2,015 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional anatomical atlas of the human body

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsAnatomical atlases allow mapping the anatomical structures of the human body. Early versions of these systems consisted of analogic representations with informative text and labelled images of the human body. With the advent of computer systems, digital versions emerged and the third dimension was introduced. Consequently, these systems increased their efficiency, allowing more realistic visualizations with improved interactivity. The development of anatomical atlases in geographic information systems (GIS) environments allows the development of platforms with a high degree of interactivity and with tools to explore and analyze the human body. In this thesis, a prototype for the human body representation is developed. The system includes a 3D GIS topological model, a graphical user interface and functions to explore and analyze the interior and the surface of the anatomical structures of the human body. The GIS approach relies essentially on the topological characteristics of the model and on the kind of available functions, which include measurement, identification, selection and analysis. With the incorporation of these functions, the final system has the ability to replicate the kind of information provided by the conventional anatomical atlases and also provides a higher level of functionality, since some of the atlases limitations are precisely features offered by GIS, namely, interactive capabilities, multilayer management, measurement tools, edition mode, allowing the expansion of the information contained in the system, and spatial analyzes

    Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR)

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    Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life, human suffering, and enormous damage to homes, other buildings, and infrastructure. The Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) proposal is designed to address this problem. This proposal recommends two prototype systems integrating space-based and ground technology. The suggested pilot implementation is over a 10-year period in three focus countries – China, Japan, and Peru – that are among the areas in the world most afflicted by earthquakes. The first proposed system is an Earthquake Early Warning Prototype System that addresses the potential of earthquake precursors, the science of which is incomplete and considered controversial within the scientific community. We recommend the development and launch of two small satellites to study ionospheric and electromagnetic precursors. In combination with ground-based precursor research, the data gathered will improve existing knowledge of earthquake-related phenomena. The second proposed system is an Earthquake Simulation and Response Prototype. An earthquake simulator will combine any available precursor data with detailed knowledge of the affected areas using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify those areas that are most likely to experience the greatest level of damage. Mobile satellite communication hubs will provide telephone and data links between response teams, while satellite navigation systems will locate and track emergency vehicles. We recommend a virtual response satellite constellation composed of existing and future high resolution satellites. We also recommend education and training for response teams on the use of these technologies. The two prototypes will be developed and implemented by a proposed non-profit nongovernmental organization (NGO) called the TREMOR Foundation, which will obtain funding from government disaster management agencies and NGOs. A for-profit subsidiary will market any spin-off technologies and provide an additional source of funding. Assuming positive results from the prototype systems, Team TREMOR recommends their eventual and permanent implementation in all countries affected by earthquakes.Postprint (published version

