110 research outputs found

    Development of pharmacophore and comfa study of rigid and flexible sigma 2 receptor ligands

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    In the present study a pharmacophore and CoMFA model was derived for sigma 2 (62) receptors by using Sybyl 7.2 Software Package. The CoMFA studies used 22 bioactive molecules as a training set and 4 molecules as a test set for the o2 receptor ligands. The geometries and electrostatic charges of all molecules were calculated using various levels of calculations. The geometry optimization and electrostatic charges of all 26 molecules were performed by using semiemprical AM1, ab initio HF/6-31G* and density functional B3LYP/6-31G* in Gaussian 98. The pharmacophore model was derived by using Distance Comparisions (DISCOtech) from 4 partially to highly active 62 receptor ligands. The Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) was developed for 22 bioactive 62 receptor ligands to investigate a three dimensional quantitative structural activity relationship (3D-QSAR) model for 62 receptor ligands. Three CoMFA maps were developed to compare the electrostatic and steric properties of each calculation and molecule. The best CoMFA results were obtained by using a training set of 22 molecules (R2 = 0.999) from B3LYP/6-31G*. The leave-one-out cross validation method gave (q2 = 0.602) using four optimal components with optimized geometries and atomic charges. This analysis produced a standard error of estimate of 0.028. The CoMFA results derived from the B3LYP/6-31G* method were better than those from AM1

    Lipophilicity in drug design: an overview of lipophilicity descriptors in 3D-QSAR studies

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    The pharmacophore concept is a fundamental cornerstone in drug discovery, playing a critical role in determining the success of in silico techniques, such as virtual screening and 3D-QSAR studies. The reliability of these approaches is influenced by the quality of the physicochemical descriptors used to characterize the chemical entities. In this context, a pivotal role is exerted by lipophilicity, which is a major contribution to host-guest interaction and ligand binding affinity. Several approaches have been undertaken to account for the descriptive and predictive capabilities of lipophilicity in 3D-QSAR modeling. Recent efforts encode the use of quantum mechanical-based descriptors derived from continuum solvation models, which open novel avenues for gaining insight into structure-activity relationships studies

    Molecular dynamics and virtual screening approaches in drug discovery

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    Computer-aided drug discovery (CADD) methods are now routinely used in the preclinical phase of drug development. Powerful high-performance computing facilities and the extremely fast CADD methods constantly scale up the coverage of drug-like chemical space achievable in rational drug development. In this thesis, CADD approaches were applied to address several early-phase drug discovery problems. Namely, small molecule binding site detection on a novel target protein, virtual screening (VS) of molecular databases, and characterization of small molecule interactions with metabolic enzymes were studied. Various CADD methods, including molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in mixed solvents, molecular docking, and binding free energy calculations, were employed. Co-solvent MD simulations detected biologically relevant binding sites and provided guidance for screening potential protein-protein interaction inhibitors for a crucial protein of the SARS-CoV-2. VS with fragment- and negative image-based (F-NIB) models identified three active and structurally novel inhibitors of the putative drug target phosphodiesterase 10A. MD simulations and docking provided detailed insights on the effects of active site structural flexibility and variation on the binding and resultant metabolism of small molecules with the cytochrome P450 enzymes. The results presented in this thesis contribute to the increasing evidence that supports employment and further development of CADD approaches in drug discovery. Ultimately, rational drug development coupled with CADD may enable higher quality drug candidates to the human studies in the future, reducing the risk of financially and temporally costly clinical failure. KEYWORDS: Structure-based drug development, Computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, Virtual screening (VS), Fragmentand negative image-based (F-NIB) model, Structure-activity relationship (QSAR), Cytochrome P450 ligand binding predictionMolekyylidynamiikka- ja virtuaaliseulontamenetelmät lääkeaine-etsinnässä Tietokoneavusteista lääkeaine-etsintää käytetään nykyisin yleisesti prekliinisessä lääketutkimuksessa. Suurteholaskenta ja äärimmäisen nopeat tietokoneavusteiset lääkeaine-etsintämenetelmät mahdollistavat jatkuvasti kattavamman lääkkeenkaltaisten molekyylien kemiallisen avaruuden seulonnan. Tässä väitöskirjassa tietokonepohjaisia menetelmiä hyödynnettiin lääketutkimuksen prekliiniseen vaiheeseen liittyvissä tyypillisissä tutkimusongelmissa. Työhön kuului pienmolekyylien sitoutumisalueiden tunnistus uuden kohdeproteiinin rakenteesta, molekyylitietokantojen virtuaaliseulonta sekä pienmolekyylien ja metabolian entsyymien välisten vuorovaikutusten tietokonemallinnus. Työssä käytettiin useita tietokoneavusteisen lääkeaine-etsinnän menetelmiä, sisältäen molekyylidynamiikkasimulaatiot (MD-simulaatiot) vaihtuvissa liuottimissa, molekulaarisen telakoinnin ja sitoutumisenergian laskennan. Orgaanisen liuottimen ja veden sekoituksessa tehdyt MD-simulaatiot tunnistivat biologisesti merkittäviä sitoutumisalueita SARS-CoV-2:n tärkeästä proteiinista ja ohjasivat infektioon liittyvän proteiini-proteiinivuorovaikutuksen potentiaalisten estäjien etsintää. Virtuaaliseulonnalla tunnistettiin kolme rakenteellisesti uudenlaista tunnetun lääkekehityskohteen, fosfodiesteraasi 10A:n, estäjää hyödyntäen fragmentti- ja negatiivikuvamalleja. MD-simulaatiot ja telakointi tuottivat yksityiskohtaista tietoa sytokromi P450 entsyymien aktiivisen kohdan rakenteen jouston ja muutosten vaikutuksesta pienmolekyylien sitoutumiseen ja metaboliaan. Tämän väitöskirjan tulokset tukevat kasvavaa todistusaineistoa tietokoneavusteisen lääkeaine-etsinnän käytön ja kehityksen hyödyllisyydestä prekliinisessä lääketutkimuksessa. Tietokoneavusteinen lääkeaine-etsintä voi lopulta mahdollistaa korkeampilaatuisten lääkekandidaattien päätymisen ihmiskokeisiin, pienentäen taloudellisesti ja ajallisesti kalliin kliinisen tutkimuksen epäonnistumisen riskiä. AVAINSANAT: Rakennepohjainen lääkeainekehitys, Tietokoneavusteinen lääkeaine-etsintä, Molekyylidynamiikkasimulaatio (MD-simulaatio), Virtuaaliseulonta, Fragmentti- ja negatiivikuvamalli, Rakenne-aktiivisuussuhde, Sytokromi P450 ligandien sitoutumisen ennustu

