39 research outputs found

    Analyse formelle du protocole ACE : cohérence de caches des systèmes sur puce

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    National audienceLes architectures des systèmes sur puce (System-on-Chip, SoC) d'aujourd'hui intègrent de nombreux composants différents tels que les processeurs, les accélérateurs, les mémoires et les blocs d'entrée/sortie, certains pouvant contenir des caches. Etant donné que l'effort de validation basée sur la simulation, actuellement utilisée dans l'industrie, croît de façon exponentielle avec la complexité des SoCs, nous nous intéressons à des techniques de vérification formelle. Nous utilisons la boîte à outils CADP pour développer et valider un modèle formel d'un SoC générique conforme à la spécification ACE, récemment proposée par ARM dans le but de mettre en \oe uvre la cohérence de cache au niveau système

    Analyse formelle du protocole ACE : cohérence de caches des systèmes sur puce

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    National audienceLes architectures des systèmes sur puce (System-on-Chip, SoC) d'aujourd'hui intègrent de nombreux composants différents tels que les processeurs, les accélérateurs, les mémoires et les blocs d'entrée/sortie, certains pouvant contenir des caches. Etant donné que l'effort de validation basée sur la simulation, actuellement utilisée dans l'industrie, croît de façon exponentielle avec la complexité des SoCs, nous nous intéressons à des techniques de vérification formelle. Nous utilisons la boîte à outils CADP pour développer et valider un modèle formel d'un SoC générique conforme à la spécification ACE, récemment proposée par ARM dans le but de mettre en \oe uvre la cohérence de cache au niveau système

    Advanced management techniques for many-core communication systems

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    The way computer processors are built is changing. Nowadays, computer processor performance is increased by adding more processing cores on a single chip instead of making processors larger and faster. The traditional approach is no longer viable, due to limits in transistor scaling. Both industry and academia agree that scaling the number of processing cores to hundreds or thousands on a single chip is the only way to scale computer processor performance from now on. Consequently, the performance of these future many-core systems with thousands of cores will heavily depend on the Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture to provide scalable communication. Therefore, as the number of cores increases the locality will only become more important. Communication locality is essential to reduce latency and increase performance. Many-core systems should be designed such that cores communicate mainly to the neighbouring cores, in order to minimise the communication cost. We investigate the network performance of different topologies using the ITRS physical data for the year 2023. For this reason, we propose abstract synthetic traffic generation models to explore the locality behaviour in many-core NoC systems. Using the synthetic traffic models - group clustering model and ring clustering model - traffic distance metrics may be adjusted with locality parameters. We choose two many-core NoC architectures - distributed memory architecture and shared memory architecture - to examine whether enforcing locality on different architectures may have a diverse effect on the network performance of different topologies. Distributed memory architecture uses the message passing method of communication to communicate between cores. Our results show that the degree of locality and the clustering model strongly affect the performance of the network. Scale-invariant topologies, such as the fat quadtree, perform worse than flat ones because the reduced hop count is outweighed by the longer wire delays. In shared memory architecture, threads communicate with each other by storing data in shared cache lines. We design a hierarchical cache model that benefits from communication locality because many-core cache hierarchy that fails to exploit locality may end up having more cores delayed, thereby decreasing the network performance. Our results show that the locality model of thread placement and the distance of placing them significantly affect the NoC performance. Furthermore, they show that scale-invariant topologies perform better than flat topologies. Then, we demonstrate that implementing directory-based cache coherency has only a small overhead on the cache size. Using cache coherency protocol in our proposed hierarchical cache model, we show that network performance decreases only slightly. Hence, cache coherency scales, and it is possible to have shared memory architecture with thousands of cores

