83 research outputs found

    Spectrum handoff strategy for cognitive radio-based Mac in industrial wirless sensor and actuator networks

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    In this thesis, a Cognitive Radio(CR)-based MAC for Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (IWSAN) applications is proposed. IWSANs are typically used for closed-loop control applications, and they demand strict requirements in terms of time and robustness. Low latency and low error rates are required in order not to endanger persons or machinery. Moreover, these applications operate in industrial environments such as factories or transport scenarios (as aeronautics or railway) where multipath fading and shadowing are present due to metal surfaces. Furthermore, interference from other communication systems or industrial machinery is also common in these environments. The proposed MAC, based on the CR paradigm, is capable of ensuring time and robustness requirements in industrial channels. In the process of designing the CR-based MAC for IWSAN applications, a comparison between several non-CR-based MACs and CR-based MACs has been carried out. This comparison, which allows stating the benefits of CR for these applications, is presented in this thesis. The performance of every MAC is determined theoretically using Network Calculus, and it is validated through OPNET simulations. CR solutions, due to their adaptability characteristics, are capable of avoiding interference and ensuring robustness in industrial environments. However, none of the selected MACs are capable of ensuring robustness without comprising time requirements, since interference is avoided but not in a bounded time. On the other hand, the MAC proposed in this thesis is capable of avoiding interference ensuring time and robustness requirements at the same time. This MAC is therefore suitable for IWSAN applications. To ensure a deterministic behavior against interference, a novel handoff algorithm, which detects interference and hops to another channel, has been proposed. This algorithm has been designed to be used jointly with one of the evaluated MACs. The detection of the interference and the hop to another channel is done in a bounded time, because the proposed algorithm detects interference while the system is transmitting. The performance of this proposal is evaluated using Network Calculus and OPNET simulations, and the results are compared with the system without the proposed handoff algorithm. The comparison of the results shows how the evaluated MAC is only capable of ensuring both time and robustness requirements when the proposed handoff strategy is used. Moreover, the spectrum sensing algorithm used to obtain information about the environment is delved and its performance is measured through MATLAB simulations. An energy detector has been chosen due to its simplicity. Also, a cyclostationary Modulation Classifier is presented and a simplification has been carried out allowing its implementation on real hardware. The Modulation Classifier is capable of distinguishing between OFDM, QPSK and GFSK signals. The performance of the algorithm is presented in this thesis for different signals and for different receiver impairments such as frequency offset, DC offset and I/Q imbalance. Finally, a cognitive platform to validate the spectrum sensing algorithms is presented. This platform has been designed using a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA by a working group composed of researchers from IK4-Ikerlan and Mondragon Unibertsitatea. The platform, which uses both spectrum sensing algorithms, is an Ethernet-to-RF bridge. It has been designed to replace an Ethernet wired link by a wireless one for IWSAN applications. The proposed platform ensures a reliable communication link against interference. In the proposed implementation, the energy detector is used by the transmitter in order to find a free channel to transmit data, whereas the modulation classifier is used by the receiver in order to distinguish between the signal transmitted by the RF-Ethernet bridge and other signals. In this way the receiver can find the channel where the transmitter is carrying out the communication.En esta tesis se propone una MAC basada en el paradigma de la Radio Cognitiva (RC) para redes de sensores y actuadores inalámbricos industriales. Estas redes se suelen utilizar para aplicaciones de control en lazo cerrado, que exigen requisitos estrictos de tiempo y robustez. Para no poner en peligro la salud de las personas o la maquinaria es necesario que la red asegure una baja latencia y una tasa baja de errores. Además, al trabajar en ambientes industriales como fábricas o transportes (trenes, aviones, etc.), estas redes tienen que hacer frente a canales con mucho desvanecimiento por multitrayecto y efecto sombra debido a las superficies metálicas. También es común en estos entornos que haya interferencias de otros sistemas de comunicaciones o de la propia maquinaria industrial. La MAC propuesta en esta tesis es capaz de asegurar los requisitos temporales y de robustez demandados trabajando en este tipo de entornos. En el proceso de diseño de la MAC basada en RC para redes de sensores y actuadores inalámbricos industriales, se ha llevado a cabo una comparación de diferentes MACs diseñadas para estas redes. Se han evaluado tanto MACs basadas en RC como no basadas en ella, estableciendo las ventajas de la RC para estas aplicaciones. La evaluación se ha llevado a cabo haciendo un estudio teórico mediante Network Calculus, cuyos resultados se han validado mediante simulaciones en OPNET. Los resultados muestran como la RC es capaz de evitar interferencias y asegurar robustez en ambientes industriales. Sin embargo, ninguna de las MACs seleccionadas ha conseguido asegurar ambos requisitos, temporales y de robustez, al mismo tiempo; se puede evitar las interferencias pero no sin comprometer los requisitos temporales de la aplicación. Sin embargo, la MAC propuesta es capaz de evitar interferencias asegurando al mismo tiempo los requisitos temporales y de robustez. Por lo tanto, la MAC propuesta es apropiada para este tipo de redes. Para asegurar el comportamiento determinista del sistema, se ha propuesto un novedoso algoritmo de handoff que es capaz de detectar una interferencia y saltar a otro canal. Este algoritmo se ha diseñado para ser utilizado conjuntamente con una de las MACs previamente evaluadas. La detección de la interferencia y el salto a otro canal se hace en un tiempo