129 research outputs found

    Modeling neurocognitive and neurobiological recovery in addiction

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    This book focuses on "what to know" and "how to apply" information, prioritizing novel principles and delineating cutting-edge assessment, phenotyping and treatment tools

    Gray-matter volume, midbrain dopamine D2/D3 receptors and drug craving in methamphetamine users.

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    Dysfunction of the mesocorticolimbic system has a critical role in clinical features of addiction. Despite evidence suggesting that midbrain dopamine receptors influence amphetamine-induced dopamine release and that dopamine is involved in methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity, associations between dopamine receptors and gray-matter volume have been unexplored in methamphetamine users. Here we used magnetic resonance imaging and [(18)F]fallypride positron emission tomography, respectively, to measure gray-matter volume (in 58 methamphetamine users) and dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability (binding potential relative to nondisplaceable uptake of the radiotracer, BPnd) (in 31 methamphetamine users and 37 control participants). Relationships between these measures and self-reported drug craving were examined. Although no difference in midbrain D2/D3 BPnd was detected between methamphetamine and control groups, midbrain D2/D3 BPnd was positively correlated with gray-matter volume in the striatum, prefrontal cortex, insula, hippocampus and temporal cortex in methamphetamine users, but not in control participants (group-by-midbrain D2/D3 BPnd interaction, P<0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons). Craving for methamphetamine was negatively associated with gray-matter volume in the insula, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, temporal cortex, occipital cortex, cerebellum and thalamus (P<0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons). A relationship between midbrain D2/D3 BPnd and methamphetamine craving was not detected. Lower midbrain D2/D3 BPnd may increase vulnerability to deficits in gray-matter volume in mesocorticolimbic circuitry in methamphetamine users, possibly reflecting greater dopamine-induced toxicity. Identifying factors that influence prefrontal and limbic volume, such as midbrain BPnd, may be important for understanding the basis of drug craving, a key factor in the maintenance of substance-use disorders

    Effects of abstinence on brain morphology in alcoholism: A MRI study

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    Chronic alcohol abuse leads to morphological changes of the brain. We investigated if these volumetric changes are reversible after a period of abstinence. For this reason 41 male and 15 female alcohol patients underwent MRI-scanning after in-patient detoxification (baseline) entering alcoholism treatment programs, and between 6 and 9 months later (follow-up), in a phase of convalescence. Additionally, 29 male and 16 female control subjects were examined. The MRI-scans were delineated and the resulting regions of interest, volumes of lateral ventricles and prefrontal lobes were expressed relatively to total brain volume. Compared to control subjects alcohol patients showed bilaterally decreased prefrontal lobes (11% reduction) and increased lateral ventricles (up to 42% enlargement). The extent of the ventricular increase was depending on patient’s additional psychiatric diagnosis, showing smaller lateral ventricles in patients with additional personality disorder. While at follow-up the size of prefrontal lobes remained unchanged, volumes of the lateral ventricles decreased (5–6% reduction) in alcohol patients with abstinence and improved drinking behavior, especially in patients that underwent only one detoxification. The extent of the ventricular enlargement correlated with the elevation of alcohol related laboratory measures (mean corpuscular volume, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). In conclusion this study confirms the hypothesis that alcoholism causes brain damages that are partially reversible. It should be analyzed in further studies with larger sample sizes, if complete brain regeneration is possible maintaining abstinence over a longer period

    Characterizing functional and structural brain alterations driven by chronic alcohol drinking: a resting-state fMRI connectivity and voxel-based morphometry analysis