    Reproducible geoscientific modelling with hypergraphs

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    Reproducing the construction of a geoscientific model is a hard task. It requires the availability of all required data and an exact description how the construction was performed. In practice data availability and the exactness of the description is often lacking. As part of this thesis I introduce a conceptual framework how geoscientific model constructions can be described as directed acyclic hypergraphs, how such recorded construction graphs can be used to reconstruct the model, and how repetitive constructions can be used to verify the reproducibility of a geoscientific model construction process. In addition I present a software prototype, implementing these concepts. The prototype is tested with three different case studies, including a geophysical measurement analysis, a subsurface model construction and the calculation of a hydrological balance model.:1. Introduction 1.1. Survey on Reproducibility and Automation for Geoscientific Model Construction 1.2. Motivating Example 1.3. Previous Work 1.4. Problem Description 1.5. Structure of this Thesis 1.6. Results Accomplished by this Thesis 2. Terms, Definitions and Requirements 2.1. Terms and Definitions 2.1.1. Geoscientific model 2.1.2. Reproducibility 2.1.3. Realisation 2.2. Requirements 3. Related Work 3.1. Overview 3.2. Geoscientific Data Storage Systems 3.2.1. PostGIS and Similar Systems 3.2.2. Geoscience in Space and Time (GST) 3.3. Geoscientific Modelling Software 3.3.1. gOcad 3.3.2. GemPy 3.4. Experimentation Management Software 3.4.1. DataLad 3.4.2. Data Version Control (DVC) 3.5. Reproducible Software Builds 3.6. Summarised Releated Work 4. Concept 4.1. Construction Hypergraphs 4.1.1. Reproducibility Based on Construction Hypergraphs 4.1.2. Equality definitions 4.1.3. Design Constraints 4.2. Data Handling 5. Design 5.1. Application Structure 5.1.1. Choice of Application Architecture for GeoHub 5.2. Extension Mechanisms 5.2.1. Overview 5.2.2. A Shared Library Based Extension System 5.2.3. Inter-Process Communication Based Extension System 5.2.4. An Extension System Based on a Scripting Language 5.2.5. An Extension System Based on a WebAssembly Interface 5.2.6. Comparison 5.3. Data Storage 5.3.1. Overview 5.3.2. Stored Data 5.3.3. Potential Solutions 5.3.4. Model Versioning 5.3.5. Transactional security 6. Implementation 6.1. General Application Structure 6.2. Data Storage 6.2.1. Database 6.2.2. User-provided Data-processing Extensions 6.3. Operation Executor 6.3.1. Construction Step Descriptions 6.3.2. Construction Step Scheduling 6.3.3. Construction Step Execution 7. Case Studies 7.1. Overview 7.2. Geophysical Model of the BHMZ block 7.2.1. Provided Data and Initial Situation 7.2.2. Construction Process Description 7.2.3. Reproducibility 7.2.4. Identified Problems and Construction Process Improvements 7.2.5. Recommendations 7.3. Three-Dimensional Subsurface Model of the Kolhberg Region 7.3.1. Provided Data and Initial Situation 7.3.2. Construction Process Description 7.3.3. Reproducibility 7.3.4. Identified Problems and Construction Process Improvements 7.3.5. Recommendations 7.4. Hydrologic Balance Model of a Saxonian Stream 7.4.1. Provided Data and Initial Situation 7.4.2. Construction Process Description 7.4.3. Reproducibility 7.4.4. Identified Problems and Construction Process Improvements 7.4.5. Recommendations 7.5. Lessons Learned 8. Conclusions 8.1. Summary 8.2. Outlook 8.2.1. Parametric Model Construction Process 8.2.2. Pull and Push Nodes 8.2.3. Parallelize Single Construction Steps 8.2.4. Provable Model Construction Process Attestation References Appendi

    Socio-economic benefits of using space technologies to monitor and respond to earthquakes

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    Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life, human suffering and enormous damage to homes, other buildings and infrastructure. The Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) Team of 36 space professionals analysed this problem over the course of the International Space University Summer Session Program and published their recommendations in the form of a report. The TREMOR Team proposes a series of space- and ground-based systems to provide improved capability to manage earthquakes. The first proposed system is a prototype earthquake early-warning system that improves the existing knowledge of earthquake precursors and addresses the potential of these phenomena. Thus, the system will at first enable the definitive assessment of whether reliable earthquake early warning is possible through precursor monitoring. Should the answer be affirmative, the system itself would then form the basis of an operational earlywarning system. To achieve these goals, the authors propose a multi-variable approach in which the system will combine, integrate and process precursor data from space- and ground-based seismic monitoring systems (already existing and new proposed systems) and data from a variety of related sources (e.g. historical databases, space weather data, fault maps). The second proposed system, the prototype earthquake simulation and response system, coordinates the main components of the response phase to reduce the time delays of response operations, increase the level of precision in the data collected, facilitate communication amongst teams, enhance rescue and aid capabilities and so forth. It is based in part on an earthquake simulator that will provide pre-event (if early warning is proven feasible) and post-event damage assessment and detailed data of the affected areas to corresponding disaster management actors by means of a geographic information system (GIS) interface. This is coupled with proposed mobile satellite communication hubs to provide links between response teams. Business- and policy-based implementation strategies for these proposals, such as the establishment of a non-governmental organisation to develop and operate the systems, are included

    Geo-rectification and cloud-cover correction of multi-temporal Earth observation imagery

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    Over the past decades, improvements in remote sensing technology have led to mass proliferation of aerial imagery. This, in turn, opened vast new possibilities relating to land cover classification, cartography, and so forth. As applications in these fields became increasingly more complex, the amount of data required also rose accordingly and so, to satisfy these new needs, automated systems had to be developed. Geometric distortions in raw imagery must be rectified, otherwise the high accuracy requirements of the newest applications will not be attained. This dissertation proposes an automated solution for the pre-stages of multi-spectral satellite imagery classification, focusing on Fast Fourier Shift theorem based geo-rectification and multi-temporal cloud-cover correction. By automatizing the first stages of image processing, automatic classifiers can take advantage of a larger supply of image data, eventually allowing for the creation of semi-real-time mapping applications


