50 research outputs found

    HyBIS: Windows Guest Protection through Advanced Memory Introspection

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    Effectively protecting the Windows OS is a challenging task, since most implementation details are not publicly known. Windows has always been the main target of malwares that have exploited numerous bugs and vulnerabilities. Recent trusted boot and additional integrity checks have rendered the Windows OS less vulnerable to kernel-level rootkits. Nevertheless, guest Windows Virtual Machines are becoming an increasingly interesting attack target. In this work we introduce and analyze a novel Hypervisor-Based Introspection System (HyBIS) we developed for protecting Windows OSes from malware and rootkits. The HyBIS architecture is motivated and detailed, while targeted experimental results show its effectiveness. Comparison with related work highlights main HyBIS advantages such as: effective semantic introspection, support for 64-bit architectures and for latest Windows (8.x and 10), advanced malware disabling capabilities. We believe the research effort reported here will pave the way to further advances in the security of Windows OSes

    Análise de malware com suporte de hardware

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    Orientadores: Paulo Lício de Geus, André Ricardo Abed GrégioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O mundo atual é impulsionado pelo uso de sistemas computacionais, estando estes pre- sentes em todos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Portanto, o correto funcionamento destes é essencial para se assegurar a manutenção das possibilidades trazidas pelos desenvolvi- mentos tecnológicos. Contudo, garantir o correto funcionamento destes não é uma tarefa fácil, dado que indivíduos mal-intencionados tentam constantemente subvertê-los visando benefíciar a si próprios ou a terceiros. Os tipos mais comuns de subversão são os ataques por códigos maliciosos (malware), capazes de dar a um atacante controle total sobre uma máquina. O combate à ameaça trazida por malware baseia-se na análise dos artefatos coletados de forma a permitir resposta aos incidentes ocorridos e o desenvolvimento de contramedidas futuras. No entanto, atacantes têm se especializado em burlar sistemas de análise e assim manter suas operações ativas. Para este propósito, faz-se uso de uma série de técnicas denominadas de "anti-análise", capazes de impedir a inspeção direta dos códigos maliciosos. Dentre essas técnicas, destaca-se a evasão do processo de análise, na qual são empregadas exemplares capazes de detectar a presença de um sistema de análise para então esconder seu comportamento malicioso. Exemplares evasivos têm sido cada vez mais utilizados em ataques e seu impacto sobre a segurança de sistemas é considerá- vel, dado que análises antes feitas de forma automática passaram a exigir a supervisão de analistas humanos em busca de sinais de evasão, aumentando assim o custo de se manter um sistema protegido. As formas mais comuns de detecção de um ambiente de análise se dão através da detecção de: (i) código injetado, usado pelo analista para inspecionar a aplicação; (ii) máquinas virtuais, usadas em ambientes de análise por questões de escala; (iii) efeitos colaterais de execução, geralmente causados por emuladores, também usados por analistas. Para lidar com malware evasivo, analistas tem se valido de técnicas ditas transparentes, isto é, que não requerem injeção de código nem causam efeitos colaterais de execução. Um modo de se obter transparência em um processo de análise é contar com suporte do hardware. Desta forma, este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do suporte de hardware para fins de análise de ameaças evasivas. No decorrer deste texto, apresenta-se uma avaliação das tecnologias existentes de suporte de hardware, dentre as quais máqui- nas virtuais de hardware, suporte de BIOS e monitores de performance. A avaliação crítica de tais tecnologias oferece uma base de comparação entre diferentes casos de uso. Além disso, são enumeradas lacunas de desenvolvimento existentes atualmente. Mais que isso, uma destas lacunas é preenchida neste trabalho pela proposição da expansão do uso dos monitores de performance para fins de monitoração de malware. Mais especificamente, é proposto o uso do monitor BTS para fins de construção de um tracer e um debugger. O framework proposto e desenvolvido neste trabalho é capaz, ainda, de lidar com ataques do tipo ROP, um dos mais utilizados atualmente para exploração de vulnerabilidades. A avaliação da solução demonstra que não há a introdução de efeitos colaterais, o que per- mite análises de forma transparente. Beneficiando-se desta característica, demonstramos a análise de aplicações protegidas e a identificação de técnicas de evasãoAbstract: Today¿s world is driven by the usage of computer systems, which are present in all aspects of everyday life. Therefore, the correct working of these systems is essential to ensure the maintenance of the possibilities brought about by technological developments. However, ensuring the correct working of such systems is not an easy task, as many people attempt to subvert systems working for their own benefit. The most common kind of subversion against computer systems are malware attacks, which can make an attacker to gain com- plete machine control. The fight against this kind of threat is based on analysis procedures of the collected malicious artifacts, allowing the incident response and the development of future countermeasures. However, attackers have specialized in circumventing analysis systems and thus keeping their operations active. For this purpose, they employ a series of techniques called anti-analysis, able to prevent the inspection of their malicious codes. Among these techniques, I highlight the analysis procedure evasion, that is, the usage of samples able to detect the presence of an analysis solution and then hide their malicious behavior. Evasive examples have become popular, and their impact on systems security is considerable, since automatic analysis now requires human supervision in order to find evasion signs, which significantly raises the cost of maintaining a protected system. The most common ways for detecting an analysis environment are: i) Injected code detec- tion, since injection is used by analysts to inspect applications on their way; ii) Virtual machine detection, since they are used in analysis environments due to scalability issues; iii) Execution side effects detection, usually caused by emulators, also used by analysts. To handle evasive malware, analysts have relied on the so-called transparent techniques, that is, those which do not require code injection nor cause execution side effects. A way to achieve transparency in an analysis process is to rely on hardware support. In this way, this work covers the application of the hardware support for the evasive threats analysis purpose. In the course of this text, I present an assessment of existing hardware support technologies, including hardware virtual machines, BIOS support, performance monitors and PCI cards. My critical evaluation of such technologies provides basis for comparing different usage cases. In addition, I pinpoint development gaps that currently exists. More than that, I fill one of these gaps by proposing to expand the usage of performance monitors for malware monitoring purposes. More specifically, I propose the usage of the BTS monitor for the purpose of developing a tracer and a debugger. The proposed framework is also able of dealing with ROP attacks, one of the most common used technique for remote vulnerability exploitation. The framework evaluation shows no side-effect is introduced, thus allowing transparent analysis. Making use of this capability, I demonstrate how protected applications can be inspected and how evasion techniques can be identifiedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Autoscopy: Detecting Pattern-Searching Rootkits via Control Flow Tracing

