29 research outputs found

    Power management using photovoltaic cells for implantable devices

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    This paper presents a novel inductor-less switched capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter, which generates simultaneous dual-output voltages for implantable electronic devices. Present dual output converters are limited to fixed ratio gain, which degrade conversion efficiency when the input voltage changes. The proposed power converter offers both step-up and step-down conversion with 4-phase reconfigurable logic. With an input voltage of 1 V provided by photovoltaic (PV) cells, the proposed converter achieves step-up, step-down and synchronised voltage conversions in four gain modes. These are 1.5 V and 0.5 V for Normal mode, 2 V and 1 V for High mode, 2 V for Double Boost mode, as well as 3 V and 2 V for Super Boost mode with the ripple variation of 14-59 mV. The converter circuit has been simulated in standard 0.18 μm CMOS technology and the results agree with state-of-the-art SC converters. However, our proposed monolithically integrated PV powered circuit achieves a conversion efficiency of 85.26% and provides extra flexibility in terms of gain, which is advantageous for future implantable applications that have a range of inputs. This research is therefore an important step in achieving truly autonomous implantable electronic devices

    An Energy Harvesting Solution for IoT Sensors Using MEMS Technology

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    The significant development of IoT sensors will play a critical role in a large number of applications. It is predicted that billions of IoT sensors will be used worldwide by 2020 [1]. Batteries are commonly utilized to power on sensors, but they are depleted and they require maintenance and replacement. Battery replacement for billions of sensors is a daunting task and battery disposal for IoT sensors can become an environmental problem. Energy harvesting from ambient sources presents a viable solution to overcome these problems. Among all energy sources, light is considered as one of the best sources due to its high energy density and availability in both indoor and outdoor environments. In order to make an energy harvesting system efficient, many methods have been proposed in the literature to extract the maximum energy while minimizing the power consumption by the energy harvesting circuitry. In this work, a boost converter circuit is designed using MEMS-based switches to reduce the leakage current and power loss caused by conventional transistor-based switches. A light energy harvesting method is also proposed utilizing available components of a typical IoT sensor. The reuse of available components in the proposed solution reduces the overall power consumption and the area overhead of the energy harvesting solution

    Battery-sourced switched-inductor multiple-output CMOS power-supply systems

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    Wireless microsystems add intelligence to larger systems by sensing, processing and transmitting information which can ultimately save energy and resources. Each function has their own power profile and supply level to maximize performance and save energy since they are powered by a small battery. Also, due to its small size, the battery has limited energy and therefore the power-supply system cannot consume much power. Switched-inductor converters are efficient across wide operating conditions but one fundamental challenge is integration because miniaturized dc-dc converters cannot afford to accommodate more than one off-chip power inductor. The objective of this research is to explore, develop, analyze, prototype, test, and evaluate how one switched inductor can derive power from a small battery to supply, regulate, and respond to several independent outputs reliably and accurately. Managing and stabilizing the feedback loops that supply several outputs at different voltages under diverse and dynamic loading conditions with one CMOS chip and one inductor is also challenging. Plus, since a single inductor cannot supply all outputs at once, steady-state ripples and load dumps produce cross-regulation effects that are difficult to manage and suppress. Additionally, as the battery depletes the power-supply system must be able to regulate both buck and boost voltages. The presented system can efficiently generate buck and boost voltages with the fastest response time while having a low silicon area consumption per output in a low-cost technology which can reduce the overall size and cost of the system.Ph.D

    Power management systems based on switched-capacitor DC-DC converter for low-power wearable applications

