326 research outputs found

    Q-Map Application for Enrichment of a Mobile Directory Assistance Service

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    The project described in this paper involves designing and developing a mobile map application, called the Qatar Map (Q-Map), which supports a telephone directory assistance service that runs over the terrestrial cellular network. The application uses WAP Push technology for extending the features available for a conventional directory assistance service. The Q-Map enables the network agent to respond to the subscriber with supplementary information when requesting a telephone number for a business. In addition to the telephone number, the information also includes a web address (URL) through which the subscriber can access a Google map covering the business’s area and any marketing content (e.g., advertising) uploaded earlier by that business. This service is also offered on-line through the Internet. In this regard, the subscriber can access the Q-Map website using a web browser, via either a PC, or a mobile handset

    Teenustele orienteeritud ja tõendite-teadlik mobiilne pilvearvutus

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    Arvutiteaduses on kaks kõige suuremat jõudu: mobiili- ja pilvearvutus. Kui pilvetehnoloogia pakub kasutajale keerukate ülesannete lahendamiseks salvestus- ning arvutusplatvormi, siis nutitelefon võimaldab lihtsamate ülesannete lahendamist mistahes asukohas ja mistahes ajal. Täpsemalt on mobiilseadmetel võimalik pilve võimalusi ära kasutades energiat säästa ning jagu saada kasvavast jõudluse ja ruumi vajadusest. Sellest tulenevalt on käesoleva töö peamiseks küsimuseks kuidas tuua pilveinfrastruktuur mobiilikasutajale lähemale? Antud töös uurisime kuidas mobiiltelefoni pilveteenust saab mobiilirakendustesse integreerida. Saime teada, et töö delegeerimine pilve eeldab mitmete pilve aspektide kaalumist ja integreerimist, nagu näiteks ressursimahukas töötlemine, asünkroonne suhtlus kliendiga, programmaatiline ressursside varustamine (Web APIs) ja pilvedevaheline kommunikatsioon. Nende puuduste ületamiseks lõime Mobiilse pilve vahevara Mobile Cloud Middleware (Mobile Cloud Middleware - MCM) raamistiku, mis kasutab deklaratiivset teenuste komponeerimist, et delegeerida töid mobiililt mitmetele pilvedele kasutades minimaalset andmeedastust. Teisest küljest on näidatud, et koodi teisaldamine on peamisi strateegiaid seadme energiatarbimise vähendamiseks ning jõudluse suurendamiseks. Sellegipoolest on koodi teisaldamisel miinuseid, mis takistavad selle laialdast kasutuselevõttu. Selles töös uurime lisaks, mis takistab koodi mahalaadimise kasutuselevõttu ja pakume lahendusena välja raamistiku EMCO, mis kogub seadmetelt infot koodi jooksutamise kohta erinevates kontekstides. Neid andmeid analüüsides teeb EMCO kindlaks, mis on sobivad tingimused koodi maha laadimiseks. Võrreldes kogutud andmeid, suudab EMCO järeldada, millal tuleks mahalaadimine teostada. EMCO modelleerib kogutud andmeid jaotuse määra järgi lokaalsete- ning pilvejuhtude korral. Neid jaotusi võrreldes tuletab EMCO täpsed atribuudid, mille korral mobiilirakendus peaks koodi maha laadima. Võrreldes EMCO-t teiste nüüdisaegsete mahalaadimisraamistikega, tõuseb EMCO efektiivsuse poolest esile. Lõpuks uurisime kuidas arvutuste maha laadimist ära kasutada, et täiustada kasutaja kogemust pideval mobiilirakenduse kasutamisel. Meie peamiseks motivatsiooniks, et sellist adaptiivset tööde täitmise kiirendamist pakkuda, on tagada kasutuskvaliteet (QoE), mis muutub vastavalt kasutajale, aidates seeläbi suurendada mobiilirakenduse eluiga.Mobile and cloud computing are two of the biggest forces in computer science. While the cloud provides to the user the ubiquitous computational and storage platform to process any complex tasks, the smartphone grants to the user the mobility features to process simple tasks, anytime and anywhere. Smartphones, driven by their need for processing power, storage space and energy saving are looking towards remote cloud infrastructure in order to solve these problems. As a result, the main research question of this work is how to bring the cloud infrastructure closer to the mobile user? In this thesis, we investigated how mobile cloud services can be integrated within the mobile apps. We found out that outsourcing a task to cloud requires to integrate and consider multiple aspects of the clouds, such as resource-intensive processing, asynchronous communication with the client, programmatically provisioning of resources (Web APIs) and cloud intercommunication. Hence, we proposed a Mobile Cloud Middleware (MCM) framework that uses declarative service composition to outsource tasks from the mobile to multiple clouds with minimal data transfer. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that computational offloading is a key strategy to extend the battery life of the device and improves the performance of the mobile apps. We also investigated the issues that prevent the adoption of computational offloading, and proposed a framework, namely Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading (EMCO), which uses a community of devices to capture all the possible context of code execution as evidence. By analyzing the evidence, EMCO aims to determine the suitable conditions to offload. EMCO models the evidence in terms of distributions rates for both local and remote cases. By comparing those distributions, EMCO infers the right properties to offload. EMCO shows to be more effective in comparison with other computational offloading frameworks explored in the state of the art. Finally, we investigated how computational offloading can be utilized to enhance the perception that the user has towards an app. Our main motivation behind accelerating the perception at multiple response time levels is to provide adaptive quality-of-experience (QoE), which can be used as mean of engagement strategy that increases the lifetime of a mobile app