determinado de tiempo, ya que es posible detectar interferencias mientras el sistema está transmitiendo. Su rendimiento se ha evaluado mediante Network Calculus y simulaciones en OPNET, y se ha comparado con los resultados obtenidos con la MAC cuando no se utiliza el esquema propuesto. De la comparación se deduce que el esquema de handoff añade a la MAC la capacidad de asegurar a la vez los requisitos temporales y de robustez. Además, en la tesis se explica el algoritmo de spectrum sensing que la MAC utiliza para obtener información del entorno, y su rendimiento se ha estudiado mediante simulaciones en MATLAB. Debido a su simplicidad, se ha optado por un detector de energía para este propósito. También se presenta un clasificador de modulaciones cicloestacionario. Este clasificador ha sido simplificado todo lo posible para posibilitar su implementación en hardware real. El clasificador de modulaciones es capaz de distinguir entre señales OFDM, QPSK y GFSK. Su rendimiento se detalla para diferentes señales y para diferentes deficiencias presentes en el receptor, como son offset de frecuencia, offset de continua o desequilibrios I/Q. Por último, se presenta una plataforma cognitiva que se ha utilizado para validar los algoritmos de spectrum sensing. Un grupo de trabajo compuesto por investigadores de IK4-Ikerlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea ha diseñado esta plataforma sobre una FPGA Virtex 6 de Xilinx. La plataforma, que utiliza los dos algoritmos de spectrum sensing, es un puente Ethernet-RF. Su objetivo es reemplazar un enlace cableado de Ethernet por uno inalámbrico para aplicaciones de redes de sensores y actuadores industriales. Gracias a los algoritmos de spectrum sensing, la plataforma es capaz de asegurar un enlace robusto ante interferencias. El detector de energía se utiliza en el transmisor para encontrar los posibles canales libres donde transmitir la información. Mientras que el clasificador de modulaciones se utiliza en el receptor para distinguir entre la señal del transmisor y otras posibles señales. Esto permite al receptor saber en qué canal de todos los posibles está el transmisor.Tesi honetan proposatzen da Irrati Kognitiboaren (IK) paradigman oinarritutako MAC bat industriako haririk gabeko sentsore eta eragingailuen sareetarako. Sare horiek begizta itxiko kontrol aplikazioetarako erabili ohi dira, denbora eta sendotasunaren aldetik baldintza ugari eskatzen dute eta. Pertsonen osasuna eta makinak arriskuan ez jartzeko, beharrezkoa da sareak latentzia eta hutsegite tasa txikiak bermatzea. Gainera, industri giroetan lan egiteko direnez, esaterako, lantegietan edo garraioetan (trenak, hegazkinak, etab.), sare horiek gai izan behar dira gainazal metalikoek eragiten dituzten ibilbide aniztunaren eta itzal efektuaren ondorioz asko barreiatzen diren kanalei aurre egiteko. Ingurune horien ohiko ezaugarria da, baita ere, beste komunikazio sistema batzuen edo industriako makinen beraien interferentziak egotea. Tesi honetan proposatzen den MACa gai da honelako inguruetan lan egiteko denborari eta sendotasunari dagokienez eskatzen dituen baldintzak ziurtatzeko. IKan oinarrituta haririk gabeko sentsore eta eragingailu industrialen sareetarako MACa diseinatzeko prozesuan, horrelako sareetarako aurkeztu diren hainbat MAC alderatu dira. IKan oinarritutako MACak zein bestelakoak ebaluatu dira, eta IKak aplikazio hauetarako dituen abantailak ezarri dira. Ebaluaziorako Network Calculus erabili da, zeinaren bidez azterketa teoriko bat egin baita, eta azterketaren emaitzak OPNETen simulazioak eginda baliozkotu dira. Emaitzek erakusten dutenez, IKa gai da industriako inguruneetan interferentziak ekidin eta sendotasuna ziurtatzeko. Halere, aukeratu diren MACetatik batek ere ez du lortu baldintza biak, denborari buruzkoa zein sendotasunari buruzkoa, aldi berean ziurtatzea; interferentziak ekidin daitezke, baina ez aplikazioaren denborari buruzko baldintzak arriskuan jarri gabe. Dena dela, proposatu den MACak portaera determinista bat ziurtatzen du interferentziekiko, eta aldi berean denborari eta sendotasunari buruzko baldintzak ere ziurtatzen ditu. Hortaz, MAC hau egokia da sare mota honetarako. Sistemaren portaera determinista ziurtatzeko, handoff algoritmo berritzailea proposatu da, zeina interferentzia bat antzeman eta beste kanal bat igarotzeko gai den. Algoritmo hori aurretik ebaluatutakoa MACetako batekin batera erabiltzeko diseinatu da. Interferentzia antzeman eta beste kanal batera salto egitea denbora jakin batean egiten da, izan ere, sistema transmititzen ari dela antzeman baitaitezke interferentziak. Network Calculusen bitartez eta OPNETeko simulazioen bitartez ebaluatu da sistemaren errendimendua, eta proposatutako eskema erabiltzen ez denean MACak ematen dituen emaitzekin alderatu da. Alderaketa horretatik ondorioztatzen denez, handoff eskemak denborari eta sendotasunari buruzko baldintzak batera ziurtatzeko ahalmena ematen dio MACari. Gainera, tesiak azaltzen du inguruneari buruzko informazioa eskuratzeko MACak erabiltzen duen spectrum sensing algoritmoa, eta bere errendimendua MATLABen simulazioak eginez aztertu da. Bere sinpletasuna dela eta, energia detektore bat aukeratu da asmo honetarako. Modulazio sailkatzaile zikloegonkor bat ere aurkezten da. Sailkapen hori ahalik eta gehien sinplifikatu da benetako hardwarean inplementatu ahal izateko. Modulazioen sailkatzaileak OFDM, QPSK eta GFSK seinaleak bereizi ditzake. Bere errendimendua hargailuan dauden seinale eta akats desberdinetarako zehazten da, esaterako maiztasunaren offset-a,zuzenaren offset-a edo I/Q desorekak. Bukatzeko, spectrum sensing-eko algoritmoak baliozkotzeko erabili den plataforma kognitibo bat aurkezten da. IK4-Ikerlaneko eta Mondragon Unibertsitateko ikertzailez osatutako lantalde batek diseinatu du plataforma hori Xilinxen Virtex 6 FPGA baten oinarrutz. Plataformak spectrum sensing-eko bi algoritmo erabiltzen ditu eta Ethernet-RF zubi bat da. Bere helburua da Etherneteko kable bidezko lotura bat haririk gabeko batekin ordeztea industriako sentsore eta eragingailuen sareetan aplikatzeko. Spectrum sensing-eko algoritmoei esker, plataformak lotura sendoa bermatu dezake interferentziak gertatzen direnean. Energia detektorea transmisorean erabiltzen da informazioa transmititzeko erabilgarri egon daitezkeen kanalak aurkitzeko. Modulazioen sailkatzailea, berriz, hargailuan erabiltzen da transmisorearen seinalea eta egon daitezkeen beste seinale batzuk bereizteko. Horri esker, hargailuak badaki posible diren kanal guztietatik non dagoen transmisorea

