2,976 research outputs found

    Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO VLC Systems

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    The focus of this dissertation is on the development and evaluation of methods and principles to mitigate interference in multiuser visible light communication (VLC) systems using several transmitters. All components of such a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system are considered and transformed into a communication system model, while also paying particular attention to the hardware requirements of different modulation schemes. By analyzing all steps in the communication process, the inter-channel interference between users is identified as the most critical aspect. Several methods of suppressing this kind of interference, i.e. to split the MIMO channel into parallel single channels, are discussed, and a novel active LCD-based interference suppression principle at the receiver side is introduced as main aspect of this work. This technique enables a dynamic adaption of the physical channel: compared to solely software-based or static approaches, the LCD interference suppression filter achieves adaptive channel separation without altering the characteristics of the transmitter lights. This is especially advantageous in dual-use scenarios with illumination requirements. Additionally, external interferers, like natural light or transmitter light sources of neighboring cells in a multicell setting, can also be suppressed without requiring any control over them. Each user's LCD filter is placed in front of the corresponding photodetector and configured in such a way that only light from desired transmitters can reach the detector by setting only the appropriate pixels to transparent, while light from unwanted transmitters remains blocked. The effectiveness of this method is tested and benchmarked against zero-forcing (ZF) precoding in different scenarios and applications by numerical simulations and also verified experimentally in a large MIMO VLC testbed created specifically for this purpose

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Low Power Circuits for Smart Flexible ECG Sensors

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the world leading cause of death. In-home heart condition monitoring effectively reduced the CVD patient hospitalization rate. Flexible electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor provides an affordable, convenient and comfortable in-home monitoring solution. The three critical building blocks of the ECG sensor i.e., analog frontend (AFE), QRS detector, and cardiac arrhythmia classifier (CAC), are studied in this research. A fully differential difference amplifier (FDDA) based AFE that employs DC-coupled input stage increases the input impedance and improves CMRR. A parasitic capacitor reuse technique is proposed to improve the noise/area efficiency and CMRR. An on-body DC bias scheme is introduced to deal with the input DC offset. Implemented in 0.35m CMOS process with an area of 0.405mm2, the proposed AFE consumes 0.9W at 1.8V and shows excellent noise effective factor of 2.55, and CMRR of 76dB. Experiment shows the proposed AFE not only picks up clean ECG signal with electrodes placed as close as 2cm under both resting and walking conditions, but also obtains the distinct -wave after eye blink from EEG recording. A personalized QRS detection algorithm is proposed to achieve an average positive prediction rate of 99.39% and sensitivity rate of 99.21%. The user-specific template avoids the complicate models and parameters used in existing algorithms while covers most situations for practical applications. The detection is based on the comparison of the correlation coefficient of the user-specific template with the ECG segment under detection. The proposed one-target clustering reduced the required loops. A continuous-in-time discrete-in-amplitude (CTDA) artificial neural network (ANN) based CAC is proposed for the smart ECG sensor. The proposed CAC achieves over 98% classification accuracy for 4 types of beats defined by AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation). The CTDA scheme significantly reduces the input sample numbers and simplifies the sample representation to one bit. Thus, the number of arithmetic operations and the ANN structure are greatly simplified. The proposed CAC is verified by FPGA and implemented in 0.18m CMOS process. Simulation results show it can operate at clock frequencies from 10KHz to 50MHz. Average power for the patient with 75bpm heart rate is 13.34W

    Fiscal year 1973 scientific and technical reports, articles, papers, and presentations

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    Formal NASA technical reports, papers published in technical journals, and presentations by MSFC personnel in FY73 are presented. Papers of MSFC contractors are also included

