14 research outputs found

    Localization of glutamatergic, GABAergic, and cholinergic neurons in the brain of the African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni

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    © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Neural communication depends on release and reception of different neurotransmitters within complex circuits that ultimately mediate basic biological functions. We mapped the distribution of glutamatergic, GABAergic, and cholinergic neurons in the brain of the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni using in situ hybridization to label vesicular glutamate transporters (vglut1, vglut2.1, vglut3), glutamate decarboxylases (gad1, gad2), and choline acetyltransferase (chat). Cells expressing the glutamatergic markers vgluts 1–3 show primarily nonoverlapping distribution patterns, with the most widespread expression observed for vglut2.1, and more restricted expression of vglut1 and vglut3. vglut1 is prominent in granular layers of the cerebellum, habenula, preglomerular nuclei, and several other diencephalic, mesencephalic, and rhombencephalic regions. vglut2.1 is widely expressed in many nuclei from the olfactory bulbs to the hindbrain, while vglut3 is restricted to the hypothalamus and hindbrain. GABAergic cells show largely overlapping gad1 and gad2 expression in most brain regions. GABAergic expression dominates nuclei of the subpallial ventral telencephalon, while glutamatergic expression dominates nuclei of the pallial dorsal telencephalon. chat-expressing cells are prominent in motor cranial nerve nuclei, and some scattered cells lie in the preoptic area and ventral part of the ventral telencephalon. A localization summary of these markers within regions of the conserved social decision-making network reveals a predominance of either GABAergic or glutamatergic cells within individual nuclei. The neurotransmitter distributions described here in the brain of a single fish species provide an important resource for identification of brain nuclei in other fishes, as well as future comparative studies on circuit organization and function. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:610–638, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Mechanisms Mediating Adaptive Presynaptic Muting Induction

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    Neurons are responsible for information processing within the nervous system, so strong perturbations of neuronal function have far-reaching consequences within the neural network. Damage in response to excess excitation, as occurs during stroke or seizure, is known as excitotoxicity. One method utilized by neurons for reducing excitotoxicity within an overly activated neuronal network is to arrest excitatory neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals. The mechanisms responsible for inducing this presynaptic silencing: or muting ), however, have been elusive. In order to elucidate the signals responsible, I used molecular techniques in defined networks of cultured neurons from the mammalian hippocampus, a well-studied brain region known to be important for learning and memory but susceptible to excitotoxic damage. Calcium serves as a signal transducer during excitotoxicity and many forms of synaptic plasticity, but the signaling cascades in presynaptic silencing were previously unknown. In neurons individually depolarized via heterologous ion channel activation, I showed that calcium influx led to cell death while channel expression led to synaptic depression, although muting was not confirmed. Calcium, however, was not necessary for presynaptic muting after strong depolarization. Instead, inhibitory G-protein signaling induced silencing through cyclic adenosine monophosphate: cAMP) reduction but surprisingly not via activation of likely candidate receptors. This cAMP reduction contributed to loss of proteins important for vesicle fusion at the presynaptic terminal. I also found that astrocytes, support cells in the nervous system that have garnered attention recently for their ability to modulate neuronal function, were required for the proper development of presynaptic muting in hippocampal neurons. Soluble factors released by astrocytes were permissive, but not instructive, for silencing induction. Thrombospondins were identified as the astrocyte-derived factors responsible for muting competence in neurons, and they act through binding to the a2d-1 subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels. cAMP-activated protein kinase A exhibited dysfunctional behavior in the absence of thrombospondins, potentially explaining the presynaptic muting deficit in an astrocyte-deficient environment. Together these results clarify the molecular mechanisms responsible for an underappreciated form of neuroprotective synaptic plasticity and provide potential therapeutic targets for a number of disorders expressing excitotoxic damage

    Neuroendocrine Control of Energy Metabolism

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    The control of energy metabolism is a central event for cell, organ, and organism survival. There are many control levels in energy metabolism, although in this Special Issue, we concentrated on the neuroendocrine control which is operated through specialized neural circuits controlling both food intake and energy expenditure. Due to the explosion of obesity and associated diseases, the subject of this Special Issue is of particular interest today

    Regulation of in vivo excitatory/inhibitory balance by the cystine/glutamate exchanger system xc-

