186 research outputs found

    Turismo e Desenvolvimento Sustentável na Rússia: Desafios e Constrangimentos Atuais

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    The sustainable tourism development has become a prerequisite for the industry functioning. Sustainable tourism is now seen as a logical response to a growing tourist flow, and as a result, to an excessive burden on the natural and historical and cultural environment of destinations. In Russia, sustainable development is a complex and painful issue. Ambiguity of responsibility areas and the lack of thoughtful and well-established regulatory mechanisms make the interaction between business and government in sustainable territory development a particularly difficult issue in Russia. That is why the purpose of this study is to reveal how the representatives of the tourism business understand the need for sustainable tourism development in Russia. The survey of business representatives conducted in the article made it possible to identify problems in understanding the essence of sustainable tourism development, and to identify the sustainable tourism trends, which in many ways demonstrate the growing need for the transition of the tourism industry in Russia to the principles of sustainable development. One of the important problems of sustainable tourism development in Russia is the professional personnel training. For this purpose, the authors have developed a combined model of educational activities in the "challenges-needs" system for the sustainable development of hospitality industry. It is intended for stakeholders of the tourism market and is aimed at raising awareness and building sustainable interaction.El desarrollo del turismo sostenible se ha convertido en un requisito previo para el funcionamiento de la industria. El turismo sostenible se ve ahora como una respuesta lógica a un flujo turístico creciente y, en consecuencia, a una carga excesiva sobre el entorno natural e histórico y cultural de los destinos. En Rusia, el desarrollo sostenible es una cuestión compleja y dolorosa. La ambigüedad de las áreas de responsabilidad y la falta de mecanismos reguladores bien establecidos hacen que la interacción entre las empresas y el gobierno en el desarrollo sostenible del territorio sea una cuestión especialmente difícil en Rusia. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es revelar cómo entienden los representantes del negocio turístico la necesidad de un desarrollo turístico sostenible en Rusia. La encuesta realizada a los representantes de las empresas en el artículo permitió identificar los problemas de comprensión de la esencia del desarrollo del turismo sostenible, e identificar las tendencias del turismo sostenible, que en muchos aspectos demuestran la creciente necesidad de la transición de la industria del turismo en Rusia a los principios del desarrollo sostenible. Uno de los problemas importantes del desarrollo del turismo sostenible en Rusia es la formación del personal profesional. Para ello, el autor ha desarrollado un modelo combinado de actividades educativas en el sistema "retos-necesidades" para el desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la hostelería. Está destinado a las partes interesadas del mercado turístico y tiene como objetivo la sensibilización y la creación de una interacción sostenible.O desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável tornou-se um pré-requisito para o funcionamento da indústria. O turismo sustentável é agora visto como uma resposta lógica a um fluxo turístico crescente e, como resultado, a uma carga excessiva sobre o ambiente natural, histórico e cultural dos destinos. Na Rússia, o desenvolvimento sustentável é uma questão complexa e dolorosa. A ambigüidade das áreas de responsabilidade e a falta de mecanismos reguladores ponderados e bem estabelecidos tornam a interação entre empresas e governo no desenvolvimento sustentável do território uma questão particularmente difícil na Rússia. É por isso que o objetivo deste estudo é revelar como os representantes das empresas de turismo entendem a necessidade de desenvolvimento turístico sustentável na Rússia. O inquérito aos representantes das empresas realizado no artigo permitiu identificar problemas na compreensão da essência do desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável, e identificar as tendências do turismo sustentável, o que demonstra de muitas formas a necessidade crescente da transição da indústria do turismo na Rússia para os princípios do desenvolvimento sustentável. Um dos problemas importantes do desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável na Rússia é a formação de pessoal profissional. Para este fim, o autor desenvolveu um modelo combinado de atividades educacionais no sistema "desafios- necessidades" para o desenvolvimento sustentável da indústria hoteleira. Destina-se aos intervenientes do mercado do turismo e tem como objetivo sensibilizar e construir uma interação sustentável

