83 research outputs found

    Video Painting with Space-Time-Varying Style Parameters

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    Higher level techniques for the artistic rendering of images and video

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    New editing techniques for video post-processing

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    This thesis contributes to capturing 3D cloth shape, editing cloth texture and altering object shape and motion in multi-camera and monocular video recordings. We propose a technique to capture cloth shape from a 3D scene flow by determining optical flow in several camera views. Together with a silhouette matching constraint we can track and reconstruct cloth surfaces in long video sequences. In the area of garment motion capture, we present a system to reconstruct time-coherent triangle meshes from multi-view video recordings. Texture mapping of the acquired triangle meshes is used to replace the recorded texture with new cloth patterns. We extend this work to the more challenging single camera view case. Extracting texture deformation and shading effects simultaneously enables us to achieve texture replacement effects for garments in monocular video recordings. Finally, we propose a system for the keyframe editing of video objects. A color-based segmentation algorithm together with automatic video inpainting for filling in missing background texture allows us to edit the shape and motion of 2D video objects. We present examples for altering object trajectories, applying non-rigid deformation and simulating camera motion.In dieser Dissertation stellen wir Beiträge zur 3D-Rekonstruktion von Stoffoberfächen, zum Editieren von Stofftexturen und zum Editieren von Form und Bewegung von Videoobjekten in Multikamera- und Einkamera-Aufnahmen vor. Wir beschreiben eine Methode für die 3D-Rekonstruktion von Stoffoberflächen, die auf der Bestimmung des optischen Fluß in mehreren Kameraansichten basiert. In Kombination mit einem Abgleich der Objektsilhouetten im Video und in der Rekonstruktion erhalten wir Rekonstruktionsergebnisse für längere Videosequenzen. Für die Rekonstruktion von Kleidungsstücken beschreiben wir ein System, das zeitlich kohärente Dreiecksnetze aus Multikamera-Aufnahmen rekonstruiert. Mittels Texturemapping der erhaltenen Dreiecksnetze wird die Stofftextur in der Aufnahme mit neuen Texturen ersetzt. Wir setzen diese Arbeit fort, indem wir den anspruchsvolleren Fall mit nur einer einzelnen Videokamera betrachten. Um realistische Resultate beim Ersetzen der Textur zu erzielen, werden sowohl Texturdeformationen durch zugrundeliegende Deformation der Oberfläche als auch Beleuchtungseffekte berücksichtigt. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation stellen wir ein System zum Editieren von Videoobjekten mittels Keyframes vor. Dies wird durch eine Kombination eines farbbasierten Segmentierungsalgorithmus mit automatischem Auffüllen des Hintergrunds erreicht, wodurch Form und Bewegung von 2D-Videoobjekten editiert werden können. Wir zeigen Beispiele für editierte Objekttrajektorien, beliebige Deformationen und simulierte Kamerabewegung

    A workflow for designing stylized shading effects

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    In this report, we describe a workflow for designing stylized shading effects on a 3D object, targeted at technical artists. Shading design, the process of making the illumination of an object in a 3D scene match an artist vision, is usually a time-consuming task because of the complex interactions between materials, geometry, and lighting environment. Physically based methods tend to provide an intuitive and coherent workflow for artists, but they are of limited use in the context of non-photorealistic shading styles. On the other hand, existing stylized shading techniques are either too specialized or require considerable hand-tuning of unintuitive parameters to give a satisfactory result. Our contribution is to separate the design process of individual shading effects in three independent stages: control of its global behavior on the object, addition of procedural details, and colorization. Inspired by the formulation of existing shading models, we expose different shading behaviors to the artist through parametrizations, which have a meaningful visual interpretation. Multiple shading effects can then be composited to obtain complex dynamic appearances. The proposed workflow is fully interactive, with real-time feedback, and allows the intuitive exploration of stylized shading effects, while keeping coherence under varying viewpoints and light configurations. Furthermore, our method makes use of the deferred shading technique, making it easily integrable in existing rendering pipelines.Dans ce rapport, nous décrivons un outil de création de modèles d'illumination adapté à la stylisation de scènes 3D. Contrairement aux modèles d'illumination photoréalistes, qui suivent des contraintes physiques, les modèles d'illumination stylisés répondent à des contraintes artistiques, souvent inspirées de la représentation de la lumière en illustration. Pour cela, la conception de ces modèles stylisés est souvent complexe et coûteuse en temps. De plus, ils doivent produire un résultat cohérent sous une multitude d'angles de vue et d'éclairages. Nous proposons une méthode qui facilite la création d'effets d'illumination stylisés, en décomposant le processus en trois parties indépendantes: contrôle du comportement global de l'illumination, ajout de détails procéduraux, et colorisation.Différents comportements d'illumination sont accessibles à travers des paramétrisations, qui ont une interprétation visuelle, et qui peuvent être combinées pour obtenir des apparences plus complexes. La méthode proposée est interactive, et permet l'exploration efficace de modèles d'illumination stylisés. La méthode est implémentée avec la technique de deferred shading, ce qui la rend facilement utilisable dans des pipelines de rendu existants

