114,864 research outputs found

    Реалізація концепції Smart Grid за рахунок використання програм з керування попиту і сучасних систем силової електроніки

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    Сучасні тенденції в мережах електропостачання спрямовані на інтелектуалізацію існуючих мереж енергопостачання та створення систем Smart Grid для забезпечення високого рівня надійності та якості електроенергії. В рамках програм з керування попитом, концепція Smart Grid відіграє важливу роль в рішенні технічних і технологічних проблем в процесі реалізації даної концепції. Мережа електропостачання повинна реалізувати низку програм керування попитом шляхом надання різних послуг в залежності від ситуації, вимог контрактів, прогнозування споживання / попиту і наявної інформації про рівень економії енергії. Це вимагає детального аналізу існуючих і розробки нових програм. Згідно концепції Smart Grid все більшого використання в розподільних мережах отримують сучасні устаткування силової електроніки. Дослідження існуючих моделей і конструкцій забезпечують базу для удосконалення існуючих конфігурацій та розуміння сучасних тенденції в галузі.Modern trends in electricity supply grids aimed on intellectualization of existing grids, energy supply and creating Smart Grid systems to ensure a high level of reliability and power quality. As part of the Smart Grid concept demand side management programs play an important role in solving technical and technological problems in concept implementation process. The grid must implement a catena of demand side management programs by providing various services according to the situation, requirement contracts, forecasting of consumption/demand and collect information about energy savings. This requires the study of existing and development of new programs. According to traditional grid in Smart Grid transformation appears the widespread use of modern power-electronic installations in electrical power grids. Research of existing models and structures provide base for installations improvements and trends understanding. Proposed practical solutions for power electronics arrangements, either dedicated or capable of adaptation to the distribution systems

    Autonomous Demand Side Management of Electric Vehicles

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    There is an error in the table of content, where publication A and B have swiched places.Demand-side management approaches that exploit the temporal flexibility of electric vehicles have attracted much attention in recent years due to the increasing market penetration. These demand-side management measures contribute to alleviating the burden on the power system, especially in distribution grids where bottlenecks are more prevalent. Electric vehicles can be defined as an attractive asset for distribution system operators, which have the potential to provide grid services if properly managed. In this thesis, first, a systematic investigation is conducted for two typically employed demand-side management methods reported in the literature: A voltage droop control-based approach and a market-driven approach. Then a control scheme of decentralized autonomous demand side management for electric vehicle charging scheduling which relies on a unidirectionally communicated grid-induced signal is proposed. In all the topics considered, the implications on the distribution grid operation are evaluated using a set of time series load flow simulations performed for representative Austrian distribution grids. Droop control mechanisms are discussed for electric vehicle charging control which requires no communication. The method provides an economically viable solution at all penetrations if electric vehicles charge at low nominal power rates. However, with the current market trends in residential charging equipment especially in the European context where most of the charging equipment is designed for 11 kW charging, the technical feasibility of the method, in the long run, is debatable. As electricity demand strongly correlates with energy prices, a linear optimization algorithm is proposed to minimize charging costs, which uses next-day market prices as the grid-induced incentive function under the assumption of perfect user predictions. The constraints on the state of charge guarantee the energy required for driving is delivered without failure. An average energy cost saving of 30% is realized at all penetrations. Nevertheless, the avalanche effect due to simultaneous charging during low price periods introduces new power peaks exceeding those of uncontrolled charging. This obstructs the grid-friendly integration of electric vehicles.publishedVersio

    Smart Grid: The Central Nervous System for Power Supply : New Paradigms, New Challenges, New Services