    Urban Engineering: Concepts and Challenges

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    Heath-PRIOR: An Intelligent Ensemble Architecture to Identify Risk Cases in Healthcare

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    Smart city environments, when applied to healthcare, improve the quality of people\u27s lives, enabling, for instance, disease prediction and treatment monitoring. In medical settings, case prioritization is of great importance, with beneficial outcomes both in terms of patient health and physicians\u27 daily work. Recommender systems are an alternative to automatically integrate the data generated in such environments with predictive models and recommend actions, content, or services. The data produced by smart devices are accurate and reliable for predictive and decision-making contexts. This study main purpose is to assist patients and doctors in the early detection of disease or prediction of postoperative worsening through constant monitoring. To achieve this objective, this study proposes an architecture for recommender systems applied to healthcare, which can prioritize emergency cases. The architecture brings an ensemble approach for prediction, which adopts multiple Machine Learning algorithms. The methodology used to carry out the study followed three steps. First, a systematic literature mapping, second, the construction and development of the architecture, and third, the evaluation through two case studies. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposal. The predictions are promising and adherent to the application context for accurate datasets with a low amount of noises or missing values

    Aplicações de gamificação na educação em matemática: um mapeamento sistemático

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    The teaching of mathematics presents a series of great challenges, which are in a great number and variety. These challenges follow students since childhood. There are authors who argue that the mathematical concepts learned in secondary education have a more operational or practical nature, and it can interfere in the ability to learn more abstract mathematical concepts, taught in higher education. Traditional and technicist education based only on the teacher's view where he acts in the way he learned that was passed on to him over time is now a thing of the past. With the widespread use of the internet, computers and information technologies we live in a globalized world where new technologies are presented to us every day. Students in this context, where classes are totally traditional, feel discouraged and seek other activities to develop and spend time. Gamification can be defined as a methodology that is being used as the mechanisms of games, aesthetics and thinking of the game to involve people, motivate action, promote learning and problem solving. This systematic mapping selected 45 recent papers related to the use of gamification in mathematical learning and presents future directions in this research area.O ensino de matemática apresenta uma série de desafios, que são de grande número e variedade. Esses desafios seguem os alunos em vários níveis de escolaridade. Existem autores que argumentam que os conceitos matemáticos aprendidos no ensino médio têm uma natureza mais operacional ou prática e podem interferir na capacidade de aprender conceitos matemáticos mais abstratos, ensinados no ensino superior. Com o amplo uso da Internet, computadores e tecnologias da informação, vivemos em um mundo globalizado, onde novas tecnologias são apresentadas a nós todos os dias. Os alunos nesse contexto, onde as aulas são totalmente tradicionais, se sentem desencorajados e buscam outras atividades para desenvolver e passar o tempo. A gamificação pode ser definida como uma metodologia que está sendo usada como mecanismo de jogos, estética e pensamento do jogo para envolver as pessoas, motivar a ação, promover o aprendizado e a solução de problemas. Esse mapeamento sistemático selecionou 45 artigos recentes relacionados ao uso da gamificação no aprendizado de matemática e apresenta orientações futuras nessa área de pesquisa

