98 research outputs found

    Sine inverter controller with 8 bit microcontroller

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    This article describes the design of a sine wave inverter control unit. We will define the basic principles and requirements to control and maintain a good quality of inverter's output. The solution that can achieve full 8 bit output resolution with 10 bit measurement and regulation time shorter than mains period is proposed. Furthermore, the possibilities and ways of implementing the control unit using the 8 bit microcontrollers are described, so it is possible to gain a complete understanding of this issue

    Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja Inverter Pure Sine Wave Dan Non Pure Sine Wave

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    Inverter merupakan alat pengubah energi listrik searah (DC) menjadi arus bolak-balik (AC),kebutuhan inverter setiap saat selalu meningkat seiring dengan penggunaan listrik pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Inverter digunakan untuk mengoprasikan lampu penerangan,televisi,komputer,motor listrik,laptop,pendingin ruangan dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti unjuk kerja dan kualitas inverter ketika diberi beban.Metode dalam penelitian unjuk kerja inverter dengan mengukur,mengamati,analisis tegangan,arus,pembebanan bertingkat,efisiensi,Total Harmonic Distortion (THD),frekuensi, pengukuran kualitas listrik,bentuk gelombang dan keunggulan dari masing-masing inverter. Pengujian dengan alat ukur multimeter,Osiloskop,Power harmonic analyzer, watt dan ampere meter.Sumber energi listrik inverter Pure Sine wave dan non Pure Sine wave menggunakan baterai 12 VDC 7,0Ah pembangkit gelombang EGS-002 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) dengan penguatan akhir H-bridge MOSFET IRF3205 menghasilkan gelombang sinus dengan frekuensi 50Hz,tegangan 220V,efisiensi 35,4%, THD 35,2% dan memiliki kestabilan dikarenakan terdapat feedback control. Inverter non Pure Sine wave dengan IC 4047 penguatan akhir H-bridge MOSFET IRFZ44N menghasilkan bentuk gelombang kotak (Square wave) frekuensi 50Hz,tegangan 230V,efisiensi 40,0%,harmonik tak terhingga. Daya output inverter  Pure Sine wave dan non Pure Sine wave sebesar 120Watt.Inverter Pure Sine wave memiliki keunggulan, kestabilan dan sistem yang lebih kompleks dikarenakan  sistem kerja diatur  sedemikian rupa oleh EGS-002, output yang halus dan terdapat feedback-control. Inverter non Pure Sine wave memiliki keunggulan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi

    Development of a Supercapacitor based Surge Resistant Uninterruptible Power Supply

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    Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) provide short-term power back-up to sensitive electronic and electrical equipments, where an unexpected power loss could lead to undesirable outcomes. They usually bridge the connected equipment between the utility mains power and other long term back-up power systems like generators. A UPS also provides a “clean” source of power, meaning they filter the connected equipment from distortions in electrical parameters of the mains power like noise, harmonics, surges, sags and spikes. A surge resistant UPS or SRUPS is one that has the capability to withstand surges, which are momentary or sustained increases in the mains voltage, and react quickly enough to offer protection to the connected equipment from the same. Usually UPSs run off battery power when the utility mains power is absent. But the SRUPS developed in this design project uses super capacitors instead of battery packs. The reason for this is that the high energy-densities and medium power-densities offered by super capacitors allow for it to serve two purposes. One is to provide the DC power to operate the UPS in the absence of mains power, as an alternative to batteries. Secondly, super capacitors can withstand heavy momentary high current/voltage surges due to its high energy-density characteristics. Also as the life-time of super capacitors is much higher than that of conventional batteries and as they do not need regular topping-up or inspection, the end result is a truly maintenance-free UPS. Most commercial UPSs do not have inherent surge protection capabilities. The UPS is one entity while a discrete surge protection module is inserted between the utility mains and the UPS to provide for transient surge suppression. In the proposed SRUPS, the super capacitor, because of their inherent capability to absorb transient surges, forms a protective front end to the actual UPS rather than needing to have the involvement of discrete protection devices

    Development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility stress equipping a photovoltaic generator