    MobiGrid: A Middleware for Integrating Mobile Phone and Grid Computing

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    The popularity and the high processing power of today's smart phones have presented computer scientists with a fertile platform on which to implement grid computing for mobile phones. Such grids will not require much investment since they are designed to make use of `idle' power on already existing phones. This is because most smart phone users only use their phones for a few minutes or a few hours every day and yet, these phones are powered up 24/7. These kinds of grids are most favorable to developing countries where the penetration of mobile phone exceeds other forms of ICTs. Once in place, the grids can then be utilized to run the much-needed applications such e-health, e-education and drought prediction. In this paper, we present MobiGrid, a middleware for mobile phone grid that is part of a larger research project that aims at integrating mobile phones and sensors to come up with a drought predication tool for use in the developing countries. MobiGrid is an API on which distributed applications can be built. Unlike the rest of grid middleware solutions, the uniqueness of our approach lies in the fact that the middleware is for mobile phones environment

    MCM: Mobile Cloud Middleware

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    Mõlemad, pilvearvutuse ja mobiilse arvutuse suunad, on kiiresti arenenud ja paljulubavad tehnoloogiad lähitulevikus. Pilvearvutus muutub mobiilseks kui mobiiliseade võtab ühendust pilvearvutuse poolt pakutava jagatud arvutusressursiga. Mobiilsed tehnoloogiad juhivad peamiselt oma tähelepanu pilvearvutustele, põhjusel et mobiilsete rakenduste ressursi nõudlus pidevalt kasvab, olgu selleks siis kas nõudlus rohkema arvutusressursi, salvestusruumi või energiakokkuhoiu jaoks. Mobiilsed rakendused saavad kasu pilve arvutuse paindlikkusest ülesannete lahendamisel, kuid samal ajal toimivad praktiliselt reaalajas käiva teenusena. Mobiilsete rakenduste loomine, mis kasutavad pilvearvutus teenuseid, on keeruline ja sisaldab töötamist teenuste ja API-dega erinevatelt pilvearvutuse pakkujatelt. Enamus neist API-dest ei ole omavahel ühendatud ja informatsioon, mis on arvutatud ja salvestatud ühe pilve poolt, ei ole ülekantav teistesse pilvedesse. Et ära hoida antud probleemi, vaatleb käesolev väitekiri vahevara lahendust, Mobiilse pilve vahevara (Mobile Cloud Middleware - MCM), mis haldab koostöötamise küsimusi ja kergendab keerukate teenuste koostöötamist mobiilsetel seadmetel. Töötati välja MCM’i prototüüp ja üksikasjalik raamistiku jõudluse analüüsi näitab, et vahetarkvara raamistik, parandab teenuse kvaliteeti mobiilides ja aitab säilitada pehme reaalaja vastuseid. Käesolev lõputöö on samuti realiseerinud mitu juhtumi uuringut, kasutades MCM’i. Üks neist on Zompopo, Android’i rakendus, mis pakub intelligentset kalendrit, ühendades Google Calendar’i ja kiirendusanduri mobiilis, mis võimaldab kasutajal sättida oma ajakava päeva algusest peale, tuginedes vastavalt eelmise nädala tegevustele. Rakendus on detailselt lahti seletatud arhitektuuri ja tehnoloogiliste valikute kohapealt. Rakendus kasutab MapReduce’i, et analüüsida kiirendusandurite andmeid, tuletades igat kõrvalekallet regulaarsest kalendri ajakavast, kasutades efektiivselt ära pilvearvutuse ressursse. Samuti on esitatud üksikasjalik rakenduse jõudluse analüüs, näidates kuidas mobiilne rakendus saab kasu pilvearvutuse kasutamisest. Peale Zompopo prooviti lõputöös veel realiseerida mõningaid teisi sotsiaalse võrgustiku rakendusi, kasutades MCM’i. Sotsiaalsed võrgustikud on muutunud tänapäeval üsna populaarseteks ja inimeste sotsiaalsete gruppide kujunemise tulemusel toimub liikmete vaheline koostöö ja info jagamine. CroudSTag, mis on arendatud Android’i rakendusest, on abivahendiks mobiilsetes seadmetes ühiste huvidega sotsiaalsete gruppide kujundamisel. Antud rakendus kasutab pildiarhiivi pilve andmelaost, kasutab näotuvastuspilve teenuseid inimeste identifitseerimiseks ja moodustab tuvastatud inimestest sotsiaalsed grupid Facebook’is - enamikule tuntud sotsiaalses võrgustikus. Rakendus on lahti seletatud detailselt arhitektuuri ja tehnoloogiliste valikute kohapealt. Rakenduse jõudluse analüüs näitab, et mobiilsetest seadmetest võib luua sotsiaalseid gruppe võrdlemise lihtsalt ja aktsepteeritava jõudluse näitajatega, kasutades MCM-i

