12 research outputs found


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    Ice crystal is a daily needs for consumables, so that it needs an inovation that serves as asupport to sover the needs of ice crystal. For the performance of tools needed automation made tofacilitate the performance of this ice crystal machine, with the main drive of the DC motor made forthe ups and downs of the plate as a mold for this ice crystal, then in the automation writer usesArduino as a micro-controller that will capture the DS18B20 sensor. with a DS18B20 sensor that cancapture sensors below -55 ? so that when the ice crystal is frozen the sensor will read and move theDC stepper motor that makes the automatic plate down and the ice crystal attached to the evaporatorwill be released with a reverse process on the system. Ice crystal will fall automatically and prepare atray as a base to hold the ice

    Bendit_I/O: A System for Extending Mediated and Networked Performance Techniques to Circuit-Bent Devices

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    Circuit bending—the act of modifying a consumer device\u27s internal circuitry in search of new, previously-unintended responses—provides artists with a chance to subvert expectations for how a certain piece of hardware should be utilized, asking them to view everyday objects as complex electronic instruments. Along with the ability to create avant-garde instruments from unique and nostalgic sound sources, the practice of circuit bending serves as a methodology for exploring the histories of discarded objects through activism, democratization, and creative resurrection. While a rich history of circuit bending continues to inspire artists today, the recent advent of smart musical instruments and the growing number of hybrid tools available for creating connective musical experiences through networks asks us to reconsider the ways in which repurposed devices can continue to play a role in modern sonic art. Bendit_I/O serves as a synthesis of the technologies and aesthetics of the circuit bending and Networked Musical Performance (NMP) practices. The framework extends techniques native to the practices of telematic and network art to hacked hardware so that artists can design collaborative and mediated experiences that incorporate old devices into new realities. Consisting of user-friendly hardware and software components, Bendit_I/O aims to be an entry point for novice artists into both of the creative realms it brings together. This document presents details on the components of the Bendit_I/O framework along with an analysis of their use in three new compositions. Additional research serves to place the framework in historical context through literature reviews of previous work undertaken in the circuit bending and networked musical performance practices. Additionally, a case is made for performing hacked consumer hardware across a wireless network, emphasizing how extensions to current circuit bending and NMP practices provide the ability to probe our relationships with hardware through collaborative, mediated, and multimodal methods

    An Investigation into Non-linear Distortion Pedals with a Focus on Establishing a Lexicon to Accurately Describe Them.

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    This thesis attempts to identify and investigate the auditory impact distortion pedals impart on the source signal and consequently, how best to define, discuss and classify their individual, and collective, sonic signatures. This includes establishing a specialist lexicon with recontextualised descriptions for the specific adjectives of focus through means of both qualitative and quantative experimentation. This information is then visually represented by a ‘distortion wheel’ based in principle off the SCAA’s Coffee Tasting Wheel and how that allowed for the accessible retrieval of specialist terms within the contextual field. This is achieved through a series of etymological and audio-based analysis and experimentation. Qualitative experimentation was used to discover the initial descriptor list, critical sonic variables, and to subsequently define the words; quantative to match respective audio and signal analysis to the linked adjectives. The results showed ‘crunchy’ to be the most commonly used distortion descriptor. Through further analysis, it can be concluded that the Ibanez TS-9 is the crunchiest distortion pedal as its sonic features match closest to the defining traits of ‘crunchy’. Distortion pedals are subsequently successfully classified and descriptions for each adjective created to give the completed distortion lexicon

    Sistema de Laboratorios Remotos para la práctica de Ingeniería de Control

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    For the development of laboratory practices, students work in physical devices or remotely, in person or remotely using Remote Laboratory Systems (SLR). However, current solutions do not have support or are proprietary, making it impossible to implement them for the development of Control Engineering practices in the Cuban Educational System. The present investigation describes a solution to the problematic one raised from the development of a System of Remote Laboratories that allows the development of practices of laboratories of Control Engineering. The proposed system allows the identification of systems, tuning of controllers and the execution of practices in real devices. It also allows a set of reports on the phenomena analyzed in each practice. A survey is applied to measure the level of satisfaction of the users with respect to the proposal developed through the Iadov technique, obtaining a high level of satisfaction.En Cuba la formación de especialistas en automática se realiza mediante la carrera de Ingeniería en Automática, la cual tiene dentro de sus disciplinas fundamentales la de Sistemas de Control. Para el desarrollo de prácticas de laboratorios, los estudiantes trabajan en dispositivos físicos o remotos, presencial o a distancia, mediante Sistemas de Laboratorios Remoto (SLR). Sin embargo, las soluciones actuales no poseen soporte o son propietarias imposibilitando su implementación para el desarrollo de prácticas de Ingeniería de Control en el sistema educacional cubano. La presente investigación describe una solución al problema planteado a partir del desarrollo de un SLR que permite el desarrollo de prácticas de laboratorios de Ingeniería de Control. El sistema propuesto pone en funcionamiento la identificación de sistemas, sintonía de controladores y la ejecución de prácticas en dispositivos reales. Permite, además, un conjunto de reportes sobre los fenómenos analizados en cada práctica. Se aplicó una encuesta para medir el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios respecto a la propuesta desarrollada mediante la técnica Iadov, obteniéndose un alto nivel de satisfacción