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    The highly efficient ultra-low-power management unit is essential in powering low-power wearable electronics. Such devices are powered by a single input source, either by a battery or with the help of a renewable energy source. Thus, there is a demand for an energy conversion unit, in this case, a DC-DC converter, which can perform either step-up or step-down conversions to provide the required voltage at the load. Energy scavenging with a boost converter is an intriguing choice since it removes the necessity of bulky batteries and considerably extends the battery life. Wearable devices are typically powered by a monolithic battery. The commonly available battery such as Alkaline or Lithium-ion, degrade over time due to their life spans as it is limited by the number of charge cycles- which depend highly on the environmental and loading condition. Thus, once it reaches the maximum number of life cycles, the battery needs to be replaced. The operation of the wearable devices is limited by usable duration, which depends on the energy density of the battery. Once the stored energy is depleted, the operation of wearable devices is also affected, and hence it needs to be recharged. The energy harvesters- which gather the available energy from the surroundings, however, have no limitation on operating life. The application can become battery-less given that harvestable energy is sufficiently powering the low-power devices. Although the energy harvester may not completely replace the battery source, it ensures the maximum duration of use and assists to become autonomous and self-sustain devices. The photovoltaic (PV) cell is a promising candidate as a hypothetical input supply source among the energy harvesters due to its smaller area and high power density over other harvesters. Solar energy use PV harvester can convert ambient light energy into electrical energy and keep it in the storage device. The harvested output of PV cannot directly connect to wearable loads for two main reasons. Depending on the incoming light, the harvested current result in varying open-circuit voltage. It requires the power management circuit to deal with unregulated input variation. Second, depending on the PV cell's material type and an effective area, the I-V characteristic's performance varies, resulting in a variation of the output power. There are several works of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods that allow the solar energy harvester to achieve optimal harvested power. Therefore, the harvested power depends on the size and usually small area cell is sufficient for micro-watt loads low-powered applications. The available harvested voltage, however, is generally very low-voltage range between 0.4-0.6 V. The voltage ratings of electronics in standard wearable applications operate in 1.8-3 V voltages as described in introduction’s application example section. It is higher than the supply source can offer. The overcome the mismatch voltage between source and supply circuit, a DC-DC boost converter is necessary. The switch-mode converters are favoured over the linear converters due to their highly efficient and small area overhead. The inductive converter in the switch-mode converter is common due to its high-efficiency performance. However, the integration of the inductor in the miniaturised integrated on-chip design tends to be bulky. Therefore, the switched-capacitor approach DC-DC converters will be explored in this research. In the switched-capacitor converter universe, there is plenty of work for single-output designs for various topologies. Most converters are reconfigurable to the different DC voltage levels apart from Dickson and cross-coupled charge pump topologies due to their boosting power stage architecture through a number of stages. However, existing multi-output converters are limited to the fixed gain ratio. This work explores the reconfigurable dual-output converter with adjustable gain to compromise the research gap. The thesis's primary focus is to present the inductor-less, switched-capacitor-based DC-DC converter power management system (PMS) supplied by a varying input of PV energy harvester input source. The PMS should deliver highly efficient regulated voltage conversion ratio (VCR) outputs to low-power wearable electronic devices that constitute multi-function building blocks


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    Power Management Circuits for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    Energy harvesting is the process of converting ambient available energy into usable electrical energy. Multiple types of sources are can be used to harness environmental energy: solar cells, kinetic transducers, thermal energy, and electromagnetic waves. This dissertation proposal focuses on the design of high efficiency, ultra-low power, power management units for DC energy harvesting sources. New architectures and design techniques are introduced to achieve high efficiency and performance while achieving maximum power extraction from the sources. The first part of the dissertation focuses on the application of inductive switching regulators and their use in energy harvesting applications. The second implements capacitive switching regulators to minimize the use of external components and present a minimal footprint solution for energy harvesting power management. Analysis and theoretical background for all switching regulators and linear regulators are described in detail. Both solutions demonstrate how low power, high efficiency design allows for a self-sustaining, operational device which can tackle the two main concerns for energy harvesting: maximum power extraction and voltage regulation. Furthermore, a practical demonstration with an Internet of Things type node is tested and positive results shown by a fully powered device from harvested energy. All systems were designed, implemented and tested to demonstrate proof-of-concept prototypes