    Performance Evaluation of Mobile U-Navigation based on GPS/WLAN Hybridization

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    This paper present our mobile u-navigation system. This approach utilizes hybridization of wireless local area network and Global Positioning System internal sensor which to receive signal strength from access point and the same time retrieve Global Navigation System Satellite signal. This positioning information will be switched based on type of environment in order to ensure the ubiquity of positioning system. Finally we present our results to illustrate the performance of the localization system for an indoor/ outdoor environment set-up.Comment: Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT

    Discovery and Push Notification Mechanisms for Mobile Cloud Services

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    Viimase viie aasta jooksul on mobiilsed seadmed nagu sülearvutid, pihuarvutid, nutitelefonid jmt. tunginud peaaegu kõigisse inimeste igapäevaelu tegevustesse. Samuti on põhjalik teadus- ja arendustegevus mobiilsete tehnoloogiate vallas viinud märkimisväärsete täiustusteni riistvara, tarkvara ja andmeedastuse alal. Tänapäeval on mobiilsed seadmed varustatud sisseehitatud sensorite, kaamera, puutetundliku ekraani, suurema hulga mäluga, kuid ka tõhusamate energiatarbemehhanismidega. Lisaks on iOS ja Android operatsioonisüsteemide väljalaske tõttu suurenenud nii mobiilirakenduste arv kui keerukus, pakkudes arvukamalt kõrgetasemelisi rakendusi. Sarnaselt on toimunud olulised arengud ja standardiseerimisele suunatud jõupingutused veebiteenusete valdkonnas ja elementaarsetele veebiteenuste ligipääsu kasutatakse laialdaselt nutitelefonidest. See on viinud loogilise järgmise sammuna veebiteenuste pakkumiseni nutitelefonidest. Telefonidest veebiteenuste pakkumise kontseptsioon ei ole uus ning seda on põhjalikult uurinud Srirama, kes pakkus välja Mobile Host (Mobiilne Veebiteenuse Pakkuja) kontseptsiooni. Algne realisatsioon kasutas aga aegunud tehnoloogiaid nagu JMEE, PersonalJava, SOAP arhitektuur jne. See töö uuendab Mobile Host'i kasutades uusimaid tehnoloogiad, nagu Android OS ja REST arhitektuur, ning pakub välja teenusemootori, mis põhineb Apache Felix'il - OSGi platvormi realisatsioonil piiratud ressurssidega seadmetele. Hämmastava kiirusega toimunud arengud mobiilsete arvutuste vallas võimaldavad uue põlvkonna veebirakenduste loomist valdkondades nagu keskkonnateadlikkus, sotsiaalvõrgustikud, koostöövahendid, asukohapõhised teenused jne. Sellised rakendused saavad ära kasutada Mobile Host'i võimalusi. Selle tulemusena on klientidel ligipääs väga suurele hulgale teenustele, mistõttu tekib vajadus efektiivse teenuste avastamise mehhanismi järele. See töö pakub välja kataloogipõhise avastusmehhanismi võrgu ülekatte toega suurtele, kõrge liikuvusega võrgustikele. See mehhanism toetub OWL-S'le, mis on ontoloogia veebiteenuseid pakkuvate ressursside avastamiseks, väljakutseks, koostamiseks ja jälgimiseks. Töö kirjeldab ka Srirama välja pakutud algupärast teenuste avastamise mehhanismi, mis toetub peer-to-peer võrkudele ja Apache Lucene võtmesõna otsingumootorile. Uurimuse käigus uuendatakse teenuseotsing kasutama Apache Solr'i, Apache Lucene'i viimast versiooni. Teenuste avastust testiti põhjalikult ja tulemused on töös kokkuvõtvalt välja toodud. Mobiilsete tehnoloogiate vallas uuritakse ka võimalust kasutada pilvetehnolologiat laiendamaks mobiilseadmete salvestusmahtu ja töökoormust edastades pilve andme- ja arvutusmahukad ülesanded. See soodustab keerulisemate ja võimalusrohkemate mobiilirakenduste arendust. Pilve delegeeritavate toimingute aeganõudva iseloomu tõttu aga on vajalik asünkroonne mehhanism teavitamaks kasutajat, millal töömahukad tegevused on lõpetatud. Mobiilsete pilveteenuste