9,239 research outputs found

    Analysing Mutual Exclusion using Process Algebra with Signals

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    In contrast to common belief, the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and similar process algebras lack the expressive power to accurately capture mutual exclusion protocols without enriching the language with fairness assumptions. Adding a fairness assumption to implement a mutual exclusion protocol seems counter-intuitive. We employ a signalling operator, which can be combined with CCS, or other process calculi, and show that this minimal extension is expressive enough to model mutual exclusion: we confirm the correctness of Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm for two processes, as well as Lamport's bakery algorithm, under reasonable assumptions on the underlying memory model. The correctness of Peterson's algorithm for more than two processes requires stronger, less realistic assumptions on the underlying memory model.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2017, arXiv:1709.0004

    PLTL Partitioned Model Checking for Reactive Systems under Fairness Assumptions

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    We are interested in verifying dynamic properties of finite state reactive systems under fairness assumptions by model checking. The systems we want to verify are specified through a top-down refinement process. In order to deal with the state explosion problem, we have proposed in previous works to partition the reachability graph, and to perform the verification on each part separately. Moreover, we have defined a class, called Bmod, of dynamic properties that are verifiable by parts, whatever the partition. We decide if a property P belongs to Bmod by looking at the form of the Buchi automaton that accepts the negation of P. However, when a property P belongs to Bmod, the property f => P, where f is a fairness assumption, does not necessarily belong to Bmod. In this paper, we propose to use the refinement process in order to build the parts on which the verification has to be performed. We then show that with such a partition, if a property P is verifiable by parts and if f is the expression of the fairness assumptions on a system, then the property f => P is still verifiable by parts. This approach is illustrated by its application to the chip card protocol T=1 using the B engineering design language

    Verifying Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems by Transformation

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    We show how program transformation techniques can be used for the verification of both safety and liveness properties of reactive systems. In particular, we show how the program transformation technique distillation can be used to transform reactive systems specified in a functional language into a simplified form that can subsequently be analysed to verify temporal properties of the systems. Example systems which are intended to model mutual exclusion are analysed using these techniques with respect to both safety (mutual exclusion) and liveness (non-starvation), with the errors they contain being correctly identified.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.02215. This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant 10/CE/I1855 to Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (www.lero.ie), and by the School of Computing, Dublin City Universit

    Reactive temporal logic

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    Whereas standard treatments of temporal logic are adequate for closed systems, having no run-time interactions with their environment, they fall short for reactive systems, interacting with their environments through synchronisation of actions. This paper introduces reactive temporal logic, a form of temporal logic adapted for the study of reactive systems. I illustrate its use by applying it to formulate definitions of a fair scheduler, and of a correct mutual exclusion protocol. Previous definitions of these concepts were conceptually much more involved or less precise, leading to debates on whether or not a given protocol satisfies the implicit requirements.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2020, arXiv:2008.1241

    Modularity and Openness in Modeling Multi-Agent Systems

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    We revisit the formalism of modular interpreted systems (MIS) which encourages modular and open modeling of synchronous multi-agent systems. The original formulation of MIS did not live entirely up to its promise. In this paper, we propose how to improve modularity and openness of MIS by changing the structure of interference functions. These relatively small changes allow for surprisingly high flexibility when modeling actual multi-agent systems. We demonstrate this on two well-known examples, namely the trains, tunnel and controller, and the dining cryptographers. Perhaps more importantly, we propose how the notions of multi-agency and openness, crucial for multi-agent systems, can be precisely defined based on their MIS representations.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416