    Driver de potencia dimerizable para un arreglo de LEDs

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    1 recurso en línea (131 páginas) : Iluistraciones, tablas, figuras.En este trabajo se presenta el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un convertidor conmutado para alimentar una cadena de LEDs a partir de la red eléctrica monofásica. Este convertidor tiene un controlador digital, implementado en un microcontrolador PIC16F873A, que permite variar la tensión de salida en un rango de 31 a 37 V y, por consiguiente, la intensidad luminosa de la lámpara, dándole a ésta la característica de ser dimerizable. Dicho trabajo fue desarrollado dentro del semillero de investigación en electrónica de potencia S-PERD de la Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica extensión Tunja. Inicialmente se realizó una revisión de algunas topologías utilizadas en convertidores AC/DC para iluminación LED, describiendo sus principales ventajas y desventajas. Las topologías analizadas son: Boost, Buck, Buck-Boost, SEPIC y Flyback. A partir de la comparación de la información recopilada, se selecciona la topología Flyback como la más apropiada para el desarrollo del prototipo objeto de este proyecto. Posteriormente se le realiza el análisis de estado estacionario y de pequeña señal de esta topología en modo de conducción discontinua. Para esto, se empleó el modelo de resistor libre de pérdidas presentado en Erickson que permite entender de manera clara y sencilla la dinámica del sistema. Finalmente se lleva a cabo el diseño e implementación del convertidor, el cual cuenta con una estrategia de control denominada programación de ganancias difusa y la evaluación de desempeño del mismo. El resultado obtenido es un driver de potencia dimerizable con una variación del voltaje de salida satisfactoria y una eficiencia del 69% con la máxima tensión de salida y del 19% para la mínima. Además de esto se muestra el contenido armónico y la distorsión armónica del convertidor.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 82-95PregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    Contributions on DC microgrid supervision and control strategies for efficiency optimization through battery modeling, management, and balancing techniques

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    Aquesta tesi presenta equips, models i estratègies de control que han estat desenvolupats amb l'objectiu final de millorar el funcionament d'una microxarxa CC. Es proposen dues estratègies de control per a millorar l'eficiència dels convertidors CC-CC que interconnecten les unitats de potència de la microxarxa amb el bus CC. La primera estratègia, Control d'Optimització de Tensió de Bus centralitzat, administra la potència del Sistema d'Emmagatzematge d'Energia en Bateries de la microxarxa per aconseguir que la tensió del bus segueixi la referència dinàmica de tensió òptima que minimitza les pèrdues dels convertidors. La segona, Optimització en Temps Real de la Freqüència de Commutació, consisteix a operar localment cada convertidor a la seva freqüència de commutació òptima, minimitzant les seves pèrdues. A més, es proposa una nova topologia d'equilibrador actiu de bateries mitjançant un únic convertidor CC-CC i s'ha dissenyat la seva estratègia de control. El convertidor CC-CC transfereix càrrega cel·la a cel·la, emprant encaminament de potència a través d'un sistema d'interruptors controlats. L'estratègia de control de l'equalitzador aconsegueix un ràpid equilibrat del SOC evitant sobrecompensar el desequilibri. Finalment, es proposa un model simple de degradació d'una cel·la NMC amb elèctrode negatiu de grafit. El model combina la simplicitat d'un model de circuit equivalent, que explica la dinàmica ràpida de la cel·la, amb un model físic del creixement de la capa Interfase Sòlid-Electròlit (SEI), que prediu la pèrdua de capacitat i l'augment de la resistència interna a llarg termini. El model proposat quantifica la incorporació de liti al rang de liti ciclable necessària per a aconseguir els límits de OCV després de la pèrdua de liti ciclable en la reacció secundària. El model de degradació SEI pot emprar-se per a realitzar un control predictiu de bateries orientat a estendre la seva vida útil.Aquesta tesi presenta equips, models i estratègies de control que han estat desenvolupats amb l'objectiu final de millorar el funcionament d'una microxarxa CC. Es proposen dues estratègies de control per a millorar l'eficiència dels convertidors CC-CC que interconnecten les unitats de potència de la microxarxa amb el bus CC. La primera estratègia, Control d'Optimització de Tensió de Bus centralitzat, administra la potència del Sistema d'Emmagatzematge d'Energia en Bateries de la microxarxa per aconseguir que la tensió del bus segueixi la referència dinàmica de tensió òptima que minimitza les pèrdues dels convertidors. La segona, Optimització en Temps Real de la Freqüència de Commutació, consisteix a operar localment cada convertidor a la seva freqüència de commutació òptima, minimitzant les seves pèrdues. A més, es proposa una nova topologia d'equilibrador actiu de bateries mitjançant un únic convertidor CC-CC i s'ha dissenyat la seva estratègia de control. El convertidor CC-CC transfereix càrrega cel·la a cel·la, emprant encaminament de potència a través d'un sistema d'interruptors controlats. L'estratègia de control de l'equalitzador aconsegueix un ràpid equilibrat del SOC evitant sobrecompensar el desequilibri. Finalment, es proposa un model simple de degradació d'una cel·la NMC amb elèctrode negatiu de grafit. El model combina la simplicitat d'un model de circuit equivalent, que explica la dinàmica ràpida de la cel·la, amb un model físic del creixement de la capa Interfase Sòlid-Electròlit (SEI), que prediu la pèrdua de capacitat i l'augment de la resistència interna a llarg termini. El model proposat quantifica la incorporació de liti al rang de liti ciclable necessària per a aconseguir els límits de OCV després de la pèrdua de liti ciclable en la reacció secundària. El model de degradació SEI pot emprar-se per a realitzar un control predictiu de bateries orientat a estendre la seva vida útil.This dissertation presents a set of equipment, models and control strategies, that have been developed with the final goal of improving the operation of a DC microgrid. Two control strategies are proposed to improve the efficiency of the DC-DC converters that interface the microgrid’s power units with the DC bus. The first strategy is centralized Bus Voltage Optimization Control, which manages the power of the microgrid’s Battery Energy Storage System to make the bus voltage follow the optimum voltage dynamic reference that minimizes the converters’ losses. The second control strategy is Online Optimization of Switching Frequency, which consists in locally operating each converter at its optimum switching frequency, again minimizing power losses. The two proposed optimization strategies have been validated in simulations. Moreover, a new converter-based active balancing topology has been proposed and its control strategy has been designed. This equalizer topology consists of a single DC-DC converter that performs cell-to-cell charge transfer employing power routing via controlled switches. The control strategy of the equalizer has been designed to achieve rapid SOC balancing while avoiding imbalance overcompensation. Its performance has been validated in simulation. Finally, a simple degradation model of an NMC battery cell with graphite negative electrode is proposed. The model combines the simplicity of an equivalent circuit model, which explains the fast dynamics of the cell, with a physical model of the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) layer growth process, which predicts the capacity loss and the internal resistance rise in the long term. The proposed model fine-tunes the capacity loss prediction by accounting for the incorporation of unused lithium reserves of both electrodes into the cyclable lithium range to reach the OCV limits after the side reaction has consumed cyclable lithium. The SEI degradation model can be used to perform predictive control of batteries oriented toward extending their lifetime