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    L'un des principaux problèmes dans la gestion des risques est le manque de bonne communication et de collaboration efficace entre les services, agences et organisations chargés de la prévention, l'atténuation et la gestion des risques. La participation des différents groupes d'acteurs est une importante composante de la prévention et l'atténuation des risques. Cela demande une approche intégrée et coordonnée, qui aide les parties prenantes responsables de gérer le risque, depuis l'identification des risques jusqu'au processus de prise de décision, à obtenir la meilleure combinaison des stratégies de réduction des risques. Comme les dangers naturels et les risques liés à ces dangers sont de nature spatiale, les outils d'aide à la décision basés sur le web et intégrés aux systèmes d'informations géographiques (SIG, GIS en anglais] ont été considérés de plus en plus comme des instruments utiles. En prenant les avantages du web moderne, les technologies géospatiales et open-source pour obtenir une structure intégrée et centralisée, une plateforme collaborative web-SIG est proposée pour la gestion des risques avec la participation des différentes parties prenantes. Les principaux objectifs de cette recherche sont 1) de proposer une approche systématique et intégrée de gestion des risques avec la participation des différents parties prenantes; 2) d'étudier la possibilité et l'application des outils interactifs web-SIG d'aide à la décision pour l'analyse, la communication et l'échange d'informations entre les parties prenantes de la gestion des risques and 3) de proposer une approche novatrice pour améliorer potentiellement les activités de collaboration entre les parties prenantes grâce à des approches interactives et participatives. Les apports conceptuels de cette étude sont basés sur les premiers feedback, les entretiens semi- structurés et les observations obtenues lors des visites sur le terrain et des réunions avec les parties prenantes menées sur trois sites d'études en Europe, dans les régions de Voïvodie en Pologne, de Buzâu en Roumanie et du Frioul-Vénétie julienne en Italie. Même si certaines plates-formes existent dans les zones d'études, aucune n'a une plate-forme qui permet une approche flexible et collaborative pour formuler et la sélectionner des mesures de gestion des risques comme ce qui est tenté dans cette étude. De plus, la plupart des plates-formes existantes sont principalement concentrées sur l'inventaire des événements, la visualisation des risques et la diffusion de l'information. Dans cette recherche, un prototype est réalisé et centré sur l'analyse des risques, la formulation et la sélection des mesures potentielles en utilisant une interface interactive web-SIG intégrée à un outil d'évaluation multicritères (MCE). Cette plate-forme est considérée non seulement comme une plate-forme web pour le partage centralisé des informations des risques, mais aussi comme un outil pour assurer un cadre intégré où les parties prenantes concernées peuvent analyser les risques et évaluer les mesures de réduction des risques. Pour le développement du prototype, une architecture client-serveur à trois niveaux renforcée par Boundless (OpenGeo) a été appliquée avec son environnement de développement côté client. Ce prototype a été présenté aux parties prenantes locales et régionales des zones d'études. Leur feedback a été collecté pour comprendre leurs points de vue et déterminer si la plate-forme est utile et applicable pour leurs activités en matière de gestion des risques. Le prototype a également été évalué avec les étudiants pour obtenir des commentaires sur les différents aspects de la plate-forme et pour analyser la façon dont l'application des outils interactifs pourrait aider les étudiants à analyser et comprendre la gestion des risques. -- A collaborative web-GIS based décision support platform for risk management of natural hazards (Aye Zar Chi, ISTE) One of the main problems in risk management is the lack of good communication as well as efficient and effective collaboration between the agencies, services and organizations in charge of risk prévention, mitigation and management. The involvement of various stakeholder groups is an important component of risk prévention and mitigation. This calls for an integrated and coordinated approach which helps responsible stakeholders in managing risk, starting from risk identification to the decision-making process for achieving the best combination of risk réduction stratégies. As natural hazards and associated risks are spatial in nature, web-based décision support tools integrated with Géographie information systems (GIS) have been increasingly considered as useful instruments for providing décision support. Taking the advantages of modem web, spatial and open-source technologies to achieve a centralized and integrated framework, in this research, a web-GIS based collaborative décision support platform is proposed for risk management with involvement of various stakeholders. The principal purposes of this research are: (1) to conduct a systematic and integrated risk management approach with diverse involvement of différent stakeholders; (2) to explore the possibility and application of interactive web- GIS décision support tools for the analysis, communication and exchange of décision support information between risk management stakeholders and (3) to propose an innovative approach to potentially enhance collaboration activities between stakeholders through interactive and participatory approaches. The conceptual inputs of this study are based on the initial feedback, semi-structured interviews and observations obtained from the field visits and stakeholder meetings carried out in three case studies of Europe: the Malopolska Voivodeship of Poland, Buzâu County of Romania and the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia région of Italy. Even though some platforms exist in study areas, no single case has a platform at hand which enables as flexible and collaborative approach for the formulation and selection of risk management measures as attempted in this study. Moreover, most platforms have focused mainly on inventoiy of events, risk visualization and dissémination of information. In this research, a prototype is realized and focused on the risk analysis, formulation and selection of potential measures through the use of an interactive web-GIS based interface integrated with a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) tool. This platform is regarded not only as a web platform for centralized sharing of risk information but also for ensuring an integrated framework where involved stakeholders can analyse risk and evaluate risk réduction measures. For the prototype development, a three-tier client-server architecture backed up by Boundless (OpenGeo) was applied with its client side development environment. This developed prototype was presented to the local and régional stakeholders of the study areas and feedback was collected to understand their perspective in determining whether the platform is useful and applicable for their activities in risk management. The prototype was also further evaluated with students to obtain feedback on différent aspects of the platform as well as to analyse how the application of interactive tools could assist students in studying and understanding risk management

