129 research outputs found

    Design of Acoustic Lenses for Ultrasound Focusing Applications

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La focalización de ultrasonidos tiene muchas aplicaciones en una gran variedad de áreas tanto científicas como industriales. Los ultrasonidos focalizados son una de las herramientas principales usada por médicos en todo el mundo para obtener imágenes biomédicas de diferentes tipos de tejidos y órganos de manera no invasiva. En las últimas décadas, el uso de ultrasonidos focalizados de alta intensidad (HIFU, por sus siglas en inglés) ha surgido como una de las técnicas principales para el tratamiento de cáncer mediante la ablación térmica de tumores de manera no invasiva. Además, los ultrasonidos focalizados están emergiendo en los últimos años como uno de los métodos más prometedores para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cerebrales, con la aparición de nuevas técnicas disruptivas como la apertura reversible de la barrera hematoencefálica o la neuromodulación. En entornos industriales, los ultrasonidos son ampliamente utilizados como uno de los métodos principales para la evaluación no destructiva de materiales y estructuras, debido a que las ondas acústicas pueden penetrar en los objetos a distancias donde la luz no puede debido a la elevada absorción y dispersión. En este sentido, diseñar estructuras capaces de focalizar ultrasonidos es de una gran relevancia tanto para la comunidad científica como para los sectores médicos e industriales. Esta tesis presenta nuevos diseños de lentes acústicas capaces de controlar los parámetros principales del haz de ultrasonidos focalizados, proporcionando diferentes tipos de perfiles de focalización adecuados para una gran variedad de aplicaciones y escenarios. En particular, se han diseñado y adaptado al campo de los ultrasonidos las lentes de Fresnel (Fresnel Zone Plates, FZPs), ampliamente utilizadas en el campo de la óptica. Se ha presentado una nueva técnica de modulación espacio-temporal capaz de controlar la posición del foco de ultrasonidos tanto en espacio como en tiempo, aumentando así la versatilidad de este tipo de dispositivos. También se ha demostrado el funcionamiento en el campo de la acústica de nuevos diseños basados en aplicar secuencias binarias a una lente de Fresnel convencional, como las secuencias fractales de Cantor o las secuencias de M-bonacci generalizadas, capaces de modificar las propiedades de focalización de las lentes, incluyendo el número, posición y forma de los focos acústicos. Además, se introduce un nuevo diseño de lentes esféricas rellenas de líquido capaces de generar jets ultrasónicos, con mucho potencial en aplicaciones de imagen de alta resolución en campo cercano. Se ha demostrado que, cambiando el líquido interno de la lente o ajustando el ratio de mezcla entre dos líquidos, se pueden controlar los parámetros principales del jet. Los diseños propuestos en la tesis han sido validados tanto empleando simulaciones numéricas como realizando medidas experimentales, allanando el camino para el uso de este tipo de estructuras en aplicaciones de focalización de ultrasonidos.[CA] La focalització d'ultrasons té moltes aplicacions en moltes àrees científiques i industrials. Els ultrasons focalitzats són una de les eines principals utilitzada per metges a tot el món per obtenir imatges biomèdiques de diferents tipus de teixits i òrgans de manera no invasiva. En les últimes dècades, els ultrasons focalitzats d'alta intensitat (HIFU, per les seues sigles en anglès) han aparegut com una de les tècniques principals per al tractament de càncer mitjançant l'ablació de tumors de manera no invasiva. A més, els ultrasons focalitzats estan emergint en els últims anys com un dels mètodes més prometedors per al tractament de les malalties cerebrals, amb l'aparició de noves tècniques disruptives com l'obertura reversible de la barrera hematoencefàlica o la neuromodulació. En entorns industrials, els ultrasons són àmpliament utilitzats com un dels mètodes principals per a l'avaluació no destructiva de materials i estructures, pel fet que les ones acústiques poden penetrar en els objectes a distàncies on la llum no pot a causa de l'elevada absorció i dispersió. En aquest sentit, dissenyar estructures capaces de focalitzar ultrasons és d'una gran rellevància tant per a la comunitat científica com per als sectors mèdics i industrials. Aquesta