    Development and application of fast fuzzy pharmacophore-based virtual screening methods for scaffold hopping

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    The goal of this thesis was the development, evaluation and application of novel virtual screening approaches for the rational compilation of high quality pharmacological screening libraries. The criteria for a high quality were a high probability of the selected molecules to be active compared to randomly selected molecules and diversity in the retrieved chemotypes of the selected molecules to be prepared for the attrition of single lead structures. For the latter criterion the virtual screening approach had to perform “scaffold hopping”. The first molecular descriptor that was explicitly reported for that purpose was the topological pharmacophore CATS descriptor, representing a correlation vector (CV) of all pharmacophore points in a molecule. The representation is alignment-free and thus renders fast screening of large databases feasible. In a first series of experiments the CATS descriptor was conceptually extended to the three-dimensional pharmacophore-pair CATS3D descriptor and the molecular surface based SURFCATS descriptor. The scaling of the CATS3D descriptor, the combination of CATS3D with different similarity metrics and the dependence of the CATS3D descriptor on the threedimensional conformations of the molecules in the virtual screening database were evaluated in retrospective screening experiments. The “scaffold hopping” capabilities of CATS3D and SURFCATS were compared to CATS and the substructure fingerprint MACCS keys. Prospective virtual screening with CATS3D similarity searching was applied for the TAR RNA and the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlur5). A combination of supervised and unsupervised neural networks trained on CATS3D descriptors was applied prospectively to compile a focused but still diverse library of mGluR5 modulators. In a second series of experiments the SQUID fuzzy pharmacophore model method was developed, that was aimed to provide a more general query for virtual screening than the CATS family descriptors. A prospective application of the fuzzy pharmacophore models was performed for TAR RNA ligands. In a last experiment a structure-/ligand-based pharmacophore model was developed for taspase1 based on a homology model of the enzyme. This model was applied prospectively for the screening for the first inhibitors of taspase1. The effect of different similarity metrics (Euc: Euclidean distance, Manh: Manhattan distance and Tani: Tanimoto similarity) and different scaling methods (unscaled, scaling1: scaling by the number of atoms, and scaling2: scaling by the added incidences of potential pharmacophore points of atom pairs) on CATS3D similarity searching was evaluated in retrospective virtual screening experiments. 12 target classes of the COBRA database of annotated ligands from recent scientific literature were used for that purpose. Scaling2, a new development for the CATS3D descriptor, was shown to perform best on average in combination with all three similarity metrics (enrichment factor ef (1%): Manh = 11.8 ± 4.3, Euc = 11.9 ± 4.6, Tani = 12.8 ± 5.1). The Tanimoto coefficient was found to perform best with the new scaling method. Using the other scaling methods the Manhattan distance performed best (ef (1%): unscaled: Manh = 9.6 ± 4.0, Euc = 8.1 ± 3.5, Tani = 8.3 ± 3.8; scaling1: Manh = 10.3 ± 4.1, Euc = 8.8 ± 3.6, Tani = 9.1 ± 3.8). Since CATS3D is independent of an alignment, the dependence of a “receptor relevant” conformation might also be weaker compared to other methods like docking. Using such methods might be a possibility to overcome problems like protein flexibility or the computational expensive calculation of many conformers. To test this hypothesis, co-crystal structures of 11 target classes served as queries for virtual screening of the COBRA database. Different numbers of conformations were calculated for the COBRA database. Using only a single conformation already resulted in a significant enrichment of isofunctional molecules on average (ef (1%) = 6.0 ± 6.5). This observation was also made for ligand classes with many rotatable bonds (e.g. HIV-protease: 19.3 ± 6.2 rotatable bonds in COBRA, ef (1%) = 12.2 ± 11.8). On average only an improvement from using the maximum number of conformations (on average 37 conformations / molecule) to using single conformations of 1.1 fold was found. It was found that using more conformations actives and inactives equally became more similar to the reference compounds according to the CATS3D representations. Applying the same parameters as before to calculate conformations for the crystal structure ligands resulted in an average Cartesian RMSD of the single conformations to the crystal structure conformations of 1.7 ± 0.7 Å. For the maximum number of conformations, the RMSD decreased to 1.0 ± 0.5 Å (1.8 fold improvement on average). To assess the virtual screening performance and the scaffold hopping potential of CATS3D and SURFACATS, these descriptors were compared to CATS and the MACCS keys, a fingerprint based on exact chemical substructures. Retrospective screening of ten classes of the COBRA database was performed. According to the average enrichment factors the MACCS keys performed best (ef (1%): MACCS = 17.4 ± 6.4, CATS = 14.6 ± 5.4, CATS3D = 13.9 ± 4.9, SURFCATS = 12.2 ± 5.5). The classes, where MACCS performed best, consisted of a lower average fraction of different scaffolds relative to the number of molecules (0.44 ± 0.13), than the classes, where CATS performed best (0.65 ± 0.13). CATS3D was the best performing method for only a single target class with an intermediate fraction of scaffolds (0.55). SURFCATS was not found to perform best for a single class. These results indicate that CATS and the CATS3D descriptors might be better suited to find novel scaffolds than the MACCS keys. All methods were also shown to complement each other by retrieving scaffolds that were not found by the other methods. A prospective evaluation of CATS3D similarity searching was done for metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) allosteric modulators. Seven known antagonists of mGluR5 with sub-micromolar IC50 were used as reference ligands for virtual screening of the 20,000 most drug-like compounds – as predicted by an artificial neural network approach – of the Asinex vendor database (194,563 compounds). Eight of 29 virtual screening hits were found with a Ki below 50 µM in a binding assay. Most of the ligands were only moderately specific for mGluR5 (maximum of > 4.2 fold selectivity) relative to mGluR1, the most similar receptor to mGluR5. One ligand exhibited even a better Ki for mGluR1 than for mGluR5 (mGluR5: Ki > 100 µM, mGluR1: Ki = 14 µM). All hits had different scaffolds than the reference molecules. It was demonstrated that the compiled library contained molecules that were different from the reference structures – as estimated by MACCS substructure fingerprints – but were still considered isofunctional by both CATS and CATS3D pharmacophore approaches. Artificial neural networks (ANN) provide an alternative to similarity searching in virtual screening, with the advantage that they incorporate knowledge from a learning procedure. A combination of artificial neural networks for the compilation of