1,203 research outputs found

    Delay analysis of two batch-service queueing models with batch arrivals: Geo(X)/Geo(c)/1

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    In this paper, we compute the probability generating functions (PGF's) of the customer delay for two batch-service queueing models with batch arrivals. In the first model, the available server starts a new service whenever the system is not empty (without waiting to fill the capacity), while the server waits until he can serve at full capacity in the second model. Moments can then be obtained from these PGF's, through which we study and compare both systems. We pay special attention to the influence of the distribution of the arrival batch sizes. The main observation is that the difference between the two policies depends highly on this distribution. Another conclusion is that the results are considerably different as compared to Bernoulli (single) arrivals, which are frequently considered in the literature. This demonstrates the necessity of modeling the arrivals as batches

    Analysis of a batch-service queue with variable service capacity, correlated customer types and generally distributed class-dependent service times

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    Queueing models with batch service have been studied frequently, for instance in the domain of telecommunications or manufacturing. Although the batch server's capacity may be variable in practice, only a few authors have included variable capacity in their models. We analyse a batch server with multiple customer classes and a variable service capacity that depends on both the number of waiting customers and their classes. The service times are generally distributed and class-dependent. These features complicate the analysis in a non-trivial way. We tackle it by examining the system state at embedded points, and studying the resulting Markov Chain. We first establish the joint probability generating function (pgf) of the service capacity and the number of customers left behind in the queue immediately after service initiation epochs. From this joint pgf, we extract the pgf for the number of customers in the queue and in the system respectively at service initiation epochs and departure epochs, and the pgf of the actual server capacity. Combined with additional techniques, we also obtain the pgf of the queue and system content at customer arrival epochs and random slot boundaries, and the pgf of the delay of a random customer. In the numerical experiments, we focus on the impact of correlation between the classes of consecutive customers, and on the influence of different service time distributions on the system performance. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Complete characterisation of the customer delay in a queueing system with batch arrivals and batch service

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    Whereas the buffer content of batch-service queueing systems has been studied extensively, the customer delay has only occasionally been studied. The few papers concerning the customer delay share the common feature that only the moments are calculated explicitly. In addition, none of these surveys consider models including the combination of batch arrivals and a server operating under the full-batch service policy (the server waits to initiate service until he can serve at full capacity). In this paper, we aim for a complete characterisation-i.e., moments and tail probabilities - of the customer delay in a discrete-time queueing system with batch arrivals and a batch server adopting the full-batch service policy. In addition, we demonstrate that the distribution of the number of customer arrivals in an arbitrary slot has a significant impact on the moments and the tail probabilities of the customer delay

    A batch-service queueing model with a discrete batch Markovian arrival process

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    Queueing systems with batch service have been investigated extensively during the past decades. However, nearly all the studied models share the common feature that an uncorrelated arrival process is considered, which is unrealistic in several real-life situations. In this paper, we study a discrete-time queueing model, with a server that only initiates service when the amount of customers in system (system content) reaches or exceeds a threshold. Correlation is taken into account by assuming a discrete batch Markovian arrival process (D-BMAP), i.e. the distribution of the number of customer arrivals per slot depends on a background state which is determined by a first-order Markov chain. We deduce the probability generating function of the system content at random slot marks and we examine the influence of correlation in the arrival process on the behavior of the system. We show that correlation merely has a small impact on the threshold that minimizes the mean system content. In addition, we demonstrate that correlation might have a significant influence on the system content and therefore has to be included in the model