    Colour videos with depth : acquisition, processing and evaluation

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    The human visual system lets us perceive the world around us in three dimensions by integrating evidence from depth cues into a coherent visual model of the world. The equivalent in computer vision and computer graphics are geometric models, which provide a wealth of information about represented objects, such as depth and surface normals. Videos do not contain this information, but only provide per-pixel colour information. In this dissertation, I hence investigate a combination of videos and geometric models: videos with per-pixel depth (also known as RGBZ videos). I consider the full life cycle of these videos: from their acquisition, via filtering and processing, to stereoscopic display. I propose two approaches to capture videos with depth. The first is a spatiotemporal stereo matching approach based on the dual-cross-bilateral grid – a novel real-time technique derived by accelerating a reformulation of an existing stereo matching approach. This is the basis for an extension which incorporates temporal evidence in real time, resulting in increased temporal coherence of disparity maps – particularly in the presence of image noise. The second acquisition approach is a sensor fusion system which combines data from a noisy, low-resolution time-of-flight camera and a high-resolution colour video camera into a coherent, noise-free video with depth. The system consists of a three-step pipeline that aligns the video streams, efficiently removes and fills invalid and noisy geometry, and finally uses a spatiotemporal filter to increase the spatial resolution of the depth data and strongly reduce depth measurement noise. I show that these videos with depth empower a range of video processing effects that are not achievable using colour video alone. These effects critically rely on the geometric information, like a proposed video relighting technique which requires high-quality surface normals to produce plausible results. In addition, I demonstrate enhanced non-photorealistic rendering techniques and the ability to synthesise stereoscopic videos, which allows these effects to be applied stereoscopically. These stereoscopic renderings inspired me to study stereoscopic viewing discomfort. The result of this is a surprisingly simple computational model that predicts the visual comfort of stereoscopic images. I validated this model using a perceptual study, which showed that it correlates strongly with human comfort ratings. This makes it ideal for automatic comfort assessment, without the need for costly and lengthy perceptual studies

    A review of image and video colorization: From analogies to deep learning

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    Image colorization is a classic and important topic in computer graphics, where the aim is to add color to a monochromatic input image to produce a colorful result. In this survey, we present the history of colorization research in chronological order and summarize popular algorithms in this field. Early works on colorization mostly focused on developing techniques to improve the colorization quality. In the last few years, researchers have considered more possibilities such as combining colorization with NLP (natural language processing) and focused more on industrial applications. To better control the color, various types of color control are designed, such as providing reference images or color-scribbles. We have created a taxonomy of the colorization methods according to the input type, divided into grayscale, sketch-based and hybrid. The pros and cons are discussed for each algorithm, and they are compared according to their main characteristics. Finally, we discuss how deep learning, and in particular Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), has changed this field

    Designing Digital Art and Communication Tools Inspired by Traditional Craft

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    Robot Learning for Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects

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    Deformable Object Manipulation (DOM) is a challenging problem in robotics. Until recently there has been limited research on the subject, with most robotic manipulation methods being developed for rigid objects. Part of the challenge in DOM is that non-rigid objects require solutions capable of generalizing to changes in shape and mechanical properties. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has been proven successful in other fields where generalization is important such as computer vision, thus encouraging the application of ML to robotics as well. Notably, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown promise in finding control policies for manipulation of rigid objects. However, RL requires large amounts of data that are better satisfied in simulation while deformable objects are inherently more difficult to model and simulate. This thesis presents ReForm, a simulation sandbox for robotic manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) such as cables, ropes, and wires. DLO manipulation is an interesting problem for a variety of applications throughout manufacturing, agriculture, and medicine. Currently, this sandbox includes six shape control tasks, which are classified as explicit when a precise shape is to be achieved, or implicit when the deformation is just a consequence of a more abstract goal, e.g. wrapping a DLO around another object. The proposed simulation environments aim to facilitate comparison and reproducibility of robot learning research. To that end, an RL algorithm is tested on each simulated task providing initial benchmarking results. ReForm is one of three concurrent frameworks to first support DOM problems. This thesis also addresses the problem of DLO state representation for an explicit shape control problem. Moreover, the effects of elastoplastic properties on the RL reward definition are investigated. From a control perspective, DLOs with these properties are particularly challenging to manipulate due to their nonlinear behavior, acting elastic up to a yield point after which they become permanently deformed. A low-dimensional representation from discrete differential geometry is proposed, offering more descriptive shape information than a simple point-cloud while avoiding the need for curve fitting. Empirical results show that this representation leads to a better goal description in the presence of elastoplasticity, preventing the RL algorithm from converging to local minima which correspond to incorrect shapes of the DLO