a focused but still structurally diverse screening library was employed prospectively for mGluR5. Ensembles of neural networks were trained on CATS3D representations of the training data for the prediction of “mGluR5-likeness” and for “mGluR5/mGluR1 selectivity”, the most similar receptor to mGluR5, yielding Matthews cc between 0.88 and 0.92 as well as 0.88 and 0.91 respectively. The best 8,403 hits (the focused library: the intersection of the best hits from both prediction tasks) from virtually ranking the Enamine vendor database (ca. 1,000,000 molecules), were further analyzed by two self-organizing maps (SOMs), trained on CATS3D descriptors and on MACCS substructure fingerprints. A diverse and representative subset of the hits was obtained by selecting the most similar molecules to each SOM neuron. Binding studies of the selected compounds (16 molecules from each map) gave that three of the molecules from the CATS3D SOM and two of the molecules from the MACCS SOM showed mGluR5 binding. The best hit with a Ki of 21 µM was found in the CATS3D SOM. The selectivity of the compounds for mGluR5 over mGluR1 was low. Since the binding pockets in the two receptors are similar the general CATS3D representation might not have been appropriate for the prediction of selectivity. In both SOMs new active molecules were found in neurons that did not contain molecules from the training set, i. e. the approach was able to enter new areas of chemical space with respect to mGluR5. The combination of supervised and unsupervised neural networks and CATS3D seemed to be suited for the retrieval of dissimilar molecules with the same class of biological activity, rather than for the optimization of molecules with respect to activity or selectivity. A new virtual screening approach was developed with the SQUID (Sophisticated Quantification of Interaction Distributions) fuzzy pharmacophore method. In SQUID pairs of Gaussian probability densities are used for the construction of a CV descriptor. The Gaussians represent clusters of atoms comprising the same pharmacophoric feature within an alignment of several active reference molecules. The fuzzy representation of the molecules should enhance the performance in scaffold hopping. Pharmacophore models with different degrees of fuzziness (resolution) can be defined which might be an appropriate means to compensate for ligand and receptor flexibility. For virtual screening the 3D distribution of Gaussian densities is transformed into a two-point correlation vector representation which describes the probability density for the presence of atom-pairs, comprising defined pharmacophoric features. The fuzzy pharmacophore CV was used to rank CATS3D representations of molecules. The approach was validated by retrospective screening for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and thrombin ligands. A variety of models with different degrees of fuzziness were calculated and tested for both classes of molecules. Best performance was obtained with pharmacophore models reflecting an intermediate degree of fuzziness. Appropriately weighted fuzzy pharmacophore models performed better in retrospective screening than CATS3D similarity searching using single query molecules, for both COX-2 and thrombin (ef (1%): COX-2: SQUID = 39.2., best CATS3D result = 26.6; Thrombin: SQUID = 18.0, best CATS3D result = 16.7). The new pharmacophore method was shown to complement MOE pharmacophore models. SQUID fuzzy pharmacophore and CATS3D virtual screening were applied prospectively to retrieve novel scaffolds of RNA binding molecules, inhibiting the Tat-TAR interaction. A pharmacophore model was built up from one ligand (acetylpromazine, IC50 = 500 µM) and a fragment of another known ligand (CGP40336A), which was assumed to bind with a comparable binding mode as acetylpromazine. The fragment was flexible aligned to the TAR bound NMR conformation of acetylpromazine. Using an optimized SQUID pharmacophore model the 20,000 most druglike molecules from the SPECS database (229,658 compounds) were screened for Tat-TAR ligands. Both reference inhibitors were also applied for CATS3D similarity searching. A set of 19 molecules from the SQUID and CATS3D results was selected for experimental testing. In a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay the best SQUID hit showed an IC50 value of 46 µM, which represents an approximately tenfold improvement over the reference acetylpromazine. The best hit from CATS3D similarity searching showed an IC50 comparable to acetylpromazine (IC50 = 500 µM). Both hits contained different molecular scaffolds than the reference molecules. Structure-based pharmacophores provide an alternative to ligand-based approaches, with the advantage that no ligands have to be known in advance and no topological bias is introduced. The latter is e.g. favorable for hopping from peptide-like substrates to drug-like molecules. A homology model of the threonine aspartase taspase1 was calculated based on the crystal structures of a homologous isoaspartyl peptidase. Docking studies of the substrate with GOLD identified a binding mode where the cleaved bond was situated directly above the reactive N-terminal threonine. The predicted enzyme-substrate complex was used to derive a pharmacophore model for virtual screening for novel taspase1 inhibitors. 85 molecules were identified from virtual screening with the pharmacophore model as potential taspase1- inhibitors, however biochemical data was not available before the end of this thesis. In summary this thesis demonstrated the successful development, improvement and application of pharmacophore-based virtual screening methods for the compilation of molecule-libraries for early phase drug development. The highest potential of such methods seemed to be in scaffold hopping, the non-trivial task of finding different molecules with the same biological activity.Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung, Untersuchung und Anwendung von neuen virtuellen Screening-Verfahren für den rationalen Entwurf hoch-qualitativer Molekül-Datenbanken für das pharmakologische Screening. Anforderung für eine hohe Qualität waren eine hohe a priori Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Vorhandensein aktiver Moleküle im Vergleich zu zufällig zusammengestellten Bibliotheken, sowie das Vorhandensein einer Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Grundstrukturen unter den selektierten Molekülen, um gegen den Ausfall einzelner Leitstrukturen in der weiteren Entwicklung abgesichert zu sein. Notwendig für die letztere Eigenschaft ist die Fähigkeit eines Verfahrens zum „Grundgerüst-Springen“. Der erste Molekül-Deskriptor, der explizit für das „Grundgerüst-Springen“ eingesetzt wurde war der CATS Deskriptor – ein topologischer Korrelations-Vektor („correlation vector“, CV) über alle Pharmakophor-Punkte eines Moleküls. Der Vergleich von Molekülen über den CATS Deskriptor geschieht ohne eine Überlagerung der Moleküle, was den effizienten Einsatz solcher Verfahren für sehr große Molekül-Datenbanken ermöglicht. In einer ersten Serie von Versuchen wurde der CATS Deskriptor erweitert zu dem dreidimensionalen CATS3D Deskriptor und dem auf der Molekül-Oberfläche basierten SURFCATS Deskriptor. In retrospektiven Studien wurde für diese Deskriptoren der Einfluss verschiedener Skalierungs-Methoden, die Kombination mit unterschiedlichen