66,332 research outputs found

    Minimum game plans : eco-design and low-tech fabrication in studios

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    This paper looks at eco-design and low-tech fabrication in studio

    Livestock farming with care : summaries of essays

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    Wageningen UR is the country’s major research organisation in the field of livestock farming, providing the knowledge base for innovative livestock farming in our country and beyond and, as such, keen to play a role in the above mentioned debate. To this end an interdisciplinary task force was formed embodying a range of expertise, from livestock technology to system analysis and from economics to public administration. As one of the task force activities, Wageningen UR colleagues were invited to write an essay with their vision on specific aspects of this debate, based on their views and expertise. The result was a series of 30 essays, providing a wide overview of relevant issues with possible directions for solutions

    User producer interaction in context: a classification

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    Science, Technology and Innovation Studies show that intensified user producer interaction (UPI) increases chances for successful innovations, especially in the case of emerging technology. It is not always clear, however, what type of interaction is necessary in a particular context. This paper proposes a conceptualization of contexts in terms of three dimensions – the phase of technology development, the flexibility of the technology, and the heterogeneity of user populations – resulting in a classification scheme with eight different contextual situations. The paper identifies and classifies types of interaction, like demand articulation, interactive learning, learning by using and domestication. It appears that each contextual situation demands a different set of UPI types. To illustrate the potential value of the classification scheme, four examples of innovations with varying technological and user characteristics are explored: the refrigerator, clinical anaesthesia, video cassette recording, and the bicycle. For each example the relevant UPI types are discussed and it is shown how these types highlight certain activities and interactions during key events of innovation processes. Finally, some directions for further research are suggested alongside a number of comments on the utility of the classification

    Approximate Decoding Approaches for Network Coded Correlated Data

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    This paper considers a framework where data from correlated sources are transmitted with help of network coding in ad-hoc network topologies. The correlated data are encoded independently at sensors and network coding is employed in the intermediate nodes in order to improve the data delivery performance. In such settings, we focus on the problem of reconstructing the sources at decoder when perfect decoding is not possible due to losses or bandwidth bottlenecks. We first show that the source data similarity can be used at decoder to permit decoding based on a novel and simple approximate decoding scheme. We analyze the influence of the network coding parameters and in particular the size of finite coding fields on the decoding performance. We further determine the optimal field size that maximizes the expected decoding performance as a trade-off between information loss incurred by limiting the resolution of the source data and the error probability in the reconstructed data. Moreover, we show that the performance of the approximate decoding improves when the accuracy of the source model increases even with simple approximate decoding techniques. We provide illustrative examples about the possible of our algorithms that can be deployed in sensor networks and distributed imaging applications. In both cases, the experimental results confirm the validity of our analysis and demonstrate the benefits of our low complexity solution for delivery of correlated data sources

    The use of FRPs in seismic repair and retrofit: experimental verification

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    The application of FRPs in the seismic repair and retrofit of structures is addressed. The results from a few tests on full-scale structures, repaired and/or retrofitted with composites, performed at the ELSA laboratory are presented and discussed

    Innovative spatial timber structures: workshops with physical modeling explorations from small to full scale

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    Architects and Engineers are educated and work within two separate cultures yet they are both concerned with conceptual structural design. The collaboration between the professions is especially important when designing buildings where the structure to a great degree forms the spaces, as in the cases of form generating structures such as gridshells, reciprocal frames, space trusses etc . This paper describes several specialist research based workshops developed at KA over the last two years that use physical modelling of 1:1 innovative timber load-bearing structures such as gridshells and reciprocal frames

    Technology in work organisations

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    An Exploration of Experiences of Transdisciplinary Research in Aging and Technology

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    Transdisciplinary research (TDR) involves academics/scientists collaborating with stakeholders from diverse disciplinary and sectoral backgrounds. While TDR has been recognized as beneficial in generating innovative solutions to complex social problems, knowledge is limited about researchers' perceptions and experiences of TDR in the aging and technology field. We conducted a qualitative study to address this knowledge gap by exploring how members of a pan-Canadian research network on aging and technology perceived and experienced TDR. Thirty members participated in semi-structured interviews. Interview data were analyzed thematically. Participants identified benefits that can be gained from implementing TDR, including mutual learning, improved capacity to understand and solve problems, and community engagement and empowerment. Participants also identified challenges to implementing TDR: communication issues and conflicting priorities among team members; tensions between traditional and TDR approaches; and difficulties identifying partners and developing partnerships. In addition, contradictions between TDR principles and participants' understanding of them became apparent. Nevertheless, some participants described successful strategies for implementing transdisciplinary principles in their projects: stakeholder engagement; language and goal sharing; and open, respectful communication. We offer recommendations to support TDR in aging and technology that focus on education and reform of the culture and values that can constrain efforts to practice TDR.Im Rahmen transdisziplinärer Forschung (TDF) arbeiten Wissenschaftler*innen mit Stakeholdern unterschiedlicher disziplinärer und sektoraler Herkunft zusammen. Während es mittlerweile akzeptiert scheint, dass TDF hilfreich ist, um innovative Lösungen für komplexe soziale Probleme zu generieren, ist das Wissen um Wahrnehmungen und Erfahrungen transdisziplinärer Forscher*innen im Bereich Alter(n) und Technologie vergleichsweise gering. Mittels einer qualitativen Studie mit Mitgliedern eines Pan-Kanadischen Forschungsnetzwerks haben wir versucht, diese Wissenslücke zu schließen. Mit 33 Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes wurden teilstrukturierte Interviews geführt, die thematisch analysiert wurden. Zu den berichteten Benefits von TDF gehörten u.a. wechselseitiges Lernen, verbesserte Möglichkeiten zum Verstehen und Lösen von Problemen  sowie Zugehörigkeit zu und Einbettung in die jeweilige Community. Erlebte Herausforderungen betrafen insbesondere kommunikative Schwierigkeiten und Prioritätskonflikte im Team, Spannungen zwischen Vertreter*innen von traditionellen vs. TDF-Ansätzen sowie Hindernisse beim Identifizieren von potenziellen Partner*innen. Zusätzliche waren Widersprüche zwischen TDF-Prinzipien und deren Verständnis durch die Interviewten offensichtlich. Einige der Gesprächspartner*innen haben gleichwohl Strategien beschrieben, die auf eine erfolgreiche Implementierung transdisziplinärer Prinzipien verweisen, nämlich das Engagement von Stakeholdern, das Teilen von Zielen und Sprachen sowie eine offene, respektvolle Kommunikation. Hiervon ausgehend bieten wir Empfehlungen für TDF zu Alter(n) und Technologie mit einem Fokus auf Bildung und auf eine Reform von Kulturen und Werten, die in der Praxis Bemühungen um TDF entgegenstehen
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