pakkujad ja vahevara lahendused võivad kasu saada Mobile Host'ist ja selle asünkroonsete teavituste võimekusest. Uurimus esitleb nelja teavitusmehhanismi: AC2DM, APNS, IBM MQTT ja Mobile Host'i põhine teavitus. Töö võtab kokku kvantitatiivse analüüsi tulemused ja toob välja nelja teavitamise lähenemise tugevused ja nõrkused. Lisaks kirjeldatakse CroudSTag rakenduse realisatsiooni - CroudSTag on mobiilirakendus, mille eesmärgiks on sotsiaalsete gruppide moodustamine kasutades näotuvastustehnoloogiat. CroudSTag-i realisatsioon kasutab mobiilseid pilveteenuseid ja Mobile Host'i, et pakkuda oma funktsionaalsust kasutajale.In the last lustrum the mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs, smart phones, tablets, etc. have pervaded almost all the environments where people perform their day-to-day activities. Further, the extensive Research and Development in mobile technologies has led to significant improvements in hardware, software and transmission. Similarly, there are significant developments and standardization efforts in web services domain and basic web services have been widely accessed from smart phones. This has lead to the logical next step of providing web services from the smart phones. The concept of the web service provisioning from smart phones is not new and has been extensively explored by Srirama who proposed the concept of Mobile Host. However, the original implementation considered aged technologies such as JMEE, PersonalJava, SOAP architecture among others. This work updates the Mobile Host to the latest technologies like Android OS and REST architecture and proposes a service engine based on Apache Felix, and OSGI implementation for resource constraint devices. Moreover, the astonishing speed in developments in mobile computing enable the new generation of applications from domains such as context-awareness, social network, collaborative tools, location based services, etc., which benefit from the Mobile Host service provisioning capabilities. As a result the clients have access to a huge number of services available; therefore, an efficient and effective service discovery mechanism is required. The thesis proposes a directory-based with network overlay support discovery mechanism for large networks with high mobility. The proposed discovery mechanism relies in OWL-S, an ontology for service discovery, invocation, composition, and monitoring of web resources. The work also considers the original service discovery mechanism proposed by Srirama relying in peer-to-peer networks and Apache Lucene, a keyword search engine. The study updates the service search to Apache Solr, the latest development for Apache Lucene. The service discovery was extensively tested and the results are summarized in this work. Mobile technologies are looking into the clouds for extending their capabilities in storage and processing by offloading data and process intensive tasks. This fosters the development of more complex and rich mobile applications. However, due to the time-consuming nature of the tasks delegated to the clouds, an asynchronous mechanism is necessary for notifying the user when the intensive tasks are completed. Mobile cloud service providers and Middleware solutions might benefit from Mobile Host and its asynchronous notification capabilities. The study presents four push notification mechanisms being AC2DM, APNS, IBM MQTT and Mobile Host based push notification. The work summarizes the results of a quantitative analysis and highlights the strengths and weakness of the four notifications approaches. In addition, it explains CroudSTag realization, a mobile application that aims the social group formation by means of facial recognition that relies in mobile cloud services and Mobile Host to provide its functionality to the user