    Analysis of the high frequency substrate noise effects on LC-VCOs

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    La integració de transceptors per comunicacions de radiofreqüència en CMOS pot quedar seriosament limitada per la interacció entre els seus blocs, arribant a desaconsellar la utilització de un únic dau de silici. El soroll d’alta freqüència generat per certs blocs, com l’amplificador de potencia, pot viatjar pel substrat i amenaçar el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador local. Trobem tres raons importants que mostren aquest risc d’interacció entre blocs i que justifiquen la necessitat d’un estudi profund per minimitzar-lo. Les característiques del substrat fan que el soroll d’alta freqüència es propagui m’és fàcilment que el de baixa freqüència. Per altra banda, les estructures de protecció perden eficiència a mesura que la freqüència augmenta. Finalment, el soroll d’alta freqüència que arriba a l’oscil·lador degrada al seu correcte comportament. El propòsit d’aquesta tesis és analitzar en profunditat la interacció entre el soroll d’alta freqüència que es propaga pel substrat i l’oscil·lador amb l’objectiu de poder predir, mitjançant un model, l’efecte que aquest soroll pot tenir sobre el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador. Es volen proporcionar diverses guies i normes a seguir que permeti als dissenyadors augmentar la robustesa dels oscil·ladors al soroll d’alta freqüència que viatja pel substrat. La investigació de l’efecte del soroll de substrat en oscil·ladors s’ha iniciat des d’un punt de vista empíric, per una banda, analitzant la propagació de senyals a través del substrat i avaluant l’eficiència d’estructures per bloquejar aquesta propagació, i per altra, determinant l’efecte d’un to present en el substrat en un oscil·lador. Aquesta investigació ha mostrat que la injecció d’un to d’alta freqüència en el substrat es pot propagar fins arribar a l’oscil·lador i que, a causa del ’pulling’ de freqüència, pot modular en freqüència la sortida de l’oscil·lador. A partir dels resultats de l’anàlisi empíric s’ha aportat un model matemàtic que permet predir l’efecte del soroll en l’oscil·lador. Aquest model té el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem. el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem.The integration of transceivers for RF communication in CMOS can be seriously limited by the interaction between their blocks, even advising against using a single silicon die. The high frequency noise generated by some of the blocks, like the power amplifier, can travel through the substrate, reaching the local oscillator and threatening its correct performance. Three important reasons can be stated that show the risk of the single die integration. Noise propagation is easier the higher the frequency. Moreover, the protection structures lose efficiency as the noise frequency increases. Finally, the high frequency noise that reaches the local oscillator degrades its performance. The purpose of this thesis is to deeply analyze the interaction between the high frequency substrate noise and the oscillator with the objective of being able to predict, thanks to a model, the effect that this noise may have over the correct behavior of the oscillator. We want to provide some guidelines to the designers to allow them to increase the robustness of the oscillator to high frequency substrate noise. The investigation of the effect of the high frequency substrate noise on oscillators has started from an empirical point of view, on one hand, analyzing the noise propagation through the substrate and evaluating the efficiency of some structures to block this propagation, and on the other hand, determining the effect on an oscillator of a high frequency noise tone present in the substrate. This investigation has shown that the injection of a high frequency tone in the substrate can reach the oscillator and, due to a frequency pulling effect, it can modulate in frequency the output of the oscillator. Based on the results obtained during the empirical analysis, a mathematical model to predict the effect of the substrate noise on the oscillator has been provided. The main advantage of this model is the fact that it is based on physical parameters of the oscillator and of the noise, allowing to determine the measures that a designer can take to increase the robustness of the oscillator as well as the consequences (trade-offs) that these measures have over its global performance. This model has been compared against both, simulations and real measurements, showing a very high accuracy to predict the effect of the high frequency substrate noise. The usefulness of the presented model as a design tool has been demonstrated in two case studies. Firstly, the conclusions obtained from the model have been applied in the design of an ultra low power consumption 2.5 GHz oscillator robust to the high frequency substrate noise with characteristics which make it compatible with the main communication standards in this frequency band. Finally, the model has been used as an analysis tool to evaluate the cause of the differences, in terms of performance degradation due to substrate noise, measured in two 60 GHz oscillators with two different tank inductor shielding strategies, floating and grounded. The model has determined that the robustness differences are caused by the improvement in the tank quality factor and in the oscillation amplitude and no by an increased isolation between the tank and the substrate. The model has shown to be valid and very accurate even in these extreme frequency range.Postprint (published version

    The ALICE TPC, a large 3-dimensional tracking device with fast readout for ultra-high multiplicity events

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    The design, construction, and commissioning of the ALICE Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is described. It is the main device for pattern recognition, tracking, and identification of charged particles in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. The TPC is cylindrical in shape with a volume close to 90 m^3 and is operated in a 0.5 T solenoidal magnetic field parallel to its axis. In this paper we describe in detail the design considerations for this detector for operation in the extreme multiplicity environment of central Pb--Pb collisions at LHC energy. The implementation of the resulting requirements into hardware (field cage, read-out chambers, electronics), infrastructure (gas and cooling system, laser-calibration system), and software led to many technical innovations which are described along with a presentation of all the major components of the detector, as currently realized. We also report on the performance achieved after completion of the first round of stand-alone calibration runs and demonstrate results close to those specified in the TPC Technical Design Report.Comment: 55 pages, 82 figure

    CMOS Image Sensor with a Built-in Lane Detector

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    This work develops a new current-mode mixed signal Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) imager, which can capture images and simultaneously produce vehicle lane maps. The adopted lane detection algorithm, which was modified to be compatible with hardware requirements, can achieve a high recognition rate of up to approximately 96% under various weather conditions. Instead of a Personal Computer (PC) based system or embedded platform system equipped with expensive high performance chip of Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) or Digital Signal Processor (DSP), the proposed imager, without extra Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) circuits to transform signals, is a compact, lower cost key-component chip. It is also an innovative component device that can be integrated into intelligent automotive lane departure systems. The chip size is 2,191.4 × 2,389.8 μm, and the package uses 40 pin Dual-In-Package (DIP). The pixel cell size is 18.45 × 21.8 μm and the core size of photodiode is 12.45 × 9.6 μm; the resulting fill factor is 29.7%

    Index to 1984 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 9, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1984 Tech B Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Novel MRI Technologies for Structural and Functional Imaging of Tissues with Ultra-short T₂ Values

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    Conventional MRI has several limitations such as long scan durations, motion artifacts, very loud acoustic noise, signal loss due to short relaxation times, and RF induced heating of electrically conducting objects. The goals of this work are to evaluate and improve the state-of-the-art methods for MRI of tissue with short T₂, to prove the feasibility of in vivo Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition, and to introduce simultaneous electroglottography measurement during functional lung MRI