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    El balance del cerebro se altera a nivel estructural y funcional por el consumo de alcohol y puede causar trastornos por consumo de alcohol (TCA). El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue investigar los efectos del consumo crónico y excesivo de alcohol en el cerebro desde una perspectiva funcional y estructural, mediante análisis de imágenes multimodales de resonancia magnética (RM). Realizamos tres estudios con objetivos específicos: i) Para entender cómo las neuroadaptaciones desencadenadas por el consumo de alcohol se ven reflejadas en la conectividad cerebral funcional entre redes cerebrales, así como en la actividad cerebral, realizamos estudios en ratas msP en condiciones de control y tras un mes con acceso a alcohol. Para cada sujeto se obtuvieron las señales específicas de sus redes cerebrales tras aplicar análisis probabilístico de componentes independientes y regresión espacial a las imágenes funcionales de RM en estado de reposo (RMf-er). Después, estimamos la conectividad cerebral en estado de reposo mediante correlación parcial regularizada. Para una lectura de la actividad neuronal realizamos un experimento con imágenes de RM realzadas con manganeso. En la condición de alcohol encontramos hipoconectividades entre la red visual y las redes estriatal y sensorial; todas con incrementos en actividad. Por el contrario, hubo hiperconectividades entre tres pares de redes cerebrales: 1) red prefrontal cingulada media y red estriatal, 2) red sensorial y red parietal de asociación y 3) red motora-retroesplenial y red sensorial, siendo la red parietal de asociación la única red sin incremento de actividad. Estos resultados indican que las redes cerebrales ya se alteran desde una fase temprana de consumo continuo y prolongado de alcohol, disminuyendo el control ejecutivo y la flexibilidad comportamental. ii) Para comparar el volumen de materia gris (MG) cortical entre 34 controles sanos y 35 pacientes con dependencia al alcohol, desintoxicados y en abstinencia de 1 a 5 semanas, realizamos un análisis de morfometría basado en vóxel. Las principales estructuras cuyo volumen de MG disminuyó en los sujetos en abstinencia fueron el giro precentral (GPreC), el giro postcentral (GPostC), la corteza motora suplementaria (CMS), el giro frontal medio (GFM), el precúneo (PCUN) y el lóbulo parietal superior (LPS). Disminuciones de MG en el volumen de esas áreas pueden dar lugar a cambios en el control de los movimientos (GPreC y CMS), en el procesamiento de información táctil y propioceptiva (GPostC), personalidad, previsión (GFM), reconocimiento sensorial, entendimiento del lenguaje, orientación (PCUN) y reconocimiento de objetos a través de su forma (LPS). iii) Caracterizar estados cerebrales dinámicos en señales de RMf mediante una metodología basada en un modelo oculto de Markov (HMM en inglés)-Gaussiano en un paradigma con diseño de bloques, junto con distintas señales temporales de múltiples redes: componentes independientes y modos funcionales probabilísticos (PFMs en inglés) en 14 sujetos sanos. Cuatro condiciones experimentales formaron el paradigma de bloques: reposo, visual, motora y visual-motora. Mediante la aplicación de HMM-Gaussiano a los PFMs pudimos caracterizar cuatro estados cerebrales a partir de la actividad media de cada PFM. Los cuatro mapas espaciales obtenidos fueron llamados HMM-reposo, HMM-visual, HMM-motor y HMM-RND (red neuronal por defecto). HMM-RND apareció una vez el estado de tarea se había estabilizado. En un futuro cercano se espera obtener estados cerebrales en nuestros datos de RMf-er en ratas, para comparar dinámicamente el comportamiento de las redes cerebrales como un biomarcador de TCA. En conclusión, las técnicas de neuroimagen aplicadas en imagen de RM multimodal para estimar la conectividad cerebral en estado de reposo, la actividad cerebral y el volumen de materia gris han permitido avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos homeostáticoLa ingesta d'alcohol altera el balanç del cervell a nivell