885 research outputs found

    The ReSIST Resilience Knowledge Base

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    We describe a prototype knowledge base that uses semantic web technologies to provide a service for querying a large and expanding collection of public data about resilience, dependability and security. We report progress and identify opportunities to support resilience-explicit computing by developing metadata-based descriptions of resilience mechanisms that can be used to support design time and, potentially, run-time decision making

    An architectural support for self-adaptive software for treating faults

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    Towards adaptive multi-robot systems: self-organization and self-adaptation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The development of complex systems ensembles that operate in uncertain environments is a major challenge. The reason for this is that system designers are not able to fully specify the system during specification and development and before it is being deployed. Natural swarm systems enjoy similar characteristics, yet, being self-adaptive and being able to self-organize, these systems show beneficial emergent behaviour. Similar concepts can be extremely helpful for artificial systems, especially when it comes to multi-robot scenarios, which require such solution in order to be applicable to highly uncertain real world application. In this article, we present a comprehensive overview over state-of-the-art solutions in emergent systems, self-organization, self-adaptation, and robotics. We discuss these approaches in the light of a framework for multi-robot systems and identify similarities, differences missing links and open gaps that have to be addressed in order to make this framework possible

    Re-use of tests and arguments for assesing dependable mixed-critically systems

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    The safety assessment of mixed-criticality systems (MCS) is a challenging activity due to system heterogeneity, design constraints and increasing complexity. The foundation for MCSs is the integrated architecture paradigm, where a compact hardware comprises multiple execution platforms and communication interfaces to implement concurrent functions with different safety requirements. Besides a computing platform providing adequate isolation and fault tolerance mechanism, the development of an MCS application shall also comply with the guidelines defined by the safety standards. A way to lower the overall MCS certification cost is to adopt a platform-based design (PBD) development approach. PBD is a model-based development (MBD) approach, where separate models of logic, hardware and deployment support the analysis of the resulting system properties and behaviour. The PBD development of MCSs benefits from a composition of modular safety properties (e.g. modular safety cases), which support the derivation of mixed-criticality product lines. The validation and verification (V&V) activities claim a substantial effort during the development of programmable electronics for safety-critical applications. As for the MCS dependability assessment, the purpose of the V&V is to provide evidences supporting the safety claims. The model-based development of MCSs adds more V&V tasks, because additional analysis (e.g., simulations) need to be carried out during the design phase. During the MCS integration phase, typically hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) plant simulators support the V&V campaigns, where test automation and fault-injection are the key to test repeatability and thorough exercise of the safety mechanisms. This dissertation proposes several V&V artefacts re-use strategies to perform an early verification at system level for a distributed MCS, artefacts that later would be reused up to the final stages in the development process: a test code re-use to verify the fault-tolerance mechanisms on a functional model of the system combined with a non-intrusive software fault-injection, a model to X-in-the-loop (XiL) and code-to-XiL re-use to provide models of the plant and distributed embedded nodes suited to the HiL simulator, and finally, an argumentation framework to support the automated composition and staged completion of modular safety-cases for dependability assessment, in the context of the platform-based development of mixed-criticality systems relying on the DREAMS harmonized platform.La dificultad para evaluar la seguridad de los sistemas de criticidad mixta (SCM) aumenta con la heterogeneidad del sistema, las restricciones de diseño y una complejidad creciente. Los SCM adoptan el paradigma de arquitectura integrada, donde un hardware embebido compacto comprende múltiples plataformas de ejecución e interfaces de comunicación para implementar funciones concurrentes y con diferentes requisitos de seguridad. Además de una plataforma de computación que provea un aislamiento y mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos adecuados, el desarrollo de una aplicación SCM además debe cumplir con las directrices definidas por las normas de seguridad. Una forma de reducir el coste global de la certificación de un SCM es adoptar un enfoque de desarrollo basado en plataforma (DBP). DBP es un enfoque de desarrollo basado en modelos (DBM), en el que modelos separados de lógica, hardware y despliegue soportan el análisis de las propiedades y el comportamiento