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    Im Energiesystem der Zukunft wird ein intelligentes Netz (Smart Grid) Angebot und Nachfrage effizient steuern. Dieser Artikel beschreibt (1) die Trends und Herausforderungen heutiger Ener-giesysteme, die die Entwicklung eines Smart Grid auslösen, identifiziert (2) Elemente eines Smart Grid und stellt (3) die mögliche Rolle eines Telekommunkationsunternehmes im entste-henden Smart Grid Markt dar. Der Trend zu einem steigenden Anteil erneuerbarer und dezentraler Energieerzeugungsanlagen bringt zwei große Herausforderungen mit sich: Eine mangelnde Vorhersagbarkeit und eine man-gelnde Regelbarkeit der Erzeugungsleistung. In diesem Artikel werden vier Elemente eines Smart Grid vorgestellt, die diese Herausforderungen adressieren: Virtuelle Kraftwerke, Demand Side Management, Lastflussregelung und Energiespeicherung. Abschließend wird herausgestellt, dass die Elemente systemisch integiert werden müssen um den eigentlichen Wert des Smart Grid zu heben. Es wird erörtert, dass sich Telekommunkiationsan-bieter in einer guten Ausgangsposition befinden um die Herausforderungen dieser Integration zu adressieren, da sie über wesentliche Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten verfügen: Umfassendes Ver-ständnis großer IP-Netzwerke, Erfahrungen mit Cloud Computing, umfangreiches Wissen zu Service-Plattformen und Kooperationserfahrung. Online-Version im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin (www.univerlag.tu-berlin.de) erschienen.In future power systems, a smart grid is expected to manage supply and demand of electricity efficiently. This article explores (1) the trends and challenges of today’s power system that trig-ger the development of smart grids, (2) the elements that may eventually constitute the smart grid and (3) the role a telcommunication provider may adopt in the emerging smart grid market. The trend towards an increasing share of renewable and distributed energy sources bears two major challenges: A lack of predictability and a lack of controllability of power generation. This article introduces four elements of a smart grid which address these challenges: virtual power plants, demand side management, control of power flow and storage and buffering. Finally, it is pointed out that in order to enhance the smart grid’s actual value, the elements have to be systemically integrated. It is argued that telecommunication providers are well positioned to adress the integration challenges as they have crucial experiences and capabilities: profound understanding of large IP networks, experiences in cloud computing, extensive service platform know-how and cooperation experience. Online-Version published by Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin (www.univerlag.tu-berlin.de

    Дослідження програм з керування попиту на електроенергію та аналіз ефективності їх використання

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    Modern trends in Smart Grid systems aimed on intellectualization of existing electricity supply networks, energy supply and creating local Microgrid systems ensure a high level of reliability and power quality. As part of the Smart Grid concept demand side management applications play an important role in solving technical and technological problems arising in the practical implementation of this concept. The network must implement a catena of demand side management programs by providing various services according to the situation, requirement contracts, forecasting of consumption/demand and collect information about energy savings.An important need in demand side management programs implementation is an adequate indicator for actual power consumption to relatively optimal, as a variant of this indicator should be used an indicator based on Frieze power, as it takes place on uneven terms of processes even in the absence of reactive elements in the network.The concept of Frieze power Qф for the grid period is distributed, which helped to get value for optimal assessment processes taking into account voltage and current deviations and ripple coefficients. Variant of usage of Qф/U12·I12 indicator is an illustration of the real power consumption to optimal, because it takes place even in absence of reactive elements in grid.Исследованы основные системы управления, которые необходимы для полноценного функционирования Smart Grid сетей. Проанализированы особенности и инструментарий программ по управлению спросом. Исследован механизм оценки эффективности регулирования режимов электропотребления. Представлен способ количественной оценки разницы текущего уровня электропотребления относительно оптимального с учетом контролируемого уровня неоптимального потребления.Досліджено основні системи керування, необхідні для повноцінного функціонування Smart Grid мереж. Проаналізовано особливості та інструментарій програм з керування попитом. Досліджено механізм оцінки ефективності регулювання режимами електроспоживання. Представлено спосіб кількісної оцінки різниці поточного рівня електроспоживання відносно оптимального з врахуванням контрольованого рівня неоптимального споживання

    An Automatic Aggregator of Power Flexibility in Smart Buildings Using Software Based Orchestration

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    This paper presents a software-based modular and hierarchical building energy management system (BEMS) to control the power consumption in sensor-equipped buildings. In addition, the need of this type of solution is also highlighted by presenting the worldwide trends of thermal energy end use in buildings and peak power problems. Buildings are critical component of smart grid environments and bottom-up BEMS solutions are need of the hour to optimize the consumption and to provide consumption side flexibility. This system is able to aggregate the controls of the all-controllable resources in building to realize its flexible power capacity. This system provides a solution for consumer to aggregate the controls of ‘behind-the-meter’ small loads in short response and provide ‘deep’ demand-side flexibility. This system is capable of discovery, status check, control and management of networked loads. The main novelty of this solution is that it can handle the heterogeneity of the installed hardware system along with time bound changes in the load device network and its scalability; resulting in low maintenance requirements after deployment. The control execution latency (including data logging) of this BEMS system for an external control signal is less than one second per connected load. In addition, the system is capable of overriding the external control signal in order to maintain consumer coziness within the comfort temperature thresholds. This system provides a way forward in future for the estimation of the energy stored in the buildings in the form of heat/temperature and use buildings as temporary batteries when electricity supply is constrained or abundant