estructural i funcional i pot causar trastorns per consum d' alcohol (TCA). L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral fou estudiar els efectes en el cervell del consum crònic i excessiu d'alcohol, des d'un punt de vista funcional i estructural i per mitjà d'anàlisi d'imatges de ressonància magnètica (RM). Vam realitzar tres anàlisis amb objectius específics: i) Per a entendre com les neuroadaptacions desencadenades pel consum d'alcohol es veuen reflectides en la connectivitat cerebral funcional entre xarxes cerebrals, així com en l'activitat cerebral, vam realitzar estudis en rates msP en les condicions de control i després d'un mes amb accés a alcohol. Per a cada subjecte vam obtindre els senyals de les xarxes cerebrals tras aplicar a les imatges funcionals de RM en estat de repòs una anàlisi probabilística de components independents i regressió espacial. Després, estimàrem la connectivitat cerebral en estat de repòs per mitjà de correlació parcial regularitzada. Per a una lectura de l'activitat cerebral vam adquirir imatges de RM realçades amb manganés. En la condició d'alcohol vam trobar hipoconnectivitats entre la xarxa visual i les xarxes estriatal i sensorial, totes amb increments en activitat. Al contrari, va haver-hi hiperconnectivitats entre tres parells de xarxes cerebrals: 1) xarxa prefrontal cingulada mitja i xarxa estriatal, 2) xarxa sensorial i xarxa parietal d'associació i 3) xarxa motora-retroesplenial i xarxa sensorial, sent la xarxa parietal d'associació l'única xarxa sense increment d'activitat. Aquests resultats indiquen que les xarxes cerebrals ja s'alteren des d'una fase primerenca caracteritzada per consum continu i prolongat d'alcohol, disminuint el control executiu i la flexibilitat comportamental. ii) Per a comparar el volum de MG cortical entre 34 controls sans i 35 pacients amb dependència a l'alcohol, desintoxicats i en abstinència de 1 a 5 setmanes vam emprar anàlisi de morfometria basada en vòxel. Les principals estructures on el volum de MG va disminuir en els subjectes en abstinència van ser el gir precentral (GPreC), el gir postcentral (GPostC), la corteça motora suplementària (CMS), el gir frontal mig (GFM), el precuni (PCUN) i el lòbul parietal superior (LPS). Les disminucions de MG en eixes àrees poden donar lloc a canvis en el control dels moviments (GPreC i CMS), en el processament d'informació tàctil i propioceptiva (GPostC), personalitat, previsió (GFM), reconeixement sensorial, enteniment del llenguatge, orientació (PCUN) i reconeixement d'objectes a través de la seua forma (LPS). iii) Caracterització de les dinàmiques temporals del cervell com a diferents estats cerebrals, en senyals de RMf mitjançant una metodologia basada en un model ocult de Markov (HMM en anglès)-Gaussià en imatges de RMf, junt amb dos tipus de senyals temporals de múltiples xarxes cerebrals: components independents i modes funcionals probabilístics (PFMs en anglès) en 14 subjectes sans. Quatre condicions experimentals van formar el paradigma de blocs: repòs, visual, motora i visual-motora. HMM-Gaussià aplicat als PFMs (senyals de RM funcional de xarxes cerebrals) va permetre la millor caracterització dels quatre estats cerebrals a partir de l'activitat mitjana de cada PFM. Els quatre mapes espacials obtinguts van ser anomenats HMM-repòs, HMM-visual, HMM-motor i HMM-XND (xarxa neuronal per defecte). HMM-XND va aparèixer una vegada una tasca estava estabilitzada. En un futur pròxim s'espera obtindre estats cerebrals en les nostres dades de RMf-er en rates, per a comparar dinàmicament el comportament de les xarxes cerebrals com a biomarcador de TCA. En conclusió, s'han aplicat tècniques de neuroimatge per a estimar la connectivitat cerebral en estat de repòs, l'activitat cerebral i el volum de MG, aplicades a imatges multimodals de RM i s'han obtés resultats que han permés avançar en l'enteniment dels mAlcohol intake alters brain balance, affecting its structure and function, and it may cause Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs). We aimed to study the effects of chronic, excessive