7 research outputs found

    Security Protocol Suite for Preventing Cloud-based Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    Cloud systems, also known as cloud services, are among the primary solutions of the information technology domain. Cloud services are accessed through an identity authentication process. These authentication processes have become increasingly vulnerable to adversaries who may perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks to make cloud services inaccessible. Several strong authentication protocols have been employed to protect conventional network systems. Nevertheless, they can cause a DoS threat when implemented in the cloud-computing system. This is because the comprehensive verification process may exhaust the cloud resources and shut down cloud’s services. This thesis proposes a novel cloud-based secure authentication (CSA) protocol suite that provides a smart authentication approach not only for verifying the users’ identities but also for building a strong line of defense against the DoS attacks. CSA protocol suite offers two modules, CSAM-1 and CSAM-2. The decision of which module of CSA to be utilized depends on the deployment nature of the cloud computing. CSAM-1 is designed to prevent external risks of DoS attacks in private and community cloud computing. CSAM-1 utilizes multiple techniques that include the client puzzle problem and utilization of unique encrypted text (UET). Therefore, these techniques can distinguish between a legitimate user’s request and an attacker’s attempt. CSAM-2 is designed to prevent internal risks of DoS attacks in public and hybrid cloud computing. CSAM-2 combines an extended unique encrypted text (EUET) application, client puzzle problem, and deadlock avoidance algorithm to prevent DoS risks that occur from inside cloud computing systems. The authentication process in both modules is designed so that the cloud-based servers become footprint-free and fully able to detect the signs of DoS attacks. The reliability and scalability of these two modules have been measured through a number of experiments using the GreenCloud simulation tool. The experiments’ results have shown that the CSA protocol suite is practically applicable as a lightweight authentication protocol. These experiments have verified the ability of the CSA to protect the cloud-based system against DoS attacks with an acceptable mean time to failure while still having the spare capacity to handle a large number of user requests


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    This research dedicated to the review, implementation and analysis of the symmetric encryption algorithm, namely - DES (Data Encryption Standard) that encrypts and decrypts text information. For this algorithm represented not only a verbal description, but also schemes of its execution and examples of implementation. Intermediate results and the results of information encryption / decryption in the implemented algorithm were verified using examples, so we can assume that the algorithm implemented correctly. Comparison of the execution time for the DES algorithm proposed implementation made for two utilities. One of them is OpenSSL, developed using assembler and the capabilities of the C programming language. The other utility developed using programming language Java. The comparison was made according to three criteria: full time from the utility execution start to its completion; the time spent by the process to execute the utility (downtime and time when the processor perform other tasks not accounted); the time taken by the operating system to run a utility, such as reading  or writing the file. The analysis showed that the total execution time is not equal to the total amount of time spent by both the processor and the operating system to execute the utilities. This is due to the following: the total execution time is the real time spent on the execution of the utility; it can measure with a stopwatch. Whereas the time spent by the processor to execute the utility is measured somewhat differently: if two cores execute the same utility for 1 second, the total execution time will be 2 seconds, although in fact one second of time has passed. From the comparison follows the next conclusion: the time spent on encryption is less than the time spent on decryption. The execution time for different utilities is different: the time for OpenSSL utility turned out to be the best, because such an implementation is most adapted to the hardware. The utility in Java turned out to be the worst in terms of execution time. We propose the implementation of the DES algorithm of the nearest execution time to the fastest of the considered. Because a number of hacking possibilities have been found for the symmetric encryption standard DES, in particular due to the small number of possible keys, there is a risk of overriding them. Therefore, to increase crypto currency, other versions of this algorithm have been developed: double DES (2DES), triple DES (3DES), DESX, G-DES. In the future, it is planned to develop a utility based on our proposed implementation of the DES algorithm and to demonstrate the operation of its modifications.Дане дослідження присвячено огляду, реалізації та аналізу алгоритму симетричного шифрування, а саме – DES (Data Encryption Standard), який виконує як шифрування тексту, так і його дешифрування. Для даного алгоритму наведено не лише словесний опис, а схеми його роботи та приклади програмної реалізації. Проміжні результати та результати шифрування/дешифрування інформації із використанням реалізованого алгоритму перевірені на прикладах, тому можна вважати, що алгоритм реалізовано вірно. Порівняння часу виконання запропонованої реалізації алгоритму DES виконувалось для двох утиліт. Одна із них – OpenSSL написана на мові Assembler та використовує можливості мови програмування С, інша ж реалізована із використанням мови програмування Java. Порівняння проводилось за трьома критеріями: повний час від початку роботи утиліти до її завершення; час, витрачений процесором на виконання утиліти (при цьому не враховується час простою і час, коли процесор виконував інші завдання); час, який затратила операційна система для роботи утиліти, наприклад, читання файлу або його запис на диск. Аналіз показав, що повний час виконання алгоритму не рівний загальній кількості часу, витраченого і процесором, і операційною системо на його виконання. Це зумовлено наступним: загальний час виконання – це реальний час, який витрачено на виконання утиліти, його можна виміряти секундоміром. Тоді як час, який був витрачений процесором на виконання утиліти, вимірюється дещо інакше, а саме: якщо два ядра будуть виконувати одну і ту ж утиліту впродовж 1 секунди, то загальний час її виконання буде дорівнювати 2 секундам, хоча насправді пройшла одна секунда часу. З проведеного порівняння слідує висновок: час, який затрачений на шифрування, менший від часу, затраченого на розшифрування. Час виконання різних утиліт – різний: час утиліти OpenSSL виявився найкращим, адже така реалізація найбільш адаптована до апаратного забезпечення. Утиліта на Java виявилася за часом виконання найгіршою. Запропонована нами реалізація алгоритму DES близька за часом виконання до найшвидшої із розглянутих. Оскільки для стандарту симетричного шифрування DES було знайдено ряд можливостей злому, зокрема через невелику кількість можливих ключів, існує загроза їх повного перебору. Тому для збільшення криптостійкості було розроблено інші версії цього алгоритму: double DES (2DES), triple DES (3DES), DESX, G-DES. У  перспективі планується розробити на основі запропонованої нами реалізації алгоритму DES утиліти і для демонстрації роботи його модифікацій

    Formal Aspects in Security and Trust

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    his book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, FAST 2005, held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in July 2005. The 17 revised papers presented together with the extended abstract of 1 invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers focus on formal aspects in security and trust policy models, security protocol design and analysis, formal models of trust and reputation, logics for security and trust, distributed trust management systems, trust-based reasoning, digital assets protection, data protection, privacy and ID issues, information flow analysis, language-based security, security and trust aspects in ubiquitous computing, validation/analysis tools, web service security/trust/privacy, GRID security, security risk assessment, and case studies

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005)

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    The present report contains the pre-proceedings of the third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005), held in Newcastle upon Tyne, 18-19 July 2005. FAST is an event affliated with the Formal Methods 2005 Congress (FM05). The third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005) aims at continuing the successful effort of the previous two FAST workshop editions for fostering the cooperation among researchers in the areas of security and trust. The new challenges offered by the so-called ambient intelligence space, as a future paradigm in the information society, demand for a coherent and rigorous framework of concepts, tools and methodologies to provide user\u27s trust&confidence on the underlying communication/interaction infrastructure. It is necessary to address issues relating to both guaranteeing security of the infrastructure and the perception of the infrastructure being secure. In addition, user confidence on what is happening must be enhanced by developing trust models effective but also easily comprehensible and manageable by users

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum