313 research outputs found

    Influence of the amount of permanent-magnet material in fractional-slot permanent-magnet synchronous machines

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    The efficiency of permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines with outer rotor and concentrated windings is investigated as a function of the mass of magnets used, keeping the power, volume, and mechanical air-gap thickness constant. In order to be useful for electric vehicle motors and wind turbine generators, the efficiency is computed in wide speed and torque ranges, including overload. For a given type and amount of magnets, the geometry of the machine and the efficiency map are computed by analytical models and finite-element models, taken into account the iron loss, copper loss, magnet loss, and pulsewidth-modulation loss. The models are validated by experiments. Furthermore, the demagnetization risk and torque ripple are studied as functions of the mass of magnets in the machine. The effect of the mass of magnets is investigated for several soft magnetic materials, for several combinations of number of poles and number of stator slots, and for both rare earth (NdFeB) magnets and ferrite magnets. It is observed that the amount of PM material can vary in a wide range with a minor influence on the efficiency, torque density, and torque ripple and with a limited demagnetization risk

    Advanced design methodology for permanent magnet synchronous machines in power applications

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    Most of the world electrical energy is consumed by electric motors, and then, the improvement in their performance leads to essential savings in the global energy consumption, required to reduce the CO2 emissions. Actually, the policies of governments and institutions are becoming more demanding and the manufacturers are forced to offer more and more optimized products. Moreover, many applications are increasingly demanding high performance in terms of power density, reliability or dynamic response, as in the case of electric vehicle, wind power generation or railway traction. The high energetic content of neodymium magnets causes that the permanent magnet machines (PMSM) are the more attractive option with respect to power density. In addition, thanks to the almost complete elimination of the rotor losses they are the most energetically efficient machines. The PMSM design requires of a multiphysical approach since it comprises electric, magnetic and thermal aspects. In this work, a comprehensive review of the technical literature regarding these machines has been done, and some areas for improvement have been found. Firstly, it is common that the procedure starts from a quite defined machine and just an optimization of a specific part is realized. Moreover, excessive dependence on designer’s experience and knowhow is observed, without giving clear instructions for taking design decisions. Finally, excessive dependence on time consuming FEM models is found. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to develop and propose an advanced design methodology for PMSM design, characterized by being clear and complete, considering whole the design process and giving criteria and tools for taking decisions which lead to an optimum choice of the final solution. A PMSM design methodology has been proposed that enables the evaluation of large amounts of configurations in an automatic manner, easing to the designer the process of taking the final design decision. To implement this methodology, several tools have been developed and explained in detail: electromagnetic models coupled to thermal models and lumped parameter electromagnetic models. Some important modifications were done in the thermal models taken as a reference in order to consider different cooling conditions. In addition, a basis permeance network model was adapted to the selected machine topology and it was used to demonstrate its suitability to be used in combination with Frozen Permeability technique. Following the proposed design methodology, a 75 kW PMSM prototype was designed and validated at the IK4‐IKERLAN medium voltage laboratory. The obtained results have validated both the proposed design methodology and the developed and employed tools.La mayor parte de la energía eléctrica mundial es consumida en motores eléctricos, por lo que la mejora de sus prestaciones conduce a ahorros en el consumo energético esenciales si se quieren reducir las emisiones de CO2. De hecho, las políticas de gobiernos y asociaciones cada vez son más exigentes, y los diseñadores se ven forzados a lanzar productos cada vez más optimizados. Además, cada vez hay más aplicaciones que son muy exigentes en términos de densidad de potencia, fiabilidad o prestaciones dinámicas, como son el vehículo eléctrico, la generación eólica o la tracción ferroviaria. El altísimo contenido energético de los imanes de neodimio provoca que las máquinas imanes permanentes (PMSM) sean las más atractivas en términos de densidad de potencia. Además, debido a la casi total eliminación de pérdidas en el rotor se convierten en las máquinas más eficientes energéticamente. El diseño de una PMSM requiere de un enfoque multidisciplinar, ya que engloba aspectos eléctricos, magnéticos y térmicos. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura técnica publicada hasta la fecha en relación con el diseño de estas máquinas, y se han encontrado ciertos puntos de mejora. En primer lugar, muchas veces se parte de un diseño bastante definido y se optimiza una parte concreta del mismo. Además, se aprecia excesiva dependencia de la experiencia y knowhow del diseñador, sin establecer pautas claras para la toma de decisiones de diseño. Finalmente, dependen excesivamente del temporalmente costoso FEM. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología avanzada de diseño de PMSMs que sea clara y completa, abarcando todo el proceso de diseño y aportando criterios y herramientas para la toma de decisiones que conduzcan a una elección óptima de la solución final. Se ha propuesto una metodología de diseño que permite la evaluación de gran cantidad de configuraciones de PMSM de forma automática, facilitando la decisión de diseño final por parte del diseñador. Para la implementación de esta metodología, diversas herramientas han tenido que ser desarrolladas y son explicadas en detalle: modelos analíticos electromagnéticos acoplados con modelos térmicos, y modelos electromagnéticos de parámetros concentrados. Importantes modificaciones fueron realizadas sobre los modelos térmicos adoptados para considerar diferentes refrigeraciones. Además, el circuito electromagnético de parámetros concentrados fue adaptado a la topología seleccionada y demostró su validez para ser utilizado en combinación con la técnica de Frozen Permeability. Siguiendo la metodología propuesta, se ha diseñado y fabricado un prototipo de 75 kW y se ha realizado la validación experimental en el laboratorio de media tensión de IK4‐IKERLAN. Los resultados obtenidos han servido para validar tanto la metodología de diseño como las herramientas empleadas en la misma.Munduko energia elektrikoaren zatirik handiena motor elektrikoetan kontsumitzen da, eta, ondorioz, prestazioak hobetzeak lagundu egiten du kontsumo energetikoan funtsezko aurrezpenak egiten, CO2 igorpenak murriztu nahi badira. Berez, gobernuen eta elkarteen eskakizunak gero eta zorrotzagoak dira, eta diseinatzaileak produktu gero eta optimizatuak atera beharrean daude. Gainera, gero eta aplikazio gehiago daude zorroztasun handia eskatzen dutenak potentzi dentsitateari, fidagarritasunari edo prestazio dinamikoei dagokienez, esaterako, ibilgailu elektrikoan, sorkuntza eolikoan edo tren trakzioan. Neodimiozko imanen eduki energetiko itzelaren ondorioz, iman makina iraunkorrak (PMSM) dira erakargarrienak potentzi dentsitateari dagokionez. Gainera, errotorearen galerak ia guztiz deuseztatzen direnez, energetikoki makinarik eraginkorrenak dira. PMSM bat diseinatzeko diziplina askoko ikuspegia behar da, alderdi elektrikoak, magnetikoak eta termikoak hartzen baititu bere baitan. Lan honetan orain arte honelako makinen diseinuari buruz argitaratutako literatura teknikoaren azterketa zehatza egin da, eta hobetzeko hainbat puntu aurkitu dira. Lehenik eta behin, askotan, abiapuntua nahiko definituta dagoen diseinu bat izaten da, eta egiten dena da horren zati jakin bat optimizatu. Gainera, gehiegizko mendekotasuna egoten da diseinatzailearen esperientzia eta knowhow‐arekiko, diseinuaren inguruko erabakiak hartzeko jarraibide argiak ezarri gabe. Azkenik, mendekotasun handia dago FEMek behin‐behinean duen kostu handiarekiko. Horrenbestez, tesiaren helburu nagusia da PMSMak diseinatzeko metodologia aurreratu bat garatzea, argia eta osatua, diseinuaren prozesu osoa hartuko duena, eta erabakiak hartzeko irizpideak eta tresnak eskainiko dituena, amaierako soluziorik onena aukeratu ahal izateko. Diseinurako proposatu den metodologiarekin PMSMko konfigurazio kopuru handi bat ebaluatu daiteke automatikoki, diseinatzaileari amaierako diseinua erabakitzen laguntzeko. Metodologia inplementatzeko, hainbat tresna garatu behar izan dira, eta horiek zehatz esplikatzen dira: eredu analitiko elektromagnetikoak, eredu termikoekin uztartuta, eta parametro kontzentratuen bidezko eredu elektromagnetikoak. Hautatutako eredu termikoetan aldaketa garrantzitsuak egin behar izan ziren, hozkuntza desberdinak lantzeko. Horrez gain, parametro kontzentratuen zirkuitu elektromagnetikoa hautatutako topologiara egokitu zen, eta bere balioa frogatu zuen, Frozen Permeability teknikarekin konbinatuta erabiltzeko. Proposatutako metodologiari jarraituz, 75 kW‐eko prototipo bat diseinatu eta fabrikatu da, eta balioztapen esperimentala egin da IK4‐IKERLANeko tentsio ertaineko laborategian. Lortutako emaitzek diseinuaren metodologia zein bertan erabilitako tresnak balioztatzeko balio izan dute