alcohol consumption on the brain from a functional and structural point of view, via analysis of multimodal magnetic resonance (MR) images. We conducted three studies with specific aims: i) To understand how the neuroadaptations triggered by alcohol intake are reflected in between-network resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) and brain activity in the onset of alcohol dependence, we performed studies in msP rats in control and alcohol conditions. Group probabilistic independent component analysis (group-PICA) and spatial regression were applied to resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) images to obtain subject-specific time courses of seven resting-state networks (RSNs). Then, we estimated rs-FC via L2-regularized partial correlation. We performed a manganese-enhanced (MEMRI) experiment as a readout of neuronal activity. In alcohol condition, we found hypoconnectivities between the visual network (VN), and striatal (StrN) and sensory-cortex (SCN) networks, all with increased brain activity. On the contrary, hyperconnectivities were found between three pairs of RSNs: 1) medial prefrontal-cingulate (mPRN) and StrN, 2) SCN and parietal association (PAN) and 3) motor-retrosplenial (MRN) and SCN networks, being PAN the only network without brain activity rise. Interestingly, the hypoconnectivities could be explained as control to alcohol transitions from direct to indirect connectivity, whereas the hyperconnectivities reflected an indirect to an even more indirect connection. These findings indicate that RSNs are early altered by prolonged and moderate alcohol exposure, diminishing the executive control and behavioral flexibility. ii) To compare cortical gray matter (GM) volume between 34 healthy controls and 35 alcohol-dependent patients who were detoxified and remained abstinent for 1-5 weeks before MRI acquisition, we performed a voxel-based morphometry analysis. The main structures whose GM volume decreased in abstinent subjects compared to controls were precentral gyrus (PreCG), postcentral gyrus (PostCG), supplementary motor cortex (SMC), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), precuneus (PCUN) and superior parietal lobule (SPL). Decreases in GM volume in these areas may lead to changes in control of movement (PreCG and SMC), in processing tactile and proprioceptive information (PostCG), personality, insight, prevision (MFG), sensory appreciation, language understanding, orientation (PCUN) and the recognition of objects by touch and shapes (SPL). iii) To characterize dynamic brain states in functional MRI (fMRI) signals by means of an approach based on the Hidden Markov model (HMM). Several parameter configurations of HMM-Gaussian in a block-design paradigm were considered, together with different time series: independent components (ICs) and probabilistic functional modes (PFMs) on 14 healthy subjects. The block-design fMRI paradigm consisted of four experimental conditions: rest, visual, motor and visual-motor. Characterizing brain states' dynamics in fMRI data was possible applying the HMM-Gaussian approach to PFMs, with mean activity driving the states. The four spatial maps obtained were named HMM-rest, HMM-visual, HMM-motor and HMM-DMN (default mode network). HMM-DMN appeared once a task state had stabilized. The ultimate goal will be to obtain brain states in our rs-fMRI rat data, to dynamically compare the behavior of brain RSNs as a biomarker of AUD. In conclusion, neuroimaging techniques to estimate rs-FC, brain activity and GM volume can be successfully applied to multimodal MRI in the advance of the understanding of brain homeostasis in AUDs. These functional and structural alterations are a biomarker of chronic alcoholism to explain impairments in executive control, reward evaluation and visuospatial processing.Pérez Ramírez, MÚ. (2018). Characterizing functional and structural brain alterations driven by chronic alcohol drinking: a resting-state fMRI connectivity and voxel-based morphometry analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11316