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    System xc- (Sxc-) is a cellular antiporter that links the import of L-cystine with the export of L-glutamate. In the central nervous system (CNS), this export contributes to the ambient glutamate levels found in the synaptic cleft. To wit, a 50% reduction in extracellular glutamate has been demonstrated in animals null for the substrate-specific light chain, xCT. Moreover, in most tissues, including the CNS, cystine import through Sxc- is necessary for the synthesis and maintenance of glutathione (GSH) levels. Given that either a reduction in ambient glutamate levels and/or a redox imbalance involving GSH have been reported to affect synaptic strength and intrinsic neuronal excitability, the main focus of this dissertation was to elucidate whether Sxc- signaling contributes to brain excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance in vivo. Using chemoconvulsants to uncover excitability changes in SLC7A11sut/sut mice — mice that are null for Sxc- because of a spontaneous mutation in exon 12 of SLC7A11 — we uncovered a sex-independent alteration in neuronal excitability. Specifically, we found that both female and male SLC7A11sut/sut mice had lower convulsive seizure thresholds than their wild-type (SLC7A11+/+) littermates after acute challenge with two pharmacologically distinct chemoconvulsants: the glutamate receptor agonist, kainic acid (KA), or the GABAA receptor antagonist, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ). Paradoxically, after repeated repeated/chronic administration of the same chemoconvulsants, SLC7A11sut/sut mice exhibit signs of hypo-excitability, a response polar opposite to that which occurs in SLC7A11+/+ littermate controls. Whether the aberrant neuronal excitability in SLC7A11sut/sut mice occurred in association with alterations in brain morphology – at the gross, cellular, and sub-cellular level – or with alterations in redox balance or plasma membrane protein expression levels, was also investigated. Overall, our data demonstrate that neuronal excitability in SLC7A11sut/sut mice provoked by chemoconvulsant challenge deviates from that of SLC7A11+/+ littermates in a complex manner that differs in sign depending on the chemoconvulsant dosing paradigm employed. Moreover, mutations in Sxc- trigger sex-dependent changes in redox status, brain morphology, and plasma membrane protein expression, any or all of which could contribute to the observed E/I imbalance in SLC7A11sut/sut mice

    Regulation of mammalian spinal locomotor networks by glial cells

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    Networks of interneurons within the spinal cord coordinate the rhythmic activation of muscles during locomotion. These networks are subject to extensive neuromodulation, ensuring appropriate behavioural output. Astrocytes are proposed to detect neuronal activity via Gαq-linked G-protein coupled receptors and to secrete neuromodulators in response. However, there is currently a paucity of evidence that astrocytic information processing of this kind is important in behaviour. Here, it is shown that protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), a Gαq-linked receptor, is preferentially expressed by glia in the spinal cords of postnatal mice. During ongoing locomotor-related network activity in isolated spinal cords, PAR1 activation stimulates release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is hydrolysed to adenosine extracellularly. Adenosine then activates A1 receptors to reduce the frequency of locomotor-related bursting recorded from ventral roots. This entails inhibition of D1 dopamine receptors, activation of which enhances burst frequency. The effect of A1 blockade scales with network activity, consistent with activity-dependent production of adenosine by glia. Astrocytes also regulate activity by controlling the availability of D-serine or glycine, both of which act as co-agonists of glutamate at N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). The importance of NMDAR regulation for locomotor-related activity is demonstrated by blockade of NMDARs, which reduces burst frequency and amplitude. Bath-applied D-serine increases the frequency of locomotor-related bursting but not intense synchronous bursting produced by blockade of inhibitory transmission, implying activity-dependent regulation of co-agonist availability. Depletion of endogenous D-serine increases the frequency of locomotor-related but not synchronous bursting, indicating that D-serine is required at a subset of NMDARs expressed by inhibitory interneurons. Blockade of the astrocytic glycine transporter GlyT1 increases the frequency of locomotor-related activity, but application of glycine has no effect, indicating that GlyT1 regulates glycine at excitatory synapses. These results indicate that glia play an important role in regulating the output of spinal locomotor networks

    Régulation de l’activité et de la connectivité synaptique par les cellules gliales au cours du développement de la jonction neuromusculaire de mammifères