    Integration of risk analysis methods in aerospace research projects

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    Organizations are exposed to several types of risks, such as environmental, legal, operational, financial, and technological; that are subjected to epistemic uncertainty. In this context, a contemporary issue is how to deal with accidents, with greater difficulty in understanding the sociotechnical system, due to its complex and dynamic characteristics, in an attempt to prevent accidents based on components’ behavior. Although, for most complex systems and projects, a record of the exposure to hazards is incomplete or nonexistent, especially when it is highly innovative. This study developed a risk analysis framework for complex aerospace research projects by integrating different methods: problem structuring, safety control action analysis, and prioritization of results. Three methods are proposed: (1) Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) for initial review and understanding of the problem situation, and preliminary identification of hazards and losses; (2) Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA), to identify Unsafe Control Actions (UCAs) and their causal scenarios; and (3), Preferences Sorting Technique by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS Fuzzy) for prioritization of the UCAs and mitigating causal scenarios. This proposal was applied to the Liquid Propulsion Injection Systems Laboratory (CEPROS), and, through the SSM, 7 hazards and 4 losses were found. On the other hand, the STPA method found 15 loops with 48 UCAs and 106 causal scenarios. In the end, it is recommended that the Decision Maker establishes a cut-off criterion, that is, a Hierarchy of Management and Control of the identified UCAs. The proposed methods follow the line of sociotechnical systems, considering the difficulty of the decision-maker for risk analysis in aerospace research projects. Thus, this work presents a structure of different methods covering the entire risk management process, increasing the difficulty in fulfilling the mission due to the level of complexity of the project, and supporting strategies for coordinated decision-making

    Chapter 1

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    Experimenting is fundamental to the training process of all scientists and engineers. While experiments have been traditionally done inside laboratories, the emergence of Information and Communication Technologies added two alter-natives accessible anytime, anywhere. These two alternatives are known as virtual and remote labs, and are sometimes indistinguishably referred as online labs. Sim-ilarly to other instructional technologies, virtual and remote labs require some ef-fort from teachers in integrating them into curricula, taking into consideration sev-eral factors that affect their adoption (i.e. cost) and their educational effectiveness (i.e. benefit). This chapter analyses these two dimensions and sustains the case where only through international cooperation it is possible to serve the large num-ber of teachers and students involved in engineering education. It presents an ex-ample in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, based on a remote lab named Virtual Instruments System in Reality, and it then describes how a number of European and Latin-American institutions have been cooperating under the scope of an Erasmus+ project2, for spreading its use in Brazil and Argentina.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relações entre iniciação científica e aspectos socioeducacionais, acadêmicos e profissionais de egressos da Universidade Federal do Paraná

