201 research outputs found

    Reimagining Robotic Walkers For Real-World Outdoor Play Environments With Insights From Legged Robots: A Scoping Review

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    PURPOSE For children with mobility impairments, without cognitive delays, who want to participate in outdoor activities, existing assistive technology (AT) to support their needs is limited. In this review, we investigate the control and design of a selection of robotic walkers while exploring a selection of legged robots to develop solutions that address this gap in robotic AT. METHOD We performed a comprehensive literature search from four main databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore. The keywords used in the search were the following: “walker”, “rollator”, “smart walker”, “robotic walker”, “robotic rollator”. Studies were required to discuss the control or design of robotic walkers to be considered. A total of 159 papers were analyzed. RESULTS From the 159 papers, 127 were excluded since they failed to meet our inclusion criteria. The total number of papers analyzed included publications that utilized the same device, therefore we classified the remaining 32 studies into groups based on the type of robotic walker used. This paper reviewed 15 different types of robotic walkers. CONCLUSIONS The ability of many-legged robots to negotiate and transition between a range of unstructured substrates suggests several avenues of future consideration whose pursuit could benefit robotic AT, particularly regarding the present limitations of wheeled paediatric robotic walkers for children’s daily outside use. For more information: Kod*lab (link to kodlab.seas.upenn.edu

    Evaluation studies of robotic rollators by the user perspective: A systematic review

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    Background: Robotic rollators enhance the basic functions of established devices by technically advanced physical, cognitive, or sensory support to increase autonomy in persons with severe impairment. In the evaluation of such Ambient Assisted Living solutions, both the technical and user perspectives are important to prove usability, effectiveness, and safety, and to ensure adequate device application.Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the methodology of studies evaluating robotic rollators with focus on the user perspective and to give recommendations for future evaluation studies.Methods: A systematic literature search up to December 31, 2014 was conducted based on the Cochrane Review methodology using the electronic databases PubMed and IEEE Xplore. Articles were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: Evaluation studies of robotic rollators documenting human-robot interaction, no case reports, published in English language.Results: Twenty-eight studies were identified that met the predefined inclusion criteria. Large heterogeneity in the definitions of the target user group, study populations, study designs, and assessment methods was found across the included studies. No generic methodology to evaluate robotic rollators could be identified. We found major methodological shortcomings related to insufficient sample descriptions and sample sizes, and lack of appropriate, standardized and validated assessment methods. Long-term use in habitual environment was also not evaluated.Conclusions: Apart from the heterogeneity, methodological deficits in most of the identified studies became apparent. Recommendations for future evaluation studies include: clear definition of target user group, adequate selection of subjects, inclusion of other assistive mobility devices for comparison, evaluation of the habitual use of advanced prototypes, adequate assessment strategy with established, standardized and validated methods, and statistical analysis of study results. Assessment strategies may additionally focus on specific functionalities of the robotic rollators allowing an individually tailored assessment of innovative features to document their added value

    Development of Waterloo Robotic Rollator (WATRR)

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    One of the major risk factors for impaired mobility is aging, and with the aging population on the rise, the demand for assistive technologies for individuals with mobility impairment is at an all time high. Impaired mobility can lead to loss of independence, increased chance of mortality, deterioration of health, decreased cognitive function and a poor quality of life. Moreover, individuals with impaired mobility also tend to have higher hospital utilization costs. Mobility capability can be (re)built through the use of assistive technologies. Rollators/Walkers are a commonly used mobility aid that has shown to help with mobility by providing support, particularly transferring a portion of the lower limb loads to the upper limbs. However, safety has been a concern with rollators, with thousands of accidents occurring every year. Currently, many research projects are investigating methods to improve rollators, particularly surrounding the use of robotic rollators. At University of Waterloo Neural and Rehabilitation lab (NRE lab), our goal is to develop technology to improve lives of people, with development of robotic rollators being one of our research foci. The Waterloo Robotic Rollators (WATRR) is an active rollator system with built-in sensing and actuation systems. It is believed that the user experience and safety of rollators can be improved through the use of smart control algorithms. The purpose of this thesis was to develop methods to address safety and user experience concerns by proposing a hybrid control approach, where distance and orientation control are key control parameters, including automatic braking. First, the Waterloo Robotic Rollator (WATRR), a low weight robotic rollator platform, representative of current rollators with sensors and actuators is presented. I describe key design decisions for the platform, offer an overview of the software architecture, and discuss further research development goals. The proposed hybrid controller is then described and both simulation and experimental data for controller design is presented. To enable the envisioned hybrid control systems, a human state estimator and a robot state estimator are required. The human state estimator uses computer vision and machine learning in a hourglass network structure to predict shoulder locations. Using the estimated location and depth data, human velocity, distance and orientation relative to the rollator are estimated. For the robot state estimator, a new velocity estimator based on learning methods is proposed. As rollator lateral velocity can be difficult to estimate with traditional methods, we propose an augmented learning-aided state estimator. This estimator is a Long- Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based estimator, augmented with an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). The proposed estimator was validated through experimental data. The main contribution of this thesis was a new lightweight rollator system with sensors and actuators that enabled development of advanced controls. Next, previous control systems are not only improved upon by using a new hybrid controller but also implemented on our platform. A new robot state estimator is developed that relies solely on the kinematics and is able to estimate lateral velocity with a mean error of <10mm/s<10mm/s without requiring additional instrumentation or knowledge of the rollator's time varying parameters. Finally, a new human state estimator is designed which does not require instrumentation on the human and outperforms current estimators