    A survey of cognitive radio handoff schemes, challenges and issues for industrial wireless sensor networks (CR-IWSN)

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    Industrial wireless sensor network (IWSN) applications are mostly time-bound, mission-critical and highly delay sensitive applications therefore IWSN defines strict, stringent and unique QoS requirements such as timeliness, reliability and availability. In IWSN, unlike other sensor networks, late arrival of packets or delay or disruption to an on-going communication are considered as critical failure. Also, because IWSN is deployed in the overcrowded industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band it is difficult to meet this unique QoS requirements due to stiff competition for bandwidth from other technologies operating in ISM band resulting in scarcity of spectrum for reliable communication and/or disruption of ongoing communication. However, cognitive radio (CR) provides more spectral opportunities through opportunistic-use of unused licensed spectrum while ensuring minimal interference to licensed users. Similarly, spectrum handoff, which is a new type of handoff in cognitive radio, has the potential to offer increase bandwidth, reliable, smooth and interference-free communication for IWSNs through opportunistic-use of spectrum, minimal switching-delays, and efficient target channel selection strategies as well as effective link recovery maintenance. As a result, a new paradigm known as cognitive radio industrial wireless sensor network (CR-IWSN) has become the interest of recent research efforts. In this paper, we highlight and discuss important QoS requirements of IWSN as well as efforts of existing IWSN standards to address the challenges. We discuss the potential and how cognitive radio and spectrum handoff can be useful in the attempt to provide real-time reliable and smooth communication for IWSNs.The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa [ICT: Meraka].http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jnca2018-11-01hj2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Analysis of the impact of wireless mobile devices in critical industrial applications

