217 research outputs found

    Hahmontunnistus terästeollisuudessa

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    Terästeollisuudessa teräsnauhojen valmistuksessa esiintyvät ongelmat tuotannossa aiheuttavat suuria taloudellisia tappioita, joten näiden ongelmien ennustaminen ennen niiden esiintymistä olisi taloudellisesti hyvin merkittävää. Olemassa olevien fysikaalisten mallien avulla ennustaminen ei ole ollut mahdollista, joten tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty ennustavia matemaattisia luokittimia, joiden avulla näitä ongelmallisia tilanteita ollaan pyritty ennustamaan. Tutkielma käsittelee matemaattista teoriaa ja menetelmiä, joita on hyödynnetty aiemmin julkaistussa tutkimuksessa 'Defect prediction in hot strip rolling using ANN and SVM'. Keskeisinä menetelminä tutkimuksessa on käytetty erilaisia datan esikäsittelymenetelmiä, kuten klassisia tilastollista analyysiä, piirteiden valintamenetelmiä, esimerkikisi itsestäänjärjestäytyviä karttoja, sekä ennustukseen neuroverkkoa ja tukivektorikonetta. Tutkimuksen aineisto on peräisin teräsnauhojen lämpövalssausprosessista Ruukin terästehtaalta Raahesta. Alkuperäinen tutkimus toteutettiin Oulun Yliopiston tietokonetekniikan laboratoriossa yhteistyössä tutkimusryhmän ja Ruukin asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Tutkimuksen pohjalta ollaan pystytty osoittamaan, että tukivektorikoneen ja neuroverkon ennustetarkkuus on hyvin lähellä toisiaan kyseiselle aineistolle

    Recent Advances and Applications of Machine Learning in Metal Forming Processes

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    Machine learning (ML) technologies are emerging in Mechanical Engineering, driven by the increasing availability of datasets, coupled with the exponential growth in computer performance. In fact, there has been a growing interest in evaluating the capabilities of ML algorithms to approach topics related to metal forming processes, such as: Classification, detection and prediction of forming defects; Material parameters identification; Material modelling; Process classification and selection; Process design and optimization. The purpose of this Special Issue is to disseminate state-of-the-art ML applications in metal forming processes, covering 10 papers about the abovementioned and related topics

    Towards A Computational Intelligence Framework in Steel Product Quality and Cost Control

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    Steel is a fundamental raw material for all industries. It can be widely used in vari-ous fields, including construction, bridges, ships, containers, medical devices and cars. However, the production process of iron and steel is very perplexing, which consists of four processes: ironmaking, steelmaking, continuous casting and rolling. It is also extremely complicated to control the quality of steel during the full manufacturing pro-cess. Therefore, the quality control of steel is considered as a huge challenge for the whole steel industry. This thesis studies the quality control, taking the case of Nanjing Iron and Steel Group, and then provides new approaches for quality analysis, manage-ment and control of the industry. At present, Nanjing Iron and Steel Group has established a quality management and control system, which oversees many systems involved in the steel manufacturing. It poses a high statistical requirement for business professionals, resulting in a limited use of the system. A lot of data of quality has been collected in each system. At present, all systems mainly pay attention to the processing and analysis of the data after the manufacturing process, and the quality problems of the products are mainly tested by sampling-experimental method. This method cannot detect product quality or predict in advance the hidden quality issues in a timely manner. In the quality control system, the responsibilities and functions of different information systems involved are intricate. Each information system is merely responsible for storing the data of its corresponding functions. Hence, the data in each information system is relatively isolated, forming a data island. The iron and steel production process belongs to the process industry. The data in multiple information systems can be combined to analyze and predict the quality of products in depth and provide an early warning alert. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new product quality control methods in the steel industry. With the waves of industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, intelligent technology has also been in-troduced in the field of quality control to improve the competitiveness of the iron and steel enterprises in the industry. Applying intelligent technology can generate accurate quality analysis and optimal prediction results based on the data distributed in the fac-tory and determine the online adjustment of the production process. This not only gives rise to the product quality control, but is also beneficial to in the reduction of product costs. Inspired from this, this paper provide in-depth discussion in three chapters: (1) For scrap steel to be used as raw material, how to use artificial intelligence algorithms to evaluate its quality grade is studied in chapter 3; (2) the probability that the longi-tudinal crack occurs on the surface of continuous casting slab is studied in chapter 4;(3) The prediction of mechanical properties of finished steel plate in chapter 5. All these 3 chapters will serve as the technical support of quality control in iron and steel production

