelling as proposed in the EU funded FP7 ICT OCOPOMO project. In this particular approach strategic planning is supported by a combination of narrative scenarios, agent-based modelling, and e-Participation tools (all integrated via an ICT e-Governance platform). The policy model for a given domain is created iteratively using cooperation of several stakeholder groups (decision makers, analysts, companies, civic society, and the general public). In this paper we will provide principles and key concepts of collaborative policy modelling, but the main focus is on the discussion of high-level architecture of ICT tools and software components, envisioned platform functionality and preliminary view of detailed architecture and technological details for implementation and integration of software components. An overall approach is presented also from the view of a particular pilot application, built around development of a strategy of renewable energy use. The process of development of a new strategy is described using standard BPMN. The process models correspond to AS-IS and TO-BE (i.e. after incorporation of scenario generation and policy modelling) situations

    Metaplanning: About designing the Geodesign process

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    Geodesign entails complex processes involving multidisciplinary teams of professionals supporting stakeholders and communities in devising and choosing sustainable future development scenarios for their territories. The roles and the relationships among the actors may vary according to the underlying planning paradigm or style which the local normative and socio-cultural factors shape in the actual practices. Methods and tools to be used in the process phases may vary accordingly. A Geodesign study is characterised by the integrated usage of Geographic Information Science methods and tools to transform spatial data into relevant knowledge for informed design and decision-making. Thus, central to Geodesign are such issues as how to design and manage such complex processes, and how to orchestrate digital methods and tools in Geodesign support systems architectures. To address these challenges, the concept of metaplanning is proposed as an aid to the design of Geodesign processes. Expected benefits of the metaplanning exercise include better process understanding by the participants, improvements in management, and enhanced process transparency and accountability. Moreover, metaplanning may drive the integration of digital information technologies to support the Geodesign workflows.After the formalization of the concept, a Business Process Management (BPM) approach to metaplanning is proposed for its operationalization, aiming at both improving the Geodesign process and easing the creation of process-oriented 2nd generation Planning Support Systems. After a critical discussion on the possible advantages of the metaplanning approach to the design of process-oriented Geodesign workflows and support systems, issues setting the future research agenda in this domain are outlined

    Envisioning Digital Europe 2030: Scenarios for ICT in Future Governance and Policy Modelling

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    The report Envisioning Digital Europe 2030 is the result of research conducted by the Information Society Unit of IPTS as part of the CROSSROAD Project - A Participative Roadmap on ICT research on Electronic Governance and Policy Modelling (www.crossroad-eu.net ). After outlining the purpose and scope of the report and the methodological approach followed, the report presents the results of a systematic analysis of societal, policy and research trends in the governance and policy modelling domain in Europe. These analyses are considered central for understanding and roadmapping future research on ICT for governance and policy modelling. The study further illustrates the scenario design framework, analysing current and future challenges in ICT for governance and policy modelling, and identifying the key impact dimensions to be considered. It then presents the scenarios developed at the horizon 2030, including the illustrative storyboards representative of each scenario and the prospective opportunities and risks identified for each of them. The scenarios developed are internally consistent views of what the European governance and policy making system could have become by 2030 and of what the resulting implications for citizens, business and public services would be. Finally, the report draws conclusions and presents the proposed shared vision for Digital Europe 2030, offering also a summary of the main elements to be considered as an input for the future development of the research roadmap on ICT for governance and policy modelling.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    E-közszolgálatfejlesztés: Elméleti alapok és tudományos módszerek

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    Open government in São Paulo : democracy in public policy