    Nutzerorientierte Evaluation zweier altersgerechter Assistenzroboter zur Unterstützung von Alltagsaktivitäten („Ambient Assisted Living-Roboter“) bei älteren Menschen mit funktionellen Einschränkungen: MOBOT-Rollator und I-SUPPORT-Duschroboter

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die nutzerorientierte Evaluation zweier Prototypen für altersgerechte Assistenzroboter zur Unterstützung von Alltagsaktivitäten („Ambient Assisted Living“ [AAL]-Roboter) bei älteren Menschen mit funktionellen Einschränkungen. Bei den Prototypen handelt es sich dabei um (1) einen robotergestützten Rollator zur Unterstützung der Mobilität (MOBOT) und (2) einen Assistenzroboter zur Unterstützung von Duschaktivitäten (I-SUPPORT). Manuskript I dokumentiert eine systematische Literaturanalyse des methodischen Vorgehens bisheriger Studien zur Evaluation robotergestützter Rollatoren aus der Nutzerperspektive. Die meisten Studien zeigen erhebliche methodische Mängel, wie unzureichende Stichprobengrößen/-beschreibungen; Teilnehmer nicht repräsentativ für die Nutzergruppe der robotergestützten Rollatoren; keine geeigneten, standardisierten und validierten Assessmentmethoden und/oder keine Inferenzstatistik. Ein generisches methodisches Vorgehen für die Evaluation robotergestützter Rollatoren konnte nicht identifiziert werden. Für die Konzeption und Durchführung zukünftiger Studien zur Evaluation robotergestützter Rollatoren, aber auch anderer AAL-Systeme werden in Manuskript I abschließend Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert. Manuskript II analysiert die Untersuchungsergebnisse der in Manuskript I identifizierten Studien. Es zeigen sich sehr heterogene Ergebnisse hinsichtlich des Mehrwerts der innovativen Assistenzfunktionen von robotergestützten Rollatoren. Im Allgemeinen werden sie jedoch als positiv von den Nutzern wahrgenommen. Die große Heterogenität und methodischen Mängel der Studien schränken die Interpretierbarkeit ihre Untersuchungsergebnisse stark ein. Insgesamt verdeutlicht Manuskript II, dass die Evidenz zur Effektivität und positiven Wahrnehmung robotergestützter Rollatoren aus der Nutzerperspektive noch unzureichend ist. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen und Handlungsempfehlungen der systematischen Literaturanalysen aus Manuskript I und II wurden die nutzerorientierten Evaluationsstudien des MOBOT-Rollators konzipiert und durchgeführt (Manuskript III-VI). Manuskript III überprüft die Effektivität des in den MOBOT-Rollator integrierten Navigationssystems bei potentiellen Nutzern (= ältere Personen mit Gangstörungen bzw. Rollator als Gehhilfe im Alltag). Es liefert erstmals einen statistischen Nachweis dafür, dass eine solche Assistenzfunktion effektiv ist, um die Navigationsleistung der Nutzer (z. B. geringer Stoppzeit, kürzere Wegstrecke) – insbesondere derjenigen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen – in einem realitätsnahen Anwendungsszenario zu verbessern. Manuskript IV untersucht die konkurrente Validität des MOBOT-integrierten Ganganalysesystems bei potentiellen Nutzern. Im Vergleich zu einem etablierten Referenzstandard (GAITRite®-System) zeigt es eine hohe konkurrente Validität für die Erfassung zeitlicher, nicht jedoch raumbezogener Gangparameter. Diese können zwar ebenfalls mit hoher Konsistenz gemessen werden, aber lediglich mit einer begrenzten absoluten Genauigkeit. Manuskript V umfasst die nutzerorientierte Evaluation der im MOBOT-Rollator integrierten Assistenzfunktion zur Hindernisvermeidung und belegt erstmals die Effektivität einer solchen Funktionen bei potentiellen Nutzern. Unter Verwendung des für den MOBOT-Rollator neu entwickelten technischen Ansatzes für die Hindernisvermeidung zeigten die Teilnehmer signifikante Verbesserungen bei der Bewältigung eines Hindernisparcours (weniger Kollisionen und geringere Annäherungsgeschwindigkeit an die Hindernisse). Manuskript VI dokumentiert die Effektivität und Zufriedenheit mit der Aufstehhilfe des MOBOT-Rollators von potentiellen Nutzern. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Erfolgsrate für den Sitzen-Stehen-Transfer älterer Personen mit motorischen Einschränkungen durch die Aufstehhilfe signifikant verbessert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse belegen zudem eine hohe Nutzerzufriedenheit mit dieser Assistenzfunktion, insbesondere bei Personen mit höherem Body-Mass-Index. Manuskript VII untersucht die Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion zwischen dem I-SUPPORT-Duschroboter und seiner potentiellen Nutzer (= ältere Personen mit Problemen bei Baden/Duschen) und überprüft deren Effektivität sowie Zufriedenheit mit drei unterschiedlich autonomen Betriebsmodi. Die Studienergebnisse dokumentieren, dass sich mit zunehmender Kontrolle des Nutzers (= abnehmende Autonomie des Duschroboters) nicht nur die Effektivität für das Abduschen eines definierten Körperbereichs verringert, sondern auch die Nutzerzufriedenheit sinkt. Manuskript VIII umfasst die Evaluation eines spezifischen Nutzertrainings auf die gestenbasierte Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion mit dem I-SUPPORT-Duschroboter. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein solches Training die Ausführung der Gesten potentieller Nutzer und sowie die Gestenerkennungsrate des Duschroboters signifikant verbessern, was insgesamt auf eine optimierte Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion in Folge des Trainings schließen lässt. Teilnehmer mit der schlechtesten Ausgangsleistung in der Ausführung der Gesten und mit der größten Angst vor Technologien profitierten am meisten vom Nutzertraining. Insgesamt belegen die Studienergebnisse zur nutzerorientierten Evaluation des MOBOT-Rollators die Effektivität und Gültigkeit seiner innovativen Teilfunktionen. Sie weisen auf ein hohes Potential der Assistenzfunktionen (Navigationssystem, Hindernisvermeidung, Aufstehhilfe) zur Verbesserung der Mobilität älterer Menschen mit motorischen Einschränkungen hin. Vor dem Hintergrund der methodischen Mängel und unzureichenden evidenzbasierten Datenlage hierzu, liefert diese Dissertationsschrift erstmals statistische Belege für den Mehrwert solcher Teilfunktionen bei potentiellen Nutzern und leistet somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Schließung der bisherigen Forschungslücke hinsichtlich des nutzerorientierten Wirksamkeits- und Gültigkeitsnachweises robotergestützter Rollatoren und ihrer innovativen Teilfunktionen. Die Ergebnisse der Studien des I-SUPPORT-Duschroboters liefern wichtige Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion im höheren Alter. Sie zeigen, dass bei älteren Nutzern für eine effektive Interaktion Betriebsmodi mit einem hohen Maß an Autonomie des Duschroboters notwendig sind. Trotz ihrer eingeschränkten Kontrolle über den Roboter, waren die Nutzer mit dem autonomsten Betriebsmodus sogar am zufriedensten. Darüber hinaus unterstreichen die Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der gestenbasierten Interaktion mit dem I-SUPPORT-Duschroboter, dass zukünftige Entwicklungen von altersgerechten Assistenzrobotern mit gestenbasierter Interaktion nicht nur die Verbesserungen technischer Aspekte, sondern auch die Sicherstellung und Verbesserungen der Qualität der Nutzergesten für die Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion durch geeignete Trainings- oder Schulungsmaßnahmen berücksichtigen sollten. Das vorgestellte Nutzertraining könnte hierfür ein mögliches Modell darstellen

    Climbing and Walking Robots

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    With the advancement of technology, new exciting approaches enable us to render mobile robotic systems more versatile, robust and cost-efficient. Some researchers combine climbing and walking techniques with a modular approach, a reconfigurable approach, or a swarm approach to realize novel prototypes as flexible mobile robotic platforms featuring all necessary locomotion capabilities. The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the latest wide-range achievements in climbing and walking robotic technology to researchers, scientists, and engineers throughout the world. Different aspects including control simulation, locomotion realization, methodology, and system integration are presented from the scientific and from the technical point of view. This book consists of two main parts, one dealing with walking robots, the second with climbing robots. The content is also grouped by theoretical research and applicative realization. Every chapter offers a considerable amount of interesting and useful information

    Adaptive physical human-robot interaction (PHRI) with a robotic nursing assistant.

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    Recently, more and more robots are being investigated for future applications in health-care. For instance, in nursing assistance, seamless Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is very important for sharing workspaces and workloads between medical staff, patients, and robots. In this thesis we introduce a novel robot - the Adaptive Robot Nursing Assistant (ARNA) and its underlying components. ARNA has been designed specifically to assist nurses with day-to-day tasks such as walking patients, pick-and-place item retrieval, and routine patient health monitoring. An adaptive HRI in nursing applications creates a positive user experience, increase nurse productivity and task completion rates, as reported by experimentation with human subjects. ARNA has been designed to include interface devices such as tablets, force sensors, pressure-sensitive robot skins, LIDAR and RGBD camera. These interfaces are combined with adaptive controllers and estimators within a proposed framework that contains multiple innovations. A research study was conducted on methods of deploying an ideal HumanMachine Interface (HMI), in this case a tablet-based interface. Initial study points to the fact that a traded control level of autonomy is ideal for tele-operating ARNA by a patient. The proposed method of using the HMI devices makes the performance of a robot similar for both skilled and un-skilled workers. A neuro-adaptive controller (NAC), which contains several neural-networks to estimate and compensate for system non-linearities, was implemented on the ARNA robot. By linearizing the system, a cross-over usability condition is met through which humans find it more intuitive to learn to use the robot in any location of its workspace, A novel Base-Sensor Assisted Physical Interaction (BAPI) controller is introduced in this thesis, which utilizes a force-torque sensor at the base of the ARNA robot manipulator to detect full body collisions, and make interaction safer. Finally, a human-intent estimator (HIE) is proposed to estimate human intent while the robot and user are physically collaborating during certain tasks such as adaptive walking. A NAC with HIE module was validated on a PR2 robot through user studies. Its implementation on the ARNA robot platform can be easily accomplished as the controller is model-free and can learn robot dynamics online. A new framework, Directive Observer and Lead Assistant (DOLA), is proposed for ARNA which enables the user to interact with the robot in two modes: physically, by direct push-guiding, and remotely, through a tablet interface. In both cases, the human is being “observed” by the robot, then guided and/or advised during interaction. If the user has trouble completing the given tasks, the robot adapts their repertoire to lead users toward completing goals. The proposed framework incorporates interface devices as well as adaptive control systems in order to facilitate a higher performance interaction between the user and the robot than was previously possible. The ARNA robot was deployed and tested in a hospital environment at the School of Nursing of the University of Louisville. The user-experience tests were conducted with the help of healthcare professionals where several metrics including completion time, rate and level of user satisfaction were collected to shed light on the performance of various components of the proposed framework. The results indicate an overall positive response towards the use of such assistive robot in the healthcare environment. The analysis of these gathered data is included in this document. To summarize, this research study makes the following contributions: Conducting user experience studies with the ARNA robot in patient sitter and walker scenarios to evaluate both physical and non-physical human-machine interfaces. Evaluation and Validation of Human Intent Estimator (HIE) and Neuro-Adaptive Controller (NAC). Proposing the novel Base-Sensor Assisted Physical Interaction (BAPI) controller. Building simulation models for packaged tactile sensors and validating the models with experimental data. Description of Directive Observer and Lead Assistance (DOLA) framework for ARNA using adaptive interfaces