tesi presenta nous dissenys de lents acústiques capaços de controlar els paràmetres principals del feix d'ultrasons focalitzats, proporcionant diferents tipus de perfils de focalització adequats per a una gran varietat d'aplicacions i escenaris. En particular, s'han dissenyat i adaptat al camp dels ultrasons les lents de Fresnel (Fresnel Zone Plates, FZPs), àmpliament utilitzades en el camp de l'òptica. S'ha presentat una nova tècnica de modulació espai-temporal capaç de controlar la posició del focus d'ultrasons tant en espai com en temps, augmentant així la versatilitat d'aquest tipus de dispositius. També s'ha demostrat el funcionament en el camp de l'acústica de nous dissenys basats en aplicar seqüències binàries a una lent de Fresnel convencional, com les seqüències fractals de Cantor o les seqüències de M-bonacci generalitzades, capaces de modificar les propietats de focalització de les lents, incloent el nombre, posició i forma dels focus acústics. A més, s'introdueix un nou disseny de lents esfèriques plenes de líquid capaces de generar jets ultrasònics, amb molt potencial en aplicacions d'imatge d'alta resolució en camp proper. S'ha demostrat que, canviant el líquid intern de la lent o ajustant la ràtio de barreja entre dos líquids, es poden controlar els paràmetres principals del jet. Els dissenys proposats en la tesi han estat validats tant emprant simulacions numèriques com realitzant mesures experimentals, aplanant el camí per a l'ús d'aquest tipus d'estructures en aplicacions de focalització d'ultrasons.[EN] Ultrasound focusing has many applications in a wide range of fields. Focused ultrasound is one of the main tools used by doctors all over the world to obtain biomedical images of different kind of tissues non-invasively. In the past decades, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) appeared as one of the fundamental techniques for cancer treatment through non-invasive thermal tumor ablation. In addition, focused ultrasonic waves are recently emerging as one of the main tools to treat brain diseases, with novel disruptive techniques such as blood-brain barrier opening or neuromodulation. In industrial environments, ultrasonic waves are widely employed as one of the primary methods for the non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of materials and structures, as acoustic waves are able to penetrate deep into objects otherwise opaque using optical techniques. In this sense, designing structures capable of focusing ultrasonic waves is of great interest and relevance for the scientific, the industrial, and the biomedical sectors. This thesis devises new designs of acoustic lenses capable of controlling the main parameters of the focused ultrasound beam, achieving different kinds of focusing profiles suitable for a wide variety of scenarios. In particular, Fresnel Zone Plates (FZPs), commonly used in optics, are designed and adapted to the ultrasound domain. A novel spatio-temporal modulation technique capable of controlling the ultrasound focus location in both time and space is presented, increasing the versatility of this kind of devices. New design techniques based on applying a binary sequence to FZPs are also demonstrated, such as Cantor fractal sequences or generalized M-bonacci sequences, which modify the focusing properties of the lens, including the number, location, and shape of the different acoustic foci. In addition, acoustic jets generated by liquid-filled spherical lenses are devised for near-field high resolution imaging, demonstrating their applicability in the ultrasound domain. It is demonstrated that, by changing the inner liquid of the spherical lens or by tuning the mixing ratio between two liquids, the main focal parameters of the ultrasonic jet can be accurately controlled. The proposed designs are validated using both numerical simulations and experimental measurements, paving the way for the use of these kind of structures in focused ultrasound applications.This work would not have been possible without the following funding sources: PAID-01-18 personal FPI grant from Universitat Politècnica de València; Spanish government MINECO TEC2015-70939-R project; Spanish government MICINN RTI2018-100792-B-I00 project; Generalitat Valenciana AICO/2020/139 project.Pérez López, S. (2021). Design of Acoustic Lenses for Ultrasound Focusing Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179907TESISCompendi