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    Orientador: Wagner de Melo RomãoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasResumo: Os planos abertos do governo incluem uma variedade de atividades de participação política, provisão da informação e transparência, colaboração para qualificação da tomada de decisão, mecanismos de responsabilidade e medidas anticorrupção, assentados transversalmente na abertura, disponibilidade de dados padronizados e inovação tecnológica. A estratégia aplicada para alcançar esses propósitos corresponde a certas exigências que foram aplicadas à gestão pública, tais como a modernização da administração, o uso dos avanços tecnológicos, o desenvolvimento das mídias interativas, plataformas de governo e formas híbridas de participação. Diante do cenário, analisamos os limites e potencialidades da municipalização do governo aberto na Prefeitura de São Paulo, inaugurada na gestão de Fernando Haddad. Especificamente, examinamos o potencial para elaboração de políticas públicas de três iniciativas: Programa de Metas 2013-2016, a plataforma virtual Planeja Sampa e o São Paulo Aberta. A abordagem da pesquisa compreendeu a estratégia governamental de abertura como possível reforço aos processos democráticos no nível local, priorizando as diferentes sequências de tomada de decisão, e que envolvem a arena técnica e a arena cidadã na elaboração de políticas públicas, apoiando-se na participação, transparência, colaboração e inovação tecnológica. A pesquisa foi estruturada em três fases. Na primeira fase analisamos a literatura e a intersecção entre e-democracia e governo aberto. Identificamos e selecionamos modelos de análise no campo da e-participação para encerrar um quadro analítico do governo aberto, o ecossistema de governo aberto. A segunda fase consolidou a operacionalização da pesquisa, com a definição dos instrumentos e métodos de pesquisa, promovendo dispositivos arquitetados para analisar o processo políticos apoiado pelas tecnologias, como aplicação de heurística e modelagem política. Na última fase da pesquisa analisamos os casos sob a lente da dimensão democrática do governo aberto e os valores políticos caracterizados pela defesa da abertura; a dimensão do projeto e seus objetivos, o gerenciamento das iniciativas e atuação dos atores envolvidos; e finalmente, a dimensão sociotécnica com as propriedades e características das tecnologias do governo aberto. Os resultados apontaram que as iniciativas variam muito em relação à implementação de estratégias, gerenciamento das estratégias e sua capacidade de influenciar as políticas. A estratégia de abertura é promissora apenas as primeiras etapas do ciclo de políticas - formulação, agenda e tomada de decisões. A pesquisa revelou que critérios operacionais, institucionais e legais do gerenciamento da abertura tem um grande peso sobre a sustentabilidade das iniciativas, confirmando que a condução do projeto impacta nas escolhas das tecnologias e nas escolhas políticas sobre quais iniciativas tem maior prioridade. Ainda que o panorama seja de avanço, os resultados da abertura são intermediários ou de curto prazo, isso quer dizer que a municipalização ainda está em sua infância. As barreiras para o desenvolvimento do governo aberto foram reforçadas pela coordenação fragmentada para elaboração de políticas, sobreposição e conflitos legais e econômicos, baixa adesão à cultura pública aberta, baixa institucionalidade e alta informalidade entre os agentes públicos. Indicando lacunas de habilidades e investimentos em recursos humanos, padrões e especificações pouco claros na formatação técnica e operacional das iniciativas, incerteza quanto à sustentabilidade perante um quadro legal lasso. Ademais, a combinação da inovação social e tecnológica em programas do governo aberto da Prefeitura de São Paulo, envolvendo a participação e colaboração da população foi capaz de promover o status da abertura com o apoio da Open Government PartnershipAbstract: Government open plans include a variety of policy engagement, information provision and transparency, collaboration to qualify decision-making, accountability mechanisms and anti-corruption measures, settling across the gap, availability of standardized data, and technological innovation. The strategy applied to achieve these aims corresponds to certain requirements that have been applied to public management, such as the modernization of administration, the use of technological advances, the development of interactive media, platforms of government and hybrid forms of participation. In view of the scenario, we analyzed the limits and potentialities of the municipalization of open government in the City of São Paulo, inaugurated in the management of Fernando Haddad. Specifically, we examine the potential for public policy-making of three initiatives: Programa de Metas 2013-2016, the virtual platform Planeja Sampa and São Paulo Aberta. The research approach comprised the governmental strategy of opening as a possible reinforcement to democratic processes at the local level, prioritizing the different sequences of decision-making, and involving the technical arena and the citizen arena in the elaboration of public policies, relying on participation , transparency, collaboration and technological innovation. The research was structured in three phases. In the first phase we analyze the literature and the intersection between e-democracy and open government. We identify and select models of analysis in the field of e-participation to close an analytical framework of open government, the ecosystem of open government. The second phase consolidated the operationalization of the research, with the definition of the instruments and methods of research, promoting devices designed to analyze the political process supported by technologies, such as heuristic application and political modeling. In the last phase of the research we analyze the cases under the lens of the democratic dimension of open government and the political values ??characterized by the defense of openness; the size of the project and its objectives, the management of the initiatives and actions of the actors involved; and finally, the sociotechnical dimension with the properties and characteristics of open government technologies. The results showed that the initiatives vary widely in relation to the implementation of strategies, management of strategies and their capacity to influence policies. The opening strategy is promising only the first steps of the policy cycle - formulation, agenda and decision making. The survey revealed that operational, institutional and legal criteria for openness management weigh heavily on the sustainability of initiatives, confirming that project management impacts on technology choices and policy choices on which initiatives have the highest priority. Although the outlook is progress, the results of the opening are intermediate or short term, this means that municipalization is still in its infancy. The barriers to the development of open government were reinforced by fragmented coordination for policymaking, overlapping and legal and economic conflicts, low adherence to open public culture, low institutionality and high informality among public agents. Indicating skills gaps and investments in human resources, unclear standards and specifications in the technical and operational formatting of the initiatives, uncertainty about sustainability before a lax legal framework. In addition, the combination of social and technological innovation in open government programs of the City of São Paulo involving the participation and collaboration of the population was able to promote the status of openness with the support of the Open Government PartnershipDoutoradoCiencia PoliticaDoutora em Ciência Política1443125CAPE