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    Introduction. Static converters are among the most widely used equipment in several applications, for example, electric power transmission, motor speed variation, photovoltaic panels, which constitute the electronic components. The design of a power electronics device is done without any real means of predicting electromagnetic disturbances during the product development phase. This case-by-case development process is repeated until a solution is found that best respects all the electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The purpose is the development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The improvements made to the inverter are mainly in the control, the choice of power switches and the electromagnetic compatibility solutions brought to the device. The quality of the wave is improved by acting on the type of control and the choice of switches. Methods. In the first time, we have highlighted a comparison between two most frequently used power components (MOSFET and IGBT) in the inverter and the boost by simulation using ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The sinusoidal voltage with modulation circuit is greatly simplified by the use of the PIC16F876A microcontroller. In a second step, we validate the obtained results with experimental measurements. We start with the boost, then the inverter. In addition, the circuits made are housed in boxes to avoid accidental contact for people. The equipment is designed to isolate the load from the power supply in case of: over voltages, under voltages, high and low battery level and short circuits. Results. All the simulations were performed using the ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The obtained results are validated by experimental measurements performed in the ICEPS Laboratory at the University of Sidi Bel-Abbes in Algeria. The realization of a single-phase inverter with a pulse width modulation control, associated with a boost chopper and the waveforms of the current and voltage across each static converter its opening are presented. The sources of disturbances in power devices are at the origin of the temporal and frequency characteristics of the signals coming from the hot spots of the power switches and the resonances created during the switching of these elements.Вступ. Статичні перетворювачі відносяться до обладнання, що найбільш широко використовується в декількох застосуваннях, наприклад, для передачі електроенергії, зміни швидкості двигуна, у фотогальванічних панелях, які складають електронні компоненти. Проєкт устрою силової електроніки виконується без будь-яких реальних засобів прогнозування електромагнітних перешкод на етапі розробки продукту. Цей процес індивідуальної розробки повторюється доти, доки знайдено рішення, яке найкраще враховує всі обмеження електромагнітної сумісності. Метою є розробка підвищувально-інверторного перетворювача при обмеженнях за електромагнітною сумісністю. Удосконалення, внесені в інвертор, в основному стосуються управління, вибору силових вимикачів та рішень щодо електромагнітної сумісності, реалізованих у пристрої. Якість хвилі покращується за рахунок впливу на тип керування та вибір перемикачів. Методи. Вперше ми підкреслили порівняння між двома найбільш часто використовуваними силовими компонентами (MOSFET та IGBT) в інверторі та підвищенням шляхом моделювання з використанням програмного забезпечення ISIS та LT-spice. Синусоїдальна напруга зі схемою модуляції значно спрощується за рахунок використання мікроконтролера PIC16F876A. На другому етапі ми підтверджуємо отримані результати експериментальними вимірами. Починаємо з Boost, потім з інвертора. Крім того, виготовлені схеми розміщені в коробках, щоб уникнути випадкового дотику людей. Устаткування призначене для відключення навантаження від джерела живлення у разі: перенапруги, зниженої напруги, високого та низького рівня заряду батареї та короткого замикання. Результати. Усі розрахунки проводилися з використанням програм ISIS та LT-spice. Отримані результати підтверджені експериментальними вимірами, проведеними в лабораторії ICEPS Університету Сіді-Бель-Аббес в Алжирі. Представлено реалізацію однофазного інвертора з керуванням на базі широтно-імпульсної модуляції, пов'язаного з підвищуючим переривником, а також осцилограми струму та напруги на кожному відкритті його статичного перетворювача. Джерелами збурень у силових пристроях є часові та частотні характеристики сигналів, що надходять від гарячих точок силових ключів, та резонанси, що створюються при комутації цих елементів

    A novel triangular wave quadrature oscillator without passive components for sinusoidal pulse width modulation DC-AC power conversion

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    In this study, a low-cost quadrature triangle oscillator using a voltage-controlled closed-loop dual operational amplifier (Op-Amp) architecture is proposed. Unlike other typical designs, this oscillator does not require any passive components. The use of an Op-Amp-based circuit is attractive for a triangle oscillator because it is more cost-effective than a microcontroller-based solution. This is especially true for sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) DC-AC power conversion applications. The slew-rate restriction of an Op-Amp is a useful characteristic for producing a triangle waveform when seen from the perspective of wave shaping techniques. The MC4558 and the JRC4558D are two examples of dual Op-Amps that are evaluated, contrasted, and described in this article. At supply voltages of +7 V and -7 V, the suggested quadrature triangle oscillator that uses Op-Amps MC4558 and JRC4558D has the same oscillation frequency, which is 63 kHz, as demonstrated by simulation and experimental data. The frequency stability is estimated to be around 0.23%. In addition, the findings from the experiment demonstrate that the proposed oscillator is a practical solution for the SPWM DC-AC power conversion application