    Automatic synthesis and optimization of chip multiprocessors

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    The microprocessor technology has experienced an enormous growth during the last decades. Rapid downscale of the CMOS technology has led to higher operating frequencies and performance densities, facing the fundamental issue of power dissipation. Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the latest paradigm to improve the power-performance efficiency of computing systems by exploiting the parallelism inherent in applications. Industrial and prototype implementations have already demonstrated the benefits achieved by CMPs with hundreds of cores.CMP architects are challenged to take many complex design decisions. Only a few of them are:- What should be the ratio between the core and cache areas on a chip?- Which core architectures to select?- How many cache levels should the memory subsystem have?- Which interconnect topologies provide efficient on-chip communication?These and many other aspects create a complex multidimensional space for architectural exploration. Design Automation tools become essential to make the architectural exploration feasible under the hard time-to-market constraints. The exploration methods have to be efficient and scalable to handle future generation on-chip architectures with hundreds or thousands of cores.Furthermore, once a CMP has been fabricated, the need for efficient deployment of the many-core processor arises. Intelligent techniques for task mapping and scheduling onto CMPs are necessary to guarantee the full usage of the benefits brought by the many-core technology. These techniques have to consider the peculiarities of the modern architectures, such as availability of enhanced power saving techniques and presence of complex memory hierarchies.This thesis has several objectives. The first objective is to elaborate the methods for efficient analytical modeling and architectural design space exploration of CMPs. The efficiency is achieved by using analytical models instead of simulation, and replacing the exhaustive exploration with an intelligent search strategy. Additionally, these methods incorporate high-level models for physical planning. The related contributions are described in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the document.The second objective of this work is to propose a scalable task mapping algorithm onto general-purpose CMPs with power management techniques, for efficient deployment of many-core systems. This contribution is explained in Chapter 6 of this document.Finally, the third objective of this thesis is to address the issues of the on-chip interconnect design and exploration, by developing a model for simultaneous topology customization and deadlock-free routing in Networks-on-Chip. The developed methodology can be applied to various classes of the on-chip systems, ranging from general-purpose chip multiprocessors to application-specific solutions. Chapter 7 describes the proposed model.The presented methods have been thoroughly tested experimentally and the results are described in this dissertation. At the end of the document several possible directions for the future research are proposed

    Decompose and Conquer: Addressing Evasive Errors in Systems on Chip

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    Modern computer chips comprise many components, including microprocessor cores, memory modules, on-chip networks, and accelerators. Such system-on-chip (SoC) designs are deployed in a variety of computing devices: from internet-of-things, to smartphones, to personal computers, to data centers. In this dissertation, we discuss evasive errors in SoC designs and how these errors can be addressed efficiently. In particular, we focus on two types of errors: design bugs and permanent faults. Design bugs originate from the limited amount of time allowed for design verification and validation. Thus, they are often found in functional features that are rarely activated. Complete functional verification, which can eliminate design bugs, is extremely time-consuming, thus impractical in modern complex SoC designs. Permanent faults are caused by failures of fragile transistors in nano-scale semiconductor manufacturing processes. Indeed, weak transistors may wear out unexpectedly within the lifespan of the design. Hardware structures that reduce the occurrence of permanent faults incur significant silicon area or performance overheads, thus they are infeasible for most cost-sensitive SoC designs. To tackle and overcome these evasive errors efficiently, we propose to leverage the principle of decomposition to lower the complexity of the software analysis or the hardware structures involved. To this end, we present several decomposition techniques, specific to major SoC components. We first focus on microprocessor cores, by presenting a lightweight bug-masking analysis that decomposes a program into individual instructions to identify if a design bug would be masked by the program's execution. We then move to memory subsystems: there, we offer an efficient memory consistency testing framework to detect buggy memory-ordering behaviors, which decomposes the memory-ordering graph into small components based on incremental differences. We also propose a microarchitectural patching solution for memory subsystem bugs, which augments each core node with a small distributed programmable logic, instead of including a global patching module. In the context of on-chip networks, we propose two routing reconfiguration algorithms that bypass faulty network resources. The first computes short-term routes in a distributed fashion, localized to the fault region. The second decomposes application-aware routing computation into simple routing rules so to quickly find deadlock-free, application-optimized routes in a fault-ridden network. Finally, we consider general accelerator modules in SoC designs. When a system includes many accelerators, there are a variety of interactions among them that must be verified to catch buggy interactions. To this end, we decompose such inter-module communication into basic interaction elements, which can be reassembled into new, interesting tests. Overall, we show that the decomposition of complex software algorithms and hardware structures can significantly reduce overheads: up to three orders of magnitude in the bug-masking analysis and the application-aware routing, approximately 50 times in the routing reconfiguration latency, and 5 times on average in the memory-ordering graph checking. These overhead reductions come with losses in error coverage: 23% undetected bug-masking incidents, 39% non-patchable memory bugs, and occasionally we overlook rare patterns of multiple faults. In this dissertation, we discuss the ideas and their trade-offs, and present future research directions.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147637/1/doowon_1.pd

