258 research outputs found

    CORENup: a combination of convolutional and recurrent deep neural networks for nucleosome positioning identification

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    Background: Nucleosomes wrap the DNA into the nucleus of the Eukaryote cell and regulate its transcription phase. Several studies indicate that nucleosomes are determined by the combined effects of several factors, including DNA sequence organization. Interestingly, the identification of nucleosomes on a genomic scale has been successfully performed by computational methods using DNA sequence as input data. Results: In this work, we propose CORENup, a deep learning model for nucleosome identification. CORENup processes a DNA sequence as input using one-hot representation and combines in a parallel fashion a fully convolutional neural network and a recurrent layer. These two parallel levels are devoted to catching both non-periodic and periodic DNA string features. A dense layer is devoted to their combination to give a final classification. Conclusions: Results computed on public data sets of different organisms show that CORENup is a state of the art methodology for nucleosome positioning identification based on a Deep Neural Network architecture. The comparisons have been carried out using two groups of datasets, currently adopted by the best performing methods, and CORENup has shown top performance both in terms of classification metrics and elapsed computation time

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    Nucleosome positioning: resources and tools online

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    Nucleosome positioning is an important process required for proper genome packing and its accessibility to execute the genetic program in a cell-specific, timely manner. In the recent years hundreds of papers have been devoted to the bioinformatics, physics and biology of nucleosome positioning. The purpose of this review is to cover a practical aspect of this field, namely, to provide a guide to the multitude of nucleosome positioning resources available online. These include almost 300 experimental datasets of genome-wide nucleosome occupancy profiles determined in different cell types and more than 40 computational tools for the analysis of experimental nucleosome positioning data and prediction of intrinsic nucleosome formation probabilities from the DNA sequence. A manually curated, up to date list of these resources will be maintained at http://generegulation.info

    Deep learning suggests that gene expression is encoded in all parts of a co-evolving interacting gene regulatory structure

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    Understanding the genetic regulatory code governing gene expression is an important challenge in molecular biology. However, how individual coding and non-coding regions of the gene regulatory structure interact and contribute to mRNA expression levels remains unclear. Here we apply deep learning on over 20,000 mRNA datasets to examine the genetic regulatory code controlling mRNA abundance in 7 model organisms ranging from bacteria to Human. In all organisms, we can predict mRNA abundance directly from DNA sequence, with up to 82% of the variation of transcript levels encoded in the gene regulatory structure. By searching for DNA regulatory motifs across the gene regulatory structure, we discover that motif interactions could explain the whole dynamic range of mRNA levels.\ua0Co-evolution across coding and non-coding regions suggests that it is not single motifs or regions, but the entire gene regulatory structure and specific combination of regulatory elements that define gene expression levels

    The impact of different negative training data on regulatory sequence predictions

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    Regulatory regions, like promoters and enhancers, cover an estimated 5-15% of the human genome. Changes to these sequences are thought to underlie much of human phenotypic variation and a substantial proportion of genetic causes of disease. However, our understanding of their functional encoding in DNA is still very limited. Applying machine or deep learning methods can shed light on this encoding and gapped k-mer support vector machines (gkm-SVMs) or convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are commonly trained on putative regulatory sequences. Here, we investigate the impact of negative sequence selection on model performance. By training gkm-SVM and CNN models on open chromatin data and corresponding negative training dataset, both learners and two approaches for negative training data are compared. Negative sets use either genomic background sequences or sequence shuffles of the positive sequences. Model performance was evaluated on three different tasks: predicting elements active in a cell-type, predicting cell-type specific elements, and predicting elements' relative activity as measured from independent experimental data. Our results indicate strong effects of the negative training data, with genomic backgrounds showing overall best results. Specifically, models trained on highly shuffled sequences perform worse on the complex tasks of tissue-specific activity and quantitative activity prediction, and seem to learn features of artificial sequences rather than regulatory activity. Further, we observe that insufficient matching of genomic background sequences results in model biases. While CNNs achieved and exceeded the performance of gkm-SVMs for larger training datasets, gkm-SVMs gave robust and best results for typical training dataset sizes without the need of hyperparameter optimization

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    A comparison study on feature selection of DNA structural properties for promoter prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Promoter prediction is an integrant step for understanding gene regulation and annotating genomes. Traditional promoter analysis is mainly based on sequence compositional features. Recently, many kinds of structural features have been employed in promoter prediction. However, considering the high-dimensionality and overfitting problems, it is unfeasible to utilize all available features for promoter prediction. Thus it is necessary to choose some appropriate features for the prediction task.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper conducts an extensive comparison study on feature selection of DNA structural properties for promoter prediction. Firstly, to examine whether promoters possess some special structures, we carry out a systematical comparison among the profiles of thirteen structural features on promoter and non-promoter sequences. Secondly, we investigate the correlations between these structural features and promoter sequences. Thirdly, both filter and wrapper methods are utilized to select appropriate feature subsets from thirteen different kinds of structural features for promoter prediction, and the predictive power of the selected feature subsets is evaluated. Finally, we compare the prediction performance of the feature subsets selected in this paper with nine existing promoter prediction approaches.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Experimental results show that the structural features are differentially correlated to promoters. Specifically, DNA-bending stiffness, DNA denaturation and energy-related features are highly correlated with promoters. The predictive power for promoter sequences differentiates greatly among different structural features. Selecting the relevant features can significantly improve the accuracy of promoter prediction.</p