    Analysis of Predistortion Techniques on Fresnel Zone Plates in Ultrasound Applications

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    [EN] In this work, we analyze the effect of predistortion techniques on the focusing profile of Fresnel Zone Plates (FZPs) in ultrasound applications. This novel predistortion method is based on either increasing or decreasing the width of some of the FZP Fresnel rings by a certain amount. We investigate how the magnitude of the predistortion, as well as the number and location of the predistorted rings, influences the lens focusing profile. This focusing profile can be affected in different ways depending on the area of the lens where the predistortion is applied. It is shown that when the inner area of the lens, closer to its center, is predistorted, this technique allows the control of the focal depth at the main focus. However, when the predistortion is applied to an area farther from the center of the lens, the acoustic intensity distribution among the main focus and the closest adjacent secondary foci can be tailored at a certain degree. This predistortion technique shows great potential and can be used to control, modify and shape the FZP focusing profile in both industrial and therapeutic applications.This work has been supported by Spanish MICINN RTI2018-100792-B-I00 project and Generalitat Valenciana AICO/2020/139 project.Fuster Escuder, JM.; Pérez-López, S.; Belmar Ibáñez, F.; Candelas Valiente, P. (2021). Analysis of Predistortion Techniques on Fresnel Zone Plates in Ultrasound Applications. Sensors. 21(15):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21155066S112211

    Acoustic Hologram Optimisation Using Automatic Differentiation

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    Acoustic holograms are the keystone of modern acoustics. It encodes three-dimensional acoustic fields in two dimensions, and its quality determine the performance of acoustic systems. Optimisation methods that control only the phase of an acoustic wave are considered inferior to methods that control both the amplitude and phase of the wave. In this paper, we present Diff-PAT, an acoustic hologram optimisation algorithm with automatic differentiation. We demonstrate that our method achieves superior accuracy than conventional methods. The performance of Diff-PAT was evaluated by randomly generating 1000 sets of up to 32 control points for single-sided arrays and single-axis arrays. The improved acoustic hologram can be used in wide range of applications of PATs without introducing any changes to existing systems that control the PATs. In addition, we applied Diff-PAT to acoustic metamaterial and achieved an >8 dB increase in the peak noise-to-signal ratio of acoustic hologram.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, manuscrip

    Design of multi-frequency acoustic kinoforms

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    Complex diffraction limited acoustic fields can be generated from a single element transducer using inexpensive 3-D printable acoustic kinoforms. This is extremely promising for a number of applications. However, the lack of ability to vary the field limits the potential use of this technology. In this work, this limitation is circumvented using multi-frequency acoustic kinoforms for which different acoustic fields are encoded onto different driving frequencies. An optimisation approach based on random downhill binary search is introduced for the design of the multi-frequency kinoforms. This is applied to two test cases to demonstrate the technique: a kinoform designed to generate the numerals “1,” “2,” and “3” in the same plane but at different driving frequencies, and a kinoform designed to generate 3 sets of eight foci lying on a circle with a driving-frequency-dependent radius. Field measurements from these samples confirmed that multi-frequency acoustic kinoforms can be designed that switch between different arbitrary, pre-designed, acoustic field patterns in the target plane by changing the driving frequenc

    Translation of Intravascular Optical Ultrasound Imaging

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    ances in the field of intravascular imaging have provided clinicians with power ful tools to aid in the assessment and treatment of vascular pathology. Optical Ultra sound (OpUS) is an emerging modality with the potential to offer significant bene fits over existing commercial technologies such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). With this paradigm ultrasound (US) is generated using pulsed or modulated light and received by a miniaturised fibre-optic hydrophone (FOH). The US generation is facilitated through the use of engineered optically-absorbing nanocomposite materials. To date pre-clinical benchtop stud ies of OpUS have shown significant promise however further study is needed to facilitate clinical translation. The overall aim of this PhD was to develop a pathway to clinical translation of OpUS, enabled by the development of a catheter-based device capable of high resolution vascular tissue imaging during an in-vivo setting. A forward-viewing OpUS imaging probe was developed using a 400 µm mul timode optical fibre, dip-coated in a multi-walled carbon nanotube-PDMS com posite, paired with a FOH comprising a 125 µm single mode fibre tipped with a Fabry-Perot cavity. With this high US pressures were generated (21.5 MPa at the transducer surface) and broad corresponding bandwidths were achieved (−6 dB of 39.8MHz). Using this probe, OpUS imaging was performed of an ex-vivo human coronary artery. The results demonstrated excellent correspondence, in the detec tion of calcification and lipid infiltration, with IVUS, OCT and histological analysis. A side-viewing OpUS imaging probe, employing a reflective 45 °angle at the dis tal fibre surface, was used to demonstrate rotational B-mode imaging of a vascular structure for the first time. This provided high-resolution imaging (54 µm axial resolution) with deep depth penetration (>10.5 mm). Finally the clinical utility of this technology was demonstrated during an in-vivo endovascular procedure. An OpUS imaging probe, incorporated into an interventional device, allowed guidance of in-situ fenestration of an endograft during a complex abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Through this work the potential clinical utility of OpUS, to assess pathology and guide vascular intervention, has been demonstrated. These results pave the way for translation of this technology and a first in man study