    Formal methods for functional verification of cache-coherent systems-on-chip

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    State-of-the-art System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures integrate many different components, such as processors, accelerators, memories, and I/O blocks. Some of those components, but not all, may have caches. Because the effort of validation with simulation-based techniques, currently used in industry, grows exponentially with the complexity of the SoC, this thesis investigates the use of formal verification techniques in this context. More precisely, we use the CADP toolbox to develop and validate a generic formal model of a heterogeneous cache-coherent SoC compliant with the recent AMBA 4 ACE specification proposed by ARM. We use a constraint-oriented specification style to model the general requirements of the specification. We verify system properties on both the constrained and unconstrained model to detect the cache coherency corner cases. We take advantage of the parametrization of the proposed model to produce a comprehensive set of counterexamples of non-satisfied properties in the unconstrained model. The results of formal verification are then used to improve the industrial simulation-based verification techniques in two aspects. On the one hand, we suggest using the formal model to assess the sanity of an interface verification unit. On the other hand, in order to generate clever semi-directed test cases from temporal logic properties, we propose a two-step approach. One step consists in generating system-level abstract test cases using model-based testing tools of the CADP toolbox. The other step consists in refining those tests into interface-level concrete test cases that can be executed at RTL level with a commercial Coverage-Directed Test Generation tool. We found that our approach helps in the transition between interface-level and system-level verification, facilitates the validation of system-level properties, and enables early detection of bugs in both the SoC and the commercial test-bench.Les architectures des systèmes sur puce (System-on-Chip, SoC) actuelles intègrent de nombreux composants différents tels que les processeurs, les accélérateurs, les mémoires et les blocs d'entrée/sortie, certains pouvant contenir des caches. Vu que l'effort de validation basée sur la simulation, actuellement utilisée dans l'industrie, croît de façon exponentielle avec la complexité des SoCs, nous nous intéressons à des techniques de vérification formelle. Nous utilisons la boîte à outils CADP pour développer et valider un modèle formel d'un SoC générique conforme à la spécification AMBA 4 ACE récemment proposée par ARM dans le but de mettre en œuvre la cohérence de cache au niveau système. Nous utilisons une spécification orientée contraintes pour modéliser les exigences générales de cette spécification. Les propriétés du système sont vérifié à la fois sur le modèle avec contraintes et le modèle sans contraintes pour détecter les cas intéressants pour la cohérence de cache. La paramétrisation du modèle proposé a permis de produire l'ensemble complet des contre-exemples qui ne satisfont pas une certaine propriété dans le modèle non contraint. Notre approche améliore les techniques industrielles de vérification basées sur la simulation en deux aspects. D'une part, nous suggérons l'utilisation du modèle formel pour évaluer la bonne construction d'une unité de vérification d'interface. D'autre part, dans l'objectif de générer des cas de test semi-dirigés intelligents à partir des propriétés de logique temporelle, nous proposons une approche en deux étapes. La première étape consiste à générer des cas de tests abstraits au niveau système en utilisant des outils de test basé sur modèle de la boîte à outils CADP. La seconde étape consiste à affiner ces tests en cas de tests concrets au niveau de l'interface qui peuvent être exécutés en RTL grâce aux services d'un outil commercial de génération de tests dirigés par les mesures de couverture. Nous avons constaté que notre approche participe dans la transition entre la vérification du niveau interface, classiquement pratiquée dans l'industrie du matériel, et la vérification au niveau système. Notre approche facilite aussi la validation des propriétés globales du système, et permet une détection précoce des bugs, tant dans le SoC que dans les bancs de test commerciales