    Data mining for fault diagnosis in steel making process under industry 4.0

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) refers to the intelligent networking of machines and processes in the industry, which is enabled by cyber-physical systems (CPS) - a technology that utilises embedded networked systems to achieve intelligent control. CPS enable full traceability of production processes as well as comprehensive data assignments in real-time. Through real-time communication and coordination between "manufacturing things", production systems, in the form of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), can make intelligent decisions. Meanwhile, with the advent of I4.0, it is possible to collect heterogeneous manufacturing data across various facets for fault diagnosis by using the industrial internet of things (IIoT) techniques. Under this data-rich environment, the ability to diagnose and predict production failures provides manufacturing companies with a strategic advantage by reducing the number of unplanned production outages. This advantage is particularly desired for steel-making industries. As a consecutive and compact manufacturing process, process downtime is a major concern for steel-making companies since most of the operations should be conducted within a certain temperature range. In addition, steel-making consists of complex processes that involve physical, chemical, and mechanical elements, emphasising the necessity for data-driven approaches to handle high-dimensionality problems. For a modern steel-making plant, various measurement devices are deployed throughout this manufacturing process with the advancement of I4.0 technologies, which facilitate data acquisition and storage. However, even though data-driven approaches are showing merits and being widely applied in the manufacturing context, how to build a deep learning model for fault prediction in the steel-making process considering multiple contributing facets and its temporal characteristic has not been investigated. Additionally, apart from the multitudinous data, it is also worthwhile to study how to represent and utilise the vast and scattered distributed domain knowledge along the steel-making process for fault modelling. Moreover, state-of-the-art does not iv Abstract address how such accumulated domain knowledge and its semantics can be harnessed to facilitate the fusion of multi-sourced data in steel manufacturing. In this case, the purpose of this thesis is to pave the way for fault diagnosis in steel-making processes using data mining under I4.0. This research is structured according to four themes. Firstly, different from the conventional data-driven research that only focuses on modelling based on numerical production data, a framework for data mining for fault diagnosis in steel-making based on multi-sourced data and knowledge is proposed. There are five layers designed in this framework, which are multi-sourced data and knowledge acquisition, data and knowledge processing, KG construction and graphical data transformation, KG-aided modelling for fault diagnosis and decision support for steel manufacturing. Secondly, another of the purposes of this thesis is to propose a predictive, data-driven approach to model severe faults in the steel-making process, where the faults are usually with multi-faceted causes. Specifically, strip breakage in cold rolling is selected as the modelling target since it is a typical production failure with serious consequences and multitudinous factors contributing to it. In actual steel-making practice, if such a failure can be modelled on a micro-level with an adequately predicted window, a planned stop action can be taken in advance instead of a passive fast stop which will often result in severe damage to equipment. In this case, a multifaceted modelling approach with a sliding window strategy is proposed. First, historical multivariate time-series data of a cold rolling process were extracted in a run-to-failure manner, and a sliding window strategy was adopted for data annotation. Second, breakage-centric features were identified from physics-based approaches, empirical knowledge and data-driven features. Finally, these features were used as inputs for strip breakage modelling using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Experimental results have demonstrated the merits of the proposed approach. Thirdly, among the heterogeneous data surrounding multi-faceted concepts in steelmaking, a significant amount of data consists of rich semantic information, such as technical documents and production logs generated through the process. Also, there Abstract v exists vast domain knowledge regarding the production failures in steel-making, which has a long history. In this context, proper semantic technologies are desired for the utilisation of semantic data and domain knowledge in steel-making. In recent studies, a Knowledge Graph (KG) displays a powerful expressive ability and a high degree of modelling flexibility, making it a promising semantic network. However, building a reliable KG is usually time-consuming and labour-intensive, and it is common that KG needs to be refined or completed before using in industrial scenarios. In this case, a fault-centric KG construction approach is proposed based on a hierarchy structure refinement and relation completion. Firstly, ontology design based on hierarchy structure refinement is conducted to improve reliability. Then, the missing relations between each couple of entities were inferred based on existing knowledge in KG, with the aim of increasing the number of edges that complete and refine KG. Lastly, KG is constructed by importing data into the ontology. An illustrative case study on strip breakage is conducted for validation. Finally, multi-faceted modelling is often conducted based on multi-sourced data covering indispensable aspects, and information fusion is typically applied to cope with the high dimensionality and data heterogeneity. Besides the ability for knowledge management and sharing, KG can aggregate the relationships of features from multiple aspects by semantic associations, which can be exploited to facilitate the information fusion for multi-faceted modelling with the consideration of intra-facets relationships. In this case, process data is transformed into a stack of temporal graphs under the faultcentric KG backbone. Then, a Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) model is applied to extract temporal and attribute correlation features from the graphs, with a Temporal Convolution Network (TCN) to conduct conceptual modelling using these features. Experimental results derived using the proposed approach, and GCN-TCN reveal the impacts of the proposed KG-aided fusion approach. This thesis aims to research data mining in steel-making processes based on multisourced data and scattered distributed domain knowledge, which provides a feasibility study for achieving Industry 4.0 in steel-making, specifically in support of improving quality and reducing costs due to production failures