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    The main objective of the thesis is to study the impact of mobile nodes in industrial applications with strict reliability and time constraints in both centralized and decentralized topologies. Considering the harsh wireless channel conditions of industrial environments, that goal implies a considerable challenge. In order not to compromise the performance of the system, a deterministic Real-Time (RT) communication protocol is needed, along with a mechanism to deal with changes in the topology due to the movements of the wireless devices. The existing wireless standard technologies do not satisfy the requirements demanded by the most critical industrial applications such as Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and, thus, wired communication cannot be directly replaced by wireless solutions. Nevertheless, the adoption of wireless communications can be seen as an extension to the existing wired networks to create hybrid networks with mobility requirements. The design of a proper communication solution depends mainly on the choice of the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol, which is responsible for controlling access to the medium and thereby plays a vital role in decreasing latency and packet errors. Furthermore, the changes in the topology due to the movement of the wireless devices must be managed correctly in order not to affect the performance of the entire network. In this doctoral thesis, a hybrid centralized architecture designed for industrial applications with strict requirements in terms of robustness, determinism and RT is proposed and evaluated. For that, a wireless RT MAC scheme based on the IEEE 802.11 physical layer is proposed along with a Real-Time Ethernet (RTE) MAC scheme. This hybrid system ensures seamless communication between both media. With the aim of including mobile devices in the proposed architecture, a soft-handover algorithm is designed and evaluated. This algorithm guarantees an uninterrupted communication during the handover process without the need for a second radio interface and with a reduced growth in network overhead. Finally, the impact of mobile nodes in a decentralized wireless topology is analysed. For that, the Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) protocol is evaluated to analyse its viability as an alternative to carrying out a handover in industrial applications without centralized systems.El objetivo principal de la tesis es estudiar el impacto de los nodos móviles en las aplicaciones inalámbricas industriales con requisitos estrictos de tiempo y robustez tanto para topologías centralizadas como descentralizadas. Este objetivo supone un gran desafío dadas las adversas condiciones del canal inalámbrico en los entornos industriales. Para no comprometer el rendimiento del sistema, es necesario un protocolo de comunicación determinista y con garantías de tiempo real, junto con un mecanismo para hacer frente a los cambios en la topología debido al movimiento de los dispositivos inalámbricos. Las tecnologías estándar inalámbricas existentes no satisfacen los requisitos exigidos por las aplicaciones industriales más críticas, como los Sistemas de Control Distribuido (DCS - Distributed Control Systems) y, por lo tanto, las comunicaciones cableadas no pueden ser reemplazadas directamente por soluciones inalámbricas. Sin embargo, la adopción de las comunicaciones inalámbricas puede verse como una extensión de las redes cableadas existentes con el objetivo de crear redes híbridas con requisitos de movilidad. El diseño de una solución de comunicación adecuada depende principalmente de la elección del protocolo de control de acceso al medio (MAC - Medium Access Control), el cual, desempeña un papel vital en la disminución de la latencia y del número de paquetes erróneos. Además, los cambios en la topología debidos al movimiento de los dispositivos inalámbricos deben gestionarse correctamente para que el rendimiento de toda la red no se vea afectado. En esta tesis doctoral se propone y se evalúa una arquitectura híbrida centralizada diseñada para aplicaciones industriales con requisitos estrictos de robustez, determinismo y tiempo real. Para ello, se propone un esquema MAC inalámbrico con garantías de tiempo real basado en la capa física IEEE 802.11 junto con un esquema MAC basado en Ethernet en tiempo real (RTE - Real-Time Ethernet). Este esquema híbrido garantiza una comunicación continua entre ambos medios de comunicación. Con el objetivo de incluir dispositivos móviles en la arquitectura propuesta, se propone y evalúa un algoritmo de soft-handover. Este algoritmo garantiza una comunicación ininterrumpida durante el proceso de handover sin la necesidad