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    Le système nerveux est composé de milliards de connexions synaptiques qui forment des réseaux complexes à la base de la communication dans le cerveau. Dès lors, contrôler la localisation, le type et le nombre des synapses est un défi considérable au cours du développement du système nerveux. Étonnamment, la production de connexions synaptiques est démesurée de façon à ce que beaucoup plus de synapses soient formées au cours du développement que ce qui est maintenu chez l’adulte. Ces connexions surnuméraires sont en compétition pour l’innervation d’une même cellule cible ce qui mène au maintien de certaines terminaisons nerveuses et à l’élimination de d’autres. Ces processus de compétition et d’élimination sont grandement façonnés par l’activité du système nerveux et l’expérience sensorielle de manière à ce que les terminaisons qui montrent la meilleure activité sont favorisées alors que les synapses mal adaptées sont éliminées. Jusqu’à récemment, les mécanismes et les types cellulaires responsables de l’élimination synaptique étaient inconnus. Les études de la dernière décennie montrent que les cellules gliales jouent un rôle clé dans l’élimination de synapses. Cependant, il demeure inconnu si les cellules gliales peuvent décoder les niveaux d’activité des terminaisons en compétition, ce qui est un déterminant majeur de l’issue de la compétition synaptique. De plus, il n’est pas connu si les cellules gliales sont capables de réguler l’activité synaptique des terminaisons, ce qui pourrait influencer l’issue de l’élimination synaptique. Ceci est d’un intérêt particulier puisqu’il est connu que les cellules gliales interagissent activement avec les neurones, détectent et modulent leur activité dans plusieurs régions du système nerveux mature. Par conséquent, l'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier la capacité des cellules gliales à interagir avec les terminaisons nerveuses en compétition pour l'innervation d’une même cellule cible. Nous avons donc analysé la capacité des cellules gliales à décoder l’activité des terminaisons, à réguler leur activité synaptique et à influencer le processus de l’élimination synaptique au cours du développement du système nerveux. Pour cette fin, nous avons profité de la jonction neuromusculaire, un modèle simple et le bien caractérisé, et nous avons combiné l’imagerie Ca2+ des cellules gliales, un rapporteur fiable de leur activité avec des enregistrements synaptiques de jonctions neuromusculaires poly-innervées de souriceaux. Dans la première étude, nous montrons que les cellules gliales détectent et décodent l'efficacité synaptique des terminaisons nerveuses en compétition. L’activité des cellules gliales reflète la force synaptique de chaque terminaison nerveuse et l'état de la compétition synaptique. Ce décodage est médié par des récepteurs purinergiques gliaux fonctionnellement distincts et les propriétés intrinsèques des cellules gliales. Nos résultats indiquent que les cellules gliales décodent la compétition synaptique et, par conséquent, sont favorablement positionnées pour influencer son issue. Dans la seconde étude, nous montrons que les cellules gliales régulent différemment la plasticité synaptique de terminaisons en compétition. De manière dépendante du Ca2+, les cellules gliales induisent une potentialisation persistante de l’activité de la terminaison forte alors qu’elles n’ont que peu d’effets sur la terminaison faible. Bloquer l'activité gliale altère la plasticité des terminaisons in situ et se traduit par un retard de l'élimination des synapses in vivo. Ainsi, nous décrivons un nouveau mécanisme par lequel les cellules gliales, non seulement renforcent activement la terminaison forte, mais influencent aussi la compétition et l'élimination. Dans l'ensemble, ces études sont les premières à démontrer que les cellules gliales sont activement impliquées dans la modulation de l'activité synaptique des terminaisons en compétition ainsi que dans la régulation de l'élimination synaptique et la connectivité neuronale.The nervous system is composed of billions of synaptic connections forming complex networks that define the basis of neuronal communication in the brain. The control of the localization, type and number of synapses is a considerable challenge during development of the nervous system. Surprisingly, there is an excessive production of synaptic connections so that many more synapses are formed during developmental stages than what is maintained in the adult. A process of competition and elimination then occurs during which connections are in competition for the innervation of the same target cell. These processes of competition and elimination are greatly shaped by activity and sensory experience. Nerve terminals that show the best activity are favoured, while weak and poorly adapted synapses are eliminated. Until recently, the mechanisms and the cell types responsible for the elimination of supernumerary connections were unknown. Studies from the last decade identified glial cells as major players in synapse elimination. However, it remains unknown whether glial cells are able to decode the levels of synaptic activity of competing terminals, which is a major determinant of the outcome of synaptic competition. Moreover, it is unknown whether glial cells are able to regulate synaptic activity, which could influence the outcome of synapse elimination. This is especially relevant because it is known that glial cells actively interact with neurons, detect and modulate their activity in many regions of the nervous system. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to study the ability of glial cells to interact with terminals competing for the innervation of the same target cell. We tested the ability of glial cells to decode the activity nerve terminals, regulate their synaptic activity and influence the process of synapse elimination during development of the nervous system. For this purpose, we took advantage of the neuromuscular junction, a simple and well-characterized model, and used simultaneous Ca2+-imaging of glial cells, a reliable reporter of their activity and synaptic recordings of dually-innervated neuromuscular junctions from newborn mice. In the first study, we report that single glial cells detect and decode the synaptic efficacy of competing nerve terminals. Activity of single glial cells reflects the synaptic strength of each competing nerve terminal and the state of synaptic competition. This deciphering is mediated by functionally segregated purinergic receptors and intrinsic properties of glial cells. Our results indicate that glial cells decode ongoing synaptic competition and, hence, are poised to influence its outcome. In the second study, we show that glial cells differentially regulate the synaptic plasticity of competing terminals. In a Ca2+-dependent manner, glial cells induce a long lasting synaptic potentiation of strong but not weak terminals. Preventing glial activity alters the plasticity of terminals in situ and delays synapse elimination in vivo. Thus, we describe a novel mechanism by which glial cells, not only actively reinforce the strong input but regulate synapse competition and elimination. As a whole, these studies are the first to demonstrate that glial cells are actively involved in the modulation of synaptic activity of competing terminals as well as in the regulation of synapse elimination and neuronal connectivity

    27th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2018): Part One

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    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)