    Characterisation of 3.3kV IGCTs for Medium Power Applications

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    Le développement des IGCT Basse Tension (3,3kV) vise un composant capable de travailler à fréquence élevée (>1 kHz) tout en gardant sa capacité « fort courant » (4kA). L'objectif final est d'augmenter les performances dynamiques des convertisseurs moyenne/forte puissance et d'étendre ainsi leur champ d'application. Pour la caractérisation des échantillons expérimentaux des IGCT 3,3kV, un banc d'essais basé sur une méthode d'opposition a été développé. Cette méthode permet l'évaluation des composants sous différentes conditions d'essai en mode de fonctionnement réel sans nécessité de sources d'alimentation de plusieurs MW. Une fois les échantillons caractérisés, l'analyse de l'applicabilité de ces composants dans des applications spécifiques aux réseaux ferroviaires SNCF est abordée. Finalement, une application de compensation de puissance réactive pour des réseaux monophasés a été étudiée en détail et une maquette de 100kVAR à base de IGCTs a été réalisée. ABSTRACT : The Low Voltage IGCT (3.3kV) is developed to provide a semiconductor able to work at high switching frequencies (>1kHz), preserving its « high current » capacity (4kA). The ultimate goal is to increase the dynamic performances of medium/high power converters, thus extending their application field. To characterise the experimental samples of 3.3kV IGCTs, an opposition method based test bench was developed. This method allows the components to be evaluated at different test conditions in real operation without the need of several megawatt power supplies. Once the samples were characterised, the applicability analysis of these components on specific applications related to the French railway network (SNCF) is performed. Finally, a reactive power compensation application for single-phase systems is studied in detail and a 100kVAR IGCT based set up is built