emergente del sistema diseñado. El desarrollo DBP de SCMs se beneficia de una composición modular de propiedades de seguridad (por ejemplo, casos de seguridad modulares), que facilitan la definición de líneas de productos de criticidad mixta. Las actividades de verificación y validación (V&V) representan un esfuerzo sustancial durante el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en electrónica confiable. En la evaluación de la seguridad de un SCM el propósito de las actividades de V&V es obtener las evidencias que apoyen las aseveraciones de seguridad. El desarrollo basado en modelos de un SCM incrementa las tareas de V&V, porque permite realizar análisis adicionales (por ejemplo, simulaciones) durante la fase de diseño. En las campañas de pruebas de integración de un SCM habitualmente se emplean simuladores de planta hardware-in-the-loop (HiL), en donde la automatización de pruebas y la inyección de faltas son la clave para la repetitividad de las pruebas y para ejercitar completamente los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos. Esta tesis propone diversas estrategias de reutilización de artefactos de V&V para la verificación temprana de un MCS distribuido, artefactos que se emplearán en ulteriores fases del desarrollo: la reutilización de código de prueba para verificar los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos sobre un modelo funcional del sistema combinado con una inyección de fallos de software no intrusiva, la reutilización de modelo a X-in-the-loop (XiL) y código a XiL para obtener modelos de planta y nodos distribuidos aptos para el simulador HiL y, finalmente, un marco de argumentación para la composición automatizada y la compleción escalonada de casos de seguridad modulares, en el contexto del desarrollo basado en plataformas de sistemas de criticidad mixta empleando la plataforma armonizada DREAMS.Kritikotasun nahastuko sistemen segurtasun ebaluazioa jarduera neketsua da beraien heterogeneotasuna dela eta. Sistema hauen oinarria arkitektura integratuen paradigman datza, non hardware konpaktu batek exekuzio plataforma eta komunikazio interfaze ugari integratu ahal dituen segurtasun baldintza desberdineko funtzio konkurrenteak inplementatzeko. Konputazio plataformek isolamendu eta akatsen aurkako mekanismo egokiak emateaz gain, segurtasun arauek definituriko jarraibideak jarraitu behar dituzte kritikotasun mistodun aplikazioen garapenean. Sistema hauen zertifikazio prozesuaren kostua murrizteko aukera bat plataformetan oinarritutako garapenean (PBD) datza. Garapen planteamendu hau modeloetan oinarrituriko garapena da (MBD) non modeloaren logika, hardware eta garapen desberdinak sistemaren propietateen eta portaeraren aurka aztertzen diren. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen PBD garapenak etekina ateratzen dio moduluetan oinarrituriko segurtasun propietateei, adibidez: segurtasun kasu modularrak (MSC). Modulu hauek kritikotasun mistodun produktu-lerroak ere hartzen dituzte kontutan. Berifikazio eta balioztatze (V&V) jarduerek esfortzu kontsideragarria eskatzen dute segurtasun-kiritikoetarako elektronika programagarrien garapenean. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen konfiantzaren ebaluazioaren eta V&V jardueren helburua segurtasun eskariak jasotzen dituzten frogak proportzionatzea da. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen modelo bidezko garapenek zeregin gehigarriak atxikitzen dizkio V&V jarduerari, fase honetan analisi gehigarriak (hots, simulazioak) zehazten direlako. Bestalde, kritikotasun mistodun sistemen integrazio fasean, hardware-in-the-loop (Hil) simulazio plantek V&V iniziatibak sostengatzen dituzte non testen automatizazioan eta akatsen txertaketan funtsezko jarduerak diren. Jarduera hauek frogen errepikapena eta segurtasun mekanismoak egiaztzea ahalbidetzen dute. Tesi honek V&V artefaktuen berrerabilpenerako estrategiak proposatzen ditu, kritikotasun mistodun sistemen egiaztatze azkarrerako sistema mailan eta garapen prozesuko azken faseetaraino erabili daitezkeenak. Esate baterako, test kodearen berrabilpena akats aurkako mekanismoak egiaztatzeko, modelotik X-in-the-loop (XiL)-ra eta kodetik XiL-rako konbertsioa HiL simulaziorako eta argumentazio egitura bat DREAMS Europear proiektuan definituriko arkitektura estiloan oinarrituriko segurtasun kasu modularrak automatikoki eta gradualki sortzeko

    Search based software engineering: Trends, techniques and applications

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    © ACM, 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version is available from the link below.In the past five years there has been a dramatic increase in work on Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), an approach to Software Engineering (SE) in which Search-Based Optimization (SBO) algorithms are used to address problems in SE. SBSE has been applied to problems throughout the SE lifecycle, from requirements and project planning to maintenance and reengineering. The approach is attractive because it offers a suite of adaptive automated and semiautomated solutions in situations typified by large complex problem spaces with multiple competing and conflicting objectives. This article provides a review and classification of literature on SBSE. The work identifies research trends and relationships between the techniques applied and the applications to which they have been applied and highlights gaps in the literature and avenues for further research.EPSRC and E