de una segunda interfaz de radio y con un aumento reducido de la sobrecarga de la red. Finalmente, se analiza el impacto de los nodos móviles en una topología inalámbrica descentralizada. Para ello, se evalúa el protocolo del estado del arte Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) con el objetivo de analizar su viabilidad como alternativa para realizar un handover en las aplicaciones industriales sin sistemas centralizados.Tesi honen helburu nagusia, nodo mugikorrek fidagarritasun eta denboraren aldetik baldintza ugari eskatzen duten aplikazio industrial zentralizatu eta deszentralizatuetan duten eragina aztertzea da. Eremu industrialetako haririk gabeko kanaletan ematen diren komunikazioetarako baldintza bereziki aurkakoak direla medio, helburu honek erronka handia sortzen du. Sarearen errendimendua arriskuan ez jartzeko, determinista eta denbora errealeko komunikazio protokolo bat beharrezkoa da, haririk gabeko nodoen mugimenduaren ondorioz topologiaren aldaketei aurre egiteko mekanismo batekin batera. Haririk gabeko teknologia estandarrek ez dute aplikazio industrial kritikoenek dituzten baldintzak betetzen eta, beraz, kable bidezko komunikazioak ezin dira haririk gabeko sistemekin ordezkatu. Hala ere, haririk gabeko komunikazioen erabilpena jadanik existitzen diren kable bidezko komunikazioen hedadura bezala kontsidera daiteke, mobilitate baldintzak dituzten sare hibridoak sortuz. Komunikazio sistemaren diseinu egokia Medium Access Control (MAC) protokoloaren hautaketa zuzenean oinarritzen da gehien bat, sarbidea kontrolatzeaz arduratzen baita, honela ezinbesteko papera izanik latentzian eta pakete erroreen murrizketan. Horretaz aparte, bai sare zentralizatu eta deszentralizatuen kasuan, haririk gabeko nodoen mugimenduek sortutako tipologia aldaketak azkar eta zuzen kudeatu behar dira sare osoko errendimenduak kalterik ez jasateko. Doktore tesi honetan, fidagarritasun zorrotz, determinismo eta denbora-errealeko baldintzak dituzten industria aplikazioetarako arkitektura hibrido zentralizatu bat proposatu eta ebaluatu da. Horretarako, IEEE 802.11 maila fisikoan oinarritutako haririk gabeko MAC eskema bat proposatu da, Real-Time Ethernet-en (RTE) oinarritutako MAC eskema batekin batera. Eskema hibrido honek bi komunikabideen artean etengabeko komunikazioa bermatzen du. Proposatutako arkitekturan nodo mugikorrak kontuan hartu ahal izateko, soft-handover algoritmo bat proposatu eta ebaluatu da. Algoritmo honek etenik gabeko komunikazioa bermatzen du handover prozesuan zehar bigarren irrati interfaze baten beharrik gabe eta sareko gainkarga oso gutxi handituz. Azkenik, nodo mugikorrek duten eragina haririk gabeko topologia deszentralizatuetan aztertu da. Horretako, bibliografiako Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) protokoloa ebaluatu da industrial aplikazioetako sistema zentralizatuen handover mekanismoaren alternatiba gisa

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    A Survey on platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical systems

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    Vehicles on the road with some common interests can cooperatively form a platoon-based driving pattern, in which a vehicle follows another one and maintains a small and nearly constant distance to the preceding vehicle. It has been proved that, compared to driving individually, such a platoon-based driving pattern can significantly improve the road capacity and energy efficiency. Moreover, with the emerging vehicular adhoc network (VANET), the performance of platoon in terms of road capacity, safety and energy efficiency, etc., can be further improved. On the other hand, the physical dynamics of vehicles inside the platoon can also affect the performance of VANET. Such a complex system can be considered as a platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical system (VCPS), which has attracted significant attention recently. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on platoon-based VCPS. We first review the related work of platoon-based VCPS. We then introduce two elementary techniques involved in platoon-based VCPS: the vehicular networking architecture and standards, and traffic dynamics, respectively. We further discuss the fundamental issues in platoon-based VCPS, including vehicle platooning/clustering, cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC), platoon-based vehicular communications, etc., and all of which are characterized by the tight coupled relationship between traffic dynamics and VANET behaviors. Since system verification is critical to VCPS development, we also give an overview of VCPS simulation tools. Finally, we share our view on some open issues that may lead to new research directions