    A means to an industrialisation end? Demand side management in Nigeria

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    Electricity is essential for economic development and industrialisation processes. Balancing demand and supply is a recurrent problem in the Nigerian electricity market. The aim of this work is to assess the technical and economic potential of Demand Side Management (DSM) in Nigeria given different future levels of industrialisation. The paper places industrialisation at the centrefold of the appraisal of DSM potential in Nigeria. It does so by designing industrialisation scenarios and consequently deriving different DSM penetration levels using a cost-optimisation model. Findings show that under the high industrialisation scenario by the year 2050 DSM could bring about 7 billion USD in cumulative savings thanks to deferred investment in new generation and full deployment of standby assets along with interruptible programmes for larger industrial users. The paper concludes by providing policy recommendations regarding financial mechanisms to increase DSM deployment in Nigeria. The focus on DSM serves to shift the policy debate on electricity in Nigeria from a static state versus market narrative on supply to an engagement with the agency and influence on industrial end-users

    A nearly zero-energy microgrid testbed laboratory: Centralized control strategy based on SCADA system

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    Currently, despite the use of renewable energy sources (RESs), distribution networks are facing problems, such as complexity and low productivity. Emerging microgrids (MGs) with RESs based on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) are an effective solution to control, manage, and finally deal with these challenges. The development and success of MGs is highly dependent on the use of power electronic interfaces. The use of these interfaces is directly related to the progress of SCADA systems and communication infrastructures. The use of SCADA systems for the control and operation of MGs and active distribution networks promotes productivity and efficiency. This paper presents a real MG case study called the LAMBDA MG testbed laboratory, which has been implemented in the electrical department of the Sapienza University of Rome with a centralized energy management system (CEMS). The real-time results of the SCADA system show that a CEMS can create proper energy balance in a LAMBDA MG testbed and, consequently, minimize the exchange power of the LAMBDA MG and main grid

    Application of a simplified thermal-electric model of a sodium-nickel chloride battery energy storage system to a real case residential prosumer

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    Recently, power system customers have changed the way they interact with public networks, playing a more and more active role. End-users first installed local small-size generating units, and now they are being equipped with storage devices to increase the self-consumption rate. By suitably managing local resources, the provision of ancillary services and aggregations among several end-users are expected evolutions in the near future. In the upcoming market of household-sized storage devices, sodium-nickel chloride technology seems to be an interesting alternative to lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. To accurately investigate the operation of the NaNiCl2 battery system at the residential level, a suitable thermoelectric model has been developed by the authors, starting from the results of laboratory tests. The behavior of the battery internal temperature has been characterized. Then, the designed model has been used to evaluate the economic profitability in installing a storage system in the case that end-users are already equipped with a photovoltaic unit. To obtain realistic results, real field measurements of customer consumption and solar radiation have been considered. A concrete interest in adopting the sodium-nickel chloride technology at the residential level is confirmed, taking into account the achievable benefits in terms of economic income, back-up supply, and increased indifference to the evolution of the electricity market

    Achieving Very High PV Penetration

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    This article argues that optimally deployed intermittency solutions could affordably transform solar power generation into the firm power delivery system modern economies require, thereby enabling very high solar penetration and the displacement conventional power generation. The optimal deployment of these high‐penetration enabling solutions imply the existence of a healthy power grid, and therefore imply a central role for utilities and grid operators. This article also argues that a value‐based electricity compensation mechanism, recognizing the multifaceted, penetration‐dependent value and cost of solar energy, and capable of shaping consumption patterns to optimally match resource and demand, would be an effective vehicle to enable high solar penetration and deliver affordable firm power generation

    Review of trends and targets of complex systems for power system optimization

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    Optimization systems (OSs) allow operators of electrical power systems (PS) to optimally operate PSs and to also create optimal PS development plans. The inclusion of OSs in the PS is a big trend nowadays, and the demand for PS optimization tools and PS-OSs experts is growing. The aim of this review is to define the current dynamics and trends in PS optimization research and to present several papers that clearly and comprehensively describe PS OSs with characteristics corresponding to the identified current main trends in this research area. The current dynamics and trends of the research area were defined on the basis of the results of an analysis of the database of 255 PS-OS-presenting papers published from December 2015 to July 2019. Eleven main characteristics of the current PS OSs were identified. The results of the statistical analyses give four characteristics of PS OSs which are currently the most frequently presented in research papers: OSs for minimizing the price of electricity/OSs reducing PS operation costs, OSs for optimizing the operation of renewable energy sources, OSs for regulating the power consumption during the optimization process, and OSs for regulating the energy storage systems operation during the optimization process. Finally, individual identified characteristics of the current PS OSs are briefly described. In the analysis, all PS OSs presented in the observed time period were analyzed regardless of the part of the PS for which the operation was optimized by the PS OS, the voltage level of the optimized PS part, or the optimization goal of the PS OS.Web of Science135art. no. 107