    On the cloud deployment of a session abstraction for service/data aggregation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe global cyber-infrastructure comprehends a growing number of resources, spanning over several abstraction layers. These resources, which can include wireless sensor devices or mobile networks, share common requirements such as richer inter-connection capabilities and increasing data consumption demands. Additionally, the service model is now widely spread, supporting the development and execution of distributed applications. In this context, new challenges are emerging around the “big data” topic. These challenges include service access optimizations, such as data-access context sharing, more efficient data filtering/ aggregation mechanisms, and adaptable service access models that can respond to context changes. The service access characteristics can be aggregated to capture specific interaction models. Moreover, ubiquitous service access is a growing requirement, particularly regarding mobile clients such as tablets and smartphones. The Session concept aggregates the service access characteristics, creating specific interaction models, which can then be re-used in similar contexts. Existing Session abstraction implementations also allow dynamic reconfigurations of these interaction models, so that the model can adapt to context changes, based on service, client or underlying communication medium variables. Cloud computing on the other hand, provides ubiquitous access, along with large data persistence and processing services. This thesis proposes a Session abstraction implementation, deployed on a Cloud platform, in the form of a middleware. This middleware captures rich/dynamic interaction models between users with similar interests, and provides a generic mechanism for interacting with datasources based on multiple protocols. Such an abstraction contextualizes service/users interactions, can be reused by other users in similar contexts. This Session implementation also permits data persistence by saving all data in transit in a Cloud-based repository, The aforementioned middleware delivers richer datasource-access interaction models, dynamic reconfigurations, and allows the integration of heterogenous datasources. The solution also provides ubiquitous access, allowing client connections from standard Web browsers or Android based mobile devices

    Managing Data Replication and Distribution in the Fog with FReD

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    The heterogeneous, geographically distributed infrastructure of fog computing poses challenges in data replication, data distribution, and data mobility for fog applications. Fog computing is still missing the necessary abstractions to manage application data, and fog application developers need to re-implement data management for every new piece of software. Proposed solutions are limited to certain application domains, such as the IoT, are not flexible in regard to network topology, or do not provide the means for applications to control the movement of their data. In this paper, we present FReD, a data replication middleware for the fog. FReD serves as a building block for configurable fog data distribution and enables low-latency, high-bandwidth, and privacy-sensitive applications. FReD is a common data access interface across heterogeneous infrastructure and network topologies, provides transparent and controllable data distribution, and can be integrated with applications from different domains. To evaluate our approach, we present a prototype implementation of FReD and show the benefits of developing with FReD using three case studies of fog computing applications

    Sensorml-Nt: Innovative Cloud Service Sensor Description For Mobile Devices Handling Environmental Issues.

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    Peranti mudah alih hari ini boleh didapati di mana-mana dan semakin banyak dilengkapi dengan set pengesan terbenam yang berkuasa. Today’s mobile devices are pervasive and equipped with growing sets of powerful embedded sensors

    ClayUI: A Framework for Delivering Object Properties to Native Mobile Application Components

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    As technology advances in the field of mobile computing with smartphones and tablet computers becoming less expensive, people are adopting these devices into their daily lives. Due to this adoption, many developers are finding opportunities to develop apps that target this growing form factor. One of the issues that developers come across when developing for these multiple platforms is that there is a need to redesign common elements of their applications for each of their platforms. They are also challenged with the decision of breaking the prescribed design guidelines for each of the platforms they are developing for so that they are able to provide support for these applications in the future. In this thesis, we propose a solution to this problem by generalizing common user interface elements and configure them outside of the application. Our solution, called ClayUI, uses a client server model to house and publish user interface elements to a mobile application using an API that is written in the target platform’s native programming language. Our solution allows a developer to create a mobile application that adheres to the platform’s design guidelines with the flexibility of being able to port it to other platforms without having to do a full redesign of the application. Our solution also introduces features that assist the developer with the process of creating local and remote database storage for the configured elements