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    The study on the driving cycle and powertrain of electric vehicle presents the conclusion that there is a regular working area on efficiency map where electric motor works for the most time. Thus, two motivations are proposed: first, to evaluate the efficiency map of electric motor analytically, second, to design an electric motor whose maximum efficiency area on efficiency map covers its regular working area. To evaluate motor efficiency map, three tasks have to be completed: calculating torque-speed characteristic, calculating losses, studying on motor control strategy. For in-wheel application, surface-mounted permanent magnet motor with fractional-slot concentrated-windings is adopted. Its torque-speed profile of flux-weakening control is calculated. Different methods of losses calculation are compared and the results are presented. Motor control strategy is studied to obtain the input electric parameters of other operating points within the torque-speed profile. To design the motor, driving cycle and powertrain of electric vehicle are analyzed. Multi-objective optimization is utilized to obtain the optimal motor design. Different factors impacting motor efficiency map are discussed. The motor designs are compared to illustrate the loss balance of electric motor. Motor design and analytic results are validated in powertrain calculation and finite element calculation. Flux-weakening control is implemented. The co-simulation model is built up for further study to calculate the dynamic efficiency of driving cycle. A prototype with similar typology and winding layout is manufactured. Some preliminary experiment results are presented and compared with analytic result

    Electromagnetic and thermal design of axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines

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    Optimal Design of Special High Torque Density Electric Machines based on Electromagnetic FEA

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    Electric machines with high torque density are essential for many low-speed direct-drive systems, such as wind turbines, electric vehicles, and industrial automation. Permanent magnet (PM) machines that incorporate a magnetic gearing effect are particularly useful for these applications due to their potential for achieving extremely high torque density. However, when the number of rotor polarities is increased, there is a corresponding need to increase the number of stator slots and coils proportionally. This can result in manufacturing challenges. A new topology of an axial-flux vernier-type machine of MAGNUS type has been presented to address the mentioned limitation. These machines can attain high electrical frequency using only a few stator coils and teeth, which can simplify construction and manufacturing under certain conditions. Additionally, the inclusion of auxiliary small teeth within the stator main teeth can generate a noteworthy increase in output torque, making it a unique characteristic of this motor. By analyzing the operating principle of the proposed VTFM PM machine, possible pole-slot combinations have been derived. The process of designing an electric machine is complicated and involves several variables and factors that must be balanced by the designer, such as efficiency, cost, and performance requirements. To achieve a successful design, it is crucial to employ multi-objective optimization. Using a 3D FEA model can consider the impact of magnetic saturation, leakage flux, and end effects, which are not accounted for in 2D. Optimization using a 3D parametric model can offer a more precise analysis. Validating the machine\u27s performance requires prototyping a model and testing it under different operating conditions, such as speed and load, which is a crucial step. This approach provides valuable insights into the machine\u27s behavior, allowing the identification of any areas for improvement or weaknesses. A large-scale multi-objective optimization study has been conducted for an axial-flux vernier-type PM machine with a 3-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) to minimize the material cost and maximize the electromagnetic efficiency. A detailed study for torque contribution has indicated that auxiliary teeth on each stator main teeth amplify net torque production. A prototype of optimal design has been built and tested

    Multi-level-objective design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator and solar photovoltaic system for an urban environment application

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    This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of radial-flux permanent magnet synchronous wind generators (PMSGs) for small power generation in an urban area, in which an outer rotor topology with a closed-slot stator is employed. The electromagnetic advantages of a double-layer fractional concentration non-overlapping winding configuration are discussed. The analytical behavior of a PMSG is studied in detail; especially for magnetic flux density distribution, time and space harmonics, flux linkages, back-EMF, cogging torque, torque, output power, efficiency, and iron losses computation. The electromagnetic behavior of PMSGs are evaluated when a number of various Halbach array magnetization topologies are presented to maximize the generator’s performance. In addition, the thermal behavior of the PMSG is improved using an innovative natural air-cooling system for rated speed and higher to decrease the machine’s heat mainly at the stator teeth. The analytical investigation is verified via 2-D and 3-D finite element analysis along with a good experimental agreement. Design optimization of electrical machines plays the deterministic role in performance improvements such as the magnetization pattern, output power, and efficiency maximization, as well as losses and material cost minimization. This dissertation proposes a novel multi-objective design optimization technique using a dual-level response surface methodology (D-RSM) and Booth’s algorithm (coupled to a memetic algorithm known as simulated annealing) to maximize the output power and minimize material cost through sizing optimization. Additionally, the efficiency maximization by D-RSM is investigated while the PMSG and drive system are on duty as the whole. It is shown that a better fit is available when utilizing modern design functions such as mixed-resolution central composite (MR-CCD) and mixed-resolution robust (MR-RD), due to controllable and uncontrollable design treatments, and also a Window-Zoom-in approach. The proposed design optimization was verified by an experimental investigation. Additionally, there are several novel studies on vibro-acoustic design optimization of the PMSGs with considering variable speed analysis and natural frequencies using two techniques to minimize the magnetic noise and vibrations. Photovoltaic system design optimization considered of 3-D modeling of an innovative application-oriented urban environment structure, a smart tree for small power generation. The horizon shading is modeled as a broken line superimposed onto the sun path diagram, which can hold any number of height/azimuth points in this original study. The horizon profile is designed for a specific location on the Barcelona coast in Spain and the meteorological data regarding the location of the project was also considered. Furthermore, the input weather data is observed and stored for the whole year (in 2016). These data include, ambient temperature, module’s temperature (open and closed circuits tests), and shading average rate. A novel Pareto-based 3-D analysis was used to identify complete and partial shading of the photovoltaic system. A significant parameter for a photovoltaic (PV) module operation is the nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT). In this research, a glass/glass module has been referenced to the environment based on IEC61215 via a closed-circuit and a resistive load to ensure the module operates at the maximum power point. The proposed technique in this comparative study attempts to minimize the losses in a certain area with improved output energy without compromising the overall efficiency of the system. A Maximum Power Point Track (MPPT) controller is enhanced by utilizing an advanced perturb & observe (P&O) algorithm to maintain the PV operating point at its maximum output under different temperatures and insolation. The most cost-effective design of the PV module is achieved via optimizing installation parameters such as tilt angle, pitch, and shading to improve the energy yield. The variation of un-replicated factorials using a Window-Zoom-in approach is examined to determine the parameter settings and to check the suitability of the design. An experimental investigation was carried out to verify the 3-D shading analysis and NOCT technique for an open-circuit and grid-connected PV module.Esta tesis muestra un novedoso estudio referente al diseño optimizado de forma analítica y numérica de un generador síncrono de imanes permanentes (PMSGs) para una aplicación de microgeneración eólica en un entorno urbano, donde se ha escogido una topología de rotor exterior con un estator de ranuras cerradas. Las ventajas electromagnéticas de los arrollamientos fraccionarios de doble capa, con bobinas concentradas se discuten ampliamente en la parte inicial del diseño del mismo, así como las características de distribución de la inducción, los armónicos espaciales y temporales, la fem generada, el par