Ähnlichkeits- Metriken und die Auswirkung verschiedener dreidimensionaler Konformationen untersucht. Weiter wurden das Potential der entwickelten Deskriptoren CATS3D und SURFCATS im „Grundgerüst-Springen“ mit CATS und dem Substruktur-Fingerprint MACCS keys verglichen. Prospektive Anwendungen der CATS3D Ähnlichkeitssuche wurden für die TARRNA und den metabotropen Glutamat Rezeptor 5 (mGluR5) durchgeführt. Eine Kombination von überwachten und unüberwachten neuronalen Netzen wurde prospektiv für die Zusammenstellung einer fokussierten aber dennoch diversen Bibliothek von mGluR5 Modulatoren eingesetzt. In einer zweiten Reihe von Versuchen wurde der SQUID Fuzzy Pharmakophor Ansatz entwickelt, mit dem Ziel zu einer noch generelleren Molekül- Beschreibung als mit den Deskriptoren aus der CATS Familie zu gelangen. Eine prospektive Anwendung der „Fuzzy Pharmakophor“ Methode wurde für die TAR-RNA durchgeführt. In einem letzten Versuch wurde für Taspase1 ein Struktur-/Liganden-basiertes Pharmakophor- Modell auf der Grundlage eines Homologie-Modells des Enzyms entwickelt. Dieses wurde für das prospektive Screening nach Taspase1-Inhibitoren eingesetzt. Der Einfluss verschiedener Ähnlichkeits-Metriken (Euk: Euklidische Distanz, Manh: Manhattan Distanz, Tani: Tanimoto Ähnlichkeit) und verschiedener Skalierungs-Methoden (Ohne-Skalierung, Skalierung1: Skalierung aller Werte nach der Anzahl Atome, Skalierung2: Skalierung der Werte eines Paares von Pharmakophor-Punkten entsprechend der Summe aller Pharmakophor-Punkte mit denselben Pharmakophor-Typen) auf die Ähnlichkeits-Suche mit CATS3D wurde in retrospektiven virtuellen Screening Experimenten untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden 12 verschiedene Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen aus der COBRA Datenbank von annotierten Liganden aus der jüngeren wissenschaftlichen Literatur eingesetzt. Skalierung2, eine neue Entwicklung für CATS3D, zeigte im Durchschnitt die beste Performanz in Kombination mit allen drei Ähnlichkeits-Metriken (Anreicherungs-Faktor ef (1%): Manh = 11,8 ± 4,3; Euk = 11,9 ± 4,6; Tani = 12,8 ± 5,1). Die Kombination von Skalierung2 mit dem Tanimoto Ähnlichkeits-Koeffizienten lieferte die besten Ergebnisse. In Kombination mit den anderen Skalierungen brachte die Manhattan Distanz die besten Ergebnisse (ef (1%): Ohne-Skalierung: Manh = 9,6 ± 4,0; Euk = 8,1 ± 3,5; Tani = 8,3 ± 3,8; Skalierung1: Manh = 10,3 ± 4,1; Euk = 8,8 ± 3,6; Tani = 9,1 ± 3,8). Da die CATS3D Ähnlichkeits-Suche unabhängig von der Überlagerung einzelner Moleküle ist, könnte ebenfalls eine gewisse Unabhängigkeit von der vorhandenen 3D Konformation bestehen. Eine solche Unabhängigkeit wäre interessant um die zeitaufwendige Berechnung multipler Konformationen zu umgehen. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen wurden Co-Kristalle von Liganden aus 11 Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen ausgewählt, um als Anfrage-Strukturen im virtuellen Screening in der COBRA Datenbank zu dienen. Verschiedene Versionen der COBRA Datenbank mit unterschiedlicher Anzahl Konformationen wurden berechnet. Bereits mit einer einzigen Konformation pro Molekül konnte im Mittel eine deutliche Anreicherung an aktiven Molekülen beobachte werden (ef (1%) = 6,0 ± 6,5). Diese Beobachtung beinhaltete auch Klassen von Molekülen mit vielen rotierbaren Bindungen. (z.B. HIV-Protease: 19,3 ± 6,2 rotierbare Bindungen in COBRA, ef (1%) = 12,2 ± 11,8). Im Mittel konnten dazu bei Verwendung der maximalen Anzahl Konformationen (durchschnittlich 37 Konformationen / Molekül) nur eine Verbesserung von 1.1 festgestellt werden. Nach der CATS3D Ähnlichkeit wurden die inaktiven Moleküle im gleichen Maß ähnlicher zu den Referenzen als die aktiven Moleküle. Zum Vergleich konnte durch Verwendung multipler statt einzelner Konformationen eine 1,8-fache Verbesserung des RMSD zu den Konformationen aus den Kristall-Struktur Konformationen erreicht werden (einzelne Konformationen: 1,7 ± 0,7 Å; max. Konformationen: 1,0 ± 0,5 Å). Um die Leistungsfähigkeit von CATS3D und SURFCATS im virtuellen Screening und im Grundgerüst-Springen zu beurteilen, wurden diese Deskriptoren mit CATS und den MACCS keys, einem Fingerprint basierend auf exakten chemischen Substrukturen, verglichen. Für die retrospektive Analyse wurden 10 Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen aus der COBRA Datenbank ausgewählt. Nach den mittleren Anreicherungs-Faktoren ergaben sich für MACCS die besten Resultate (ef (1%): MACCS = 17,4 ± 6,4; CATS = 14,6 ± 5,4; CATS3D = 13,9 ± 4,9; SURFCATS = 12,2 ± 5,5). Es zeigte sich, dass die Klassen, in denen MACCS die besten Ergebnisse erzielen konnte, einen geringen gemittelten Anteil von verschiedenen Grundgerüsten aufwiesen im Verhältnis zu der Anzahl an Molekülen (0,44 ± 0,13) als die Klassen, in denen CATS am besten war (0,65 ± 0,13). CATS3D war nur in einer Klasse mit einem mittleren Anteil von Grundgerüsten (0,55) die beste Methode. SURFCATS war für keine Klasse besser als alle anderen Methoden. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Methoden wie CATS und CATS3D besser geeignet sind, um neue Grundgerüste zu finden. Es konnte weiter gezeigt werden, dass sich die Methoden einander ergänzen, dass also mit jeder Methode Grundgerüste gefunden werden konnten, die mit keiner der anderen Methoden gefunden werden konnten. Eine prospektive Anwendung wurde für CATS3D in der Suche nach neuen allosterischen Modulatoren des metabotropen Glutamat Rezeptors 5 (mGluR5) durchgeführt. Sieben bekannte allosterische mGluR5 Antagonisten mit sub-mikromolaren IC50 Werten wurde als Referenzen eingesetzt. Das virtuelle Screening wurde auf den 20.000 von einem künstlichen neuronalen Netz als am wirkstoff-artigsten vorhergesagten Molekülen der Asinex Datenbank (194.563 Moleküle) durchgeführt. Acht der 29 gefundenen Hits aus dem virtuellen Screening zeigten Ki Werte unter 50 µM in einem Bindungs-Assay. Die Mehrheit der Liganden zeigte nur eine geringe Selektivität (Maximum > 4,2-fach) gegenüber mGluR1, dem ähnlichsten Rezeptor zu mGluR5. Einer der Liganden zeigte einen besseren Ki für mGluR1 als für mGluR5 (mGluR5: Ki > 100 µM, mGluR1: Ki = 14 µM). Alle gefundenen Moleküle zeigten verschiedene Grundgerüste als die Referenz Moleküle. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die zusammengestellte Bibliothek von den MACCS keys als unterschiedlich zu den Referenz Strukturen betrachtet wurden, von CATS und CATS3D aber noch als isofunktional betracht wurden. Künstliche neuronal Netze („artificial neural net“, ANN) bieten eine Alternative zur Ähnlichkeits-Suche im virtuellen Screening mit dem Vorteil, dass in einer Serie von Liganden enthaltenes implizites Wissen über eine Lernprozedur in ein Modell integrierte werden kann. Eine Kombination von ANNs für die Zusammenstellung einer fokussierten aber dennoch diversen Molekül-Bibliothek wurde prospektiv für die Suche nach mGluR5 Antagonisten eingesetzt. Gruppen von ANNs wurden auf den Basis von CATS3D Repräsentationen für die Vorhersage von „mGluR5-artigkeit“ und „mGluR5/mGluR1 Selektivität“ trainiert. Dabei ergaben sich Matthews cc zwischen 0,88 und 0,92 sowie zwischen 0,88 und 0,91. Die besten 8.403 Hits (die Schnittmenge der besten Hits aus beiden Vorhersagen) aus einem virtuellen Screening der Enamine Datenbank (ca. 1.000.000 Moleküle) ergab die fokussierte Bibliothek. Diese wurde weiter mit Selbstor