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    Traditional approaches to rootkit detection assume the execution of code at a privilege level below that of the operating system kernel, with the use of virtual machine technologies to enable the detection system itself to be immune from the virus or rootkit code. In this thesis, we approach the problem of rootkit detection from the standpoint of tracing and instrumentation techniques, which work from within the kernel and also modify the kernel\u27s run-time state to detect aberrant control flows. We wish to investigate the role of emerging tracing frameworks (Kprobes, DTrace etc.) in enforcing operating system security without the reliance on a full-blown virtual machine just for the purposes of such policing. We first build a novel rootkit prototype that uses pattern-searching techniques to hijack hooks embedded in dynamically allocated memory, which we present as a showcase of emerging attack techniques. We then build an intrusion detection system-- autoscopy, atop kprobes, that detects anomalous control flow patterns typically exhibited by rootkits within a running kernel. Furthermore, to validate our approach, we show that we were able to successfully detect 15 existing Linux rootkits. We also conduct performance analyses, which show the overhead of our system to range from 2% to 5% on a wide range of standard benchmarks. Thus by leveraging tracing frameworks within operating systems, we show that it is possible to introduce real-world security in devices where performance and resource constraints are tantamount to security considerations

    Rescuing the End-user systems from Vulnerable Applications using Virtualization Techniques

