362 research outputs found

    Theory of Evolution and Faith in Creation On the History of a Tense Relationship

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    This overview of the history of the idea of evolution includes the work of many European scholars often omitted from such accounts, particularly in the United States. It provides a case study in the origin of cultural tensions, owing to the attempts of some scientists and theologians, without sufficient interdisciplinary understanding, to undermine public confidence in each other\'s proper authority

    MOMFER: una eina de cerca de motius folklòrics en el context de les humanitats digitals

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    El segle XXI ha dut la irrupció significativa de les tecnologies de la informació en la recerca desenvolupada a l'àrea de les humanitats. La intervenció de les unitats d'informació, especialment de les biblioteques universitàries, ha tingut i ha de tenir encara un paper significatiu en processos com la digitalització, però també en la formació i divulgació dels recursos. El folklore, com a disciplina d'humanitats, no està exempt d'aquesta evolució. En aquest context s'analitza el MOMFER, un recurs en línia que millora substancialment l'ús del Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk Literature. Això no obstant, atès l'ambiciós objectiu perquè l'eina sigui la base d'un índex complet universal, caldrà capacitat de lideratge, i, segurament, habilitar o desenvolupar espais vinculats de col·laboració virtual

    Using and evaluating TRACER for an Index fontium computatus of the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas

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    This article describes a computational text reuse study on Latin texts designed to evaluate the performance of TRACER, a language-agnostic text reuse detection engine. As a case study, we use the Index Thomisticus as a gold standard to measure the performance of the tool in identifying text reuse between Thomas Aquinas’ Summa contra Gentiles and his sources.Questo articolo descrive un’analisi computazionale effettuata su testi latini volta a valutare le prestazioni di TRACER, uno strumento “language-agnostic” per l’identificazione automatica del riuso testuale. Il caso studio scelto a tale scopo si avvale dell’Index Thomisticus quale gold standard per verificare l’efficacia di TRACER nel recupero di citazioni delle fonti della Summa contra Gentiles di Tommaso d’Aquino

    Using and evaluating TRACER for an Index fontium computatus of the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas

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    This article describes a computational text reuse study on Latin texts designed to evaluate the performance of TRACER, a language-agnostic text reuse detection engine. As a case study, we use the Index Thomisticus as a gold standard to measure the performance of the tool in identifying text reuse between Thomas Aquinas’ Summa contra Gentiles and his sources.Questo articolo descrive un’analisi computazionale effettuata su testi latini volta a valutare le prestazioni di TRACER, uno strumento “language-agnostic” per l’identificazione automatica del riuso testuale. Il caso studio scelto a tale scopo si avvale dell’Index Thomisticus quale gold standard per verificare l’efficacia di TRACER nel recupero di citazioni delle fonti della Summa contra Gentiles di Tommaso d’Aquino

    The role of humanities computing: experiences and challenges

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    Dieser Beitrag wurde anlässlich des dreißigjährigen Bestehens der Abteilung Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung an der Universität Tübingen verfasst. Er gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Datenverarbeitung auf dem Gebiet der Geisteswissenschaften in diesem Zeitraum. Zunächst werden Erfahrungen mit der Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften referiert und aktuelle Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet vorgestellt. Dann werden Herausforderungen diskutiert, mit denen sich die Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften konfrontiert sieht. Abschließend stellt der Verfasser die Bedeutung der Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften in den kommenden Jahren aus seiner Sicht dar. (ICEÜbers)'Due to the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Department for Literary and Documentary Data Processing in Tuebingen this article is written. It gives an overview of humanities computing developments since the formation of this Research-Department. The paper is divided into three parts. First, the experiences in humanities computing are reviewed. For three purposes the author points out various aspects of the development and exploitation of scholarly materials using computers, considering some of the current work to create new tools for research. This chapter is followed by the discussion of some of the key challenges of this century, by that humanities computing and the scholarship, of which it is a part, are faced with. Finally, the author gives a summary of what in his opinion would be the key rotes of humanities computing in the future.' (author's abstract

    Digital Classical Philology

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    The buzzwords “Information Society” and “Age of Access” suggest that information is now universally accessible without any form of hindrance. Indeed, the German constitution calls for all citizens to have open access to information. Yet in reality, there are multifarious hurdles to information access – whether physical, economic, intellectual, linguistic, political, or technical. Thus, while new methods and practices for making information accessible arise on a daily basis, we are nevertheless confronted by limitations to information access in various domains. This new book series assembles academics and professionals in various fields in order to illuminate the various dimensions of information's inaccessability. While the series discusses principles and techniques for transcending the hurdles to information access, it also addresses necessary boundaries to accessability.This book describes the state of the art of digital philology with a focus on ancient Greek and Latin. It addresses problems such as accessibility of information about Greek and Latin sources, data entry, collection and analysis of Classical texts and describes the fundamental role of libraries in building digital catalogs and developing machine-readable citation systems

    Abstraction et séparation : de Thomas d’Aquin aux néo-scolastiques, avec retour à Aristote et aux artiens

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    Cet article se penche sur la doctrine de l’abstraction chez les néo-scolastiques et ses sources immédiates (Cajetan, Jean de Saint-Thomas) pour en évaluer la fidélité par rapport à ses sources ultimes (Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin), avec insistance — terminologique et conceptuelle — sur la distinction thomasienne entre abstraction et séparation (formulée, autour de 1257-1259, dans le commentaire SuperBoetium« DeTrinitate »), une distinction aussi présente dans des textes de maîtres ès arts de l’Université de Paris contemporains ou même antérieurs, une distinction capitale — est-il rappelé en conclusion — par laquelle l’Aquinate limite épistémologiquement la portée de la théologie philosophique. On prépare ainsi l’étude du témoignage jusqu’ici inédit des Communia logice (vers 1250) sur ce thème de l’abstraction et de la séparation.This article deals with the doctrine of abstraction among neo-scholastics and their immediate sources (Cajetan, John of St. Thomas), with a view to gage how faithful to its primary sources (Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas) it is, insisting — terminologically and conceptually — on Aquinas’ distinction between abstraction and separation (formulated, around 1257-1259, in the commentary Super Boetium “De Trinitate”), a distinction also found in some contemporary or even former texts of Arts Masters of the University of Paris, a key distinction to boot — as is pointed out in the conclusion — by means of which Aquinas limits, epistemologically speaking, the scope of philosophical theology. This paves the way to the study of the hitherto unedited testimony of the Communia logice (circa 1250) concerning this question of abstraction and separation


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