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Cícero Aparecido BezerraCoorientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Rafaela Mantovani FontanaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 04/05/2022Inclui referênciasResumo: A Iniciação Científica (IC) propicia o contato prematuro de discentes com o ambiente científico das universidades e possui papel estratégico na formação de alunos e na renovação de recursos humanos qualificados, seja para a pesquisa ou mesmo para o mercado de trabalho. Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar alunos egressos da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) entre os anos de 2005 a 2020, considerando caracerísticas dos escopos socioeducacional, acadêmico, científico e profissional, estabelecendo comparações e verificando diferenças conforme a participação na atividade de IC. Parte-se do pressuposto que a IC não exerce diferença na vida profissional do estudante, limitando os ganhos da atividade para a área científica, com ingresso na pós-graduação e publicação de artigos. Metodologicamente, o estudo possui natureza quantitativa, com dados coletados de múltiplas fontes. Informações socioeducacionais, acadêmicas e de participações em IC foram obtidas das próprias bases da UFPR - Sistema Integrado de Ensino (SEI), Núcleo de Concursos (NC) e Sistema de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica (SICT). Para informações científicas de ingresso em pós-graduação e publicações, foram colhidos dados da plataforma Currículo Lattes, enquanto os dados profissionais foram selecionados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS). Para atingir o objetivo do estudo, técnicas estatísticas bivariadas e análise de correspondência múltipla foram empregadas em 37.516 egressos da UFPR - 8.133 com IC, 29.383 sem IC - de modo a identificar as características e diferenças entre os grupos IC x Sem IC, e validar protocolo de pesquisa e tese apresentadas. Os resultados apontaram que: i) no escopo socioeducacional, egressos que participaram da IC foram ligeiramente mais jovens; predominantemente do sexo feminino; demonstraram menor interesse em participar de atividades profissionais em tempo integral durante o curso; e apresentaram melhor desempenho no vestibular; não houve qualquer diferença para variáveis de cota ou raça; ii) no âmbito acadêmico, egressos com IC possuíram carga horária do curso maior; estiveram associados a cursos do turno matutino; e figuraram de maneira mais intensa nas áreas de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e Ciências da Saúde; e também apresentaram maior índice de rendimento acadêmico; ii) no escopo científico, os egressos com IC apresentaram maior encaminhamento para cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu e lato sensu, e médias maiores para todas as variáveis de publicações analisadas, tanto durante a graduação como após este período; iv) nas variáveis profissionais, houve maior empregabilidade ao longo dos anos para egressos sem IC; ao observar a empregabilidade para a área de docência, os percentuais foram maiores para os alunos IC; em todas as variáveis envolvendo a remuneração, não houve padrão que pudesse postar um grupo de maneira favorável ou mesmo de destaque em relação ao outro. Os resultados fortalecem a ideia de que os benefícios propiciados pela IC se encontram principalmente para a área científica dos estudantes egressos, com destaque no encaminhamento para a pós-graduação e publicações.Abstract: Undergraduate Research (UR) provides early contact of the students with the scientific environment of the universities and plays a strategic role in the training of students and the renewal of qualified human resources, whether for research or even for the labor market. This thesis aims to analyze students from the Federal University of Parana (UFPR) between the years 2005 to 2020, considering characteristics of the socio-educational, academic, scientific and professional scopes, establishing comparisons and verifying differences according to the participation in the UR activity. It is assumed that UR makes no difference in the student's academic and professional life, limiting the gains from the activity for the scientific area, with admission to graduate studies and publication of articles. Methodologically, the study has a quantitative nature, where data were collected from multiple sources. Socio-educational, academic and participation information in UR were collected from the UFPR's own bases - Integrated Teaching System (SEI), Contests Center (NC) and Scientific and Technological Initiation System (SICT). For graduate scientific information and publications, data were collected from the Curriculum Lattes platform, while professional data were selected from the Annual Social Information List (RAIS). To achieve the objective of the study, bivariate statistical techniques and multiple correspondence analysis were used in the 37,516 undergraduates of UFPR - 8.133 with UR, 29.383 without UR - in order to identify the characteristics and differences between the UR students gruoup vs No UR students grouo, and validate the research protocol and thesis presented. The results showed that: i) in the socio-educational scope, graduates who participated in the IC were slightly younger; predominantly female; showed less interest in participating in full-time professional activities during the course; and showed better performance in the entrance exam; there was no difference for quota or race variables; ii) in the academic sphere, graduates with UR had a higher course load; were associated with morning shift courses; and figured more intensely in the areas of Applied Social Sciences and Health Sciences; and also had a higher academic performance index; iii) in the scientific scope, UR graduates showed greates fowarding to stricto sensu and lato sensu graduate courses, and higher averages for all variables of analyzed publications, both during graduation and after this period; iv) in the professional variables, there was greater employability over the years for graduates without UR; when observing the employability for teaching in higher education, the percentages were higher for UR students; in all variables involving remuneration, there was no pattern that could place a group in a favorable way or even prominently in relation to the other. The results strengthen the idea that the benefits provided by the UR are mainly for the scientific area of the graduating st dents, with emphasis on the referral to postgraduate studies and publications

    Assessment as learning in metaverse: an experience report in a post-pandemic blended learning scenario

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    Education has undergone significant transformations in teaching and learning practices during COVID-19, including changes in the way of assessing students, moving from assessment of learning to assessment for learning and finally to assessment as learning. The pandemic also leaves the use and creation of innovative technologies that support education as a legacy. In this environment, new technologies such as virtual environments and the metaverse can innovate the teaching and learning process by allowing teachers and students to extend the real world into virtual learning worlds. Thus, this article presents an experience report on a formative assessment of a database course based in a hybrid educational context, supported by metaverse and active learning approaches. Through a quasi-experimental study, the formative assessment was compared with a traditional summative assessment to analyze the students’ satisfaction and perception of learning. As a result, we observed that students felt more satisfied performing the formative assessment in the hybrid context, noticing improvements in learning and their performance concerning the traditional assessment
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