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome

    DataLev: Mid-air Data Physicalisation Using Acoustic Levitation

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    Data physicalisation is a technique that encodes data through the geometric and material properties of an artefact, allowing users to engage with data in a more immersive and multi-sensory way. However, current methods of data physicalisation are limited in terms of their reconfgurability and the types of materials that can be used. Acoustophoresis—a method of suspending and manipulating materials using sound waves—ofers a promising solution to these challenges. In this paper, we present DataLev, a design space and platform for creating reconfgurable, multimodal data physicalisations with enriched materiality using acoustophoresis. We demonstrate the capabilities of DataLev through eight examples and evaluate its performance in terms of reconfgurability and materiality. Our work ofers a new approach to data physicalisation, enabling designers to create more dynamic, engaging, and expressive artefacts

    Development and evaluation of a titanium-based planar ultrasonic scalpel for precision surgery.

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    This paper introduces a titanium-based planar ultrasonic microscalpel. The concept of silicon-based planar ultrasonic transducers has already been proven, but they are not yet suitable for clinical use due to material failure. The main objective of this work was to develop a smaller, lighter, and more cost-effective ultrasonic scalpel that could be used as an alternative or supplementary device to current surgical instruments. Various prototypes were fabricated and characterized, differing in bonding by three epoxy adhesives and two solder pastes as well as three variations in tip design. The instruments were designed to operate in the frequency range of commercial instruments and to generate a longitudinal displacement amplitude. The electro-mechanical characterization through impedance analysis and vibration measurements was complemented by an in vitro cutting trial and an acute in vivo animal experiment in comparison to commercial ultrasonic and electrosurgical devices. The operating frequency was around 40 kHz and 48 kHz depending on whether matched or unmatched operation was used. Unmatched operation turned out to be more suitable, achieving displacement amplitudes of 25.3 μm and associated velocity amplitudes of up to 7.9 m/s at an electrical power of 10.2 W. The cutting ability was demonstrated in vivo by successful dissection even under anticoagulation. The geometry of the instrument tip was found to have a major influence on cutting performance by affecting the resonance behaviour and tissue penetration