    Sobiva omaduste profiiliga ühendite tuvastamine keemiliste struktuuride andmekogudest

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    Keemiliste ühendite digitaalsete andmebaaside kasutuselevõtuga kaasneb vajadus leida neist arvutuslikke vahendeid kasutades sobivate omadustega molekule. Probleem on eriti huvipakkuv ravimitööstuses, kus aja- ja ressursimahukate katsete asendamine arvutustega, võimaldab märkimisväärset säästu. Kuigi tänapäevaste arvutusmeetodite piiratud võimsuse tõttu ei ole lähemas tulevikus võimalik kogu ravimidisaini protsessi algusest lõpuni arvutitesse ümber kolida, on lugu teine, kui vaadelda suuri andmekogusid. Arvutusmeetod, mis töötab teadaoleva statistilise vea piires, visates välja mõne sobiva ühendi ja lugedes mõni ekslikult aktiivseks, tihendab lõppkokkuvõttes andmekomplekti tuntaval määral huvitavate ühendite suhtes. Seetõttu on ravimiarenduse lihtsamate ja vähenõudlikkumade etappide puhul, nagu juhtühendite või ravimikandidaatide leidmine, edukalt võimalik rakendada arvutuslikke vahendeid. Selline tegevus on tuntud virtuaalsõelumisena ning käesolevasse töösse on sellest avarast ja kiiresti arenevast valdkonnast valitud mõningad suunad, ning uuritud nende võimekust ja tulemuslikkust erinevate projektide raames. Töö tulemusena on valminud arvutusmudelid teatud tüüpi ühendite HIV proteaasi vastase aktiivsuse ja tsütotoksilisuse hindamiseks; koostatud uus sõelumismeetod; leitud potentsiaalsed ligandid HIV proteaasile ja pöördtranskriptaasile; ning kokku pandud farmakokineetiliste filtritega eeltöödeldud andmekomplekt – mugav lähtepositsioon edasisteks töödeks.With the implementation of digital chemical compound libraries, creates the need for finding compounds from them that fit the desired profile. The problem is of particular interest in drug design, where replacing the resource-intensive experiments with computational methods, would result in significant savings in time and cost. Although due to the limitations of current computational methods, it is not possible in foreseeable future to transfer all of the drug development process into computers, it is a different story with large molecular databases. An in silico method, working within a known error margin, is still capable of significantly concentrating the data set in terms of attractive compounds. That allows the use of computational methods in less stringent steps of drug development, such as finding lead compounds or drug candidates. This approach is known as virtual screening, and today it is a vast and prospective research area comprising of several paradigms and numerous individual methods. The present thesis takes a closer look on some of them, and evaluates their performance in the course of several projects. The results of the thesis include computational models to estimate the HIV protease inhibition activity and cytotoxicity of certain type of compounds; a few prospective ligands for HIV protease and reverse transcriptase; pre-filtered dataset of compounds – convenient starting point for subsequent projects; and finally a new virtual screening method was developed

