270 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo trata da interface entre o direito e a literatura e as possibilidades que surgem a partir dessa relação. Um olhar por meio da literatura deixa transparecer um direito que necessita ser revisto em suas certezas e questionado em suas positivações. O romance regionalista “Vidas Secas”, de Graciliano Ramos, é a obra da qual partimos a fim de realizar reflexões acerca da dogmática. O campo “direito e literatura” aproximou-se, nestes estudos, da filosofia do direito devido ao tema abordado, uma vez que pensar os sujeitos por meio da literatura levou ao questionamento acerca da temática do “eu” e do “outro” e de como esse “outro” é visto pelo direito contemporâneo. As teorizações de Emmanuel Levinas e Jacques Derrida sustentam as análises realizadas em busca de uma desconstrução do direito posto em busca de um direito que possa experimentar a justiça e aproximar-se da realidade social que nos cerca

    Saat Perempuan Mengintip Cinta Demaskulinisasi dalam Reality Show “Playboy Kabel”

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    Di tengah unsur voyeurisme yang tersaji dalam acara reality show, secara umum bisa dikatakan bahwa acara sejenis selalu memaparkan persoalan kuasa melalui pandangan yang tidak tersadari. Berdasarkan karakteristik utama voyeurisme dan kuasa ini, acara realitas percintaan memaparkan sebuah persoalan yang menarik. Giur yang dibawa dalam acara realitas bertema percintaan tidak semata akses atas ranah privat relasi percintaan, namun sebagai satu kemasan medium hiburan, budaya pop secara keseluruhan menjadi wadah kontestasi lebih lanjut atas waham nilai dan identitas perempuan dan laki-laki dalam berelasi di tengah masyarakat. Bila voyeurisme merepresentasikan kuasa, maka sekilas acara realitas Playboy Kabel menyajikan deskonstruksi nilai sosial yang menarik untuk ditelaah, dalam posisi kuasa nilai relasi di tengah masyarakat. Tulisan ini berupaya memaparkan sejauh mana deskonstruksi makna kuasa dalam relasi percintaan heteroseksual disajikan dalam acara Playboy Kabel. Ketidaksadaran atas unsur voyeurisme dapat bergerak dalam pendulum antara dua titik ekstrem, penstabilan, dan deskonstruksi nilai di tengah masyarakat. Kata Kunci: acara realitas, televisi, voyeurisme, perempuan, Playboy Kabel Amid element of voyeurism that is presented in the reality show, in general it can be said that voyeurism always inscribe the issue of power through views that are likely to be unconcious. Based on the main characteristics of voyeurism and power of views, romance reality show exposes an intresting issue. Romance-themed reality show present the private sphere of romantic relationship can be seen as a pop culture product entertainment that becomes a contestation sphere of identities among women and men as well as a representation of gender identities in relationships within the society. When voyeurism represents power, exploring the reality show Playboy Kabel offers an interesting desconstruction of gender identity and power relations through voyeurism. This paper seeks to explain the extent to which desconstruction of power in relation heterosexual romance is presented in the reality show Playboy Kabel. Unconsciousness over voyeurism element can move in a pendulum between two extremes, stabilizing, and desconstructing the very settled gender relations in society


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    Este artigo busca evidenciar aspectos da desconstrução espacial do quadro,enquanto limite ou enquadramento do espaço de uma imagem, para um estudo emperformance. Este tem como método a análise textual, que tornou precisa a definição dos conceitos de quadro e mise-en-cadre, possibilitando uma reflexão aprofundada sobre as necessidades específicas da performance em relação ao espaço-tempo do quadro

    Jacques Derrida e a desconstrução: uma introdução

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    O artigo apresenta uma introdução à corrente teórica denominada Desconstrução, corrente esta que tem em Jacques Derrida um de seus precursores. A discussão estará centrada na análise de duas obras de Derrida: A escritura e diferença e Gramatologia, que podem ser entendidas como o marco inicial da Desconstrução. Procuraremos demonstrar que, sob a égide da Desconstrução, coadunam-se questões filosóficas, literárias, políticas e intelectuais que proporcionaram um abalo no pensamento metafísico ocidental, já que ele se apoiava, muitas vezes, em relações binárias para estabelecer uma hierarquia ou supremacia de um termo sobre o outro. Destacaremos que a reflexão empreendida por Jacques Derrida apresenta-se como um incessante trabalho de investigação que coloca sob suspeita os discursos da Filosofia e das Ciências Humanas, da Literatura e da História, da Fenomenologia e da Psicanálise, ao questionar, inclusive, o próprio conceito clássico de ciência. Textos de Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas e, também, de Mallarmé, Artaud, Joyce, Bataille, ou, ainda, de Saussure, Freud e Lacan serão "desconstruídos" por Derrida