    Desain Inverter Pada Sunber Listrik Pikohidro

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    Pemanfaatan sumber energi listrik yang selama ini masih didominasi dari sumber energi konvensional (bahan bakar minyak) membuat ketergantungan yang sulit dihilangkan terhadap jenis energi tersebut yang ketersediaannya sudah sangat terbatas. Sesuai dengan kebijakan energi Nasional dan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pengguna bahan bakar minyak, maka harus dicari sumber energi lain atau sumber energi alternatif. Beberapa sumber daya alam yang menjadi alternatif yaitu menggunakan PLTPH yang memanfaatkan air sungai untuk menggerakan generator sebagai sumber listrik yang disimpan pada baterai (accu). Namun terdapat kekurrangan yaitu tegangan pada PLTPH masih menggunakan tegangan DC. Dari permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini mengusulkan desain Inverter dengan jenis SPWM (Sinusoida Pulse-Width modulation) salah satu teknik pensaklaran yang menghasilkan bentuk gelombang keluaran inverter dengan karakteristik mendekati sinusoida. Pada penelitian ini diawali dengan perancangan menggunakan Matlab Simulink untuk dapat mendesain inverter yang kinerjanya dapat disimulasikan dengan baik untuk dapat direalisasikan menjadi inverter yang dapat bekerja seperti yang diharap

    Design and construction of smart three-way change over switch and microcontroller-based pure sine wave inverter with remote monitoring solution

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    Capstone Project submitted to the Department of Engineering, Ashesi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, May 2022Intermittent power outages have rendered most developing countries' national grids unreliable. Consumers have installed alternative energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines to combat this issue. Because of their nature, the output of these power sources must be converted to match the national grid's output. Additionally, consumers must be able to switch between these power sources when required quickly. Many inverter solutions have been developed and are readily available in the market. However, most affordable inverters produce a square wave, which is unsuitable for sensitive electronics; sine-wave inverters, on the other hand, are perfect for all appliances but are more expensive than square wave inverters. Furthermore, many switching solutions are available in the market to allow consumers to switch between power sources manually or automatically. These, however, can only switch between two power sources. This project has designed and developed a microcontroller-based pure sine wave inverter equipped with remote monitoring capabilities and a three-way intelligent changeover switch. The inverter converts 12V DC to a single-phase 230V AC at 50Hz pure sine wave. The three-way changeover utilizes a microcontroller to switch the power supply among three input power sources.Ashesi Universit

    Adaptive TV ghost suppressor.

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    Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong.Bibliography: leaf R1

    Modeling and Analysis of Power Processing Systems

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    The feasibility of formulating a methodology for the modeling and analysis of aerospace electrical power processing systems is investigated. It is shown that a digital computer may be used in an interactive mode for the design, modeling, analysis, and comparison of power processing systems

    Investigation of Various Shaping Methods for the Development of a Fully-Monolithic CMOS Constant-Fraction Discriminator

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    In this work the design of a constant-fraction discriminator (CFD) fabricated in the Orbit Semiconductor l.2-Jl n-well CMOS process is presented. This timing pick-off circuit is designed for use in the readout electronics of the Lead-Scintillator subsystem of the Pioneering High Eenergy Nuclear Ion eXperiment (PHENIX) Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The design was driven by stringent requirements including low power consumption, small area, arrayable, low cost and a fully integratable shaping network. Various integratable CFD shaping methods are investigated, and the candidate methods chosen for fabrication were the distributed R-C delay-line shaping, lumped-element R-C shaping and Nowlin method shaping. An additional channel of ideal delay-line shaping, utilizing coaxial cable to generate delay, was fabricated and used for a reference in comparing methods. These shaping methods are compared on the basis of die area, time walk performance and timing jitter performance as implemented using the CMOS CFD presented. Each shaping method investigated required no power from the dc supply. Die area for the distributed R-C delay-line, lumped-element R-C, Nowlin method and ideal delay-line (fraction circuit only) were 172 Jl X 70 Jl, 160 Jl X 65 Jl, 179 Jl X 53 Jl and 67 Jl X65Jl,respectively. Timewalkovera100:1dynamicrange(-2Vpeakto-20mVpeak) for these shaping methods in turn was found to be ± 175 ps, ± 150ps , ± 150 ps and ± 185 ps, respectively. Timing jitter performance with a minimum input signal (-20 mVpeak) in rms units for the four methods in turn were 65 ps, 85 ps, 100 ps and 65 ps. The average power dissipated per CFD channel was found to be approximately 12 mW