    Novel computational methods for studying the role and interactions of transcription factors in gene regulation

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    Regulation of which genes are expressed and when enables the existence of different cell types sharing the same genetic code in their DNA. Erroneously functioning gene regulation can lead to diseases such as cancer. Gene regulatory programs can malfunction in several ways. Often if a disease is caused by a defective protein, the cause is a mutation in the gene coding for the protein rendering the protein unable to perform its functions properly. However, protein-coding genes make up only about 1.5% of the human genome, and majority of all disease-associated mutations discovered reside outside protein-coding genes. The mechanisms of action of these non-coding disease-associated mutations are far more incompletely understood. Binding of transcription factors (TFs) to DNA controls the rate of transcribing genetic information from the coding DNA sequence to RNA. Binding affinities of TFs to DNA have been extensively measured in vitro, ligands by exponential enrichment) and Protein Binding Microarrays (PBMs), and the genome-wide binding locations and patterns of TFs have been mapped in dozens of cell types. Despite this, our understanding of how TF binding to regulatory regions of the genome, promoters and enhancers, leads to gene expression is not at the level where gene expression could be reliably predicted based on DNA sequence only. In this work, we develop and apply computational tools to analyze and model the effects of TF-DNA binding. We also develop new methods for interpreting and understanding deep learning-based models trained on biological sequence data. In biological applications, the ability to understand how machine learning models make predictions is as, or even more important as raw predictive performance. This has created a demand for approaches helping researchers extract biologically meaningful information from deep learning model predictions. We develop a novel computational method for determining TF binding sites genome-wide from recently developed high-resolution ChIP-exo and ChIP-nexus experiments. We demonstrate that our method performs similarly or better than previously published methods while making less assumptions about the data. We also describe an improved algorithm for calling allele-specific TF-DNA binding. We utilize deep learning methods to learn features predicting transcriptional activity of human promoters and enhancers. The deep learning models are trained on massively parallel reporter gene assay (MPRA) data from human genomic regulatory elements, designed regulatory elements and promoters and enhancers selected from totally random pool of synthetic input DNA. This unprecedentedly large set of measurements of human gene regulatory element activities, in total more than 100 times the size of the human genome, allowed us to train models that were able to predict genomic transcription start site positions more accurately than models trained on genomic promoters, and to correctly predict effects of disease-associated promoter variants. We also found that interactions between promoters and local classical enhancers are non-specific in nature. The MPRA data integrated with extensive epigenetic measurements supports existence of three different classes of enhancers: classical enhancers, closed chromatin enhancers and chromatin-dependent enhancers. We also show that TFs can be divided into four different, non-exclusive classes based on their activities: chromatin opening, enhancing, promoting and TSS determining TFs. Interpreting the deep learning models of human gene regulatory elements required application of several existing model interpretation tools as well as developing new approaches. Here, we describe two new methods for visualizing features and interactions learned by deep learning models. Firstly, we describe an algorithm for testing if a deep learning model has learned an existing binding motif of a TF. Secondly, we visualize mutual information between pairwise k-mer distributions in sample inputs selected according to predictions by a machine learning model. This method highlights pairwise, and positional dependencies learned by a machine learning model. We demonstrate the use of this model-agnostic approach with classification and regression models trained on DNA, RNA and amino acid sequences.Monet eliöt koostuvat useista erilaisista solutyypeistä, vaikka kaikissa näiden eliöiden soluissa onkin sama DNA-koodi. Geenien ilmentymisen säätely mahdollistaa erilaiset solutyypit. Virheellisesti toimiva säätely voi johtaa sairauksiin, esimerkiksi syövän puhkeamiseen. Jos sairauden aiheuttaa viallinen proteiini, on syynä usein mutaatio