    “Mondo” e “Aquele que Nunca Tinha Visto o Mar”, de J.M.G. Le Clézio

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    Se a ficção tradicional privilegia personagens que buscam afirmar-se no mundo, contra tudo e todos, os heróis de Le Clézio renunciam de imediato a qualquer tipo de classificação, conscientes da incompatibilidade entre participação coletiva e desabrochar individual. Embora realidade social e produção artística sejam interdependentes, o único esquema diegético possível, na sua narrativa, é o da fuga, fautora de uma descoberta de ordem diversa, porque percurso é ascese. Correlativa da fuga, a errância, a deriva geográfica da personagem permite o acesso a uma nova ordem. Lugar privilegiado da procura, o mar é um espaço onde não é possível gravar a história; simultaneamente real e inapreensível, mar rima com luz e brisa, com sonho e desconhecido …This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community and the Life Long Learning Programme

    Philosophical Translation Analysis of Jeremy Munday’s Introducing Translation Studies

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    This study aimed to investigate the philosophical theory contained in Jeremy Munday's book. The data from this study were obtained from Jeremy Munday's book Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, published by Routledge, London, 2001. Literature study research method was used by reviewing the philosophy of translation theory from Jeremy Munday's book. After getting the relevant surveyors, the researchers identified the translation philosophy theory contained in the book. From the results of the book's investigations, it was known that some experts were trying to introduce the philosophical theory of modern translation. In contrast, the experts and their fields of study were George Steniner, who researched on the theory of interpretation of meaning, Ezra Pound, who researched on the power of language, Walter Benjamin was about the purity of the translator's task, and Derrida who researched about the relationship between deconstruction translation (text reading method). In addition, there are also several case studies related to the application of the philosophical theory of language strategies put forward by these experts. All of these translation theories discussed the principles of translation and their relation to improving translation studies

    Competency-based learning in a real and multicultural marketing consultancy project

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    The European Higher Education Area proposes a reformulation of the teaching methodologies based on the education-learning teaching methodologies, oriented to a continuous process of acquisition of competences that improve the professional profile. The great variety of courses and universities involved in the framework of the European Higher Education Area are concerned to know the satisfaction level of students and how it is possible to attend to their needs. The present work provides empirical evidence of how satisfaction improves the perception of acquired competences of the marketing students who had followed the methodology of the International Virtual Consulting Firm (IVCF). It is an innovative project about an international educational program designed to bring college students closer to the skills required by companies to facilitate their entry into the labour market. The universities can use these results to incorporate similar methodologies in their study plans and to improve the attractiveness of their marketing studies

    Competency-based Learning in a Real and Multicultural Marketing Consultancy Project

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    AbstractThe European Higher Education Area proposes a reformulation of the teaching methodologies based on the education–learning teaching methodologies, oriented to a continuous process of acquisition of competences that improve the professional profile. The great variety of courses and universities involved in the framework of the European Higher Education Area are concerned to know the satisfaction level of students and how it is possible to attend to their needs. The present work provides empirical evidence of how satisfaction improves the perception of acquired competences of the marketing students who had followed the methodology of the International Virtual Consulting Firm (IVCF). It is an innovative project about an international educational program designed to bring college students closer to the skills required by companies to facilitate their entry into the labour market. The universities can use these results to incorporate similar methodologies in their study plans and to improve the attractiveness of their marketing studies

    Fragments to file a collection

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    This article presents a series of thoughts about “collections”, “collectables” and the people called “collector”. Those thoughts are mainly influenced on the idea of “desconstruction”, from the philosopher Jacques Derrida.Este artigo apresenta uma série de reflexões sobre “coleções”, “colecionismo” e sobre o sujeito chamado “colecionador”, baseadas principalmente na idéia de “desconstrução”, do filósofo Jacques Derrida