    Rails Quality Data Modelling via Machine Learning-Based Paradigms

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    State of AI-based monitoring in smart manufacturing and introduction to focused section

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    Over the past few decades, intelligentization, supported by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, has become an important trend for industrial manufacturing, accelerating the development of smart manufacturing. In modern industries, standard AI has been endowed with additional attributes, yielding the so-called industrial artificial intelligence (IAI) that has become the technical core of smart manufacturing. AI-powered manufacturing brings remarkable improvements in many aspects of closed-loop production chains from manufacturing processes to end product logistics. In particular, IAI incorporating domain knowledge has benefited the area of production monitoring considerably. Advanced AI methods such as deep neural networks, adversarial training, and transfer learning have been widely used to support both diagnostics and predictive maintenance of the entire production process. It is generally believed that IAI is the critical technologies needed to drive the future evolution of industrial manufacturing. This article offers a comprehensive overview of AI-powered manufacturing and its applications in monitoring. More specifically, it summarizes the key technologies of IAI and discusses their typical application scenarios with respect to three major aspects of production monitoring: fault diagnosis, remaining useful life prediction, and quality inspection. In addition, the existing problems and future research directions of IAI are also discussed. This article further introduces the papers in this focused section on AI-based monitoring in smart manufacturing by weaving them into the overview, highlighting how they contribute to and extend the body of literature in this area

    Prognostics and health management for an overhead contact line system - A review

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    The railway industry in European countries is standing a significant competition from other modes of transportation, particularly in the field of freight transport. In this competitive context, railway stakeholders need to modernize their products and develop innovative solutions to manage their asset and reduce operational expenditures. As a result, activities such as condition-based and predictive maintenance became a major concern. Under those circumstances, there is a pressing need to implement prognostics and health management (PHM) solutions such as remote monitoring, fault diagnostics techniques, and prognostics technologies. Many studies in the PHM area for railway applications are focused on infrastructure systems such as railway track or turnouts. However, one of the key systems to ensure an efficient operability of the infrastructure is the overhead contact line (OCL). A defect or a failure of an OCL component may cause considerable delays, lead to important financial losses, or affect passengers safety. In addition maintaining this kind of geographically distributed systems is costly and difficult to forecast. This article reviews the state of practice and the state of the art of PHM for overhead contact line system. Key sensors, monitoring parameters, state detection algorithms, diagnostics approaches and prognostics models are reviewed. Also, research challenges and technical needs are highlighted

    A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems

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    Nowadays it is widely accepted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly influencing a large number of domains, including railways. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of the current state-of-the-art of AI in railway transport. In particular, we analysed and discussed papers from a holistic railway perspective, covering sub-domains such as maintenance and inspection, planning and management, safety and security, autonomous driving and control, revenue management, transport policy, and passenger mobility. This review makes an initial step towards shaping the role of AI in future railways and provides a summary of the current focuses of AI research connected to rail transport. We reviewed about 139 scientific papers covering the period from 2010 to December 2020. We found that the major research efforts have been put in AI for rail maintenance and inspection, while very limited or no research has been found on AI for rail transport policy and revenue management. The remaining sub-domains received mild to moderate attention. AI applications are promising and tend to act as a game-changer in tackling multiple railway challenges. However, at the moment, AI research in railways is still mostly at its early stages. Future research can be expected towards developing advanced combined AI applications (e.g. with optimization), using AI in decision making, dealing with uncertainty and tackling newly rising cybersecurity challenges