tätä proteiinia koodaavassa geenissä, joka muuttaa proteiinia siten, ettei se enää pysty toimittamaan tehtäväänsä riittävän hyvin. Kuitenkin vain 1,5 % ihmisen genomista on proteiineja koodaavia geenejä. Suurin osa kaikista löydetyistä sairauksiin liitetyistä mutaatioista sijaitsee näiden ns. koodaavien alueiden ulkopuolella. Ei-koodaavien sairauksiin liitetyiden mutaatioiden vaikutusmekanismit ovat yleisesti paljon huonommin tunnettuja, kuin koodaavien alueiden mutaatioiden. Transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutuminen DNA:han säätelee transkriptiota, eli geeneissä olevan geneettisen informaation lukemista ja muuntamista RNA:ksi. Transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumista DNA:han on mitattu kattavasti in vitro-olosuhteissa, ja monien transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumiskohdat on mitattu genominlaajuisesti useissa eri solutyypeissä. Tästä huolimatta ymmärryksemme siitä miten transkriptioitekijöiden sitoutuminen genomin säätelyelementteihin, eli promoottoreihin ja vahvistajiin, johtaa geenien ilmentymiseen ei ole sellaisella tasolla, että voisimme luotettavasti ennustaa geenien ilmentymistä pelkästään DNA-sekvenssin perusteella. Tässä työssä kehitämme ja sovellamme laskennallisia työkaluja transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumisesta johtuvan geenien ilmentymisen analysointiin ja mallintamiseen. Kehitämme myös uusia menetelmiä biologisella sekvenssidatalla opetettujen syväoppimismallien tulkitsemiseksi. Koneoppimismallin tekemien ennusteiden ymmärrettävyys on biologisissa sovelluksissa yleensä yhtä tärkeää, ellei jopa tärkeämpää kuin pelkkä raaka ennustetarkkuus. Tämä on synnyttänyt tarpeen uusille menetelmille, jotka auttavat tutkijoita louhimaan biologisesti merkityksellistä tietoa syväoppimismallien ennusteista. Kehitimme tässä työssä uuden laskennallisen työkalun, jolla voidaan määrittää transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumiskohdat genominlaajuisesti käyttäen mittausdataa hiljattain kehitetyistä korkearesoluutioisista ChIP-exo ja ChIP-nexus kokeista. Näytämme, että kehittämämme menetelmä suoriutuu paremmin, tai vähintään yhtä hyvin kuin aiemmin julkaistut menetelmät tehden näitä vähemmän oletuksia signaalin muodosta. Esittelemme myös parannellun algoritmin transkriptiotekijöiden alleelispesifin sitoutumisen määrittämiseksi. Käytämme syväoppimismenetelmiä oppimaan mitkä ominaisuudet ennustavat ihmisen promoottori- ja voimistajaelementtien aktiivisuutta. Nämä syväoppimismallit on opetettu valtavien rinnakkaisten reportterigeenikokeiden datalla ihmisen genomisista säätelyelementeistä, sekä aktiivisista promoottoreista ja voimistajista, jotka ovat valikoituneet satunnaisesta joukosta synteettisiä DNA-sekvenssejä. Tämä ennennäkemättömän laaja joukko mittauksia ihmisen säätelyelementtien aktiivisuudesta - yli satakertainen määrä DNA sekvenssiä ihmisen genomiin verrattuna - mahdollisti transkription aloituskohtien sijainnin ennustamisen ihmisen genomissa tarkemmin kuin ihmisen genomilla opetetut mallit. Nämä mallit myös ennustivat oikein sairauksiin liitettyjen mutaatioiden vaikutukset ihmisen promoottoreilla. Tuloksemme näyttivät, että vuorovaikutukset ihmisen promoottorien ja klassisten paikallisten voimistajien välillä ovat epäspesifejä. MPRA-data, integroituna kattavien epigeneettisten mittausten kanssa mahdollisti voimistajaelementtien jaon kolmeen luokkaan: klassiset, suljetun kromatiinin, ja kromatiinista riippuvat voimistajat. Tutkimuksemme osoitti, että transkriptiotekijät voidaan jakaa neljään, osittain päällekkäiseen luokkaan niiden aktiivisuuksien perusteella: kromatiinia avaaviin, voimistaviin, promotoiviin ja transkription aloituskohdan määrittäviin transkriptiotekijöihin. Ihmisen genomin säätelyelementtejä kuvaavien syväoppimismallien tulkitseminen vaati sekä olemassa olevien menetelmien soveltamista, että uusien kehittämistä. Kehitimme tässä työssä kaksi uutta menetelmää syväoppimismallien oppimien muuttujien ja niiden välisten vuorovaikutusten visualisoimiseksi. Ensin esittelemme algoritmin, jonka avulla voidaan testata onko syväoppimismalli oppinut jonkin jo tunnetun transkriptiotekijän sitoutumishahmon. Toiseksi, visualisoimme positiokohtaisten k-meerijakaumien keskeisinformaatiota sekvensseissä, jotka on valittu syväoppimismallin ennusteiden perusteella. Tämä menetelmä paljastaa syväoppimismallin oppimat parivuorovaikutukset ja positiokohtaiset riippuvuudet. Näytämme, että kehittämämme menetelmä on mallin arkkitehtuurista riippumaton soveltamalla sitä sekä luokittelijoihin, että regressiomalleihin, jotka on opetettu joko DNA-, RNA-, tai aminohapposekvenssidatalla

    Large-scale analysis of Drosophila core promoter function using synthetic promoters

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