    Contours and contrast

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    Contrast in photographic and computer-generated imagery communicates colour and lightness differences that would be perceived when viewing the represented scene. Due to depiction constraints, the amount of displayable contrast is limited, reducing the image's ability to accurately represent the scene. A local contrast enhancement technique called unsharp masking can overcome these constraints by adding high-frequency contours to an image that increase its apparent contrast. In three novel algorithms inspired by unsharp masking, specialized local contrast enhancements are shown to overcome constraints of a limited dynamic range, overcome an achromatic palette, and to improve the rendering of 3D shapes and scenes. The Beyond Tone Mapping approach restores original HDR contrast to its tone mapped LDR counterpart by adding highfrequency colour contours to the LDR image while preserving its luminance. Apparent Greyscale is a multi-scale two-step technique that first converts colour images and video to greyscale according to their chromatic lightness, then restores diminished colour contrast with high-frequency luminance contours. Finally, 3D Unsharp Masking performs scene coherent enhancement by introducing 3D high-frequency luminance contours to emphasize the details, shapes, tonal range and spatial organization of a 3D scene within the rendering pipeline. As a perceptual justification, it is argued that a local contrast enhancement made with unsharp masking is related to the Cornsweet illusion, and that this may explain its effect on apparent contrast.Seit vielen Jahren ist die realistische Erzeugung von virtuellen Charakteren ein zentraler Teil der Computergraphikforschung. Dennoch blieben bisher einige Probleme ungelöst. Dazu zählt unter anderem die Erzeugung von Charakteranimationen, welche unter der Benutzung der traditionellen, skelettbasierten Ansätze immer noch zeitaufwändig sind. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt auch die passive Erfassung von Schauspielern in alltäglicher Kleidung dar. Darüber hinaus existieren im Gegensatz zu den zahlreichen skelettbasierten Ansätzen nur wenige Methoden zur Verarbeitung und Veränderung von Netzanimationen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Algorithmen zur Lösung jeder dieser Aufgaben. Unser erster Ansatz besteht aus zwei Netz-basierten Verfahren zur Vereinfachung von Charakteranimationen. Obwohl das kinematische Skelett beiseite gelegt wird, können beide Verfahren direkt in die traditionelle Pipeline integriert werden, wobei die Erstellung von Animationen mit wirklichkeitsgetreuen Körperverformungen ermöglicht wird. Im Anschluss präsentieren wir drei passive Aufnahmemethoden für Körperbewegung und Schauspiel, die ein deformierbares 3D-Modell zur Repräsentation der Szene benutzen. Diese Methoden können zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion von zeit- und raummässig kohärenter Geometrie, Bewegung und Oberflächentexturen benutzt werden, die auch zeitlich veränderlich sein dürfen. Aufnahmen von lockerer und alltäglicher Kleidung sind dabei problemlos möglich. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen die qualitativ hochwertigen Rekonstruktionen die realistische Darstellung von 3D Video-Sequenzen. Schließlich werden zwei neuartige Algorithmen zur Verarbeitung von Netz-Animationen beschrieben. Während der erste Algorithmus die vollautomatische Umwandlung von Netz-Animationen in skelettbasierte Animationen ermöglicht, erlaubt der zweite die automatische Konvertierung von Netz-Animationen in so genannte Animations-Collagen, einem neuen Kunst-Stil zur Animationsdarstellung. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebenen Methoden können als Lösungen spezieller Probleme, aber auch als wichtige Bausteine größerer Anwendungen betrachtet werden. Zusammengenommen bilden sie ein leistungsfähiges System zur akkuraten Erfassung, zur Manipulation und zum realistischen Rendern von künstlerischen Aufführungen, dessen Fähigkeiten über diejenigen vieler verwandter Capture-Techniken hinausgehen. Auf diese Weise können wir die Bewegung, die im Zeitverlauf variierenden Details und die Textur-Informationen eines Schauspielers erfassen und sie in eine mit vollständiger Information versehene Charakter-Animation umwandeln, die unmittelbar weiterverwendet werden kann, sich aber auch zur realistischen Darstellung des Schauspielers aus beliebigen Blickrichtungen eignet