    Design and development of a prototype mobile geographic information system for real-time collection and storage of traffic accident data

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    Today, Swedish police authorities nationwide collect data of traffic accidents. The information is stored in a national database managed by the Swedish Transport Agency and is an important resource in the process of analysing and improving road safety. Literature studies in this thesis, together with earlier work by the author have suggested that the data collection process is in need of an update: a digital tool for such data collection is necessary. Problems with varying quality of data and long submission times of reports have been attributed to the current method, which involves a paper form. A digital method including a handheld device is expected to improve data quality and shorten overall submission times. The aim of the thesis has thus been to design and develop a mobile GIS system for collection and management of traffic accident information for police authorities. The project has utilized mainly open source tools. The result is a system containing an Android application for data collection, a database server with a database for storage, an application server/web server to host a software server (map server), and a web server that handles requests and hosts a web service for viewing and retrieving data. The created system can collect all of the information that the currently used analogue method does as well as new media such as GPS coordinates, photographs and audio. The functionality of the web service demonstrates that data is collected and stored in suitable formats in a database schema that is flexible enough to facilitate a wide range of queries relevant to the field of road safety.The thesis describes the design and development of an Android mobile application for collecting and reporting information about traffic accidents. Additional components such as servers and a web service with a map are also included. Together with the mobile application they form a system for reporting, storage and analysis of information about traffic accidents. The tools and components that have been chosen are mainly open source, which means that they are accessible and free for everyone to use and create their own system. Swedish police authorities nationwide are currently collecting data of traffic accidents. The information, which is stored in a national database managed by the Swedish Transport Agency, is an important resource in the process of analysing and improving road safety. The data collection by the police has, since the beginning been intended to be conducted in the field on a hand held device, however this is not the case. Consequently the national database consists of information that has been collected by filling out paper forms that are later digitized. Varying data quality and long overall submission times have been noted as problems that can be attributed to this analogue step of the reporting process. It has been suggested that the data collection process is in need of an update: a new digital tool is necessary. The Android application, which is the main contribution, is intended as a suggestion to a digital replacement of the paper form. The functionality of the application is based on the requirements of the current paper form used by police. The created system can collect all of the information that the currently used analogue method does as well as new media such as GPS coordinates, photographs and audio. The functionality of the web service demonstrates that data is collected and stored in suitable formats in a database schema that is flexible enough to facilitate a wide range of queries relevant to the field of road safety