de cogging así como las características de salida (par, potencia generada, la eficiencia y la distribución y cálculo de las pérdidas en el hierro que son analizadas detalladamente) Posteriormente se evalúan diferentes configuraciones de estructuras de imanes con magnetización Halbach con el fin de maximizar las prestaciones del generador. Adicionalmente se analiza la distribución de temperaturas y su mejora mediante el uso de un novedoso diseño mediante el uso de ventilación natural para velocidades próximas a la nominal y superiores con el fin de disminuir la temperatura de la máquina, principalmente en el diente estatórico. El cálculo analítico se completa mediante simulaciones 2D y 3D utilizando el método de los elementos finitos así como mediante diversas experiencias que validan los modelos y aproximaciones realizadas. Posteriormente se desarrollan algoritmos de optimización aplicados a variables tales como el tipo de magnetización, la potencia de salida, la eficiencia así como la minimización de las pérdidas y el coste de los materiales empleados. En la tesis se proponen un nuevo diseño optimizado basado en una metodología multinivel usando la metodología de superficie de respuesta (D-RSM) y un algoritmo de Booth (maximizando la potencia de salida y minimizando el coste de material empleado) Adicionalmente se investiga la maximización de la eficiencia del generador trabajando conjuntamente con el circuito de salida acoplado. El algoritmo utilizado queda validado mediante la experimentación desarrollada conjuntamente con el mismo. Adicionalmente, se han realizado diversos estudios vibroacústicos trabajando a velocidad variable usando dos técnicas diferentes para reducir el ruido generado y las vibraciones producidas. Posteriormente se considera un sistema fotovoltaico orientado a aplicaciones urbanas que hemos llamado “Smart tree for small power generation” y que consiste en un poste con un generador eólico en la parte superior juntamente con uno o más paneles fotovoltaicos. Este sistema se ha modelado usando metodologías en 3D. Se ha considerado el efecto de las sombras proyectadas por los diversos elementos usando datos meteorológicos y de irradiación solar de la propia ciudad de Barcelona. Usando una metodología basada en un análisis 3D y Pareto se consigue identificar completamente el sistema fotovoltaico; para este sistema se considera la temperatura de la célula fotovoltaica y la carga conectada con el fin de generar un algoritmo de control que permita obtener el punto de trabajo de máxima potencia (MPPT) comprobándose posteriormente el funcionamiento del algoritmo para diversas situaciones de funcionamiento del sistemaLa tesis desenvolupa un nou estudi per al disseny optimitzat, analític i numèric, d’un generador síncron d’imants permanents (PMSGs) per a una aplicació de microgeneració eòlica en aplicacions urbanes, on s’ha escollit una configuració amb rotor exterior i estator amb ranures tancades. Es discuteixen de forma extensa els avantatges electromagnètics dels bobinats fraccionaris de doble capa així com les característiques resultats vers la distribució de les induccions, els harmònics espacials i temporals, la fem generada, el parell de cogging i les característiques de sortida (parell, potencia, eficiència i pèrdues) Tanmateix s’afegeix l’estudi de diferents estructures Halbach per als imants permanents a fi i efecte de maximitzar les característiques del generador. Tot seguit s’analitza la distribució de temperatures i la seva reducció mitjançant la utilització d’una nova metodologia basada en la ventilació natural. Els càlculs analítics es complementen mitjançant anàlisi en 2 i 3 dimensions utilitzant elements finits i diverses experiències que validen els models i aproximacions emprades. Una vegada fixada la geometria inicial es desenvolupen algoritmes d’optimització per a diverses variables (tipus de magnetització dels imants, potencia de sortida, eficiència, minimització de pèrdues i cost dels materials) La tesi planteja una optimització multinivell emprant la metodologia de superfície de resposta i un algoritme de Booth; a més, es realitza la optimització considerant el circuit de sortida. L’algoritme resta validat per la experimentació realitzada. Finalment, s’han considerat diversos estudis vibroacústic treballant a velocitat variable, emprant dues tècniques diferents per a reduir el soroll i les vibracions desenvolupades. Per a finalitzar l’estudi es considera un sistema format per una turbina eòlica instal·lada sobre un pal de llum autònom, els panells fotovoltaics corresponents i el sistema de càrrega. Per a modelitzar l’efecte de l’ombrejat s’ha emprat un model en 3D i les dades del temps i d’irradiació solar de la ciutat de Barcelona. El model s’ha identificat completament i s’ha generat un algoritme de control que considera, a més, l’efecte de la temperatura de la cèl·lula fotovoltaica y la càrrega connectada al sistema per tal d’aconseguir el seguiment del punt de màxima potenciaPostprint (published version