    Novel Strategies for Model-Building of G Protein-Coupled Receptors

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    The G protein-coupled receptors constitute still the most densely populated proteinfamily encompassing numerous disease-relevant drug targets. Consequently, medicinal chemistry is expected to pursue targets from that protein family in that hits need to be generated and subsequently optimized towards viable clinical candidates for a variety of therapeutic areas. For the purpose of rationalizing structure-activity relationships within such optimization programs, structural information derived from the ligand's as well as the macromolecule's perspective is essential. While it is relatively straightforward to define pharmacophore hypotheses based on comparative modelling of structurally and biologically characterized low-molecular weight ligands, a deeper understanding of the molecular recognition event underlying, remains challenging, since the principally available amount of experimentally derived structural data on GPCRs is extremely scarse when compared to, e.g., soluble enzymes. In this context, the protein modelling methodologies introduced, developed, optimized, and applied in this thesis provide structural models that are capable of assisting in the development of structural hypotheses on ligand-receptor complexes. As such they provide a valuable structural framework not only for a more detailed insight into ligand-GPCR interaction, but also for guiding the design process towards next-generation compounds which should display enhanced affinity. The model building procedure developed in this thesis systematically follows a hierarchical approach, sequentially generating a 1D topology, followed by a 2D topology that is finally converted into a 3D topology. The determination of a 1D topology is based on a compartmentalization of the linear amino acid sequence of a GPCR of interest into the extracellular, intracellular, and transmembrane sequence stretches. The entire chapter 3 of this study elaborates on the strengths and weaknesses of applying automated prediction tools for the purpose of identifying the transmembrane sequence domains. Based on an once derived 1D topology, a type of in-plane projection structure for the seven transmembrane helices can be derived with the aide of calculated vectorial property moments, yielding the 2D topology. Thorough bioinformatics studies revealed that only a consensus approach based on a conceptual combination of different methods employing a carefully made selection of parameter sets gave reliable results, emphasizing the danger to fully automate a GPCR modelling procedure. Chapter 4 describes a procedure to further expand the 2D topological findings into 3D space, exemplified on the human CCK-B receptor protein. This particular GPCR was chosen as the receptor of interest, since an enormous experimentally derived and structurally relevant data-set was available. Within the computational refinement procedure of constructed GPCR models, major emphasis was laid on the explicit treatment of a non-isotropic solvent environment during molecular mechanics (i.e. energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulations) calculations. The majority of simulations was therefore carried out in a tri-phasic solvent box accounting for a central lipid environment, flanked by two aqueous compartments, mimicking the extracellular and cytoplasmic space. Chapter 5 introduces the reference compound set, comprising low-molecular weight compounds modulating CCK receptors, that was used for validation purposes of the generated models of the receptor protein. Chapter 6 describes how the generated model of the CCK-B receptor was subjected to intensive docking studies employing compound series introduced in chapter 5. It turned out that by applying the DRAGHOME methodology viable structural hypotheses on putative receptor-ligand complexes could be generated. Based on the methodology pursued in this thesis a detailed model of the receptor binding site could be devised that accounts for known structure-activity relationships as well as for results obtained by site-directed mutagenesis studies in a qualitative manner. The overall study presented in this thesis is primarily aimed to deliver a feasibility study on generating model structures of GPCRs by a conceptual combination of tailor-made bioinformatics techniques with the toolbox of protein modelling, exemplified on the human CCK-B receptor. The generated structures should be envisioned as models only, not necessarily providing a detailed image of reality. However, consistent models, when verified and refined against experimental data, deliver an extremely useful structural contextual platform on which different scientific disciplines such as medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics can effectively communicate

    Computational prediction of metabolism: sites, products, SAR, P450 enzyme dynamics, and mechanisms.