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    In systems owned by normal end-users, many times security attacks are mounted by sneaking in malicious applications or exploiting existing software vulnerabilities through security non-conforming actions of users. Virtualization approaches can address this problem by providing a quarantine environment for applications, malicious devices, and device drivers, which are mostly used as entry points for security attacks. However, the existing methods to provide quarantine environments using virtualization are not transparent to the user, both in terms of application interface transparency and file system transparency. Further, software configuration level solutions like remote desktops and remote application access mechanisms combined with shared file systems do not meet the user transparency and security requirements. We propose qOS, a VM-based solution combined with certain OS extensions to meet the security requirements of end-point systems owned by normal users, in a transparent and efficient manner. We demonstrate the efficacy of qOS by empirically evaluating the prototype implementation in the Linux+KVM system in terms of efficiency, security, and user transparency.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Securing Virtualized System via Active Protection

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    Virtualization is the predominant enabling technology of current cloud infrastructure

    CPU transparent protection of OS kernel and hypervisor integrity with programmable DRAM

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    Resilient Authenticated Execution of Critical Applications in Untrusted Environments

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    Abstract-Modern computer systems are built on a foundation of software components from a variety of vendors. While critical applications may undergo extensive testing and evaluation procedures, the heterogeneity of software sources threatens the integrity of the execution environment for these trusted programs. For instance, if an attacker can combine an application exploit with a privilege escalation vulnerability, the operating system (OS) can become corrupted. Alternatively, a malicious or faulty device driver running with kernel privileges could threaten the application. While the importance of ensuring application integrity has been studied in prior work, proposed solutions immediately terminate the application once corruption is detected. Although, this approach is sufficient for some cases, it is undesirable for many critical applications. In order to overcome this shortcoming, we have explored techniques for leveraging a trusted virtual machine monitor (VMM) to observe the application and potentially repair damage that occurs. In this paper, we describe our system design, which leverages efficient coding and authentication schemes, and we present the details of our prototype implementation to quantify the overhead of our approach. Our work shows that it is feasible to build a resilient execution environment, even in the presence of a corrupted OS kernel, with a reasonable amount of storage and performance overhead

    Kernel Integrity Analysis

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    Rootkits are dangerous and hard to detect. A rootkit is malware specifically designed to be stealthy and maintain control of a computer. Existing detection mechanisms are insufficient to reliably detect rootkits, due to fundamental problems with the way they operate. This MQP has two major contributions. The first is a Red Team analysis of WinKIM, a rootkit detection tool. The analysis shows my attempts to find flaws in WinKIM\u27s ability to detect rootkits. WinKIM monitors a subset of Windows data structures; I show that this set is insufficient to detect all possible rootkits. The second is the enumeration of data structures in the Windows kernel which can be targeted by a rootkit. These structures are those which a detector would have to measure in order to detect any rootkit

    HyperDbg: Reinventing Hardware-Assisted Debugging (Extended Version)

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    Software analysis, debugging, and reverse engineering have a crucial impact in today's software industry. Efficient and stealthy debuggers are especially relevant for malware analysis. However, existing debugging platforms fail to address a transparent, effective, and high-performance low-level debugger due to their detectable fingerprints, complexity, and implementation restrictions. In this paper, we present HyperDbg, a new hypervisor-assisted debugger for high-performance and stealthy debugging of user and kernel applications. To accomplish this, HyperDbg relies on state-of-the-art hardware features available in today's CPUs, such as VT-x and extended page tables. In contrast to other widely used existing debuggers, we design HyperDbg using a custom hypervisor, making it independent of OS functionality or API. We propose hardware-based instruction-level emulation and OS-level API hooking via extended page tables to increase the stealthiness. Our results of the dynamic analysis of 10,853 malware samples show that HyperDbg's stealthiness allows debugging on average 22% and 26% more samples than WinDbg and x64dbg, respectively. Moreover, in contrast to existing debuggers, HyperDbg is not detected by any of the 13 tested packers and protectors. We improve the performance over other debuggers by deploying a VMX-compatible script engine, eliminating unnecessary context switches. Our experiment on three concrete debugging scenarios shows that compared to WinDbg as the only kernel debugger, HyperDbg performs step-in, conditional breaks, and syscall recording, 2.98x, 1319x, and 2018x faster, respectively. We finally show real-world applications, such as a 0-day analysis, structure reconstruction for reverse engineering, software performance analysis, and code-coverage analysis

