9 research outputs found

    Unmanned Ground Robots for Rescue Tasks

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    This chapter describes two unmanned ground vehicles that can help search and rescue teams in their difficult, but life-saving tasks. These robotic assets have been developed within the framework of the European project ICARUS. The large unmanned ground vehicle is intended to be a mobile base station. It is equipped with a powerful manipulator arm and can be used for debris removal, shoring operations, and remote structural operations (cutting, welding, hammering, etc.) on very rough terrain. The smaller unmanned ground vehicle is also equipped with an array of sensors, enabling it to search for victims inside semi-destroyed buildings. Working together with each other and the human search and rescue workers, these robotic assets form a powerful team, increasing the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, as proven by operational validation tests in collaboration with end users

    Recent Advances in Geotechnical Post-earthquake Reconnaissance

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    Field observations are particularly important in geotechnical engineering, because it is difficult to replicate in the laboratory the response of soil deposits built by nature over thousands of years. Detailed mapping of damaged and undamaged areas provides the data for the well-documented case histories that drive the development of many current design procedures. Thus, documenting key insights from earthquakes advance research and practice. This has been a primary goal of the National Science Foundation-sponsored Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association since its inception almost 20 years ago. New technologies are continually employed by GEER teams to capture ground deformation and its effects. These technologies include Light Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) image processing techniques for generating and visualizing three-dimensional point cloud data sets. New sensor deployment platforms such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are playing an integral role in the data collection process. Unanticipated observations from major events often catalyze new research directions. An overview of some of these recent integrated technology deployments and their role at the core of earthquake disaster analysis is presented. Important advancements are possible through post-event research if their effects are captured and shared effectively

    Improving perception and locomotion capabilities of mobile robots in urban search and rescue missions

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    Nasazení mobilních robotů během zásahů záchranných složek je způsob, jak učinit práci záchranářů bezpečnější a efektivnější. Na roboty jsou ale při takovém použití kladeny vyšší nároky kvůli podmínkám, které při těchto událostech panují. Roboty se musejí pohybovat po nestabilních površích, ve stísněných prostorech nebo v kouři a prachu, což ztěžuje použití některých senzorů. Lokalizace, v robotice běžná úloha spočívající v určení polohy robotu vůči danému souřadnému systému, musí spolehlivě fungovat i za těchto ztížených podmínek. V této dizertační práci popisujeme vývoj lokalizačního systému pásového mobilního robotu, který je určen pro nasazení v případě zemětřesení nebo průmyslové havárie. Nejprve je předveden lokalizační systém, který vychází pouze z měření proprioceptivních senzorů a který vyvstal jako nejlepší varianta při porovnání několika možných uspořádání takového systému. Lokalizace je poté zpřesněna přidáním měření exteroceptivních senzorů, které zpomalují kumulaci nejistoty určení polohy robotu. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována možným výpadkům jednotlivých senzorických modalit, prokluzům pásů, které u tohoto typu robotů nevyhnutelně nastávají, výpočetním nárokům lokalizačního systému a rozdílným vzorkovacím frekvencím jednotlivých senzorů. Dále se věnujeme problému kinematických modelů pro přejíždění vertikálních překážek, což je další zdroj nepřesnosti při lokalizaci pásového robotu. Díky účasti na výzkumných projektech, jejichž členy byly hasičské sbory Itálie, Německa a Nizozemska, jsme měli přístup na cvičiště určená pro přípravu na zásahy během zemětřesení, průmyslových a dopravních nehod. Přesnost našeho lokalizačního systému jsme tedy testovali v podmínkách, které věrně napodobují ty skutečné. Soubory senzorických měření a referenčních poloh, které jsme vytvořili pro testování přesnosti lokalizace, jsou veřejně dostupné a považujeme je za jeden z přínosů naší práce. Tato dizertační práce má podobu souboru tří časopiseckých publikací a jednoho článku, který je v době jejího podání v recenzním řízení.eployment of mobile robots in search and rescue missions is a way to make job of human rescuers safer and more efficient. Such missions, however, require robots to be resilient to harsh conditions of natural disasters or human-inflicted accidents. They have to operate on unstable rough terrain, in confined spaces or in sensory-deprived environments filled with smoke or dust. Localization, a common task in mobile robotics which involves determining position and orientation with respect to a given coordinate frame, faces these conditions as well. In this thesis, we describe development of a localization system for tracked mobile robot intended for search and rescue missions. We present a proprioceptive 6-degrees-of-freedom localization system, which arose from the experimental comparison of several possible sensor fusion architectures. The system was modified to incorporate exteroceptive velocity measurements, which significantly improve accuracy by reducing a localization drift. A special attention was given to potential sensor outages and failures, to track slippage that inevitably occurs with this type of robots, to computational demands of the system and to different sampling rates sensory data arrive with. Additionally, we addressed the problem of kinematic models for tracked odometry on rough terrains containing vertical obstacles. Thanks to research projects the robot was designed for, we had access to training facilities used by fire brigades of Italy, Germany and Netherlands. Accuracy and robustness of proposed localization systems was tested in conditions closely resembling those seen in earthquake aftermath and industrial accidents. Datasets used to test our algorithms are publicly available and they are one of the contributions of this thesis. We form this thesis as a compilation of three published papers and one paper in review process