    Mobility design and control of personal mobility aids for the elderly

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-130).Delaying the transition of the elderly to higher level of care using assistive robotic devices could have great social and economic significance. The transition, necessitated by the degradation of physical and cognitive capability of the elderly, results in drastic increase of cost and rapid decrease of quality of life. A Personal Aid for Mobility and Health Monitoring system (PAMM) has been developed at MIT Field and Space Robotics Laboratory for the elderly living independently or in senior assisted living facilities so as to delay their transition to nursing homes. This thesis research addresses the mobility design and control issues of such devices. Eldercare environments are semi-structured, usually congested, and filled with static and/or dynamic obstacles. Developing effective mobility designs to achieve good maneuverability is a great challenge. An omni-directional mobility concept using conventional wheels has been developed independently in this research. Mobility systems based on this concept are simple, lightweight, energy efficient, and capable of operating on a range of floor surfaces. Assistive mobility devices work in shared workspace and interact directly with their users with limited physical and cognitive capabilities. The users may not be well trained, nor fully understand system. The challenge is to design an ergonomic and intuitive human machine interaction and a control system that can properly allocate control authority between the human and the machine. For this purpose, the admittance-based control methodology is used for the human machine interaction control. An adaptive shared control framework allocates control based on metrics of the demonstrated human performance has been developed.(cont.) Substantial amount of field experiments have been conducted with the actual users to validate control system design. The mobility design and control system implemented and tested on PAMM, will also be applicable to other cooperative mobile robots working in semi-structured indoor environments such as a factory or warehouse.by Haoyong Yu.Ph.D

    Climbing and Walking Robots

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    Nowadays robotics is one of the most dynamic fields of scientific researches. The shift of robotics researches from manufacturing to services applications is clear. During the last decades interest in studying climbing and walking robots has been increased. This increasing interest has been in many areas that most important ones of them are: mechanics, electronics, medical engineering, cybernetics, controls, and computers. Today’s climbing and walking robots are a combination of manipulative, perceptive, communicative, and cognitive abilities and they are capable of performing many tasks in industrial and non- industrial environments. Surveillance, planetary exploration, emergence rescue operations, reconnaissance, petrochemical applications, construction, entertainment, personal services, intervention in severe environments, transportation, medical and etc are some applications from a very diverse application fields of climbing and walking robots. By great progress in this area of robotics it is anticipated that next generation climbing and walking robots will enhance lives and will change the way the human works, thinks and makes decisions. This book presents the state of the art achievments, recent developments, applications and future challenges of climbing and walking robots. These are presented in 24 chapters by authors throughtot the world The book serves as a reference especially for the researchers who are interested in mobile robots. It also is useful for industrial engineers and graduate students in advanced study

    How a Diverse Research Ecosystem Has Generated New Rehabilitation Technologies: Review of NIDILRR’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers

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    Over 50 million United States citizens (1 in 6 people in the US) have a developmental, acquired, or degenerative disability. The average US citizen can expect to live 20% of his or her life with a disability. Rehabilitation technologies play a major role in improving the quality of life for people with a disability, yet widespread and highly challenging needs remain. Within the US, a major effort aimed at the creation and evaluation of rehabilitation technology has been the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. As envisioned at their conception by a panel of the National Academy of Science in 1970, these centers were intended to take a “total approach to rehabilitation”, combining medicine, engineering, and related science, to improve the quality of life of individuals with a disability. Here, we review the scope, achievements, and ongoing projects of an unbiased sample of 19 currently active or recently terminated RERCs. Specifically, for each center, we briefly explain the needs it targets, summarize key historical advances, identify emerging innovations, and consider future directions. Our assessment from this review is that the RERC program indeed involves a multidisciplinary approach, with 36 professional fields involved, although 70% of research and development staff are in engineering fields, 23% in clinical fields, and only 7% in basic science fields; significantly, 11% of the professional staff have a disability related to their research. We observe that the RERC program has substantially diversified the scope of its work since the 1970’s, addressing more types of disabilities using more technologies, and, in particular, often now focusing on information technologies. RERC work also now often views users as integrated into an interdependent society through technologies that both people with and without disabilities co-use (such as the internet, wireless communication, and architecture). In addition, RERC research has evolved to view users as able at improving outcomes through learning, exercise, and plasticity (rather than being static), which can be optimally timed. We provide examples of rehabilitation technology innovation produced by the RERCs that illustrate this increasingly diversifying scope and evolving perspective. We conclude by discussing growth opportunities and possible future directions of the RERC program
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