154 research outputs found

    Med-e-Tel 2016

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    The Overview of digital and health literacy assessment tools

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Nas últimas décadas, o "digital" tem-se imposto em quase todos os aspetos do quotidiano, principalmente porque a Internet tem promovido uma rápida partilha de informação. Tal como noutros setores, a área da saúde também pode beneficiar desse desenvolvimento. Este trabalho descreve os fundamentos alusivos à saúde e aos cuidados de saúde, focando-se na literacia em saúde, na literacia digital e no processo de digitalização dos cuidados de saúde. Estes são aspetos essenciais num sistema de saúde atualizado, onde os utentes desempenham um papel mais ativo na sua saúde: podem aceder aos resultados dos exames médicos com maior facilidade, comunicar com os profissionais de saúde de várias formas e agendar consultas médicas mais rapidamente, incluindo teleconsultas. Devido às caraterísticas mais personalizadas deste serviço, a utilização da tecnologia nos cuidados de saúde melhorará os níveis de literacia em saúde, contribuindo para uma melhor gestão dos utentes. Contudo, esta implementação continua a enfrentar vários desafios, especialmente devido aos diferentes determinantes de saúde, que continuam a ser um dos principais fatores para a existência de grandes desigualdades. Estas, especialmente as diretamente ligadas aos diferentes níveis de saúde e literacia digital, têm sido o principal responsável por uma comunicação entre utentes e prestadores de cuidados de saúde, que em alguns casos é insuficiente, gerando resultados que poderiam ser melhorados. Num contexto prático, foi importante analisar algumas ferramentas para avaliação dos níveis de literacia em saúde e de literacia digital, uma vez que se tornam essenciais para uma compreensão e melhoria da comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde e os utentes, melhorando a informação transmitida. O resultado deste trabalho foi um resumo de lacunas que ainda subsistem e devem ser ultrapassadas, a fim de alcançar uma qualidade mínima de conhecimento e comunicação, que permita à população em geral compreender as informações transmitidas pelos profissionais de saúde, não obstante os seus níveis de literacia. O objetivo final foi a proposta de uma ferramenta digital mais abrangente, para auxiliar a recolha de informação dos utentes, profissionais de saúde e população em geral, para posterior análise dos dados extraídos e subsequente implementação de melhores soluções no futuro.During the last decades, “digital” has taken hold of almost all aspects of our daily interactions, mainly because the internet has provided a route to widespread information. As well as many other sectors, healthcare can also benefit from that development. This work describes the fundamentals concerning health and healthcare, focused on health literacy, digital literacy and the healthcare digitization process. These are essential aspects of an up-to-date healthcare system, where patients play a more active role: they can access their medical exams’ results easier, they can communicate with their health professionals in several ways and they can schedule medical appointments faster, including the online ones. Due to this personalized and action-oriented service, the use of technology in healthcare will improve health literacy levels in society, contributing for a better patients’ management. However, this implementation still faces several challenges especially due to some health determinants, which are one of the main aspects that keep contributing to the existence of large inequalities. These inequalities, especially those in straight connection to health and digital literacy levels, have been a central issue responsible for insufficient communication between patients and health providers, leading to health outcomes that could be improved. From a practical perspective, it was important to analyse and describe selected health literacy and digital literacy assessment tools, which are essential steps towards the understanding and improvement of communication and proper use of information between health professionals and their patients. The outcome of the work was a resume of the gaps that still remain and must be overcome, in order to achieve a minimum standard of knowledge and communication, which may enable general population to understand health information given by health providers, despite their literacy levels. It was also an objective to propose a more comprehensive digital tool, that may help gathering information from patients, healthcare providers and general population, enabling an analyses and subsequent implementation of better solutions in the future

    The Importance of Self-Management in the Context of Personalized Care in COPD

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    Despite current guidelines and decades of evidence on the benefits of a self-management approach, self-management of COPD remains relatively under-utilized in clinical care compared with other chronic diseases. However, self-management interventions can play a valuable role in supporting people with COPD to respond to changing symptoms, and thereby make appropriate decisions regarding the management of their own chronic condition. In this review, we discuss the history and evolution of the concept of self-management, assess current multidisciplinary support programs and clinical interactions designed to optimize self-management, and reflect on how effective these are in terms of clinical and humanistic outcomes. We also evaluate the mechanisms for encouraging change from protocol-based care towards a more personalized care approach, and discuss the role of digital self-management interventions and the importance of addressing health inequalities in COPD treatment, which have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting on the importance of self-management in the context of symptom monitoring and provision of educational support, including information from patient organizations and charities, we discuss the ideal components of a self-management plan for COPD and provide six key recommendations for its implementation: 1) better education for healthcare professionals on disease management and consultation skills; 2) new targets and priorities for patient-focused outcomes; 3) skills gap audits to identify barriers to self-management; 4) best practice sharing within primary care networks and ongoing professional development; 5) enhanced initial consultations to establish optimal self-management from the outset; and 6) negotiation and sharing of self-management plans at the point of diagnosis