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    Metabolism of xenobiotics remains a central challenge for the discovery and development of drugs, cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and agrochemicals. Metabolic transformations are frequently related to the incidence of toxic effects that may result from the emergence of reactive species, the systemic accumulation of metabolites, or by induction of metabolic pathways. Experimental investigation of the metabolism of small organic molecules is particularly resource demanding; hence, computational methods are of considerable interest to complement experimental approaches. This review provides a broad overview of structure- and ligand-based computational methods for the prediction of xenobiotic metabolism. Current computational approaches to address xenobiotic metabolism are discussed from three major perspectives: (i) prediction of sites of metabolism (SOMs), (ii) elucidation of potential metabolites and their chemical structures, and (iii) prediction of direct and indirect effects of xenobiotics on metabolizing enzymes, where the focus is on the cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily of enzymes, the cardinal xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes. For each of these domains, a variety of approaches and their applications are systematically reviewed, including expert systems, data mining approaches, quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs), and machine learning-based methods, pharmacophore-based algorithms, shape-focused techniques, molecular interaction fields (MIFs), reactivity-focused techniques, protein-ligand docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and combinations of methods. Predictive metabolism is a developing area, and there is still enormous potential for improvement. However, it is clear that the combination of rapidly increasing amounts of available ligand- and structure-related experimental data (in particular, quantitative data) with novel and diverse simulation and modeling approaches is accelerating the development of effective tools for prediction of in vivo metabolism, which is reflected by the diverse and comprehensive data sources and methods for metabolism prediction reviewed here. This review attempts to survey the range and scope of computational methods applied to metabolism prediction and also to compare and contrast their applicability and performance.JK, MJW, JT, PJB, AB and RCG thank Unilever for funding

    Drug design for ever, from hype to hope

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    In its first 25 years JCAMD has been disseminating a large number of techniques aimed at finding better medicines faster. These include genetic algorithms, COMFA, QSAR, structure based techniques, homology modelling, high throughput screening, combichem, and dozens more that were a hype in their time and that now are just a useful addition to the drug-designers toolbox. Despite massive efforts throughout academic and industrial drug design research departments, the number of FDA-approved new molecular entities per year stagnates, and the pharmaceutical industry is reorganising accordingly. The recent spate of industrial consolidations and the concomitant move towards outsourcing of research activities requires better integration of all activities along the chain from bench to bedside. The next 25 years will undoubtedly show a series of translational science activities that are aimed at a better communication between all parties involved, from quantum chemistry to bedside and from academia to industry. This will above all include understanding the underlying biological problem and optimal use of all available data

    Structure- and Ligand-Based Design of Novel Antimicrobial Agents

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    The use of computer based techniques in the design of novel therapeutic agents is a rapidly emerging field. Although the drug-design techniques utilized by Computational Medicinal Chemists vary greatly, they can roughly be classified into structure-based and ligand-based approaches. Structure-based methods utilize a solved structure of the design target, protein or DNA, usually obtained by X-ray or NMR methods to design or improve compounds with activity against the target. Ligand-based methods use active compounds with known affinity for a target that may yet be unresolved. These methods include Pharmacophore-based searching for novel active compounds or Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies. The research presented here utilized both structure and ligand-based methods against two bacterial targets: Bacillus anthracis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The first part of this thesis details our efforts to design novel inhibitors of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase from B. anthracis using crystal structures with known inhibitors bound. The second part describes a QSAR study that was performed using a series of novel nitrofuranyl compounds with known, whole-cell, inhibitory activity against M. tuberculosis. Dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) catalyzes the addition of p-amino benzoic acid (pABA) to dihydropterin pyrophosphate (DHPP) to form pteroic acid as a key step in bacterial folate biosynthesis. It is the traditional target of the sulfonamide class of antibiotics. Unfortunately, bacterial resistance and adverse effects have limited the clinical utility of the sulfonamide antibiotics. Although six bacterial crystal structures are available, the flexible loop regions that enclose pABA during binding and contain key sulfonamide resistance sites have yet to be visualized in their functional conformation. To gain a new understanding of the structural basis of sulfonamide resistance, the molecular mechanism of DHPS action, and to generate a screening structure for high-throughput virtual screening, molecular dynamics simulations were applied to model the conformations of the unresolved loops in the active site. Several series of molecular dynamics simulations were designed and performed utilizing enzyme substrates and inhibitors, a transition state analog, and a pterin-sulfamethoxazole adduct. The positions of key mutation sites conserved across several bacterial species were closely monitored during these analyses. These residues were shown to interact closely with the sulfonamide binding site. The simulations helped us gain new understanding of the positions of the flexible loops during inhibitor binding that has allowed the development of a DHPS structural model that could be used for high-through put virtual screening (HTVS). Additionally, insights gained on the location and possible function of key mutation sites on the flexible loops will facilitate the design of new, potent inhibitors of DHPS that can bypass resistance mutations that render sulfonamides inactive. Prior to performing high-throughput virtual screening, the docking and scoring functions to be used were validated using established techniques against the B. anthracis DHPS target. In this validation study, five commonly used docking programs, FlexX, Surflex, Glide, GOLD, and DOCK, as well as nine scoring functions, were evaluated for their utility in virtual screening against the novel pterin binding site. Their performance in ligand docking and virtual screening against this target was examined by their ability to reproduce a known inhibitor conformation and to correctly detect known active compounds seeded into three separate decoy sets. Enrichment was demonstrated by calculated enrichment factors at 1% and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. The effectiveness of post-docking relaxation prior to rescoring and consensus scoring were also evaluated. Of the docking and scoring functions evaluated, Surflex with SurflexScore and Glide with GlideScore performed best overall for virtual screening against the DHPS target. The next phase of the DHPS structure-based drug design project involved high-throughput virtual screening against the DHPS structural model previously developed and docking methodology validated against this target. Two general virtual screening methods were employed. First, large, virtual libraries were pre-filtered by 3D pharmacophore and modified Rule-of-Three fragment constraints. Nearly 5 million compounds from the ZINC databases were screened generating 3,104 unique, fragment-like hits that were subsequently docked and ranked by score. Second, fragment docking without pharmacophore filtering was performed on almost 285,000 fragment-like compounds obtained from databases of commercial vendors. Hits from both virtual screens with high predicted affinity for the pterin binding pocket, as determined by docking score, were selected for in vitro testing. Activity and structure-activity relationship of the active fragment compounds have been developed. Several compounds with micromolar activity were identified and taken to crystallographic trials. Finally, in our ligand-based research into M. tuberculosis active agents, a series of nitrofuranylamide and related aromatic compounds displaying potent activity was investigated utilizing 3-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (3D-QSAR) techniques. Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) and Comparative Molecular Similarity Indices Analysis (CoMSIA) methods were used to produce 3D-QSAR models that correlated the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values against M. tuberculosis with the molecular structures of the active compounds. A training set of 95 active compounds was used to develop the models, which were then evaluated by a series of internal and external cross-validation techniques. A test set of 15 compounds was used for the external validation. Different alignment and ionization rules were investigated as well as the effect of global molecular descriptors including lipophilicity (cLogP, LogD), Polar Surface Area (PSA), and steric bulk (CMR), on model predictivity. Models with greater than 70% predictive ability, as determined by external validation and high internal validity (cross validated r2 \u3e .5) were developed. Incorporation of lipophilicity descriptors into the models had negligible effects on model predictivity. The models developed will be used to predict the activity of proposed new structures and advance the development of next generation nitrofuranyl and related nitroaromatic anti-tuberculosis agents

    Novel Strategies for Model-Building of G Protein-Coupled Receptors

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    The G protein-coupled receptors constitute still the most densely populated proteinfamily encompassing numerous disease-relevant drug targets. Consequently, medicinal chemistry is expected to pursue targets from that protein family in that hits need to be generated and subsequently optimized towards viable clinical candidates for a variety of therapeutic areas. For the purpose of rationalizing structure-activity relationships within such optimization programs, structural information derived from the ligand's as well as the macromolecule's perspective is essential. While it is relatively straightforward to define pharmacophore hypotheses based on comparative modelling of structurally and biologically characterized low-molecular weight ligands, a deeper understanding of the molecular recognition event underlying, remains challenging, since the principally available amount of experimentally derived structural data on GPCRs is extremely scarse when compared to, e.g., soluble enzymes. In this context, the protein modelling methodologies introduced, developed, optimized, and applied in this thesis provide structural models that are capable of assisting in the development of structural hypotheses on ligand-receptor complexes. As such they provide a valuable structural framework not only for a more detailed insight into ligand-GPCR interaction, but also for guiding the design process towards next-generation compounds which should display enhanced affinity. The model building procedure developed in this thesis systematically follows a hierarchical approach, sequentially generating a 1D topology, followed by a 2D topology that is finally converted into a 3D topology. The determination of a 1D topology is based on a compartmentalization of the linear amino acid sequence of a GPCR of interest into the extracellular, intracellular, and transmembrane sequence stretches. The entire chapter 3 of this study elaborates on the strengths and weaknesses of applying automated prediction tools for the purpose of identifying the transmembrane sequence domains. Based on an once derived 1D topology, a type of in-plane projection structure for the seven transmembrane helices can be derived with the aide of calculated vectorial property moments, yielding the 2D topology. Thorough bioinformatics studies revealed that only a consensus approach based on a conceptual combination of different methods employing a carefully made selection of parameter sets gave reliable results, emphasizing the danger to fully automate a GPCR modelling procedure. Chapter 4 describes a procedure to further expand the 2D topological findings into 3D space, exemplified on the human CCK-B receptor protein. This particular GPCR was chosen as the receptor of interest, since an enormous experimentally derived and structurally relevant data-set was available. Within the computational refinement procedure of constructed GPCR models, major emphasis was laid on the explicit treatment of a non-isotropic solvent environment during molecular mechanics (i.e. energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulations) calculations. The majority of simulations was therefore carried out in a tri-phasic solvent box accounting for a central lipid environment, flanked by two aqueous compartments, mimicking the extracellular and cytoplasmic space. Chapter 5 introduces the reference compound set, comprising low-molecular weight compounds modulating CCK receptors, that was used for validation purposes of the generated models of the receptor protein. Chapter 6 describes how the generated model of the CCK-B receptor was subjected to intensive docking studies employing compound series introduced in chapter 5. It turned out that by applying the DRAGHOME methodology viable structural hypotheses on putative receptor-ligand complexes could be generated. Based on the methodology pursued in this thesis a detailed model of the receptor binding site could be devised that accounts for known structure-activity relationships as well as for results obtained by site-directed mutagenesis studies in a qualitative manner. The overall study presented in this thesis is primarily aimed to deliver a feasibility study on generating model structures of GPCRs by a conceptual combination of tailor-made bioinformatics techniques with the toolbox of protein modelling, exemplified on the human CCK-B receptor. The generated structures should be envisioned as models only, not necessarily providing a detailed image of reality. However, consistent models, when verified and refined against experimental data, deliver an extremely useful structural contextual platform on which different scientific disciplines such as medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics can effectively communicate