    Increased ventral striatal volume in college-aged binge drinkers

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    BACKGROUND Binge drinking is a serious public health issue associated with cognitive, physiological, and anatomical differences from healthy individuals. No studies, however, have reported subcortical grey matter differences in this population. To address this, we compared the grey matter volumes of college-age binge drinkers and healthy controls, focusing on the ventral striatum, hippocampus and amygdala. METHOD T1-weighted images of 19 binge drinkers and 19 healthy volunteers were analyzed using voxel-based morphometry. Structural data were also covaried with Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores. Cluster-extent threshold and small volume corrections were both used to analyze imaging data. RESULTS Binge drinkers had significantly larger ventral striatal grey matter volumes compared to controls. There were no between group differences in hippocampal or amygdalar volume. Ventral striatal, amygdalar, and hippocampal volumes were also negatively related to AUDIT scores across groups. CONCLUSIONS Our findings stand in contrast to the lower ventral striatal volume previously observed in more severe forms of alcohol use disorders, suggesting that college-age binge drinkers may represent a distinct population from those groups. These findings may instead represent early sequelae, compensatory effects of repeated binge and withdrawal, or an endophenotypic risk factor

    A multimodal neuroimaging classifier for alcohol dependence

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    With progress in magnetic resonance imaging technology and a broader dissemination of state-of-the-art imaging facilities, the acquisition of multiple neuroimaging modalities is becoming increasingly feasible. One particular hope associated with multimodal neuroimaging is the development of reliable data-driven diagnostic classifiers for psychiatric disorders, yet previous studies have often failed to find a benefit of combining multiple modalities. As a psychiatric disorder with established neurobiological effects at several levels of description, alcohol dependence is particularly well-suited for multimodal classification. To this aim, we developed a multimodal classification scheme and applied it to a rich neuroimaging battery (structural, functional task-based and functional resting-state data) collected in a matched sample of alcohol-dependent patients (N = 119) and controls (N = 97). We found that our classification scheme yielded 79.3% diagnostic accuracy, which outperformed the strongest individual modality - grey-matter density - by 2.7%. We found that this moderate benefit of multimodal classification depended on a number of critical design choices: a procedure to select optimal modality-specific classifiers, a fine-grained ensemble prediction based on cross-modal weight matrices and continuous classifier decision values. We conclude that the combination of multiple neuroimaging modalities is able to moderately improve the accuracy of machine-learning-based diagnostic classification in alcohol dependence

    A multimodal neuroimaging classifier for alcohol dependence

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    With progress in magnetic resonance imaging technology and a broader dissemination of state-of-the-art imaging facilities, the acquisition of multiple neuroimaging modalities is becoming increasingly feasible. One particular hope associated with multimodal neuroimaging is the development of reliable data-driven diagnostic classifiers for psychiatric disorders, yet previous studies have often failed to find a benefit of combining multiple modalities. As a psychiatric disorder with established neurobiological effects at several levels of description, alcohol dependence is particularly well-suited for multimodal classification. To this aim, we developed a multimodal classification scheme and applied it to a rich neuroimaging battery (structural, functional task-based and functional resting-state data) collected in a matched sample of alcohol-dependent patients (N = 119) and controls (N = 97). We found that our classification scheme yielded 79.3% diagnostic accuracy, which outperformed the strongest individual modality - grey-matter density - by 2.7%. We found that this moderate benefit of multimodal classification depended on a number of critical design choices: a procedure to select optimal modality-specific classifiers, a fine-grained ensemble prediction based on cross-modal weight matrices and continuous classifier decision values. We conclude that the combination of multiple neuroimaging modalities is able to moderately improve the accuracy of machine-learning-based diagnostic classification in alcohol dependence

    Heavy Drinking in College Students Is Associated with Accelerated Gray Matter Volumetric Decline over a 2 Year Period