    Advanced Non-Overlapping Winding Induction Machines for Electrical Vehicle Applications

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    This thesis presents an investigation into advanced squirrel-cage induction machines (IMs), with a particular reference to the reduction of the total axial length without sacrificing the torque and efficiency characteristics and analysis of recently found non-sinusoidal bar current phenomenon, which occurs under some certain design and operating conditions, and affects the overall performance characteristics of the IMs. As a first step, the most convenient method is determined by utilizing a fractional-slot concentrated winding (FSCW) technique, which has advantages such as non-overlapping windings, high slot filling factor, and simple structure. After implementing this technique, it is found that due to the highly distorted magnetomotive forces (MMFs) created by the FSCWs, significant high rotor bar copper loss occurs. In order to reduce the MMF harmonics without increasing the size of the machine, a new technique titled “adapted non-overlapping winding” is developed. This technique consists of the combination of the auxiliary tooth and phase shifting techniques, resulting in a stator with concentrated windings of two-slot coil pitches but without overlapping the end-windings. Thanks to this method a large number of the MMF harmonics are cancelled. Thus, a low copper loss IM with significantly reduced total axial length is obtained. Influence of design parameters; such as stator slot, rotor slot, and pole numbers, number of turns, stack length, stator and rotor geometric parameters, etc. on the performance characteristics of the advanced IM is investigated and a comprehensive comparison of advanced and conventional IMs is presented. This thesis also covers an in-depth investigation on the non-sinusoidal bar current phenomenon. It is observed that the rotor bar current waveform, usually presumed to be sinusoidal, becomes non-sinusoidal in some operation and design conditions, such as high speed operation close to synchronous speed, or fairly high electrical loading operation, or in the IMs whose air-gap length is considerably small, etc. Influences of design and operating parameters and magnetic saturation on the rotor bar current waveform and the performance characteristics of squirrel-cage IMs are investigated. The levels of iron saturation, depending on the design and operating parameters, in different machine parts are examined and their influences are also investigated, whilst the dominant part causing the non-sinusoidal rotor bar current waveform is identified. It is revealed that the magnetic saturation, particularly in the rotor tooth, has a significant effect on the bar current waveform

    Noise in Electric Motors: A Comprehensive Review

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    Electric machines are important devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy and are extensively used in a wide range of applications. Recent years have seen an increase in applications where electric motors are used. The frequent use of electric motors in noise-sensitive environments increases the requirements placed on electric motors intended for these applications, especially when compared to electric motors commonly used in industrial applications. This paper provides a comprehensive review of electric motor noise. Firstly, a brief introduction to noise is given. Then, the sources of electromagnetic noise and vibration in electric machines, including mechanical, aerodynamic and electromagnetic factors, are presented. Different methods such as analytical, numerical and semi-analytical for calculating electromagnetic force, natural frequencies and noise are also analyzed. Various methods for noise reduction are presented, including skewing, stator and rotor notching and slot opening width. Finally, noise measurement standards and procedures are described.This work received financial support from the Basque Government through the Bikaintek program (Grant no. 016-B2/2021)

    Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines

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    This book is a comprehensive set of articles reflecting the latest advances and developments in mathematical modeling and the design of electrical machines for different applications. The main models discussed are based on the: i) Maxwell–Fourier method (i.e., the formal resolution of Maxwell’s equations by using the separation of variables method and the Fourier’s series in 2-D or 3-D with a quasi-Cartesian or polar coordinate system); ii) electrical, thermal and magnetic equivalent circuit; iii) hybrid model. In these different papers, the numerical method and the experimental tests have been used as comparisons or validations

    Design of an axial-flux generator for a small-scale wind electrolysis plant

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves [124]-128).The main objective of this study is the selection and design of a wind generator to meet electrolyser requirements. These are the hydrogen production rate, the power requirements and the operating temperature. This requires the analysis of the load, sizing and characterizing of an electrolyser and finally, the design of a wind generator that meets electrolyser requirements. A hybrid system that combines the use of hydrogen as an efficient form of energy storage, and the growing renewable energy (RE) industry is discussed in detail