    3D multi-robot patrolling with a two-level coordination strategy

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    Teams of UGVs patrolling harsh and complex 3D environments can experience interference and spatial conflicts with one another. Neglecting the occurrence of these events crucially hinders both soundness and reliability of a patrolling process. This work presents a distributed multi-robot patrolling technique, which uses a two-level coordination strategy to minimize and explicitly manage the occurrence of conflicts and interference. The first level guides the agents to single out exclusive target nodes on a topological map. This target selection relies on a shared idleness representation and a coordination mechanism preventing topological conflicts. The second level hosts coordination strategies based on a metric representation of space and is supported by a 3D SLAM system. Here, each robot path planner negotiates spatial conflicts by applying a multi-robot traversability function. Continuous interactions between these two levels ensure coordination and conflicts resolution. Both simulations and real-world experiments are presented to validate the performances of the proposed patrolling strategy in 3D environments. Results show this is a promising solution for managing spatial conflicts and preventing deadlocks

    Deployment of ground and aerial robots in earthquake-struck Amatrice in Italy (brief report)

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    We provide key facts about the TRADR project deployment of ground and aerial robots in Amatrice, Italy, after the major earthquake in August 2016. The robots were used to collect data for 3D textured models of the interior and exterior of two badly damaged churches of high national heritage valu

    XLIII Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas: 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2022, Logroño (La Rioja)

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    [Resumen] Las Jornadas de Automática (JA) son el evento más importante del Comité Español de Automática (CEA), entidad científico-técnica con más de cincuenta años de vida y destinada a la difusión e implantación de la Automática en la sociedad. Este año se celebra la cuadragésima tercera edición de las JA, que constituyen el punto de encuentro de la comunidad de Automática de nuestro país. La presente edición permitirá dar visibilidad a los nuevos retos y resultados del ámbito, y su uso en un gran número de aplicaciones, entre otras, las energías renovables, la bioingeniería o la robótica asistencial. Además de la componente científica, que se ve reflejada en este libro de actas, las JA son un punto de encuentro de las diferentes generaciones de profesores, investigadores y profesionales, incluyendo la componente social que es de vital importancia. Esta edición 2022 de las JA se celebra en Logroño, capital de La Rioja, región mundialmente conocida por la calidad de sus vinos de Denominación de Origen y que ha asumido el desafío de poder ganar competitividad a través de la transformación verde y digital. Pero también por ser la cuna del castellano e impulsar el Valle de la Lengua con la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, entre ellas la Automática Inteligente. Los organizadores de estas JA, pertenecientes al Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de La Rioja (UR), constituyen un pilar fundamental en el apoyo a la región para el estudio, implementación y difusión de estos retos. Esta edición, la primera en formato íntegramente presencial después de la pandemia de la covid-19, cuenta con más de 200 asistentes y se celebra a caballo entre el Edificio Politécnico de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial y el Monasterio de Yuso situado en San Millán de la Cogolla, dos marcos excepcionales para la realización de las JA. Como parte del programa científico, dos sesiones plenarias harán hincapié, respectivamente, sobre soluciones de control para afrontar los nuevos retos energéticos, y sobre la calidad de los datos para una inteligencia artificial (IA) imparcial y confiable. También, dos mesas redondas debatirán aplicaciones de la IA y la implantación de la tecnología digital en la actividad profesional. Adicionalmente, destacaremos dos clases magistrales alineadas con tecnología de última generación que serán impartidas por profesionales de la empresa. Las JA también van a albergar dos competiciones: CEABOT, con robots humanoides, y el Concurso de Ingeniería de Control, enfocado a UAVs. A todas estas actividades hay que añadir las reuniones de los grupos temáticos de CEA, las exhibiciones de pósteres con las comunicaciones presentadas a las JA y los expositores de las empresas. Por último, durante el evento se va a proceder a la entrega del “Premio Nacional de Automática” (edición 2022) y del “Premio CEA al Talento Femenino en Automática”, patrocinado por el Gobierno de La Rioja (en su primera edición), además de diversos galardones enmarcados dentro de las actividades de los grupos temáticos de CEA. Las actas de las XLIII Jornadas de Automática están formadas por un total de 143 comunicaciones, organizadas en torno a los nueve Grupos Temáticos y a las dos Líneas Estratégicas de CEA. Los trabajos seleccionados han sido sometidos a un proceso de revisión por pares

    La città, il viaggio, il turismo: Percezione, produzione e trasformazione

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    [English]:The city as a destination of the journey in his long evolution throughout history: a basic human need, an event aimed at knowledge, to education, to business and trade, military and religious conquests, but also related to redundancies for the achievement of mere physical or spiritual salvation. In the frame of one of the world's most celebrated historical city, the cradle of Greek antiquity, myth and beauty, travel timeless destination for culture and leisure, and today, more than ever, strongly tending to the conservation and development of their own identity, this collection of essays aims to provide, in the tradition of AISU studies, a further opportunity for reflection and exchange between the various disciplines related to urban history./ [Italiano]:La città come meta del viaggio nella sua lunga evoluzione nel corso della storia: un bisogno primario dell'uomo, un evento finalizzato alla conoscenza, all'istruzione, agli affari e agli scambi commerciali, alle conquiste militari o religiose, ma anche legato agli esodi per il conseguimento della mera salvezza fisica o spirituale. Nella cornice di una delle città storiche più celebrate al mondo, culla dell'antichità greca, del mito e della bellezza, meta intramontabile di viaggi di cultura e di piacere, e oggi, più che mai, fortemente protesa alla conservazione e alla valorizzazione della propria identità, questa raccolta di saggi intende offrire, nel solco della tradizione di studi dell'AISU, un'ulteriore occasione di riflessione e di confronto tra i più svariati ambiti disciplinari attinenti alla storia urbana