    Cross-VM network attacks & their countermeasures within cloud computing environments

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    Cloud computing is a contemporary model in which the computing resources are dynamically scaled-up and scaled-down to customers, hosted within large-scale multi-tenant systems. These resources are delivered as improved, cost-effective and available upon request to customers. As one of the main trends of IT industry in modern ages, cloud computing has extended momentum and started to transform the mode enterprises build and offer IT solutions. The primary motivation in using cloud computing model is cost-effectiveness. These motivations can compel Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) organizations to shift their sensitive data and critical infrastructure on cloud environments. Because of the complex nature of underlying cloud infrastructure, the cloud environments are facing a large number of challenges of misconfigurations, cyber-attacks, root-kits, malware instances etc which manifest themselves as a serious threat to cloud environments. These threats noticeably decline the general trustworthiness, reliability and accessibility of the cloud. Security is the primary concern of a cloud service model. However, a number of significant challenges revealed that cloud environments are not as much secure as one would expect. There is also a limited understanding regarding the offering of secure services in a cloud model that can counter such challenges. This indicates the significance of the fact that what establishes the threat in cloud model. One of the main threats in a cloud model is of cost-effectiveness, normally cloud providers reduce cost by sharing infrastructure between multiple un-trusted VMs. This sharing has also led to several problems including co-location attacks. Cloud providers mitigate co-location attacks by introducing the concept of isolation. Due to this, a guest VM cannot interfere with its host machine, and with other guest VMs running on the same system. Such isolation is one of the prime foundations of cloud security for major public providers. However, such logical boundaries are not impenetrable. A myriad of previous studies have demonstrated how co-resident VMs could be vulnerable to attacks through shared file systems, cache side-channels, or through compromising of hypervisor layer using rootkits. Thus, the threat of cross-VM attacks is still possible because an attacker uses one VM to control or access other VMs on the same hypervisor. Hence, multiple methods are devised for strategic VM placement in order to exploit co-residency. Despite the clear potential for co-location attacks for abusing shared memory and disk, fine grained cross-VM network-channel attacks have not yet been demonstrated. Current network based attacks exploit existing vulnerabilities in networking technologies, such as ARP spoofing and DNS poisoning, which are difficult to use for VM-targeted attacks. The most commonly discussed network-based challenges focus on the fact that cloud providers place more layers of isolation between co-resided VMs than in non-virtualized settings because the attacker and victim are often assigned to separate segmentation of virtual networks. However, it has been demonstrated that this is not necessarily sufficient to prevent manipulation of a victim VM’s traffic. This thesis presents a comprehensive method and empirical analysis on the advancement of co-location attacks in which a malicious VM can negatively affect the security and privacy of other co-located VMs as it breaches the security perimeter of the cloud model. In such a scenario, it is imperative for a cloud provider to be able to appropriately secure access to the data such that it reaches to the appropriate destination. The primary contribution of the work presented in this thesis is to introduce two innovative attack models in leading cloud models, impersonation and privilege escalation, that successfully breach the security perimeter of cloud models and also propose countermeasures that block such types of attacks. The attack model revealed in this thesis, is a combination of impersonation and mirroring. This experimental setting can exploit the network channel of cloud model and successfully redirects the network traffic of other co-located VMs. The main contribution of this attack model is to find a gap in the contemporary network cloud architecture that an attacker can exploit. Prior research has also exploited the network channel using ARP poisoning, spoofing but all such attack schemes have been countered as modern cloud providers place more layers of security features than in preceding settings. Impersonation relies on the already existing regular network devices in order to mislead the security perimeter of the cloud model. The other contribution presented of this thesis is ‘privilege escalation’ attack in which a non-root user can escalate a privilege level by using RoP technique on the network channel and control the management domain through which attacker can manage to control the other co-located VMs which they are not authorized to do so. Finally, a countermeasure solution has been proposed by directly modifying the open source code of cloud model that can inhibit all such attacks