    Exception handling in the development of fault-tolerant component-based systems

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    Orientador: Cecilia Mary Fischer RubiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Mecanismos de tratamento de exceções foram concebidos com o intuito de facilitar o gerenciamento da complexidade de sistemas de software tolerantes a falhas. Eles promovem uma separação textual explícita entre o código normal e o código que lida com situações anormais, afim de dar suporte a construção de programas que são mais concisos fáceis de evoluir e confáveis. Diversas linguagens de programação modernas e a maioria dos modelos de componentes implementam mecanismos de tratamento de exceções. Apesar de seus muitos benefícios, tratamento de exceções pode ser a fonte de diversas falhas de projeto se usado de maneira indisciplinada. Estudos recentes mostram que desenvolvedores de sistemas de grande escala baseados em infra-estruturas de componentes têm hábitos, no tocante ao uso de tratamento de exceções, que tornam suas aplicações vulneráveis a falhas e difíceis de se manter. Componentes de software criam novos desafios com os quais mecanismos de tratamento de exceções tradicionais não lidam, o que aumenta a probabilidade de que problemas ocorram. Alguns exemplos são indisponibilidade de código fonte e incompatibilidades arquiteturais. Neste trabalho propomos duas técnicas complementares centradas em tratamento de exceções para a construção de sistemas tolerantes a falhas baseados em componentes. Ambas têm ênfase na estrutura do sistema como um meio para se reduzir o impacto de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas em sua complexidade total e o número de falhas de projeto decorrentes dessa complexidade. A primeira é uma abordagem para o projeto arquitetural dos mecanismos de recuperação de erros de um sistema. Ela trata do problema de verificar se uma arquitetura de software satisfaz certas propriedades relativas ao fluxo de exceções entre componentes arquiteturais, por exemplo, se todas as exceções lançadas no nível arquitetural são tratadas. A abordagem proposta lança de diversas ferramentas existentes para automatizar ao máximo esse processo. A segunda consiste em aplicar programação orientada a aspectos (AOP) afim de melhorar a modularização de código de tratamento de exceções. Conduzimos um estudo aprofundado com o objetivo de melhorar o entendimento geral sobre o efeitos de AOP no código de tratamento de exceções e identificar as situações onde seu uso é vantajoso e onde não éAbstract: Exception handling mechanisms were conceived as a means to help managing the complexity of fault-tolerant software. They promote an explicit textual separation between normal code and the code that deals with abnormal situations, in order to support the construction of programs that are more concise, evolvable, and reliable. Several mainstream programming languages and most of the existing component models implement exception handling mechanisms. In spite of its many bene?ts, exception handling can be a source of many design faults if used in an ad hoc fashion. Recent studies show that developers of large-scale software systems based on component infrastructures have habits concerning the use of exception handling that make applications vulnerable to faults and hard to maintain. Software components introduce new challenges which are not addressed by traditional exception handling mechanisms and increase the chances of problems occurring. Examples include unavailability of source code and architectural mismatches. In this work, we propose two complementary techniques centered on exception handling for the construction of fault-tolerant component-based systems. Both of them emphasize system structure as a means to reduce the impactof fault tolerance mechanisms on the overall complexity of a software system and the number of design faults that stem from complexity. The ?rst one is an approach for the architectural design of a system?s error handling capabilities. It addresses the problem of verifying whether a software architecture satis?es certain properties of interest pertaining the ?ow of exceptions between architectural components, e.g., if all the exceptions signaled at the architectural level are eventually handled. The proposed approach is based on a set of existing tools that automate this process as much as possible. The second one consists in applying aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to better modularize exception handling code. We have conducted a through study aimed at improving our understanding of the efects of AOP on exception handling code and identifying the situations where its use is advantageous and the ones where it is notDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    From Resilience-Building to Resilience-Scaling Technologies: Directions -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D13

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    This document is the second product of workpackage WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellence. The problem that ReSIST addresses is achieving sufficient resilience in the immense systems of ever evolving networks of computers and mobile devices, tightly integrated with human organisations and other technology, that are increasingly becoming a critical part of the information infrastructure of our society. This second deliverable D13 provides a detailed list of research gaps identified by experts from the four working groups related to assessability, evolvability, usability and diversit