    Versatility Of Low-Power Wide-Area Network Applications

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    Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) is regarded as the leading communication technology for wide-area Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. It offers low-power, long-range, and low-cost communication. With different communication requirements for varying IoT applications, many competing LPWAN technologies operating in both licensed (e.g., NB-IoT, LTE-M, and 5G) and unlicensed (e.g., LoRa and SigFox) bands have emerged. LPWANs are designed to support applications with low-power and low data rate operations. They are not well-designed to host applications that involve high mobility, high traffic, or real-time communication (e.g., volcano monitoring and control applications).With the increasing number of mobile devices in many IoT domains (e.g., agricultural IoT and smart city), mobility support is not well-addressed in LPWAN. Cellular-based/licensed LPWAN relies on the wired infrastructure to enable mobility. On the other hand, most unlicensed LPWANs operate on the crowded ISM band or are required to duty cycle, making handling mobility a challenge. In this dissertation, we first identify the key opportunities of LPWAN, highlight the challenges, and show potential directions for future research. We then enable the versatility of LPWAN applications first by enabling applications involving mobility over LPWAN. Specifically, we propose to handle mobility in LPWAN over white space considering Sensor Network Over White Space (SNOW). SNOW is a highly scalable and energy-efficient LPWAN operating over the TV white spaces. TV white spaces are the allocated but locally unused available TV channels (54 - 698 MHz in the US). We proposed a dynamic Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimation and compensation technique that considers the impact of the Doppler shift due to mobility. Also, we design energy-efficient and fast BS discovery and association approaches. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through experiments in different deployments. Finally, we present a collision detection and recovery technique called RnR (Reverse & Replace Decoding) that applies to LPWANs. Additionally, we discuss future work to enable handling burst transmission over LPWAN and localization in mobile LPWAN

    Enhancement of The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard By Energy Efficient Cluster Scheduling

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    The IEEE 802.15.4 network is gaining popularity due to its wide range of application in Industries and day to day life. Energy Conservation in IEEE 802.15.4 nodes is always a concern for the designers as the life time of a network depends mainly on minimizing the energy consumption in the nodes. In ZigBee cluster-tree network, the existing literature does not provide combined solution for co-channel interference and power efficient scheduling. In addition, the technique that prevents network collision has not been provided. Delay and reliability issues are not addressed in the QoS-aware routing. Congestion is one of the major challenges in IEEE 802.15.4 Network. This network also has issues in admitting real time flows. The aim of the present research is to overcome the issues mentioned above by designing Energy Efficient Cluster Scheduling and Interference Mitigation, QoS Aware Inter-Cluster Routing Protocol and Adaptive Data Rate Control for Clustered Architecture for IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. To overcome the issue of Energy efficiency and network collision energy efficient cluster scheduling and interference mitigation for IEEE 802.15.4 Network is proposed. It uses a time division cluster scheduling technique that offers energy efficiency in the cluster-tree network. In addition, an interference mitigation technique is demonstrated which detects and mitigates the channel interference based on packet-error detection and repeated channel-handoff command transmission. For the issues of delay and reliability in cluster network, QoS aware intercluster routing protocol for IEEE 802.15.4 Networks is proposed. It consists of some modules like reliability module, packet classifier, hello protocol module, routing service module. Using the Packet classifier, the packets are classified into the data and hello packets. The data packets are classified based on the priority. Neighbour table is constructed to maintain the information of neighbour nodes reliabilities by Hello protocol module. Moreover, routing table is built using the routing service module. The delay in the route is controlled by delay metrics, which is a sum of queuing delay and transmission delay. For the issues of congestion and admit real-time flows an Adaptive data rate control for clustered architecture in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks is proposed. A network device is designed to regulate its data rate adaptively using the feedback message i.e. Congestion Notification Field (CNF) in beacon frame received from the receiver side. The network device controls or changes its data rate based on CNF value. Along with this scalability is considered by modifying encoding parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to balance the target output rate for supporting high data rate. Simulation results show that the proposed techniques significantly reduce the energy consumption by 17% and the network collision, enhance the performance, mitigate the effect of congestion, and admit real-time flows