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    Background: Heavy and/or harmful alcohol use while in college is a perennial and significant public health issue. Despite the plethora of cross-sectional research suggesting deleterious effects of alcohol on the brain, there is a lack of literature investigating the longitudinal effects of alcohol consumption on the adolescent brain. We aim to probe the longitudinal effects of college drinking on gray matter change in students during this crucial neurodevelopmental period. Methods: Data were derived from the longitudinal Brain and Alcohol Research in College Students (BARCS) study of whom a subset underwent brain MRI scans at two time points 24 months apart. Students were young adults with a mean age at baseline of about 18.5 years. Based on drinking metrics assessed at both baseline and followup, subjects were classified as sustained abstainers/light drinkers (N = 45) or sustained heavy drinkers (N = 84) based on criteria established in prior literature. Gray matter volumetric change (GMV-c) maps were derived using the longitudinal DARTEL pipeline as implemented in SPM12. GMV-c maps were then subjected to a 1-sample and 2-sample t-test in SPM12 to determine within- and between-group GMV-c differences in drinking groups. Supplementary between-group differences were also computed at baseline only. Results: Within-group analysis revealed significant decline in GMV in both groups across the 2 year followup period. However, tissue loss in the sustained heavy drinking group was more significant, larger per region, and more widespread across regions compared to abstainers/light drinkers. Between-group analysis confirmed the above and showed a greater rate of GMV-c in the heavy drinking group in several brain regions encompassing inferior/medial frontal gyrus, parahippocampus, and anterior cingulate. Supplementary analyses suggest that some of the frontal differences existed at baseline and progressively worsened. Conclusion: Sustained heavy drinking while in college was associated with accelerated GMV decline in brain regions involved with executive functioning, emotional regulation, and memory, which are critical to everyday life functioning. Areas of significant GMV decreases also overlapped largely with brain reward and stress systems implicated in addictive behavior

    Exploration of the biological mechanisms in neuropsychiatric disorders using multimodal imaging

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    The present doctoral thesis focused on the multimodal imaging investigation of brain mechanisms in neuropsychiatric disorders, emphasizing on the research questions of whether and how neurochemistry is associated with brain anatomical structures and brain functions. The aim of the thesis is to provide a biochemical insight underlying the altered brain morphology and functions in the two disorders studied, which might ultimately offer evidence for novel therapeutic implications. There are two brain imaging projects included in this thesis. In project I, the first aim was to explore the mechanism of partial volume recovery during the first two weeks of abstinence from alcohol at a whole-brain level. The hippocampus was then chosen as a seed region, to investigate the abstinence-induced neurochemical changes and whether the hyperglutamatergic state induced by alcohol withdrawal may affect GM volume recovery in the hippocampus. We found cortical thickness alteration corresponds to the partial cortical volumetric recovery. Moreover, alcohol differentially impacts on sulci and gyri of the neocortex. Sulci are more susceptive to excessive alcohol consumption and abstinence-induced recovery. Lower subcortical volume was found in alcohol dependent patients at withdrawal, and no subcortical volume regain was observed during the initial two weeks of abstinence. In support of a ‘hyperglutamatergic state’ induced by withdrawal, our rat model demonstrated elevated Glu/Gln ratios during acute withdrawal (12h and 60h after stopping alcohol intake) and a trend towards an increase in Glu levels at 12h compared to control rats. The main novel finding of this study was that in both species a negative association was found between Glu markers and GM volume in the hippocampus after alcohol withdrawal (but not during withdrawal), suggesting that this tissue damage is a consequence of withdrawal and results from withdrawal-induced hyperglutamatergic neurotoxicity. In project II, the study emphasized the additional value of multimodal imaging analyses to unravel group differences between BPD patients and HCs which could not be detected by BOLD response and ACC GABA levels per se. The superior aim was to explore the interrelationship between GABA, neural correlates of interference inhibition, and impulsivity traits in BPD. We found task-related functional connectivity and the association of fMRI measures with MRS derived GABA levels are significantly different between the two groups. These analyses give support for a disconnection of the fronto-striatal network during interference inhibition in BPD patients that is related to elevated impulsivity ratings, specifically the UPPS sensation seeking score. Our hierarchical analyses also give first evidence for the hypothesis that the fronto-striatal network during inhibitory control serves to mediate the association between ACC GABA levels and impulsivity symptomatology in patients with BPD. In other words, GABAergic transmission in the ACC drives the inhibitory-related fronto-striatal brain network, whereas the disruption of fronto-striatal connectivity is of core relevance to the sensation seeking symptom in BPD patients. Taken together, multimodal imaging fusion analysis of neurobiochemistry - structure/function relationship can offer opportunities to deepen our understanding of neurobiological mechanisms of brain disorders