    Intelligent actuator valve for hydraulic systems

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    Este documento presenta la implementación y el desarrollo de un actuador inteligente basado en norma IEEE 1451 y complementándolo con un estado del arte actual. La implementación se desarrolló con elementos electrónicos de bajo consto. La norma IEEE 1451 especifica que como elementos principales de un actuador inteligente debe haber un actuador, una unidad de procesamiento y un sistema de comunicación, como actuador se utilizó una válvula de bola la cual es accionada por medio de un servomotor el cual a su vez es accionado por el sistema de desarrollo arduino, la parte principal del control es la raspberry la cual se comunicó con el arduino a través del protocolo SSH, la raspberry permite la comunicación a través de Ethernet o una red local a cualquier dispositivo, además el arduino tiene una comunicación directa a una tarjeta de National Instruments para hacer control análogo de los actuadores y poder controlarlos desde una interfaz.This paper presents the implementation and development of an intelligent actuator based on standard IEEE 1451 and supplemented by a state of contemporary art.The implementation was developed with low group contained electronic elements.The IEEE 1451 standard specifies that main elements of an intelligent actuator must have an actuator, a processing unit and a communication system, as actuator a ball valve which is actuated by a servomotor is used which in turn is driven by the card arduino programming because of its great capacity to control motors, the main part of control is the raspberry which communicated with Arduino through SSH, the raspberry allows communication via Ethernet or a LAN any device, and the Arduino has a direct communication to a national instrument card for analog control actuators and to control them from one interface

    J-WAH : projeto e implementação de um Auto-Wah em Plataforma Teensy 3.6

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    O projeto tem como objetivo implementar uma versão digital do pedal de efeito conhecido como Mu-tron III. É realizado inicialmente um estudo do circuito do Mu-tron III, sendo este dividido em três blocos, chamados de blocos de Préprocessamento, Detector de Envoltória e Filtro de Variáveis de Estado. A placa de desenvolvimento Teensy 3.6 é utilizada para reproduzir de forma digital as etapas de processamento do bloco Detector de Envoltória e do bloco do Filtro de Variáveis de Estado. É elaborado um circuito que possibilite a leitura e escrita do sinal de áudio pela placa, onde é reproduzido o bloco de Pré-processamento do circuito original. Os algoritmos de processamento são elaborados inicialmente no software MATLAB R○ R2012b, e após são implementados no Teensy 3.6. É desenvolvido um software para a escrita dos algoritmos de processamento na placa de desenvolvimento, onde são determinadas as configurações de taxa de amostragem e resolução de leitura do sinal. São realizadas medições nas etapas de hardware e software do projeto, que são comparadas com medições realizadas em simulações do circuito original. São medidas as saídas dos blocos de Pré-processamento do circuito original e do circuito implementado para uma entrada senoidal, para os valores mínimo e máximo de ganho. O bloco Detector de Envoltória do circuito original e do projeto implementado têm sua resposta medida para uma entrada senoidal para seus dois modos de operação. O bloco do Filtro de Variáveis de Estado, tanto do circuito original quanto do projeto implementado, tem sua resposta em frequência medida nas suas três saídas para valores mínimo e máximo do fator Q. Ao realizar a leitura das medições realizadas, concluiu-se que o método proposto possibilitou uma reprodução satisfatória do efeito para valores baixos de ganho na etapa de Pré-processamento. A etapa de Pré-processamento proposta no projeto não apresentou êxito pleno na reprodução da etapa do circuito original devido à sua faixa limitada de valores de ganho de operação, constituindo-se na principal limitação do projeto implementado.The project has as its main objective to build a digital version of the effect pedal known as the Mu-tron III. Initially a study of the Mu-tron III is realized, with it being divided in three blocks, known as the Preprocessing block, the Envelope Detector block and the State Variable Filter block. The Teensy 3.6 developing board is used to reproduce digitally the processing steps of the Envelope Detector and the State Variable Filter blocks. A circuit that makes the reading and writing of the audio signal from the board is built, and there the Preprocessing block of the original circuit is reproduced. The processing algorithms are made initially in the MATLAB R○ R2012b software, and later are implemented in the Teensy 3.6. A software for the reading/- writing process in the developing board is made, where configurations like sampling rate and reading resolution are determined. Measurements are made in the project’s hardware and software steps, and these measurementes are compared with measurements made in simulations of the original circuit. The outputs of the Preprocessing block of the original circuit and of the implemented circuit are measured for a sinusoidal input, for minimum and maximum gain values. The Envelope Detector block from the original circuit and from the implemented circuit have their responses measured for a sinusoidal input for both of their operating modes. The State Variable Filter block, from the original circuit and from the implemented circuit, have its frequency responses measured in the three filter modes and for minimum and maximum Q factor values. Analysing the measurements made, it’s concluded that the proposed method made possible to reproduce successfully the original pedal for low Preprocessing gain values. The Preprocessing step that is proposed in the project have not been fully reproduced the original block due to it’s limitations in the operational gain, being the main limitation in the implemented project

    Design and Construction of Arduino-Hacked Variable Gating Distortion Pedal

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