    Transcranial Ultrasound Holograms for the Blood-Brain Barrier Opening

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    [ES] El tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas está muy limitado por la ineficiente penetración de los fármacos en el tejido cerebral dañado debido a la barrera hematoencefálica (BHE), lo que imposibilita mejorar la salud del paciente. La BHE es un mecanismo de protección natural para evitar la difusión de agentes potencialmente peligrosas para el sistema nervioso central. No obstante, la BHE se puede inhibir mediante ultrasonidos focalizados e inyección de microburbujas de forma segura, localizada y transitoria, una tecnología empleada mundialmente. La principal ventaja es su carácter no invasivo, siendo así muy atractiva y cómoda para el paciente. Normalmente, la zona cerebral enferma se trata en su parte central empleando un único foco. Sin embargo, enfermedades como el Alzheimer o el Parkinson requieren un tratamiento sobre estructuras de geometría compleja y tamaño elevado, situadas en ambos hemisferios cerebrales. Por tanto, la tecnología actual está muy limitada al no cumplir dichos requisitos. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una técnica novedosa, basada en hologramas acústicos, para resolver las limitaciones presentes en los tratamientos neurológicos empleando ultrasonidos. Se estudian las lentes acústicas holográficas impresas en 3D, que acopladas a un transductor mono-elemento, permiten el control preciso del frente de onda ultrasónico tanto para (1) compensar las distorsiones que sufre el haz hasta alcanzar el cerebro, como (2) focalizarlo simultáneamente en regiones múltiples y de geometría compleja o formando de vórtices acústicos, proporcionando así efectividad en tiempo y coste. Por ello, la investigación desarrollada en esta tesis abre un camino prometedor en el campo de la biomedicina que permitirá mejorar los tratamientos neurológicos, además de aplicaciones en neuroestimulación o ablación térmica del tejido.[CA] El tractament de malalties neurològiques està molt limitat per la ineficient penetració del fàrmac en el teixit cerebral danyat a causa de la barrera hematoencefàlica (BHE), i així no és possible una millora de salut del pacient. La BHE és un mecanisme de protecció natural per a evitar la difusió d'agents potencialment perillosos per al Sistema Nervios Central. No obstant això, aquesta barrera es pot inhibir mitjancant una tecnologia emprada mundialment basada en ultrasons focalitzats i injeccio de microbombolles. El principal avantatge és el seu caràcter no invasiu, sent així molt atractiva i còmoda per al pacient, i permet obrir la BHE de manera segura, localitzada i transitòria. Normalment, la zona cerebral malalta es tracta en la seua part central, emprant un unic focus. No obstant això, malalties com l'Alzheimer o el Parkinson requereixen un tractament al llarg d'estructures de geometria complexa i grandària elevada, situades en tots dos hemisferis cerebrals. Per tant, la tecnologia actual està fortament limitada al no complir amb aquests requeriments. Aquesta tesi doctoral està enfocada a investigar i desenvolupar una tècnica nova, basada en hologrames acústics, per a solucionar les limitacions presents en els tractaments neurològics. Una lent acústica holograca de baix cost impresa en 3D acoblada a un transductor d'element simple permet el control precs del front d'ona ultrasònic punt per a (1) compensar les distorsions que pateix el feix en el seu camí cap al cervell, i (2) focalització simultània del feix en regions multiples i de geometria complexa, proporcionant aix un tractament efectiu en temps i cost. Per això, la investigació desenvolupada en aquesta tesi demostra la possibilitat de realitzar qualsevol tractament neurològic, a més d'aplicacions en la neuroestimulació o l'ablació tèrmica dins del camp biomèdic.[EN] Treatments for neurological diseases are strongly limited by the inefficient penetration of therapeutic drugs into the diseased brain due to the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and therefore no health improvement can be achieved. In fact, the BBB is a protection mechanism of the human body to avoid the diffusion of potentially dangerous agents into the central nervous system. Nevertheless, this barrier can be successfully inhibited by using a worldwide spread technology based on microbubble-enhanced focused ultrasound. Its main advantage is its non-invasive nature, thus defining a patient-friendly clinical procedure that allows to disrupt the BBB in a safe, local and transient manner. Conventionally, the diseased brain structure has been targeted in its center, with a single focus. However, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Diseases do require that ultrasound is delivered to entire, complex-geometry and large-volume structures located at both hemispheres of the brain. Therefore, current technology presents several limitations as it does not fulfill these requirements. This doctoral thesis aims to develop a novel technique based on using focused ultrasound acoustic holograms to solve the existing limitations to treat neurological diseases. In this dissertation, we study 3D-printed holographic acoustic lenses coupled to a single-element transducer that allow to accurately control the acoustic wavefront to both (1) compensate distortions suffered by the beam in its path to the brain, and (2) simultaneous focusing in multiple and complex-geometry structures or acoustic vortex generation, providing a time- and cost- efficient procedure. Therefore, the research carried out throughout this thesis opens a promising path in the biomedical field to improve the treatment for neurological diseases, neurostimulation or tissue ablation applications.Acknowledgments to the Spanish institution Generalitat Valenciana, which funding grant allowed me to develop this doctoral thesis, and as well funded my research stay at Columbia University. The development of the entire thesis was supported through grant Nª. ACIF/2017/045. Particularly, the research carried out in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 was possible thanks to and supported through grant BEFPI/2019/075. Action co-financied by the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació through grant INNVAL10/19/016 and by the European Union through the Programa Operativo del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 (IDIFEDER/2018/022).Jiménez Gambín, S. (2021). Transcranial Ultrasound Holograms for the Blood-Brain Barrier Opening [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171373TESI

    Ex-vivo and In-vivo Characterization of Human Accommodation

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    A completely satisfying approach to restoring accommodation still needs to be developed. Besides, there are considerable discrepancies between objective and subjective trials to evaluate the therapeutic success. A substantial biomechanical understanding of all structures and processes involved in accommodation as well as presbyopia are needed to develop promising new strategies. This contribution focuses on developing advanced imaging techniques to create a basic understanding of accommodation and presbyopia and to evaluate existing concepts for restoring accommodation. Besides, the emphasis is also on replacing stiff presbyopic lenses by a material that imitates the young crystalline lens